Oracle SQL Developer Menu is missing - oracle-sqldeveloper

I cannot see my top application menu. How can I restore it back?
enter image description here

The top application menu is a draggable toolbar. Maybe you lost it somewhere in your desktop (like I did).
Try finding it, then drag it upward to where it's supposed to be.


VSCode SCM tab suddenly disappeared

I must have pressed a wrong combination of keys with my crooked fingers which caused the version control tab to disappear from the sidebar.
Then I found source control tab somewhere in VSCode, dragged it into the sidebar, it shows the changes, however, the icon is completely different and also it doesn't show the number of current changes.
What happened?
In the below screenshot the yellow icon is what I have for SCM now.
Thanks 🤞
I had to use the View: Reset View Locations command to solve this problem in Visual Studio Code version 1.47 (macOS - Catalina).
To do this, just press Cmd+Shift+P (macOS) or Ctrl+Shift+P (Linux/Windows), type workbench.action.resetViewLocations, then press Enter.
Release notes - May 2020 (version 1.46)
As #rioV8 commented - what solved it for me was to right click on the icon and click "Reset Location"
I am not sure what you actually dragged to the activity bar vscode is really modular in this way; hard to say without being there, but you can re-enable SCM button.
Even if you use the short cut to open the source control view (CTRL + SHIFT + G, it will disappear again after you focus out of it (when it's not enabled).
To re-enable it, right-click anywhere on the Activity Bar and select 'Source Control'
From version 1.46 it is now possible to drag and drop panels and views
If a panel/view is not in a spot you want and you want it back in its original place you can Right Click on the panel/view header and choose Reset Location.
Try right clicking on the bar and you should see a menu like the one below
recheck the source control and the icon should appear.
For people who applied the methods above but still could not see the source control panel where you could jump to editted files quickly but only the side bar, here is the way you can fix it:
After you have got the source control panel appeared, right click any available tabs you have inside the panel, such as commits, file history, branches etc. Then make sure you chose the Source Control.
If the "Source Control" panel is not on the side/activity bar or dissapeared for some reason, you check it on the "Explorer" panel. If you don't see it on the Explorer list, you can find it on the top right menu of the explorer panel. You can just check it and then it appears on the Explorer panel list.
Then you can just drag the Source Control panel and drop it on the side/activity bar. It gets back to its original place.
As of vscode v1.75 you can reset all the view locations from the Layout Control button near the upper right:

Is it possible to duplicate the visual code side bar?

I don't know a way to duplicate the visual code side bar. I would find it useful to be able to open different views at the same time as it happens in eclipse Theila (both share same source code)
Eclipse Theila
See my newer answer at
You can put another panel on the right, in addition to the Side Bar and Panel. And then drag various views into it.
Put the Panel on the right. Right-click on one of the headers, like "Terminal" and select `Move Panel Right".
Drag your "Outline" header into that right Panel.

how do I get DBeaver to show a Save button?

I want a save button that I can click with the mouse, but when I focus on a SQL editor page and file and do >Window >Customise Perspective >Edit actions, it's greyed out and says "Save (Ctrl+S' command cannot be made visible in this dialog.
DBeaver Community v6.0.5.2019... Windows 10 Enterprise 2016
It's just a simple thing so I don't have to keep switching between keyboard and mouse.
This is some months old so it may not be relevant for you, but this may help others (I was brought here as the lone google search result and had to keep poking around until I found it)
anyway, in DBeaver menu select Window>Preferences>DBeaver>Editors there should be a checkbox for 'Show Edit toolbar'. Check that and apply and close. Exit and restart DBeaver and it should have buttons for save/undo/etc. If it still does not, go to Window>Customize Perspective and the 'Edit actions' toolbar items should no longer be unselectable so you should be able to add them to the toolbar from there.

How do I expand Project Explorer to the bottom of my eclipse screen?

