Elias Gamma Coding and upper bound - encoding

While reading about Elias Gamma coding on wikipedia, I see it mentions that:
"Gamma coding is used in applications where the largest encoded value is not known ahead of time."
and that:
"It is used most commonly when coding integers whose upper-bound cannot be determined beforehand."
I don't really understand what is meant by these sentences, because whenever this algorithm is coded, the largest value of the test data or range of the test data would be known before hand. Any help is appreciated!

As far as I'm acquainted with Elias-gamma/delta encoding, the first sentence simply states that these compression methods are global, which means that it does not rely on the input data to generate the code. In other words, these methods do not need to process the input before performing the compression (as local methods do); it compresses the data with a function that does not depend on information from the database.
As for the second sentence, it may be taken as a guarantee that, although there may be some very large integers, the encoding will still perform well (and will represent such values with feasible amount of bytes, i.e., it is a universal method). Notice that, if you knew the biggest integer, some approaches (like minimal hashes) could perform better.
As a last consideration, the same page you referred to also states that:
Gamma coding is used in applications where the largest encoded value is not known ahead of time, or to compress data in which small values are much more frequent than large values.
This may be obtained by generating lists of differences from the original lists of integers, and passing such differences to be compressed instead. For example, in a list of increasing numbers, you could generate:
list: 1 5 29 32 35 36 37
diff: 1 4 24 3 3 1 1
Which will give you many more small numbers, and therefore a greater level of compression, than the first list.


Don't you get a random number after doing modulo on a hashed number?

