Why does passing an unnamed function as transform to array add one to iteration count in playground in furthest abstractions - swift

I'm in the process of getting comfortable passing unnamed functions as arguments and I am using this to practice with, based off of the examples in the Swift Programming Guide.
So we have an array of Ints:
var numbers: Int[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
And I apply a transform like so: (7)
func transformNumber(number: Int) -> Int {
let result = number * 3
return result
numbers = numbers.map(transformNumber)
Which is equal to: (7)
numbers = numbers.map({(number: Int) -> Int in
let result = number * 3
return result;
Which is equal to: (8)
numbers = numbers.map({number in number * 3})
Which is equal to: (8)
numbers = numbers.map({$0 * 3})
Which is equal to: (8)
numbers = numbers.map() {$0 * 3}
As you can see in the following graphic, the iteration count in the playground sidebar shows that in the furthest abstraction of a function declaration, it has an 8 count.
Why is it showing as 8 iterations for the last two examples?

It's not showing 8 iterations, really. It's showing that 8 things executed on that line. There were 7 executions as part of the map function, and an 8th to do the assignment back into the numbers variable.
It looks like this could probably provide more helpful diagnostics. I would highly encourage you to provide feedback via https://bugreport.apple.com.

Slightly rewriting your experiment to use only closures, the call counts still differ by one:
Case 1: Explicitly specifying argument types (visit count is 7)
var f1 = {(number: Int) -> Int in
let result = number * 3
return result
Case 2: Implicit argument types (visit count is 8)
var f2 = {$0 * 3}
If the (x times) count reported by the REPL does indeed represent a count of visits to that code location, and noting that the count is greater by one in cases where the closure type arguments are not explicitly specified (e.g. f2), my guess is that at least in the playground REPL, the extra visit is to establish actual parameter types and fill that gap in the underlying AST.


Array Performing XOR On Itself With Offset

Trying to implement an autocorrelation algorithm, meaning, for example:
let exampleData: [Float] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Trying to find the fastest way to evaluate 1 ^ 2 + 2 ^ 3 + 3 ^ 4 + 4 ^ 5.
Essentially, iterate through the array, and for every element, calculate the result of XOR between it and another element a set distance away.
Trouble is, this also has to be done for many different values of the offset.
Right now I just have a nested for loop, and I don't know how to make it faster...
var data: [Bool]
var result: [Int]
for offset in start..<end {
for index in 0..<(end - offset) {
if (data[index] ^ data[index + frequency]) {
result[offset] += 1
Sounds like you might want windows(ofCount:) from swift-algorithms:
That will give you a sliding window through any collection, and if your offset is relatively small (or you actually want the whole window, e.g. to do a moving average), that will be great.
The swift-algorithms stuff is nice since it's more optimized than whatever you'll do ad hoc, plus offers lazy eval.
You might also consider aligning and zipping up your sequence and then mapping over that, e.g.:
zip(data, data.dropFirst(offset))
.map { $0 ^ $1 }
...and so on

Logic behind Two Number Sum Algorithm

Could someone explain to me the logic behind this hashMap algorithm? I'm getting confused about how the algorithm receives the total sum. I'm starting to learn about algorithms, so it's a little confusing for me. I made comments in my code to pinpoint each line code, but I'm not sure I'm grasping logic correctly. I'm just looking for an easier way to understand how the algorithm works to avoid confusing myself.
//**calculate Two Number Sum
func twoNumberSum(_ array: [Int], _ targetSum: Int) -> [Int] {
//1) initilize our Array to hold Integer Value: Boolean value to store value into hashTable
var numbersHashMap = [Int:Bool]()
//2) create placeHolder called number that iterates through our Array.
for number in array {
//3) variable = y - x
let match = targetSum - number
//4) ??
if let exists = numbersHashMap[match], exists {
//5) match = y / number = x
return [match, number] //
} else {
//6) Store number in HashTable and repeats
numbersHashMap[number] = true
return []
twoNumberSum([3,5,-4, 8, 11, 1, -1, -6], 10)
// x = Number
// y = Unknown *Solve for Y*
Sure, I can walk you through it. So we have a list of numbers, are we are trying to find two numbers that add together to make the specified target. To do this, for each number x, we check if (target - x) is in the list. If it is not, then we add x to the list. If it is, then we return x and (target - x).
Step 4 in your code is the part where we check if (target - x) is in the list. To see why this makes sense, let's walk through an example.
Say we have [2, 3, -1] and our target is 1. In this case, we first consider x = 2 and check our hashmap for (target - x) = (1 - 2) = -1. Since -1 is not in the hashmap, we add 2 to the hashmap. We then consider x = 3 and check for (1 - 3) = -2. Again, -2 is not in the hashmap, so we add it. Now we check x - -1. In this case, when we check (target - x) = (1 - (-1)) = 2, 2 is in the hashmap. Intuitively, we have already "seen" 2, and know that 2 and -1 can be added to get our value.
This is what provides the speed optimization over checking every two numbers in the list.

