Mongodb update subdocument inside array field of a collection - mongodb

I have a mongodb collection like
"_id" : ObjectId("5375ef2153bb790b20d8a660"),
"association" : [
"count" : 3,
"name" : "hayatdediğin"
"count" : 2,
"name" : "sadecesenolsan"
"count" : 2,
"name" : "üslupnamustur"
"tag_count" : 4,
"tag_name" : "vazgeçilmezolan",
"variation" : [
"count" : 4,
"name" : "VazgeçilmezOlan"
Each collection consists of tag_name, tag_count, array field association and array field variation. For each name inside association, there exists a different document same as this document. I need to add new field "total_count" inside each association dictionary whose value equals the tag_count of the name by querying the database.
I tried this code but its not working
db.hashtag.find().forEach(function (doc) {
if (doc.association.length != 0 ) {
doc.association.forEach(function (assoc) {

After modifying each doc you need to call save on the collection to commit the change.
Assuming you're doing this in the shell:
db.hashtag.find().forEach(function (doc) {
if (doc.association.length != 0 ) {
doc.association.forEach(function (assoc) {
// Save the changed doc back to the collection;

To update doc in database you have to use db.hashtag.update, not db.hashtag.find. Find only retrieves document from db.

I changed the previous method of looping using forEach and then saved the doc at last and the code worked.
db.hashtag.find().forEach(function (doc) {
var array = doc.association;
if (array != undefined){
for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++)
var obj = db.hashtag.findOne({'name':array[i].name});
var count = obj.count;
doc.association[i].total_count = count;;


MongoDB - change values from one ENUM type to another

I have MongoDB entries which looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("57288862e4b05f37bc6ab91b"),
"_class" : "mydomain.ScheduleAbsenceContainer",
"containerStart" : ISODate("2016-04-06T07:30:00Z"),
"containerEnd" : ISODate("2016-04-06T10:00:00Z"),
"scheduleIntervalContainerAbsenceType" : "SCHOOL",
"scheduleIntervalContainers" : [
"_id" : null,
"marker" : 6,
"containerType" : "SCHOOL",
and I will change all scheduleIntervalContainerAbsenceType from SCHOOL to SPARE_TIME and also all containerType's from SCHOOL to SPARE_TIME.
Is there a simple possibility to do this?
Below code does what you want. It updates all the documents which has the "SCHOOL" value for "scheduleIntervalContainerAbsenceType" keys.
db.collection_name.find({"scheduleIntervalContainerAbsenceType" : "SCHOOL"})
.forEach(function (doc) {
doc.scheduleIntervalContainers.forEach(function (sch) {
if (sch.containerType === "SCHOOL") {
If you want to update all the documents without checking "scheduleIntervalContainerAbsenceType" value (still updating it to "SPARE_TIME") change your query like that.
.forEach(function (doc) {
doc.scheduleIntervalContainers.forEach(function (sch) {
if (sch.containerType === "SCHOOL") {

Find records with field in a nested document when parent fields are not known

With a collection with documents like below, I need to find the documents where a particular field - eg. lev3_field2 (in document below) is present.
I tried the following, but this doesn't return any results, though the field lev3_field2 is present in some documents.
db.getCollection('some_collection').find({"lev3_field2": { $exists: true, $ne: null } })
"_id" : ObjectId("5884de15bebf420cf8bb2857"),
"lev1_field1" : "139521721",
"lev1_field2" : "276183",
"lev1_field3" : {
"lev2_field1" : "4",
"lev2_field2" : {
"lev3_field1" : "1",
"lev3_field2" : {
"lev4_field1" : "1",
"lev4_field2" : "1"
"lev3_field3" : "5"
"lev2_field3" : {
"lev3_field3" : "0",
"lev3_field4" : "0"
update1: this is an example, however in the real document it is not known what the parent fields are for the field to look for. So instead of lev3_field2 , I would be looking for `levM_fieldN'.
update2: Speed is not a primary concern for me, I can work with relatively a bit slower options as well, as the primary function is to find documents with the criteria discussed and once the document is found and the schema is understood, the query can be re-written for performance by including the parent keys.
To search a key in nested document you need to iterate the documents fields recursively, you can do this in JavaScript by the help of $where method in MongoDB
The below query will search if a key name exists in a documents and its subdocuments.
I have checked this with the example you have given, and it is working perfectly fine.
db.getCollection('test').find({ $where: function () {
var search_key = "lev3_field2";
function check_key(document) {
return Object.keys(document).some(function(key) {
if ( typeof(document[key]) == "object" ) {
if ( key == search_key ) {
return true;
} else {
return check_key(document[key]);
} else {
return ( key == search_key );
return check_key(this);
There is no built-in function to iterate over document keys in MongoDB, but you can achieve this with MapReduce. The main advantage is that all the code is executed directly in the MongoDB database, and not in the js client, so there is no network overhead, hence it should be faster than client side js
here is the script :
var found;
// save a function in MongoDB to iterate over documents key and check for
// key name. Need to be done only once{
_id: 'findObjectByLabel',
value: function(obj, prop) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
if (key === prop) {
found = true
if (!found && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
findObjectByLabel(obj[key], prop)
// run the map reduce fonction
function() {
found = false;
var key = this._id
findObjectByLabel(this, 'lev3_field2')
value = found;
if (found) {
// if the document contains the key we are looking for,
// emit {_id: ..., value: true }
emit(key, value)
function(key, values) {
return values
}, {
'query': {},
'out': {inline:1}
this output ( run on 4 sample doc, with only one containing 'lev3_field2' )
"results" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5884de15bebf420cf8bb2857"),
"value" : true
"timeMillis" : 18,
"counts" : {
"input" : 4,
"emit" : 1,
"reduce" : 0,
"output" : 1
"ok" : 1
to run the script, copy it to a file name "script.js" for example, and then run from your shell
mongo databaseName < script.js
It's because you're trying to see if a nested field exists. This is the query you want:
db.some_collection.find({"lev1_field3.lev2_field2.lev3_field2": { $exists: true, $ne: null } })

