automatic payment by paypal vault and store the credit card - paypal

i understand we can store our client credit card information by paypay restful api by vault.
My questions are:
I tried this solution already in my paypal sandbox and it looks fine. But before executing this payment, it seems no approval is needed from my client. Is it normal?
Can I store this card id and charge my client in the future? Can I schedule some scripts to charge my client on weekly basis without their approval by vault method?
It is like recurring billing?
From this link
paypal said Direct Credit Card Payments is only available in US and UK.
I am not in UK neither US.
Can I use vault to charge my client?

That is normal, you should get the approval when you are storing the card, explaining to the user what they are consenting to. Within the valid_until range as in , you should not need additional approval for charges.
You can store the card token and charge client in the future, in effect achieving something similar to recurring billing.
That is correct, you can only use direct credit card payments (which includes Vault) only in the US and UK for now.


Is it possible to collect payments from VISA, Discover, and PayPal into a Mastercard?

I am a college student and I want to launch an online store for dropshipping. I am allowed to have one credit card, where I live, say Mastercard. But for the customers convenience I would like to enable VISA, Discover, Mastercard, American express, Debit card, and PayPal checkout. I know that there is a PayPal credit card that allows payments from all these cards but it requires a business license, which I am not allowed to have as a student. Is there a way I can receive payments from the above mentioned cards to a Mastercard? If there is a better solution to my problem I would like to hear it from you. Thanks!
When you set up an online store, you will also be signing up with a Payment gateway that will be collecting money on your behalf and transferring it to you. In this way, you will be able to set up your store to be able to accept any payment methods supported by the payment gateway(s) that you set up, and any money you make will be transferred from the gateway to the account that you registered with. This might be a credit card or directly to a bank account depending on what the gateway supports.
Using a trusted payment gateway (such as Stripe, Braintree, PayPal,, etc.) will let you focus on your store and not have to worry about accepting credit card information directly, and you will get your earnings transferred to you regularly in a form that you can accept. Note also that taking credit card info directly comes with a host of security concerns and regulations. By using a payment gateway you will never see anyone's credit card info directly, so you won't have to worry about all the security and legal concerns surrounding that. The gateway companies make their money by taking a small transaction fee for each purchase, but this fee is definitely worth it to get your business started.

PayPal Recurring payments/subscription

I need to create a subscriptions system in my app, where users can subscribe to a certain package and they must be billed monthly.
Moreover, I need to charge their credit card automatically, and without requiring them to have a PayPal account.
I read about, but is seems it's not available anymore as I click on sign up and it gives me an error ("Sorry, this feature is not available at this time.").
Then I've read about PayPal Standard Payments, which have a subscription method (
From what I can read there is that this is what is suitable for my use case, and it says that I need to enable the above mentioned service, which it doesn't work.
Can someone point me in the right direction on what service should I use from PayPal in order to implement recurring payments (basically my users will subscribe themselves to a service on my website, and I need to charge them monthly).
Thank you.
If you're wanting to handle credit cards directly I would highly recommend going with Payments Pro w/ Recurring Payments APIs.
You'll have to pay a monthly fee to get it all activated, and it's a little bit more expensive than what you were looking at, but it will give you much greater flexibility building your application(s) into various experiences for your buyers.

Paypal vault for recurring payments

I'm going to offer my customers a selection of subscriptions to digital content. I want the customer to be able to add or delete subscriptions later, with as little hassle as possible.
It seems that if I use Paypal vault, I can collect the card information on the same subscriptions screen without multiple redirects and later change the monthly total without another checkout process or even customer sending approval to Paypal!
Does Paypal allow this? It seems too easy and also too permissive. Also, do I need to worry about PCI compliance?
Does anyone know a better way to do this (with or without Paypal)? I don't know how to use paypal recurring payments without a lengthy checkout if they ever change their subscriptions. Google wallet does not have subscription cancellation in their API! Several other alternatives only allow preset subscription amounts.
The CSC/CVV is missing from the examples here: which makes me think you cannot use the card at will. The customer is probably going to be asked for authorisation.
Normally your online payment provider needs to support recurring payments (installments, subscriptions). PayPal does, there's a specific API:
For the customer it's one-off, then the card is billed, say, monthly.

store users credit card information to paylater

my requirement is to store users credit card information to pay-later. whether there is any option in paypal to store users credit-card information and pay it later or is there any options for this in any payment methods
Auth.Net's CIM is a viable option, but it is not a standard feature of an Auth.Net account and requires an extra fee each month to use. Depending on the PayPal payment method you're using, you can get a similar feature for free through reference transactions or billing agreements.
For up to a year after processing a credit card payment at PayPal, you can generate a follow-up reference transaction that uses the same payment details previously used to capture new money. If your customer paid using a PayPal account balance, you can establish a billing agreement that lets you charge their card at an arbitrary time in the future as well.
As far as I know, neither one of these features requires additional payment on your behalf. You just have to have a PayPal account that supports the API you want to use and know how to integrate it.
Yes. You would need to the use Authorize.Net's Customer Information Manager (CIM) API which allows you to store payment information as a payment profile on their server. You can then charge against it at any point in the future.

Recurring payments with arbitrary amounts and at arbitrary times?

We'd like to find a payment provider that lets us do something similar to Hailo, ie:
Users sign up and give us their credit card details/authorise us to charge their account. They only need to do this once.
In Hailo's case, users might take a cab journey at any time and be billed any amount (within reason). In our case, users might need a job done at any time, again with an invoice for an arbitrary amount.
So ideally we'd be able to charge users accounts at any time, for any amount, without further authorisation. This is possible because Hailo (and I believe Uber) have it implemented. However, I don't know if they use a third-party payment provider or rolled their own.
Something like BrainTree's recurring payments is close to what we want, but not exactly. We want to be able to bill at arbitrary times, not on a fixed schedule.
The best option we currently have is to use recurring billing, ie save invoices and then charge them all at once at the end of the month. This isn't ideal from a cashflow -perspective, though. Another option is to use GoCardless' variable billing, (you ask customers permission to bill up to £X per month), though from speaking to people it seems they'd be leary of that as it seems like an upfront commitment.
Can we do it our way? How do companies like Hailo and Uber do it?
We're in the UK, by the way.
In PayPal world - we call this kind of functionality as Reference Transactions - here are the 2 how-tos that would give you more info on how to implement reference transactions with PayPal accounts and direct credit cards:
Reference Transactions for PayPal users
Reference Transactions for Credit/Debit cards
You can also use our Preapproval functionality - which would give you delegated access to a PayPal account to make payments on behalf of them. Here is it's how-to.
Full disclosure, I work as a developer for Braintree.
Using Braintree you can create transactions at any time, not just on a recurring basis. In fact Uber is a Braintree customer. You would store the card in the Braintree vault and create a new transaction when you are ready to bill the customers credit card.
Braintree has recently announced an international expansion that will support merchants in the UK and other countries in the next few months.
From your description CIM will do the job -
It's PCI compliant and let you store your customer credit card details with them and return a token for the customer. Then you can use this token to charge customer credit card whenever you need. Also their recurring billing facility would let you charge a fixed recurring charge if needed -
DataCash will let you do this, amongst many, many other things. You just provide their 16-digit reference number in the XML rather than a card number.
(Note: I'm an ex-DataCash employee, and we use DataCash as a payment gateway at my current work.)