Struggling to understand the code - which tries to return the decimal digit 'n' places in from the right of the number

I'm new to Swift and is trying to learn the concept of extension. I saw this code in "the swift programming language", which tries to return the decimal digit 'n' places in from the right of the number. The code work fine, but I am struggling to understand how the code actually works.
Could someone explain it to me?
extension Int {
subscript(var digitIndex: Int) -> Int {
var decimalBase = 1
while digitIndex > 0 {
decimalBase *= 10
return (self / decimalBase) % 10
// returns 5
// returns 9
// returns 2
// returns 7
Extensions work by adding capability to existing types, with the caveat that they cannot introduce their own storage. In the case in point:
/*1*/ extension Int {
/*2*/ subscript(var digitIndex: Int) -> Int {
/*3*/ var decimalBase = 1
/*4*/ while digitIndex > 0 {
/*5*/ decimalBase *= 10
/*6*/ --digitIndex
/*7*/ }
/*8*/ return (self / decimalBase) % 10
Line 1 defines the extension as applying to all Int types.
Line 2 is setting up a new subscript operator for an Int, which will allow you to have 12345[4] and produce 'something'. Lines 3-8 define that something.
The while in lines 4-8 is multiplying decimalBase by 10 for 'digitIndex' times. A bit of a weird way of doing it, but never mind. The upshot is if digitIndex is 1, decimalBase is 10; if it's 2, decimal base is 100; 3 it's 1000; etc.
The guts is in line 8. First it retrieves self. Since the extension applies to an Int, self will be that integer value. It then divides it by decimalBase, and because they're both integers, any fractional part will be lost. Therefore in the case of 746381295[2] decimalBase will be 100 so you get 7463812. Then it uses '%' to get the remainder of the division by 10. So 7463812 divided by 10 is 746381 with a remainder of 2. So the returned value is 2.
Hope that explains it.
Pre-empting your question, I might use for in this case, instead of the while:
for _ in 0..<digitIndex {
decimalBase *= 10
I haven't thought too much about how often the above loops, it might run once to often or once too few, but you get the idea.
Even better would be to use the 'raising to the power' operator (not really sure what it's called).
decimalBase = 10 ^^ digitIndex
Then the whole definition could boil down to:
return (self / (10 ^^ digitIndex)) % 10
I will leave it to you to decide whether that's better or not.
Either way, I wouldn't really create this extension, and I assume it was just done for the purpose of demonstration.
Simply put, decimalBase is calculated to be 1 with an index of 0, 10 with an index of 1, 100 with an index of 2, 1,000 with an index of 3, and so on. In other words, decimalBase ends up equal to 10 ^ digitIndex.
So look at the case where digitIndex is 3, for instance. decimalBase will end up being 1,000, so:
746381259 / 1000 == 746381
and then:
746381 % 10 == 1
so that's how you get from 746381259[3] to 1.

Swift: Can someone explain this syntax `numbers.sort { $0 > $1 }` for me?

