How to see errors in MySQL Workbench 6.1? - mysql-workbench

I recently upgraded my development machine to use MySQL Workbench 6.1. I am trying to enter some data into a table using the workbench and "Select rows..." When I click the "Apply" button to insert the data, the workbench reports that an error occurred (see the image below), but it doesn't tell me what the error is. Workbench 5.* used to show the errors. I cannot find any way to get Workbench 6.1 to show me the errors. How can I see the error messages?

If you are on linux machine this solution will work.
It is already there you have to move your mouse and expand it:
At first it will look like this:
you have to hover the mouse until the cursor icon change to resize icon.upward
then click it and pull
and then you can hover on cross sign scroll right to see the error message completely.

I eventually worked out that the panel could be opened by hovering my mouse at just the top of the status bar (at the bottom of the UI).
The hit area is tiny so you really have to 'feel' around for the drag point.

If you are not seeing any sql errors or exceptions this could be one off your problems.
Toggle the button in the picture
button panel of mysqlworkbench

To cause MySQL Workbench to show error messages, I had to change a preference. From the Workbench menu, click "Edit" -> "Preferences..." Open the "SQL Queries" tab. Check "Confirm Data Changes".


In Eclipse IDE how to disable the closing of an editor tab via plain right-click

I am using Eclipse Oxygen (Ver 4.7.0) on CentOS with the UI shown via MobaXterm's X Windows server on Windows 7.
In Eclipse I have the weird problem that when I right-click on an editor tab the tab closes immediately! No context menu, nothing, just the tab vanishes. I would like to disable this, but I couldn't find any entry for right-clicking in the Keys section of the Preferences.
Is there another place where the right-click behaviour is set? Or how else can I disable this? The problem occurs only for editor tabs.
Additional details:
The right-click behaves correctly inside an editor tab by bringing up the context menu. This shows that the right-click is not genearlly broken in the X Window system.
The right-click behaves correctly in other X applications like PyCharm.
An explanation
A closer look revealed that Eclipse does show the context menu on right-click press-down, but on right-click release-up it registers a left-click event.
Due to the particular situation of when the context menu was drawn, the mouse pointer than just always happens to sit over the top entry in the menu. And this top entry is Close. The following screenshot might illustrate this a bit (unfortunately without the mouse pointer):
The immediate solution for me is to move the mouse after pressing the right mouse button and before releasing it.
Still I don't know why this happens only when right-clicking a tab and only for me - and probably not for many other people...

how do I get DBeaver to show a Save button?

I want a save button that I can click with the mouse, but when I focus on a SQL editor page and file and do >Window >Customise Perspective >Edit actions, it's greyed out and says "Save (Ctrl+S' command cannot be made visible in this dialog.
DBeaver Community v6.0.5.2019... Windows 10 Enterprise 2016
It's just a simple thing so I don't have to keep switching between keyboard and mouse.
This is some months old so it may not be relevant for you, but this may help others (I was brought here as the lone google search result and had to keep poking around until I found it)
anyway, in DBeaver menu select Window>Preferences>DBeaver>Editors there should be a checkbox for 'Show Edit toolbar'. Check that and apply and close. Exit and restart DBeaver and it should have buttons for save/undo/etc. If it still does not, go to Window>Customize Perspective and the 'Edit actions' toolbar items should no longer be unselectable so you should be able to add them to the toolbar from there.

Oracle SQL Developer Menu is missing

I cannot see my top application menu. How can I restore it back?
enter image description here
The top application menu is a draggable toolbar. Maybe you lost it somewhere in your desktop (like I did).
Try finding it, then drag it upward to where it's supposed to be.

unnecessary shift of cursor to console log

I am using eclipse on Ubuntu. When there is log being shown in console and I am moving cursor up or down in JAVA file to see the code, the cursor shifts itself to the console log and and I am having problem to investigate my code. My cursor shifts to console log even if I disable the console view from windows-> Show View. Is there any way that I am not forced to see the console.
I just got rid of this issue. Right click in console window, select preferences and then unchecked the checkBox "show when program writes to standard out" and also unchecked the checkBox "show when program writes to standard error".

Console disappear in Eclipse Juno

I am using Eclipse Juno. I was working in Java perspective and suddenly I minimized the console. I don't know where it went but I am unable to get it back. I even tried to get it from Windows>Show View>Console but I didn't get my console back.
It happened the same thing to me. Just click Window->Reset Perspective and everything will be back as it was when you installed eclipse.
Sure you'll have to customize it back to how you like it, but at least you'll have the console back.
If console is not visible, just search for "Console" in QuickAccess box on the right hand top of menu bar. you can get it back!
Stupid Eclipse. Are there no interface designers volunteering on this project? Why minimize something and make it hard to see where to bring it back? Probably all you have to do is hit Shift-Control-Tab-F9 with one hand while right-double-clicking the lower left hand corner. Hmm, how about a popup when you click a minimized Console that says "We see you've minimized your Console and you are clearly trying to switch to it. Would you like us to restore that so you can actually see it?" followed by "Are you really sure? Cuz ya know, you may be using this click path by accident."
The reset perspective works. Also, you can "Save Perspective" so it's not so hard to go back to your preferred Perspective.
Thanks for the tip.
Bring console to the front from Window -> Show View -> Console. Apparently the console remains invisible (that was the issue indeed), but it is virtually active in the foreground.
Close the current view (i.e. the invisible console) by going to the "Quick Access" box at the toolbar, typing "Close Part", and selecting the respective option on the drop-down.
Reopen console form Window -> Show View -> Console and voilĂ , it will appear. Drag it to your preferred location on the workbench.
This works for me under the following situation:
I had been previously playing with detaching several views (console included) and editors to a separate window on a different monitor; I have updated my workspace from Neon to Oxygen and I have had a hard reset at my computer. (So, not sure which among those was the reason that made it go wrong).
I wanted to avoid resetting my perspective, as it is highly customised, so I discarded that solution.
Other solutions herein proposed had not worked.
The console was working and the view became visible if I chose a different perspective (e.g. Debug) or a duplicate Eclipse window (which effectively provides a duplicate of a factory-reset perspective).
you could click the small icon on the bottom left and choose console. it will appear.