I'm trying to understand hash tables, and from what I've seen the modulo operator is used to select which bucket a key will be placed in. I know that hash algorithms are supposed to minimize the same result for different inputs, however I don't understand how the same results for different inputs can be minimal after the modulo operation. Let's just say we have a near-perfect hash function that gives a different hashed value between 0 and 100,000, and then we take the result modulo 20 (in our example we have 20 buckets), isn't the resulting number very close to a random number between 0 and 19? Meaning roughly the probability that the final result is any of a number between 0 and 19 is about 1 in 20? If this is the case, then the original hash function doesn't seem to ensure minimal collisions because after the modulo operation we end up with something like a random number? I must be wrong, but I'm thinking that what ensures minimal collisions the most is not the original hash function but how many buckets we have.
I'm sure I'm misunderstanding this. Can someone explain?
Don't you get a random number after doing modulo on a hashed number?
It depends on the hash function.
Say you have an identify hash for numbers - h(n) = n - then if the keys being hashed are generally incrementing numbers (perhaps with an occasional ommision), then after hashing they'll still generally hit successive buckets (wrapping at some point from the last bucket back to the first), with low collision rates overall. Not very random, but works out well enough. If the keys are random, it still works out pretty well - see the discussion of random-but-repeatable hashing below. The problem is when the keys are neither roughly-incrementing nor close-to-random - then an identity hash can provide terrible collision rates. (You might think "this is a crazy bad example hash function, nobody would do this; actually, most C++ Standard Library implementations' hash functions for integers are identity hashes).
On the other hand, if you have a hash function that say takes the address of the object being hashed, and they're all 8 byte aligned, then if you take the mod and the bucket count is also a multiple of 8, you'll only ever hash to every 8th bucket, having 8 times more collisions than you might expect. Not very random, and doesn't work out well. But, if the number of buckets is a prime, then the addresses will tend to scatter much more randomly over the buckets, and things will work out much better. This is the reason the GNU C++ Standard Library tends to use prime numbers of buckets (Visual C++ uses power-of-two sized buckets so it can utilise a bitwise AND for mapping hash values to buckets, as AND takes one CPU cycle and MOD can take e.g. 30-40 cycles - depending on your exact CPU - see here).
When all the inputs are known at compile time, and there's not too many of them, then it's generally possible to create a perfect hash function (GNU gperf software is designed specifically for this), which means it will work out a number of buckets you'll need and a hash function that avoids any collisions, but the hash function may take longer to run than a general purpose function.
People often have a fanciful notion - also seen in the question - that a "perfect hash function" - or at least one that has very few collisions - in some large numerical hashed-to range will provide minimal collisions in actual usage in a hash table, as indeed this stackoverflow question is about coming to grips with the falsehood of this notion. It's just not true if there are still patterns and probabilities in the way the keys map into that large hashed-to range.
The gold standard for a general purpose high-quality hash function for runtime inputs is to have a quality that you might call "random but repeatable", even before the modulo operation, as that quality will apply to the bucket selection as well (even using the dumber and less forgiving AND bit-masking approach to bucket selection).
As you've noticed, this does mean you'll see collisions in the table. If you can exploit patterns in the keys to get less collisions that this random-but-repeatable quality would give you, then by all means make the most of that. If not, the beauty of hashing is that with random-but-repeatable hashing your collisions are statistically related to your load factor (the number of stored elements divided by the number of buckets).
As an example, for separate chaining - when your load factor is 1.0, 1/e (~36.8%) of buckets will tend to be empty, another 1/e (~36.8%) have one element, 1/(2e) or ~18.4% two elements, 1/(3!e) about 6.1% three elements, 1/(4!e) or ~1.5% four elements, 1/(5!e) ~.3% have five etc.. - the average chain length from non-empty buckets is ~1.58 no matter how many elements are in the table (i.e. whether there are 100 elements and 100 buckets, or 100 million elements and 100 million buckets), which is why we say lookup/insert/erase are O(1) constant time operations.
I know that hash algorithms are supposed to minimize the same result for different inputs, however I don't understand how the same results for different inputs can be minimal after the modulo operation.
This is still true post-modulo. Minimising the same result means each post-modulo value has (about) the same number of keys mapping to it. We're particularly concerned about in-use keys stored in the table, if there's a non-uniform statistical distribution to the use of keys. With a hash function that exhibits the random-but-repeatable quality, there will be random variation in post-modulo mapping, but overall they'll be close enough to evenly balanced for most practical purposes.
Just to recap, let me address this directly:
Let's just say we have a near-perfect hash function that gives a different hashed value between 0 and 100,000, and then we take the result modulo 20 (in our example we have 20 buckets), isn't the resulting number very close to a random number between 0 and 19? Meaning roughly the probability that the final result is any of a number between 0 and 19 is about 1 in 20? If this is the case, then the original hash function doesn't seem to ensure minimal collisions because after the modulo operation we end up with something like a random number? I must be wrong, but I'm thinking that what ensures minimal collisions the most is not the original hash function but how many buckets we have.
random is good: if you get something like the random-but-repeatable hash quality, then your average hash collisions will statistically be capped at low levels, and in practice you're unlikely to ever see a particularly horrible collision chain, provided you keep the load factor reasonable (e.g. <= 1.0)
that said, your "near-perfect hash function...between 0 and 100,000" may or may not be high quality, depending on whether the distribution of values has patterns in it that would produce collisions. When in doubt about such patterns, use a hash function with the random-but-repeatable quality.
What would happen if you took a random number instead of using a hash function? Then doing the modulo on it? If you call rand() twice you can get the same number - a proper hash function doesn't do that I guess, or does it? Even hash functions can output the same value for different input.
This comment shows you grappling with the desirability of randomness - hopefully with earlier parts of my answer you're now clear on this, but anyway the point is that randomness is good, but it has to be repeatable: the same key has to produce the same pre-modulo hash so the post-modulo value tells you the bucket it should be in.
As an example of random-but-repeatable, imagine you used rand() to populate a uint32_t a[256][8] array, you could then hash any 8 byte key (e.g. including e.g. a double) by XORing the random numbers:
auto h(double d) {
uint8_t i[8];
memcpy(i, &d, 8);
return a[i[0]] ^ a[i[1]] ^ a[i[2]] ^ ... ^ a[i[7]];
This would produce a near-ideal (rand() isn't a great quality pseudo-random number generator) random-but-repeatable hash, but having a hash function that needs to consult largish chunks of memory can easily be slowed down by cache misses.
Following on from what [Mureinik] said, assuming you have a perfect hash function, say your array/buckets are 75% full, then doing modulo on the hashed function will probably result in a 75% collision probability. If that's true, I thought they were much better. Though I'm only learning about how they work now.
The 75%/75% thing is correct for a high quality hash function, assuming:
closed hashing / open addressing, where collisions are handled by finding an alternative bucket, or
separate chaining when 75% of buckets have one or more elements linked therefrom (which is very likely to mean the load factor (which many people may think of when you talk about how "full" the table is) is already significantly more than 75%)
Regarding "I thought they were much better." - that's actually quite ok, as evidenced by the percentages of colliding chain lengths mentioned earlier in my answer.
I think you have the right understanding of the situation.
Both the hash function and the number of buckets affect the chance of collisions. Consider, for example, the worst possible hash function - one that returns a constant value. No matter how many buckets you have, all the entries will be lumped to the same bucket, and you'd have a 100% chance of collision.
On the other hand, if you have a (near) perfect hash function, the number of buckets would be the main factor for the chance of collision. If your hash table has only 20 buckets, the minimal chance of collision will indeed be 1 in 20 (over time). If the hash values weren't uniformly spread, you'd have a much higher chance of collision in at least one of the buckets. The more buckets you have, the less chance of collision. On the other hand, having too many buckets will take up more memory (even if they are empty), and ultimately reduce performance, even if there are less collisions.

32-1024 bit fixed point vector arithmetic with AVX-2

For a mandelbrot generator I want to used fixed point arithmetic going from 32 up to maybe 1024 bit as you zoom in.
Now normaly SSE or AVX is no help there due to the lack of add with carry and doing normal integer arithmetic is faster. But in my case I have literally millions of pixels that all need to be computed. So I have a huge vector of values that all need to go through the same iterative formula over and over a million times too.
So I'm not looking at doing a fixed point add/sub/mul on single values but doing it on huge vectors. My hope is that for such vector operations AVX/AVX2 can still be utilized to improve the performance despite the lack of native add with carry.
Anyone know of a library for fixed point arithmetic on vectors or some example code how to do emulate add with carry on AVX/AVX2.
FP extended precision gives more bits per clock cycle (because double FMA throughput is 2/clock vs. 32x32=>64-bit at 1 or 2/clock on Intel CPUs); consider using the same tricks that Prime95 uses with FMA for integer math. With care it's possible to use FPU hardware for bit-exact integer work.
For your actual question: since you want to do the same thing to multiple pixels in parallel, probably you want to do carries between corresponding elements in separate vectors, so one __m256i holds 64-bit chunks of 4 separate bigintegers, not 4 chunks of the same integer.
Register pressure is a problem for very wide integers with this strategy. Perhaps you can usefully branch on there being no carry propagation past the 4th or 6th vector of chunks, or something, by using vpmovmskb on the compare result to generate the carry-out after each add. An unsigned add has carry out of a+b < a (unsigned compare)
But AVX2 only has signed integer compares (for greater-than), not unsigned. And with carry-in, (a+b+c_in) == a is possible with b=carry_in=0 or with b=0xFFF... and carry_in=1 so generating carry-out is not simple.
To solve both those problems, consider using chunks with manual wrapping to 60-bit or 62-bit or something, so they're guaranteed to be signed-positive and so carry-out from addition appears in the high bits of the full 64-bit element. (Where you can vpsrlq ymm, 62 to extract it for addition into the vector of next higher chunks.)
Maybe even 63-bit chunks would work here so carry appears in the very top bit, and vmovmskpd can check if any element produced a carry. Otherwise vptest can do that with the right mask.
This is a handy-wavy kind of brainstorm answer; I don't have any plans to expand it into a detailed answer. If anyone wants to write actual code based on this, please post your own answer so we can upvote that (if it turns out to be a useful idea at all).
Just for kicks, without claiming that this will be actually useful, you can extract the carry bit of an addition by just looking at the upper bits of the input and output values.
unsigned result = a + b + last_carry; // add a, b and (optionally last carry)
unsigned carry = (a & b) // carry if both a AND b have the upper bit set
| // OR
((a ^ b) // upper bits of a and b are different AND
& ~r); // AND upper bit of the result is not set
carry >>= sizeof(unsigned)*8 - 1; // shift the upper bit to the lower bit
With SSE2/AVX2 this could be implemented with two additions, 4 logic operations and one shift, but works for arbitrary (supported) integer sizes (uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64). With AVX2 you'd need 7uops to get 4 64bit additions with carry-in and carry-out.
Especially since multiplying 64x64-->128 is not possible either (but would require 4 32x32-->64 products -- and some additions or 3 32x32-->64 products and even more additions, as well as special case handling), you will likely not be more efficient than with mul and adc (maybe unless register pressure is your bottleneck).As
As Peter and Mystical suggested, working with smaller limbs (still stored in 64 bits) can be beneficial. On the one hand, with some trickery, you can use FMA for 52x52-->104 products. And also, you can actually add up to 2^k-1 numbers of 64-k bits before you need to carry the upper bits of the previous limbs.

