user profiles connected to PayPal - paypal

Is it possible to connect user profiles to their respective PayPal accounts? Almost like an amazon system but with PayPal accounts connected to each individual user that logs in. How could I do this or where/who should I go to, to learn how to do this?

Set your site up so your users log in with their PayPal credentials.


sandbox paypal integration

I am trying to integrate the paypal sandbox using the paypal developer link.
I have searched many examples. But the sandbox paypal( is totally different from
In sandbox has the Merchant id, user id, password and signature.
how to i find out the "demo_sandbox_client_id"?
Is Merchant ID is same as client id?
To get the client_ID, you need to make an app in Remember that you need a sandbox business account to be able to make an app, and for that, you can log in to the developer website with any personal or business paypal account. You then need to follow the link there to connect your sandbox business account to your developer account (by logging in with your sandbox credentials in
Go to
Sign in using your email account.
Under Dashboard > My apps and credentials > REST API apps
Create an app (if not yet existing)
Click the app, then use the clientID as the sandbox ID
To know which account to use to pay, go to right menu > SANDBOX > Accounts
Copy the email with the buyer keyword. Change the password.
To check if the sandboxId works, use this site (supply the sandbox key with the clientId)

Can't log in to PayPal sandbox account

I am trying to log into a PayPal sandbox account for testing purposes. But, I am continually met with the same error:
"We're sorry, something went wrong during sandbox account linking. Please try again."
Here are the steps to replicate the issue (happens in FireFox and Chrome).
Login to using live PayPal account credentials.
Navigate to Dashboard>>Sandbox Accounts
Click Create Account button.
Create account using any variety of options, e.g. personal, business account. New account is created.
Tick the checkbox next to new account listing.
Click link "Click here and provide credentials of your sandbox account."
Fill in login form using sandbox account credentials.
Click agree to terms button.
Redirected back to Sandbox Account page with "We're sorry" error.
This happens over and over with newly created accounts and existing sandbox accounts. I've tried changing passwords and settings for the accounts. I know a few years ago Chrome had a hard time juggling different cookies and sessions when logging in and out of sandbox accounts. So, I've also tried using multiple different browsers. Nothing seems to alleviate the issue.
Also, I thought maybe this issue was a temporary PayPal sandbox glitch, but I've been experiencing it for over a week.
Okay, I spoke with PayPal's technical support. It turns out that they are having some internal issues with the sandbox at the moment. If anyone else is having an issue with logging into one of their sandbox test accounts do the following:
Go back to the Sandbox Test Accounts page where it list all your test accounts.
Click on the email address of any sandbox account. There will be a drop down of "Profile" & "Notification".
Click on Profile and you shall see an iframe with a few tabs. You would be able to see the change password, change password.
Use this url to login to your sandbox account.
The key here is step 4. Don't click on the provided link labeled "Click here and provide credentials of your sandbox account." Copy and past the above URL into your browser instead.
When you are re-directed to the PayPal page to login, what URL is shown in the address bar ?
If it's "" then you need to use your production account credentials.
If it's "" then you need to use your sandbox account credentials.

PayPal account credentials for developer

I am trying to find out how to give a developer the least amount of access they need to my business PayPal account for my app. How should I set this up so I protect my private account information from the developer while allowing them enough access to develop?
They need access to test and develop with the PayPal APIs. I created a sandbox account for the app, I gave the developer the Sandbox ID and API Credentials along with the sandbox test accounts I created.
The developer asked if I could give them the login for my PayPal developer account so they can see the Dashboard for testing and see can transactions. I don't think this is the right way or they could access my bank, and company information.
I have read the PayPal documentation for information about this but can't find much. This guide has the most information I've found but not exactly what I am looking for.
In your account, go to your profile settings and find Manage Users. There you can add a user and select the amount of access they can have. Give them the username and password you make for them, NEVER give your email and password.
To get started using adding users to your account and managing their levels of access, log in to your PayPal account, go to your Profile, and click Manage Users under Account Information.
Your developer does not need access to your account at all, regular or
They would simply login to with their own PayPal account and create their own test accounts for use in the sandbox. They can build your app using their own test accounts, and then hand it over to you so that you can simply update the API credentials with your live values and ensure the code is running live instead of against the sandbox at that point.
developer from India can create Paypal sandbox account as i am also from India and created sandbox account.
Use this,
go to paypal, all tools, you can see manage API, press update, then you'll see that screen. Im doing it right now, i don't know if it will work.

