Is it possible to collect payments from VISA, Discover, and PayPal into a Mastercard? - paypal

I am a college student and I want to launch an online store for dropshipping. I am allowed to have one credit card, where I live, say Mastercard. But for the customers convenience I would like to enable VISA, Discover, Mastercard, American express, Debit card, and PayPal checkout. I know that there is a PayPal credit card that allows payments from all these cards but it requires a business license, which I am not allowed to have as a student. Is there a way I can receive payments from the above mentioned cards to a Mastercard? If there is a better solution to my problem I would like to hear it from you. Thanks!

When you set up an online store, you will also be signing up with a Payment gateway that will be collecting money on your behalf and transferring it to you. In this way, you will be able to set up your store to be able to accept any payment methods supported by the payment gateway(s) that you set up, and any money you make will be transferred from the gateway to the account that you registered with. This might be a credit card or directly to a bank account depending on what the gateway supports.
Using a trusted payment gateway (such as Stripe, Braintree, PayPal,, etc.) will let you focus on your store and not have to worry about accepting credit card information directly, and you will get your earnings transferred to you regularly in a form that you can accept. Note also that taking credit card info directly comes with a host of security concerns and regulations. By using a payment gateway you will never see anyone's credit card info directly, so you won't have to worry about all the security and legal concerns surrounding that. The gateway companies make their money by taking a small transaction fee for each purchase, but this fee is definitely worth it to get your business started.


Multi-Vendor - Peer to Peer payments in credit card and paypal

I am looking to implement an opencart solution for a client. They require a peer to peer payment system that allows a user to buy a product from multiple vendors. In other words the client will not hold any stock. They will just facilitate a transaction between the buyer and seller and collect a commission on each transaction. Has anyone here implemented such a solution in OpenCart?
i have paypal adaptive method, but i want credit card side also????
To process a card transaction (credit- or debit-card) there needs to be someone to hold the funds between the parties. It can be a e-wallet or a merchant with an account with an acquirer. The acquirer in turn talks to all the card schemas to make the transfer possible, often sorting out a few other things too, like fraud-screening.
As far as I know direct p2p between card accounts are not yet available, at least across different banks. So I think you still need a payment gateway to process it, and not to worry about the Payment Card Security (PCI) regulations.

Account Aggregators/API's - which provide credit card bill due-dates and allow for cross-party payments?

I understand there are a number of account aggregators out there which allow businesses to get access to customers's transaction data (Plaid, Yodlee, Intuit Customer Account API, open to others...). I'd like to know which ones DO or DON'T also allow for:
Determining the DUE-DATE of a customer's credit card balance.
Making PAYMENTS across accounts and parties.
Response from Yodlee
1) Determining the DUE-DATE of a customer's credit card balance
Yes , Yodlee do provide credit card bill due-date though their API.
2) Making PAYMENTS across accounts and parties.
Yodlee does have a Bill-Pay product but it's not available to API customers as of today.
I've been working with a loan repayment API and ran into this issue as well with Plaid. For US banks only, it seems that there are three items you need for this system:
The bill due date (and amount) for the credit card
The banking information. At a minimum, a user's routing and account number (which Plaid can provide) and the credit card's banking information (their routing and account number for direct payments).
An ACH processor or US bank that will let you upload a NACHA file. This is the step that actually moves the money from one account to the other. Expect lots of compliance paperwork from the partner that you use.
It's a complicated world when you try to pay on behalf of a user. Outside of programming, get a good lawyer who knows bank law!
Response from Plaid (as of 9/22/2014): No/Not yet and No
"1) Within a customer's credit information, does Plaid provide their credit card bill due-date? what would be the appropriate call for that?
Currently no, but it's something we may add in the future.
2) Does Plaid offer anything by way of making payments or money transfers across accounts? (I'm assuming 'no,' but just want to confirm)
We do not, however we can help with the authorization of accounts for ACH & Wire transfers. Feel free to reach out directly for more information."