How to query MongoDb documents using the indices of embedded arrays

I am trying to learn how to use mongo queries to reach deep into a data tree. Specifically, I'm trying to remove the object below {"object": 'to remove'}
"_id" : ObjectId("7840f22736341b09154f7ebf"),
"username" : "nmay",
"fname" : "Nate",
"lname" : "May",
"data" : [
"monthNum" : 1,
"year" : 2016,
"days" : [
"date" : "2016-01-01T06:00:00.000Z",
"type1" : [],
"type2" : []
"date" : "2016-01-02T06:00:00.000Z",
"type1" : [
{"object": 'to remove'}
"type2" : []
so far I know how to query for the user _id, but I'm not sure how to remove the desired object using the indices in each array. In this example I want to remove data[0].days[1].type1[0]
Here is the query that I have so far:
app.delete('/user/:id/data/:monthIndex/days/:dayIndex/type1/:type1Index', function (req, res, next) {
var monthIndex = parseInt(req.params.monthIndex); // these console the value properly
var dayIndex = parseInt(req.params.dayIndex); // -1 is applied to the parameter to translate to array position
var type1Index = parseInt(req.params.type1Index);
{ _id: mongojs.ObjectId( },
{ $pull: data.monthIndex.days.dayIndex.type1.type1Index }
It gives me the error
ReferenceError: data is not defined
Can someone demonstrate how I can pass this query my index parameters to remove the desired object?
Unfortunately, there is no way to remove an array element by its numerical index with a single operation in MongoDB. In order to do this, you need to unset desired element(s) first, and remove the resulting null-valued fields afterwards.
Your code should look something like this:
{ _id : mongojs.ObjectId( },
{ $unset : { 'data.0.days.1.type1.0' : 1 } }
{ _id : mongojs.ObjectId( },
{ $pull : { 'data.0.days.1.type1' : null } }
Edit by #bob: to pass in the parameters you have to build the query string, which is ugly:
var unset = {};
unset['$unset'] = {};
unset.$unset['data.' + req.params.monthIndex + '.days.' + req.params.dayIndex + '.foods.' + req.params.foodIndex] = 1;
db.users.update( { _id : mongojs.ObjectId( }, unset );
var pull = {};
pull['$pull'] = {};
pull.$pull['data.' + req.params.monthIndex + '.days.' + req.params.dayIndex + '.foods'] = null;
db.users.update( { _id : mongojs.ObjectId( }, pull );

MongoDB: Update a field of an item in array with matching another field of that item