I recently had to delete all my projects in eclipse and re-import them, and it messed up the view organization I had (I had never realized I could save a view until now). I want to use the Team Synchronizing Perspective in Eclipse, but I want the Project Explorer section to go to the bottom of the screen.
for example, in the Java perspective,
The package explorer goes to the bottom of the screen. but on the Team Sync Perspective, that I want to stay on, I can't get the Project explorer view to go to the bottom of the screen (and I know one is the package and one is the project explorer, I tried adding package explorer to the sync perspective and it also doesn't show up how I want).
Team Sync Perspective:
Does anyone know how to do what I'm asking? I've googled plenty and can't find the answer. I'm assuming it's simple and I just can't find the steps...
See this animated gif to rearrange views in a perspective. Left click on view's title bar and drag and drop the view wherever you need it.
Refer this help guide

Horizontal scrolling with the scrollwheel in Eclipse

I've been trying to find a way to scroll the text horizontally with my scrollwheel in Eclipse, similar to the way you can do it in Textpad. In Textpad if you hold ctrl while you scroll vertically it will scroll horizontally. Does anybody know if there is a configurable setting somewhere in Eclipse that will allow this? I've looked all over the "keys" setting page without being able to find it, and Google/Stack Overflow searches haven't turned anything up for me.
I guess this depends more on your OS than on Eclipse. For instance on Mac OS it's Shift + Scrolling.
#Daniel Sokolowski's answer was almost working. I have been using X-Mouse Button Control for over a year now and didn't know how to get the Horizontal Scrolling to work on certain programs (like Eclipse and Chrome) until I read Sokolowski's answer which pointed me in the right direction.
For the sake of brevity, and not to duplicate what has already been written clearly by Sokolowski, follow his directions, and in addition do the following:
Add Eclipse to your Applications list in X-Mouse by clicking Add and finding javaw.exe in the "Choose Application" popup and clicking OK.
Now click on the "Eclipse" profile and choose the "Scrolling & Navigation" tab
Under the "Advanced Window Scrolling" choose Method 1(SCROLL Msg) option for Scroll Method
Click Apply
If you correctly followed Sokolowski's and my instructions together you should be able to press Shift while scrolling up or down to trigger a horizontal scroll.
On a Windows machine this worked for me:
Download X-Mouse Button Control
In the main window go to 'Layer 2' and change 'Wheel Up' and 'Wheel Down' to 'Scroll Windows Right' and 'Scroll Window Left'
Go into the 'Settings > Modifier Keys Tab' and select 'Shift' for the 'Activate Layer 2' setting.
Now in whatever active window, including Eclipse pressing shift and then scrolling up and down will scroll horizontally.
Update: I have been using this approach for a few days now and noticed that not all windows are horizontal scroll enabled, for example 'Package Explorer' is not but 'Navigator' is - this appears to be a limitation of Eclipse IDE rather than this approach. Please take a moment and upvote this Eclipse Bug #201984
You have a plugin supposed (not tested) to support horizontal scrolling.
But without plugin, SWT does not support horizontal scrolling on Windows.
Its support is planed for 3.6 though. (since 3.6M2, actually -- September 18, 2009)
New event constants have been added for horizontal mouse wheels.
See SWT.MouseHorizontalWheel and SWT.MouseVerticalWheel.
For me the best way while using eclipse or for that matter any IDE, is to have a new line char at the end of screen. I feel that to use horizontal scrolling to view data becomes bit difficult while going back and forth and I would like all code to be visible to me always. If the code you are trying to view requires you to use horizontal scroll bar then try to format it by using Ctrl+Shift+F.
The bug has been fixed in the latest update of Eclipse.
In your Eclipse menu bar, simply:
1. Click Help>Check for Updates.. (and wait for the progress bar at the bottom to finish checking)
2. Install all updates.
Once Eclipse IDE gets restarted, you are now able to scroll horizontally.
(Save yourself from having to install additional mouse softwares to create new configurations. Phew, I'm so glad I figured this one out for myself)