Hash that generates Decimal output for Swift

I want to hashed a String into a hashed object which has some numerical values NSNumber/Int as an output instead of alpha-numeric values.
The problem is that after digging through swift and some 3rd party library, I'm not able to find any library that suffices our need.
I'm working on a Chat SDK and it takes NSNumber/Int as unique identifier to co-relate Chat Message and Conversation Message.
My company demand is not to store any addition field onto the database
or change the schema that we have which complicates thing.
A neat solution my team came with was some sort of hashed function that generates number.
func userIdToConversationNumber(id:String) -> NSNumber
We can use that function to convert String to NSNumber/Int. This Int should be produced by that function and probability of colliding should be negligible. Any suggestion on any approach.
The key calculation you need to perform is the birthday bound. My favorite table is the one in Wikipedia, and I reference it regularly when I'm designing systems like this one.
The table expresses how many items you can hash for a given hash size before you have a certain expectation of a collision. This is based on a perfectly uniform hash, which a cryptographic hash is a close approximation of.
So for a 64-bit integer, after hashing 6M elements, there is a 1-in-a-million chance that there was a single collision anywhere in that list. After hashing 20M elements, there is a 1-in-a-thousand chance that there was a single collision. And after 5 billion elements, you should bet on a collision (50% chance).
So it all comes down to how many elements you plan to hash and how bad it is if there is a collision (would it create a security problem? can you detect it? can you do anything about it like change the input data?), and of course how much risk you're willing to take for the given problem.
Personally, I'm a 1-in-a-million type of person for these things, though I've been convinced to go down to 1-in-a-thousand at times. (Again, this is not 1:1000 chance of any given element colliding; that would be horrible. This is 1:1000 chance of there being a collision at all after hashing some number of elements.) I would not accept 1-in-a-million in situations where an attacker can craft arbitrary things (of arbitrary size) for you to hash. But I'm very comfortable with it for structured data (email addresses, URLs) of constrained length.
If these numbers work for you, then what you want is a hash that is highly uniform in all its bits. And that's a SHA hash. I'd use a SHA-2 (like SHA-256) because you should always use SHA-2 unless you have a good reason not to. Since SHA-2's bits are all independent of each other (or at least that's its intent), you can select any number of its bits to create a shorter hash. So you compute a SHA-256, and take the top (or bottom) 64-bits as an integer, and that's your hash.
As a rule, for modest sized things, you can get away with this in 64 bits. You cannot get away with this in 32 bits. So when you say "NSNumber/Int", I want you to mean explicitly "64-bit integer." For example, on a 32-bit platform, Swift's Int is only 32 bits, so I would use UInt64 or uint64_t, not Int or NSInteger. I recommend unsigned integers here because these are really unique bit patterns, not "numbers" (i.e. it is not meaningful to add or multiply them) and having negative values tends to be confusing in identifiers unless there is some semantic meaning to it.
Note that everything said about hashes here is also true of random numbers, if they're generated by a cryptographic random number generator. In fact, I generally use random numbers for these kinds of problems. For example, if I want clients to generate their own random unique IDs for messages, how many bits do I need to safely avoid collisions? (In many of my systems, you may not be able to use all the bits in your value; some may be used as flags.)
That's my general solution, but there's an even better solution if your input space is constrained. If your input space is smaller than 2^64, then you don't need hashing at all. Obviously, any Latin-1 string up to 8 characters can be stored in a 64-bit value. But if your input is even more constrained, then you can compress the data and get slightly longer strings. It only takes 5 bits to encode 26 symbols, so you can store a 12 letter string (of a single Latin case) in a UInt64 if you're willing to do the math. It's pretty rare that you get lucky enough to use this, but it's worth keeping in the back of your mind when space is at a premium.
I've built a lot of these kinds of systems, and I will say that eventually, we almost always wind up just making a longer identifier. You can make it work on a small identifier, but it's always a little complicated, and there is nothing as effective as just having more bits.... Best of luck till you get there.
Yes, you can create a hashes that are collision resistant using a cryptographic hash function. The output of such a hash function is in bits if you follow the algorithms specifications. However, implementations will generally only return bytes or an encoding of the byte values. A hash does not return a number, as other's have indicated in the comments.
It is relatively easy to convert such a hash into a number of 32 bites such as an Int or Int32. You just take the leftmost bytes of the hash and interpret those to be an unsigned integer.
However, a cryptographic hash has a relatively large output size precisely to make sure that the chance of collisions is small. Collisions are prone to the birthday problem, which means that you only have to try about 2 to the power of hLen divided by 2 inputs to create a collision within the generated set. E.g. you'd need 2^80 tries to create a collision of RIPEMD-160 hashes.
Now for most cryptographic hashes, certainly the common ones, the same rule counts. That means that for 32 bit hash that you'd only need 2^16 hashes to be reasonably sure that you have a collision. That's not good, 65536 tries are very easy to accomplish. And somebody may get lucky, e.g. after 256 tries you'd have a 1 in 256 chance of a collision. That's no good.
So calculating a hash value to use it as ID is fine, but you'd need the full output of a hash function, e.g. 256 bits of SHA-2 to be very sure you don't have a collision. Otherwise you may need to use something line a serial number instead.