Publishing via someone else's account

I have a client who I made an app for, is it possible for me to publish via my developer account, but have the revenue from the app go to them? The client does not have a developer account, does he need one to have full control of the App on Appstore?
The main issue would be the payment, statistics and such.
No it is not possible to publish on your account but have the info, stats, and payments go to your client. If he wants to directly get the payments and info he would need his own account.
You can publish on your Dev account and then transfer the payments to him manually. Also there are several services which you could use to give him access to statistics (, etc).

How to set up a PayPal sandbox "Seller" account, a "Buyer" account and an Application Tutorial

I am trying to set up a Web site which is using PayPal. Unfortunately the PayPal developer site/concept is heavily changed, so all tutorials I found are seem to be useless. For example this (very good) youtube tutorial which is very clear is using not existing pages and functions...
So please try to help me only with up to date information/tutorial.
Please note my questions is not about using API, it is about how to set up an app, and a testing sandbox configuration from the ground.
1) As far as I understand I must have a real PayPal account because dev site uses PayPal account for logon (new). Logged in with this account then I can create sandbox accounts. However I would like to create a "Seller" sandbox account and a "Buyer" sandbox account. (missed I something?) Using the new developer site it is not possible. I can create only one kind of sandbox account. In the referenced video there are two types of sandbox accounts: "seller" and "buyer" in the preconfigured accounts. Or "Seller" simply means Business account?
2) I must have an application id to use the API. Note: I inherited a working legacy code which is using the classic API, so no REST please. In the video (old PayPal dev site) there is a left side menu "API and Payment Card credentials" In the new PayPal dev site no such thing. Instead there is a "My Apps".
I've tried to set up an application. It approved automatically. In its metadata I see a live and a sandbox app id.
What is not clear: To what account is associated this newly created app? I've created it logged in with my real paypal credentials.
More: ??? When filling the app creation form there was an input field titled: "Supply Test Account Name and Password". First of all how can I type the name and a password to one input field? Secondly What is it? Maybe if I use this app with its sandbox app id then this account will be the Seller (got the money) and if I change the app id to the live one associated this app, then my real PayPal account got the money?
However my goal was to completely simulate the payment process so
1) Create a Seller sandbox account (got API credentials)
2) Associate an application to that Seller account, and get the app id.
3) Create a buyer sandbox account
4a) Configure my web site with Seller API credentials and sandbox app id
4b) Orchestrate a buy process using my website, PayPal API and the 2 sandbox account
5) Check the Seller and Buyer sandbox account's transactions.
Thanks in advance
Seller account = Business account
Buyer account = Personal account
You probably only need to create one of each in Developer Sandbox Accounts , but there's no limit if your testing requires some more
To obtain the new REST API credentials, create an App in My Apps & Credentials and select the sandbox Business account to use
Legacy APIs: If testing an old integration, you can still get Classic NVP/SOAP credentials for a business account by viewing its "Profile" within your list of sandbox accounts
Just found myself in the same situation. Like you say it seems to be constantly evolving - not even sure if some of the answers here are still up to date.
Walked through it like this:
Login at
Go to Applications tab
Click on the Sandbox accounts on the left hand side
Any sandbox accounts you already created will be listed. Big blue button Create Account to create more
Think of logging in to the sandbox with your real PayPal account as logging into your Sandbox. You do this at
Once you are logged into your sandbox in the middle of the screen, click on "continue testing using Sandbox test accounts".
When the next screen comes up you will see a heading of Sandbox Test Accounts and to the far right of that a button to Create Account. Click on this and then you need to create a "Personal" buyer account (your sandbox buyer who you will test with) and a "Business" seller account (your sandbox seller who you will test with).
Set up each one of these as if you were setting up a new Paypal account.
When you have them created fully you will have fictitious bank accounts to work with.
Beyond that, you may wish to check out these tutorials where the site goes in-depth with setting up PayPal payments on a website using your own custom, basic shopping cart with a PayPal IPN (instant payment notification). You want to scroll down to the "E-Commerce Website Tutorial...". Lessons 9-20 deal with the cart and accepting PayPal. This may be an older way to do things, but it will help you get a general grounding in working with PayPal IMHO.
You also can visit At the bottom of the column is a heading "Classic API's" that may provide the documentation you are looking for to move forward.
Good Luck!