How to use facebook share plugin using bootstrap button? - facebook

I am trying to use facebook share button to my wordpress theme. I have use this code for that
<div class="fb-share-button btn btn-default" data-href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" data-type="button_count"></div>
It is showing the share button. You can check the result here . But my goal is , the share button will be look like the share button of this site .
I think, will be a good solution for me. But i could not understand how can i use <div class="fb-share-button btn btn-default" data-href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" data-type="button_count"></div> to that button. Please help me.

Yes ! i have got the solution by combining following the two site
Hope it will be helpful for other person.

Well, it appears, that you have a slight mistake in your code, there is no function like the_parmalink() in Wordpress so far, but the correct one is the_permalink().
This function retrieves the permanent link to the post currently being processed in The Loop (as you can guess from it's name).
This tag must be within The Loop, and is generally used to display the permanent link for each post, when the posts are being displayed. Since this template tag is limited to displaying the permalink for the post that is being processed, you cannot use it to display the permalink to an arbitrary post on your web site.
Refer to get_permalink() if you want to get the permanent link for a post, given its unique post id.
So fix your code and try again:
<div class="fb-share-button btn btn-default" data-href="<?php the_permalink();?>" data-type="button_count"></div>


Squarespace per page custom navigation links

So I've spent a day on Google, and trying bits of jquery/javascript to do what I'm looking to do and am officially stuck.
I'm building a site using Squarespace, with the Marquee theme applied. I would like to be able to add a custom link in the primary navigation to send users to an alternative language version of each specific page.
But, I'm struggling. Ive found solutions on here that should work, but I don't think I'm applying it right. Ive tried adding a single link to the navigation and using a script on each page (in the code injection point of the head section) point that link somewhere else.
This would mean I have a single link in the navigation (which is standard across the site) pointing users to whichever page I want...on a per page basis. I know there is a solution out there....just can't make it work!
The section I need the link to work from is:
<div id="desktopNav" data-content-field="navigation-mainNav" data-annotation-alignment="bottom left">
<nav class="main-nav" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1450478013910_660">
<div class="nav-wrapper" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1450478013910_659">
<ul class="cf" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1450478013910_658">
<li class="page-collection">
None of this can be edited directly though...
I was thinking something like this could work, but I cant work out how to apply it to my situation...
Change href value for a hyperlink
Any help, gratefully received!
I fixed it...using this:
<script src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('a[href*=""]').attr('href', '');
It allows me to point a single link in the navigation (which cant be edited directly) to whatever I want it to go to.

How to insert multiple Facebook comment boxes on one page?

I am looking for a way to integrate several Facebook Comment Boxes on one page, but with different comments. i have an image grid view and inserted in the lightbox overlays the code from the Facebook comment box generator. With an random number at the end of the URL i tried to fix it, but there comes the error:
Warning: https://URL/#2087943573 can not be opened.
Any ideas?
You just have to add an anchor to the absolute URL, like it is explained in another thread:
Multiple facebook comment boxes on a single page?
You can even test this in the plugin generator:
...try changing "" to "" and you will see that some other people already commented on that one too.
edit: After a small chat, we found out that the problem might be with the https. So, maybe it just doesn´t work with SSL, i´ve also tried with another server and it only works with the http link.
Try to make "fake" pages for each article that you have with GET variable. For the example:,, etc.
Then here you must put the URL:
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="" data-numposts="5" data-colorscheme="light"></div>
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="" data-numposts="5" data-colorscheme="light"></div>
You don't need to use these pages, but you need it because when someone commenting, the FB comment will be posted on the wall with backlink to your article and for data-href attribute.
By doing these code, it works for my site. Using $_SESSION while looping and echoing data from MySQL database.
<div id= "area_post">
$query= mysql_query("select * from promo_diskon");
while($data= mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
$textpromo = nl2br($data['deskripsi']);
"<div id='posting'>
<div id='layer'><div class='judul'>".$data['judul']."</div><div class='tanggal'>".$data['tanggal']."</div>
<br/ ><br /><p id= 'deskripsi1' class='deskripsi1'>".$textpromo."</p></div>
<a href=''><img class= 'img-thumbnail' src= ".$data['url_foto']." width= '440px' alt=''></a>
//echo '<div class="fb-comments" data-href="http://localhost/xampp/kerjapraktik/promo_diskon.php?posting="'.$url_id.'"" data-width="956" data-numposts="5" data-colorscheme="dark"></div>';
echo '<div class="fb-comments" data-href="'.$_SESSION["url_id"].'" data-width="956" data-numposts="5" data-colorscheme="dark"></div>';