Efficient Function to Map (or Hash) Integers and Integer Ranges into Index

We are looking for the computationally simplest function that will enable an indexed look-up of a function to be determined by a high frequency input stream of widely distributed integers and ranges of integers.
It is OK if the hash/map function selection itself varies based on the specific integer and range requirements, and the performance associated with the part of the code that selects this algorithm is not critical. The number of integers/ranges of interest in most cases will be small (zero to a few thousand). The performance critical portion is in processing the incoming stream and selecting the appropriate function.
As a simple example, please consider the following pseudo-code:
switch (highFrequencyIntegerStream)
case(2) : func1();
case(3) : func2();
case(8) : func3();
case(33-122) : func4();
case(10,000) : func40();
In a typical example, there would be only a few thousand of the "cases" shown above, which could include a full range of 32-bit integer values and ranges. (In the pseudo code above 33-122 represents all integers from 33 to 122.) There will be a large number of objects containing these "switch statements."
(Note that the actual implementation will not include switch statements. It will instead be a jump table (which is an array of function pointers) or maybe a combination of the Command and Observer patterns, etc. The implementation details are tangential to the request, but provided to help with visualization.)
Many of the objects will contain "switch statements" with only a few entries. The values of interest are subject to real time change, but performance associated with managing these changes is not critical. Hash/map algorithms can be re-generated slowly with each update based on the specific integers and ranges of interest (for a given object at a given time).
We have searched around the internet, looking at Bloom filters, various hash functions listed on Wikipedia's "hash function" page and elsewhere, quite a few Stack Overflow questions, abstract algebra (mostly Galois theory which is attractive for its computationally simple operands), various ciphers, etc., but have not found a solution that appears to be targeted to this problem. (We could not even find a hash or map function that considered these types of ranges as inputs, much less a highly efficient one. Perhaps we are not looking in the right places or using the correct vernacular.)
The current plan is to create a custom algorithm that preprocesses the list of interesting integers and ranges (for a given object at a given time) looking for shifts and masks that can be applied to input stream to help delineate the ranges. Note that most of the incoming integers will be uninteresting, and it is of critical importance to make a very quick decision for as large a percentage of that portion of the stream as possible (which is why Bloom filters looked interesting at first (before we starting thinking that their implementation required more computational complexity than other solutions)).
Because the first decision is so important, we are also considering having multiple tables, the first of which would be inverse masks (masks to select uninteresting numbers) for the easy to find large ranges of data not included in a given "switch statement", to be followed by subsequent tables that would expand the smaller ranges. We are thinking this will, for most cases of input streams, yield something quite a bit faster than a binary search on the bounds of the ranges.
Note that the input stream can be considered to be randomly distributed.
There is a pretty extensive theory of minimal perfect hash functions that I think will meet your requirement. The idea of a minimal perfect hash is that a set of distinct inputs is mapped to a dense set of integers in 1-1 fashion. In your case a set of N 32-bit integers and ranges would each be mapped to a unique integer in a range of size a small multiple of N. Gnu has a perfect hash function generator called gperf that is meant for strings but might possibly work on your data. I'd definitely give it a try. Just add a length byte so that integers are 5 byte strings and ranges are 9 bytes. There are some formal references on the Wikipedia page. A literature search in ACM and IEEE literature will certainly turn up more.
I just ran across this library I had not seen before.
I see now that you are trying to map all integers in the ranges to the same function value. As I said in the comment, this is not very compatible with hashing because hash functions deliberately try to "erase" the magnitude information in a bit's position so that values with similar magnitude are unlikely to map to the same hash value.
Consequently, I think that you will not do better than an optimal binary search tree, or equivalently a code generator that produces an optimal "tree" of "if else" statements.
If we wanted to construct a function of the type you are asking for, we could try using real numbers where individual domain values map to consecutive integers in the co-domain and ranges map to unit intervals in the co-domain. So a simple floor operation will give you the jump table indices you're looking for.
In the example you provided you'd have the following mapping:
2 -> 0.0
3 -> 1.0
8 -> 2.0
33 -> 3.0
122 -> 3.99999
10000 -> 42.0 (for example)
The trick is to find a monotonically increasing polynomial that interpolates these points. This is certainly possible, but with thousands of points I'm certain you'ed end up with something much slower to evaluate than the optimal search would be.
Perhaps our thoughts on hashing integers can help a little bit. You will also find there a hashing library (hashlib.zip) based on Bob Jenkins' work which deals with integer numbers in a smart way.
I would propose to deal with larger ranges after the single cases have been rejected by the hashing mechanism.