automatic payment by paypal vault and store the credit card

i understand we can store our client credit card information by paypay restful api by vault.
My questions are:
I tried this solution already in my paypal sandbox and it looks fine. But before executing this payment, it seems no approval is needed from my client. Is it normal?
Can I store this card id and charge my client in the future? Can I schedule some scripts to charge my client on weekly basis without their approval by vault method?
It is like recurring billing?
From this link
paypal said Direct Credit Card Payments is only available in US and UK.
I am not in UK neither US.
Can I use vault to charge my client?
That is normal, you should get the approval when you are storing the card, explaining to the user what they are consenting to. Within the valid_until range as in , you should not need additional approval for charges.
You can store the card token and charge client in the future, in effect achieving something similar to recurring billing.
That is correct, you can only use direct credit card payments (which includes Vault) only in the US and UK for now.

Adaptive Payments VS Website Payments Pro for our online marketplace

We are a UK-based marketplace site that wants to never force buyers to sign up for paypal. We allow users to set up customized stores through our site, and our second requirement is that these users be able to become sellers with only a basic paypal account. When a buyer makes a purchase, we are the primary receiver, taking 15% and passing on the entire paypal fees to the secondary receiver (user), as well as all the remainder of the transaction. My question is: What's the best solution paypal offers for this? It seems that chained payments would be, but if I understand correctly the Website Payments Pro system is the only one that guarantees that buyers outside the UK wouldn't need a paypal account. Is there a way to take the money in ourselves with Website Payments Pro and use the API so it transfers the 85% (minus the fees) to the user's paypal account?
It depends on what approach you want to take.
I would prefer Chained Payments as it allows guest checkout (credit card payments outside a PayPal account) with certain restrictions and will easily allow the user to receive the funds and automatically forwards the 15% cut to your account. This removes the need to collect funds outside of the payment flow. This means no invoicing or no lost dues!
Website Payments Pro only offers credit card payments however you would also need to offer Express Checkout for PayPal payments as well. You also have the flexibility of hosting the order form so you control what the users see. The downside is you'd have to collect funds from the user outside the payments. Such as monthly invoicing, billing agreements or manual processing.
Here is the criteria we use to allow guest checkout. Please keep in mind these are due to rules and regulations, not PayPal's choosing.
The credit card has a lifetime limit of 10 purchases outside a PayPal account
The user's email address must not be attached to an existing PayPal account
I don't have a direct answer for you but hopefully this helps make your decision.

Chargify vs Amazon's, Google's and PayPal's payment service?

I wanna build a web store for selling people's second hand products.
A customer adds the products into a shopping cart.
He/she pays (credit card, bank account) for it and I get the money.
The seller sends the bought products to the customer.
I get send the money to the seller (and have taken a fee for it).
People tend to mention Amazon's, Google's and PayPal's payment service but recently I came across services like Chargify and Recurly.
My questions:
How do these two differ from the other three?
Which one would support the above mentioned transaction process?
How should I set up the above transaction process?
The "big 3" require an account. How do I charge with just a credit card or bank account only?
Thanks for thinking of Chargify.
We're not the right thing for your need... we focus on helping a business manage many things involved in recurring billing of customers.
For what you want to do, I think one of the "Big 3" is the way to go. You've got the extra "wrinkle" of this, however: you're essentially collecting money on behalf of each Seller, and each Seller may be selling very different things and will have different levels of honesty, etc.
All of my experience is with merchants that have a traditional merchant account and payment gateway, which together allow them to charge credit cards. But the banks that issue merchant accounts want to know what each merchant (each Seller) is about. I'm 99% sure the banks dislike a single merchant account being used to sell / collect credit card payments for more than one merchant.
Anyway, to the degree that it's useful, I wrote a blog post last year about merchant accounts and payment gateways. It may be helpful to you as you explore options:
See my answer in Online payments for a middleman.
PayPal Adaptive Payments allows you to accept guest payments, without requiring buyers to have a PayPal account.
Another thing to think about is regional availability; Amazon / Google may sound interesting, but are not very useful if you don't live in the US or UK. Whereas PayPal Adaptive Payments is available pretty much globally (with the exception of a few countries where PayPal hasn't launched yet).