I want to display a FB comment box on every page but have their own comments specific to that page

I recently coded my own blog for a site im making. I want to use facebook to handle the comment on posts, so i integrated the plugin. I noticed something odd however. If i comment on one blog post, then go to a different one, my comment is on the other blog posts as well. How do i make it so each post has its own set of comments?
You have to set a different data-href attribute for each post. Here's an example of how I do it in Yii:
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="<? echo $model->id; ?>" data-num-posts="4" data-width="695"></div>
The point is the data-href value has to be unique for each post.
Assuming you are using html5 comments box.
Refer to:
data-href="" // data href sets the url "object id" for the box, you need to use a dynamic system with php, or javascript or what ever language you coded in.
<div style="padding-left:5px; min-height:500px" class="fb-comments" data-href="'+newUrl+'" data-num-posts="20" data-width="380"></div>
"i use" EXAMPLE:
the following examples works for pages with dynamic urls
<div id="thecomments"></div>
function changeCommentsUrl(newUrl){
// should refresh fb comments plugin for the "newUrl" variable
parser.innerHTML='<div style="padding-left:5px; min-height:500px" class="fb-comments" data-href="'+newUrl+'" data-num-posts="20" data-width="380"></div>';
var thisurl = document.write(document.URL);
You could simply place that kind of snippet in your footer :
$(".fb-comments").attr("data-href", window.location.href);
It does the job...

Facebook comment box with data-href using anchor issue

Currently I have 3 comment boxes on a single page. The page has three tabs that display different content, and each tab content has its own comment section, differing from the other two.
To make sure unique comments are loading for each tab, I am currently using something similar to:
<div class="fb-comments" data-href=""
data-num-posts="2" data-width="470"></div>
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="" ...
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="" ...
This works in displaying the relevant content. However, when someone replies to one of these comments, the original commentor receives a link on their fb profile that appears as:
The problem is that this link the user is given does not show the relevant comment thread, or even the anchor based data-href comment box. Perhaps the end anchor is tripping up the display? If so, is there a paradigm for having different facebook comment boxes on a single page?
Thanks for any help solving this annoying issue.
I implemented something similar using this code
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="" data-width="880" data-num-posts="20"></div>
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="" data-width="880" data-num-posts="20"></div>
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="" data-width="880" data-num-posts="20"></div>
Perhaps your issue could be solved by simply removing 'index.html', as Facebook would then treat the '#tab' as the page, and not a link to a different part of the page
My solution can be seen working here

How can I redirect automatically to an other page of my WebApp

I am currently developing a Web App under jQTouch, and I want to know how I should proceed to redirect the user automatically to another page of my Web App.
For instance, let's suppose I have this code :
<div id="foo1">
<div id="foo2">
Now, let's suppose that the currently visible block is foo1. Which code should I write in my JavaScript file to redirect to block foo2 (as though I clicked a link with href="#foo2")?
Thanks and sorry for my English (I'm French).
You may use the jQT.goTo() to transfer to another page, e.g.
jQT.goTo('#foo2', 'slideup');
If you just want to trigger a click event on a link, you could use the click function in jQuery:
<a id="goToFoo2" href="#foo2">Go To Foo2</a>
A standard link
will not work, but you are on the right track, it just has to be in the correct setting (either a button, or a list). so either:
<ul class="rounded">
<li class="arrow">
<a class="button" href="#foo2">Link</a>
will work.