First of all, this question is not about "what does $0 mean". I learnt in swift document that $0 is like index.
My question is "How numbers.sort { $0 > $1 } can be used to implement a sort function". I searched for this syntax numbers.sort { $0 > $1 } in some other websites, for example this one. It is apparently not the current version. So I still can't understand what the meaning of it.
print(numbers) //[20, 19, 1, 12]
let sortedNumbers = numbers.sort { $0 > $1 }
print(sortedNumbers) //[20, 19, 12, 1]
Can someone explain this simple piece of code above for me? Like how this simple code $0 > $1 implement the sort function, sorting the numbers from big to small.
I know some about index, and this $0 looks like index, but it only has $0 and $1 two indices. So how can it be used into 4 numbers? According to my knowledge in C++ before, I can't understand the principle in this.
Please make your answer as specific as possible. Thank you!
----------------- Below is edited extra part -------------------
I don't know whether stackoverflow would allow me to edit my question like this, but this extra part is too long, so I can't add it in the comment.
#pbodsk #Paul Richter
So the sort() syntax in swift uses quick sort to deal with sort function?
Actually my question is more about "what is the operating principle of sort{$0 > $1}". I know what you mean above, and I think it's similar with what swift 2.1 document says, but your answer is not what I really want to know. Sorry, my English expression is not very good. Let me try another way.
When I learnt C++ before, there are always some documents to explain what a function's operating principle is or how this function (like sort() here) operate in background. Sort() here needs to compare first and second interchange. In C++, it's like
if numbers[1] < numbers[2]{ //just consider this pseudocode
int k;
k = numbers[1];
numbers[1] = numbers[2];
numbers[2] = k;
We can see this process is obvious. In swift, it's like
numbers.sort({(val1: Int, val2: Int) -> Bool in
return val1 > val2
Where is it compared? And how is it interchanged? Does return val1 > val2 automatically compare and interchange these two values and return them? Just this one syntax implement these all 3 processes? How? This is what I really want to know. Sorry again for my poor English expression.
#the_UB and #moonvader are both right, but I just thought that I would extend the example from #moonvader a bit, just to show you how we end up with $0 > $1
If you look at the example in "The Swift Programming Language" about Closure Expressions you can see that to sort an array you call the sort method which can then take a function as a parameter.
This function must take two parameters and compare them, and then return a boolean.
So if we have this array:
let numbers = [4, 6, 8, 1, 3]
and this method
func sortBackwards(val1: Int, val2: Int) -> Bool {
print("val1: \(val1) - val2: \(val2)" )
return val1 > val2
We can sort the elements like so:
numbers.sort(sortBackwards) //gives us [8, 6, 4, 3, 1]
The sort method will use our sortBackwards method on each of the elements in the array and compare them.
Here's the output of the print
val1: 6 - val2: 4
val1: 8 - val2: 4
val1: 8 - val2: 6
val1: 1 - val2: 4
val1: 3 - val2: 1
val1: 3 - val2: 4
OK, let's reduce that.
Instead of defining a function, we can add that directly as a parameter to the sort method like so:
numbers.sort({(val1: Int, val2: Int) -> Bool in
return val1 > val2
And we still end up with [8, 6, 4, 3, 1] (how fortunate!)
OK, the next thing we can do is what in "The Swift Programming Language" (the link above) is called "Infering Type From Context". As we call this method on an array of Ints, Swift can figure out that our val1 and val2 parameters must be Ints too, there's no need for us to tell it. So, lets remove the types. That leaves us with:
numbers.sort({val1, val2 in
return val1 > val2
And still the same result.
OK, getting there. The next thing we can do is what in the book is called "Implicit Returns from Single-Expression Closures"
As our comparison can be done in one line there's no need for us to use return. So:
numbers.sort({val1, val2 in val1 > val2})
Still gives us [8, 6, 4, 3, 1]
Finally we're getting to what #moonvader used much much less words to explain :-) namely "Shorthand Argument Names"
As it says in the book:
Swift automatically provides shorthand argument names to inline closures, which can be used to refer to the values of the closure’s arguments by the names $0, $1, $2, and so on.
So, in our example, val1 can be replaced by $0 and val2 can be replaced by $1
Which gives us:
numbers.sort({$0 > $1})
And still we get [8, 6, 4, 3, 1]
We can then continue to use a "Trailing Closure", which means that if the last parameter of a function is a closure, we can add that parameter "outside" the function.
So we end up with:
numbers.sort{$0 > $1}
And the outcome is still [8, 6, 4, 3, 1]
Hope that helps to clarify things.
Here is what all need to know: Sort and Sorted.
To be more specific, Sorting can be two type : Ascending and Descending.
Q - So to do sorting, what do we need?
A - We need two variables to hold two variable(I don't know if it is the correct word)
Hence in this case we have two variable $0 and $1. These both are shorthands to represent left and right variable. Both will help to sort.
">" will do descending.
"<" will do ascending.
From developer.apple.com
Shorthand Argument Names
Swift automatically provides shorthand argument names to inline closures, which can be used to refer to the values of the closure’s arguments by the names $0, $1, $2, and so on.
If you use these shorthand argument names within your closure expression, you can omit the closure’s argument list from its definition, and the number and type of the shorthand argument names will be inferred from the expected function type. The in keyword can also be omitted, because the closure expression is made up entirely of its body:
reversed = names.sort( { $0 > $1 } )
Here, $0 and $1 refer to the closure’s first and second String arguments.
The process of sorting a list consists of repeatedly reordering its elements until nothing remains to be reordered. Now there are many sorting algorithms, but they all do this, in different ways. So then how are elements reordered? By comparing two given elements, and deciding which comes first, and swapping them if needed.
We can separate the overall reordering and swapping parts from the comparison part, and write a sort function that will take care of all the repeated reordering stuff, and just require the caller to specify how to compare two elements. If the list consists of numbers, it's almost always the case that the way to compare them is to just take their value. But suppose the list consists of things a little more complicated, like cars. How do you compare two cars? Well, you could compare them by numerically comparing their top speed. Or their gas mileage. Or price.
But the comparison doesn't have to be numerical. We could compare two cars by actually racing them. We could compare two cars by just saying if one is blue and the other isn't, the blue one is ordered first, and if neither or both are blue they are ordered as they already are.
We could come up with all sorts of ways to compare two cars. And the sorting algorithm could then sort a list of cars, without knowing anything about cars, as long as we the caller just tell it how to compare cars - any two given cars. We just have to express that comparison as an expression that returns a boolean, where if it's true, the first car is ordered before the second one, and if it's false, the first car is ordered after the second one.
Returning to numbers, that's what sort { $0 > $1 } means, in Swift's very concise syntax: "Sort, where if the first element is > the second one, order the first one before the second one."
You asked how it can sort four numbers with only two indices. $0 and $1 are not bound to the four specific elements in the list [20, 19, 1, 12], they are bound to any two given numbers that need to be compared, because the sorting algorithm repeately needs to do this.
There are a few things to note. First, the operator > has to be defined for the kinds of elements you are sorting. In the example the elements are numbers, and > is indeed defined. Second, the sort function specifies that the boolean true orders the first one before the second rather than the other way around, so the comparison function follows that specification. Third, the last evaluated expression is taken as the boolean value to be used. Having these two assumptions beforehand allows the comparison function to be written so concisely.
So if we wanted to sort those cars by racing them, we could write it like this:
cars.sort {
winner_of_race_between($0, $1) == $0
// if the first car beats the second, it is sorted ahead
Or exclusive blueness:
cars.sort { //not guaranteed to be valid Swift, just consider this pseudocode
if(($0.color != Color.blue) && ($1.color == Color.blue) {
} else if (($0.color == Color.blue) && ($1.color != Color.blue)) {
} else { //leave them in same order
extension Array {
public func mySorted(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Element] {
var newArray: [Element] = self
if newArray.count <= 1 {
/// nothing to do
} else if newArray.count <= 32 { /// 32 ?? 64
for l in 1..<count {
for r in (0..<l).reversed() {
if try areInIncreasingOrder(newArray[r + 1], newArray[r]) {
(newArray[r + 1], newArray[r]) = (newArray[r], newArray[r + 1])
} else {
} else {
/// others sort
return newArray
var array: [Int] = [4, 6, 8, 1, 3]
let a1 = array.sorted {
print("\($0) \($1)")
return $0 > $1
let a2 = array.mySorted {
print("\($0) \($1)")
return $0 > $1
let a1 = array.sorted {
print("\($0) \($1)")
return $0 < $1
let a2 = array.mySorted {
print("\($0) \($1)")
return $0 < $1