Choosing a minimum hash size for a given allowable number of collisions

I am parsing a large amount of network trace data. I want to split the trace into chunks, hash each chunk, and store a sequence of the resulting hashes rather than the original chunks. The purpose of my work is to identify identical chunks of data - I'm hashing the original chunks to reduce the data set size for later analysis. It is acceptable in my work that we trade off the possibility that collisions occasionally occur in order to reduce the hash size (e.g. 40 bit hash with 1% misidentification of identical chunks might beat 60 bit hash with 0.001% misidentification).
My question is, given a) number of chunks to be hashed and b) allowable percentage of misidentification, how can one go about choosing an appropriate hash size?
As an example:
1,000,000 chunks to be hashed, and we're prepared to have 1% misidentification (1% of hashed chunks appear identical when they are not identical in the original data). How do we choose a hash with the minimal number of bits that satisifies this?
I have looked at materials regarding the Birthday Paradox, though this is concerned specifically with the probability of a single collision. I have also looked at materials which discuss choosing a size based on an acceptable probability of a single collision, but have not been able to extrapolate from this how to choose a size based on an acceptable probability of n (or fewer) collisions.
Obviously, the quality of your hash function matters, but some easy probability theory will probably help you here.
The question is what exactly are you willing to accept, is it good enough that you have an expected number of collisions at only 1% of the data? Or, do you demand that the probability of the number of collisions going over some bound be something? If its the first, then back of the envelope style calculation will do:
Expected number of pairs that hash to the same thing out of your set is (1,000,000 C 2)*P(any two are a pair). Lets assume that second number is 1/d where d is the the size of the hashtable. (Note: expectations are linear, so I'm not cheating very much so far). Now, you say you want 1% collisions, so that is 10000 total. Well, you have (1,000,000 C 2)/d = 10,000, so d = (1,000,000 C 2)/10,000 which is according to google about 50,000,000.
So, you need a 50 million ish possible hash values. That is a less than 2^26, so you will get your desired performance with somewhere around 26 bits of hash (depending on quality of hashing algorithm). I probably have a factor of 2 mistake in there somewhere, so you know, its rough.
If this is an offline task, you cant be that space constrained.
Sounds like a fun exercise!
Someone else might have a better answer, but I'd go the brute force route, provided that there's ample time:
Run the hashing calculation using incremental hash size and record the collision percentage for each hash size.
You might want to use binary search to reduce the search space.