I have a data structure like this:
We have some centers. A center has some switches. A switch has some ports.
"_id" : ObjectId("561ad881755a021904c00fb5"),
"Name" : "center1",
"Switches" : [
"Ports" : [
"PortNumber" : 2,
"Status" : "Empty"
"PortNumber" : 5,
"Status" : "Used"
"PortNumber" : 7,
"Status" : "Used"
All I want is to write an Update query to change the Status of the port that it's PortNumber is 5 to "Empty".
I can update it when I know the array index of the port (here array index is 1) with this query:
// query
_id: ObjectId("561ad881755a021904c00fb5")
// update
$set : { "Switches.0.Ports.1.Status" : "Empty" }
But I don't know the array index of that Port.
Thanks for help.
You would normally do this using the positional operator $, as described in the answer to this question:
Update field in exact element array in MongoDB
Unfortunately, right now the positional operator only supports one array level deep of matching.
There is a JIRA ticket for the sort of behavior that you want:
In case you can make Switches into an object instead, you could do something like this:
_id: ObjectId("561ad881755a021904c00fb5"),
"Switch.Ports.PortNumber": 5
$set: {
"Switch.Ports.$.Status": "Empty"
Since you don't know the array index of the Port, I would suggest you dynamically create the $set conditions on the fly i.e. something which would help you get the indexes for the objects and then modify accordingly, then consider using MapReduce.
Currently this seems to be not possible using the aggregation framework. There is an unresolved open JIRA issue linked to it. However, a workaround is possible with MapReduce. The basic idea with MapReduce is that it uses JavaScript as its query language but this tends to be fairly slower than the aggregation framework and should not be used for real-time data analysis.
In your MapReduce operation, you need to define a couple of steps i.e. the mapping step (which maps an operation into every document in the collection, and the operation can either do nothing or emit some object with keys and projected values) and reducing step (which takes the list of emitted values and reduces it to a single element).
For the map step, you ideally would want to get for every document in the collection, the index for each Switches and Ports array fields and another key that contains the $set keys.
Your reduce step would be a function (which does nothing) simply defined as var reduce = function() {};
The final step in your MapReduce operation will then create a separate collection Switches that contains the emitted Switches array object along with a field with the $set conditions. This collection can be updated periodically when you run the MapReduce operation on the original collection.
Altogether, this MapReduce method would look like:
var map = function(){
for(var i = 0; i < this.Switches.length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < this.Switches[i].Ports.length; j++){
"_id": this._id,
"switch_index": i,
"port_index": j
"index": j,
"Switches": this.Switches[i],
"Port": this.Switches[i].Ports[j],
"update": {
"PortNumber": "Switches." + i.toString() + ".Ports." + j.toString() + ".PortNumber",
"Status": "Switches." + i.toString() + ".Ports." + j.toString() + ".Status"
var reduce = function(){};
"out": {
"replace": "switches"
Querying the output collection Switches from the MapReduce operation will typically give you the result:
Sample Output:
"_id" : {
"_id" : ObjectId("561ad881755a021904c00fb5"),
"switch_index" : 0,
"port_index" : 1
"value" : {
"index" : 1,
"Switches" : {
"Ports" : [
"PortNumber" : 2,
"Status" : "Empty"
"PortNumber" : 5,
"Status" : "Used"
"PortNumber" : 7,
"Status" : "Used"
"Port" : {
"PortNumber" : 5,
"Status" : "Used"
"update" : {
"PortNumber" : "Switches.0.Ports.1.PortNumber",
"Status" : "Switches.0.Ports.1.Status"
You can then use the cursor from the db.switches.find() method to iterate over and update your collection accordingly:
var newStatus = "Empty";
var cur = db.switches.find({ "value.Port.PortNumber": 5 });
// Iterate through results and update using the update query object set dynamically by using the array-index syntax.
while (cur.hasNext()) {
var doc =;
var update = { "$set": {} };
// set the update query object
update["$set"][doc.value.update.Status] = newStatus;
"_id": doc._id._id,
"Switches.Ports.PortNumber": 5

Replacing embedded document array with a string array in MongoDB

In my collection, I have a users field as an array of the User collection.
So, it currently looks like this:
{ "name" : "Untitled", "users" : [ { "name" : "Ace Ventura", "datecreated" : "2012-10-05T23:55:56.940Z", "_id" : "740063fb-79c5-4f7f-96e1-907d6ffb1d16" } ], "datecreated" : "2012-10-05T23:55:56.954Z", "_id" : "e207eaea-89f7-48ae-8ba7-b6aa39db2358" }
I'd like to update it so that the array of User collection becomes just an array of the _id property of the User collection. Like so:
{ "name" : "Untitled", "users" : ["740063fb-79c5-4f7f-96e1-907d6ffb1d16" ], "datecreated" : "2012-10-05T23:55:56.954Z", "_id" : "e207eaea-89f7-48ae-8ba7-b6aa39db2358" }
How would I accomplish this?
Thanks in advance.
Alright, I figured it out.
Initially, I was thinking of doing something like this:
$set: {
users: <oldusers._id>
However, as it turns out, you cannot reference the current document's properties from within an update().
But, it turns out we can use forEach():
db.lists.find().forEach(function (list) {
// Define length to ensure we have an array of users
var userLength = (list.users && list.users.length) || 0;
var (var i = 0; i < userLength; i++) {
// Ensure the current user object isn't null or undefined
list.users[i] = list.users[i]._id
// Finally, save the list object back.
Thank, +gipset, for your answer here.