How do I generate a random number not including one without using a while loop?

Let's say I want to generate a random number between 1 and 100, but I don't want to include 42. How would I do this without repeating the random method until it is not 42.
Updated for Swift 5.1
Excluding 1 value
var nums = [Int](1...100)
nums.remove(at: 42)
let random = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(nums.count)))
Excluding multiple values
This extension of Range does provide a solution when you want to exclude more than 1 value.
extension ClosedRange where Element: Hashable {
func random(without excluded:[Element]) -> Element {
let valid = Set(self).subtracting(Set(excluded))
let random = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(valid.count)))
return Array(valid)[random]
(1...100).random(without: [40,50,60])
I believe the computation complexity of this second solution is O(n) where n is the number of elements included in the range.
The assumption here is the no more than n excluded values are provided by the caller.
appzYourLife has some great general purpose solutions, but I want to tackle the specific problem in a lightweight way.
Both of these approaches work roughly the same way: Narrow the range to the random number generator to remove the impossible answer (99 answers instead of 100), then map the result so it isn't the illegal value.
Neither approach increases the probability of an outcome relative to another outcome. That is, assuming your random number function is perfectly random the result will still be random (and no 2x chance of 43 relative to 5, for instance).
Approach 1: Addition.
Get a random number from 1 to 99. If it's greater than or equal to the number you want to avoid, add one to it.
func approach1()->Int {
var number = Int(arc4random_uniform(99)+1)
if number >= 42 {
number = number + 1
return number
As an example, trying to generate a random number from 1-5 that's not 3, take a random number from 1 to 4 and add one if it's greater than or equal to 3.
rand(1..4) produces 1, +0, = 1
rand(1..4) produces 2, +0, = 2
rand(1..4) produces 3, +1, = 4
rand(1..4) produces 4, +1, = 5
Approach 2: Avoidance.
Another simple way would be to get a number from 1 to 99. If it's exactly equal to the number you're trying to avoid, make it 100 instead.
func approach2()->Int {
var number = Int(arc4random_uniform(99)+1)
if number == 42 {
number = 100
return number
Using this algorithm and narrowing the range to 1-5 (while avoiding 3) again, we get these possible outcomes:
rand(1..4) produces 1; allowed, so Result = 1
rand(1..4) produces 2, allowed, so Result = 2
rand(1..4) produces 3; not allowed, so Result = 5
rand(1..4) produces 4, allowed, so Result = 4