Search Plugin, searches across languages - plugins

I have tried the new text search plugin, I know this is still under development, but perhaps this will help.
First comment is that the plugin has to be inserted into the page, whereas the search plugin in 3.x was coded into the template so that it appeared in all pages.
I am working with a 2 language site PL/EN. When doing a text search in on the PL side the search plugin finds the word on the EN side and gives a link to the page on the EN side. When I click on the link on the PL side I get a 404 message.
If I repeat the search (same word) on the EN side, the the search plugin finds the word, gives the link on the EN side (same link as given in the PL side) and when I click on this link I get the correct page.
So it appears that the plugin searches the whole site but cannot complete links when the text is on the other language side on the site.

To display a search box, place the following PHP code to your theme layout file:
echo ipSlot('searchBox');
I've just added some multilanguage support. Please get the latest version from Git. :)
Thanks for your feedback!


TYPO3 - Translations set but neither processed nor displayed

I've been building a TYPO3 website. I wanted to use the multi-language capacity of TYPO3 and get acquainted with the CMS. I'm using V.9.5.6 at the moment with the Introduction Package.
I followed the manual on multi-language setup here :
When switching languages, the page refreshes but no visible changes occur.
I deleted the original "German" et "Dansk" languages, then added "French" and "German". I used the contact page as proving grounds.
I added translations in germand and french from the original english page I built. There's only a header and a contact form. In english, it reads "contact form". In german and french it should read respectively "Kontaktieren Sie uns" and "Contactez-nous".
The languages UIDs are 2 for German and 3 for French. The template, in the languages section, has "auto" for the list of languages and it pulls correctly the 2 I added, in the correct order.
In a properly setup website, if default language is English, and I click on the "German" or "French" language button at the bottom, the page should refresh and display the content translated in the language I selected and have the selected language in bold at the bottom of the page.
When clicking on the bottom links, it adds the correct L= parameter and the page loads but no visible change occur on the page. Even the language link at the bottom of the page has "Default" in bold instead of whatever I clicked.
There is NO error message when clicking on the language buttons.
I'm pretty sure this is not the standard behavior of a TYPO3 multi-lingual installation. What can cause the CMS to not fetch a translated content OR fail to get the language change information from the parameters passed in the URL ?
I'll try to answer this vague question.
Usually there are three pitfalls you should look at:
realurl (or routes in v9) here is a nice gist:
TypoScript settings for the languages:
proper .htaccess in connection with [1.]
I also suggest to update to v 9.5.9
There have been plenty bugfixes since v 9.5.6 and updating within branch 9.5.X is really easy and non-breaking!

polylang plugin shows all site pages on one page when switching to second language

I am trying to switch to a second language using polylang plugin in my Wordpress test site.
I don't have relevant code to show, I haven't identified problem code associated with this error.
What I expect is to find myself on the Home page equivalent in the second language no matter which English page I was on previously.
Instead I am taken to the Spanish version of the About page, not Home page equivalent. Also, the page content is made up of not just that page's content but all of the content from every page on the site is stacked on top of each other - including old versions of pages.
If I subsequently click on the Spanish menu which displays as expected, the next page displays perfectly. When I click back to the About page (the page previous acting as a site catch-all) everything is as it should be. So the problem only manifests on the initial switch to a second language.
Switching back to English does not cause the problem to reoccur, everything is fine in this case. It is only when initially switching from English (site primary language) to Spanish that the problem occurs.
I am using the 'X' Wordpress theme for this 'local' version of my site. My Wordpress & free polylang versions are up to date.
Any help with this problem would be much appreciated.
Thanks, Brent.
I have come up with a solution for my problem.
This isn't the most elegant solution but I need something that works now so here goes.
I noticed that when switching to Spanish I was taken to the page: http://localhost/ i.e. no specific page, fine if I had an index.php file in that location but I don't. The result is I am taken to the page with the bloated content.
My work around was, use a redirection for that URL to the page I want the switcher to go to i.e. instead of http://localhost/ - I redirect to http://localhost/
This is not the best fix, but I have found it difficult going any deeper into how Polylang plugin works so it will suffice for my purposes.
I have solved this by:
Go to language/setting/url settigs
Uncheck "Hide URL language information for default language "

Opening Eclipse linked content from "Help Content" in plugin

I'm trying to develop an eclipse plugin (GUI) which will include a button that I want linked to some page in the Eclipse Help Content, according to some parameters chosen in the plugin (gui), so when I press it, the content opens.
I saw that help content are found on, and can be opened in a browser like way using their http://xx.xx.xx.xx/help/..(rest of path)/(my page).html .
my question is how can i get this xx.xx.xx.xx in the code or the whole path so I can need only to concatenate (my page). (what you see in red in pic).
I assume this is some field in a class that represents this server.
what this port looks like
You normally use the Eclipse Help System to display help pages:
IWorkbenchHelpSystem helpSys = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getHelpSystem();
helpSys.displayHelp("help context id");

Eclipse: search text in documentation pane

Is there a way to search for text in the documentation pane of Eclipse?
E.g. see the attached screenshot showing some Android SDK documentation:
and see this screenshot showing the Search menu:
I can't see how you can do a search. And Cmd F doesn't seem to do anything either.
This is basically a web browser pane. Sadly it is quite limited in functionality, you can't search within the view (and of course not within the documentation database instead of the currently shown document).
So the work around is to open the document in a complete, external browser. In this case it is easy to find the document ( but sometimes it might be annoying to find the URL as this limited web browser view doesn't even tell it to you or gives you a possibility to get it.
If it was about site search and not searching withing the page and if the site doesn't offer a site search (this one does) then of course you can use Google with a parameter; similar for other search engines.

Trigger a click on a page in the pagetree in Backend

How could I trigger in JS a click on the pageitem of TYPO3 BE pagetree by an ID of the page ?
Looking for solutions for versions 4.5 and 6.1.
The basics are described in this document (might be slightly deprecated):
For example, to open the submodule "task center" in the "user tools" module, enter this
or, to change to the pagetree, this
inside the firebug console. According to the author,
The pagetree resides in top.TYPO3.Backend.NavigationContainer, the
content resides in top.TYPO3.Backend.ContentContainer.
I haven't really understood what you'd like to click on exactly. But it might get you started.
I think in real life (or in an html fragment in a page in the backend) you can set <a javascript:...> urls</a>
I am still trying to figure out the fine points of this javascript myself. I for one want to also click on a select-box in the content Iframe after clicking in the Admintools/Report submodule. The first part is this: