Eclipse Find Code Coverage - eclipse

I would need to use Eclipse to find code coverage of a test file generated by an automated tool with respect to a certain project.
I am thinking of using the "Emma" plugin but, as the project was not originally an Eclipse one, am having some difficulties importing it. I can open individual files, but that is not of much use as I can't run the plugin then.
Any ideas? :)


Building JUnit 5 from Source in eclipse on Windows

I'm currently using JUnit 5.1, but I want to switch to JUnit 5.5 (at least 5.4) to use new features of that version (mainly the #Order annotation), but I'm really struggling to properly set it up.
Unfortunately I cannot simply switch to a newer eclipse version, because I'm tied a specific version we use at my workplace.
As there is no JAR-download, i've tried to build it from source. The only guidelines concerning this are saying to build it with Gradle, but I don't understand how to do this.
What I tried so far:
- downloaded the repository as an archive (zip) and imported it to eclipse, which resulted in multiple projects and <1.000 errors
- imported the repository into eclipse (via import wizard), but failed to find a way to make a build from it
I was able to run some test with JUnit 5.4 features, but i achieved this by downloading different modules as JARs from some maven-repository I found in a JUnit issue on github and including them as external JARs into the classpath. This was very tedious because of the number of different JARs & the way they were organized in the repository folders.
To me this feels like a workaround, as I still have no idea how to solve the initial problem of building JUnit from source.
I'm quite new to eclipse and have a basic understanding of what Gradle is, but I've never used it so far.
I don't expect a detailed step-by-step guide on how to achieve this (although I wouldn't complain ;) ), but I'd really appreciate it, if you could give me an outline of how building from source is done in general and maybe additional references for me to read about certain steps (e.g. setting up gradle).

How to import an eclipse based project from GitHub into Intellij properly

I want to import a maven project from GitHub into intellij which in of itself I know how to do however, the project this time was created initially also as an eclipse project and I want to be able to work on it in idea while my team members work on it in eclipse without causing conflicts due to differing project file structures. How can this be done?
When checking it out in Intellij it does ask me if I want to create a project from it and select yes but next, it asks whether to create the project from the existing sources vs from external model. From the external model option it allows me to pick eclipse or maven but not both. Do I just create from existing sources? Which is my best option to do this without screwing it up for the others when I commit and push my changes?
I understand that the easy answer might be: "just use eclipse" however, I think the answer on how to properly do this could be useful later. Not only me but also for others who want to work with the IDE they are most familiar and productive with and not mess with the workflow.
Any help would be appreciated
When importing an Eclipse project into IntelliJ, you have the option to:
Create module files near .classpath files
Keep project and module files in
The idea is to keep your *.iml file concurrently with your Eclipse .project/.classpath (and you can keep them in sync).
That way, you can open the project in both IDE.

is there any demo for eclipse cdt api use?

I want to use the eclipse cdt api to resolve c++ code AST tree for code analysis.
base on the blow question answer, I try to create a default Workspace and project by java code. The Workspace init method require many IDE source support, when i fix one resouce issue, another comes. is there any demo for this?
Using CDT without Eclipse
If you want to parser a single source file, it is enough to use cdt.core only. If you want to use the higher level(semantic) you need to replace a lot dependences about those IDE packages. I did a project using Eclipse-JDT and use JavaCore and Workspace to generate IJavaProject. It is similar with CDT. I also do some research about static-code-analysis using JDT/CDT.

GWT Post build command in Eclipse

I am starting getting used to Eclipse, but I have much more experience with Visual Studio. In Visual Studio it is possible to run auto commands after the build has finished.
Now I am creating a GWT project and several other projects at once in one solution (or workspace) in Eclipse. Some files which are compiled with the GWT project needs to be copied to another location when they have been compiled. I am currently doing this manually and would like to do it automatically. I am not doing it often, since the project works fine in debug mode (...?gwt.codesvr=localhost:9997).
But where is the location for executing a post build command for a GWT project in eclipse? Is it possible?
Just open project properties, choose 'Builders' item and click on 'New...' button.
Good question! I'm using Eclipse since about 2003, and I remember that I also wanted a functionality like that back then. However, I got so used to using ant for any serious build, that I completely forgot about it.
There is some useful ant integration in Eclipse (e.g. the ant view), and if you create your GWT project with webAppCreator you already get a few good ant targets you can build upon.
It would still be nice sometimes to have something more GUI-like to do simple multi-step builds with Eclipse. I haven't found anything like that yet, but it's absolutely possible that it exists, especially as a plugin.

Building Eclipse plugins and features on the command line

I have a bunch of Eclipse plugins and features, which I would like to build as part of a nightly (headless) build. I've managed to do this using a complicated setup involving manually specifying paths to Eclipse plugin jars, copying customTargets.xml, etc.
Is there really no simpler solution? Isn't there a way to just point out my Update Site's site.xml and say "build"; i.e. the equivalent of clicking "Build All" in the Update Site project?
Given that all the answers to this question are all 3-5 years old, I figure an update would be useful to others.
For those who want to add the building of Eclipse plugins to the CI process, I recommend they check out the Eclipse Tycho project. This is essentially a Maven plugin that allows you you to wrap eclipse projects within Maven project. With this we use Atlassian Bamboo to build our Eclipse plugin. This also allows us to use the Maven jarsigner plugin to sign our plugin files.
I've just been fighting with this problem myself. Are you using the productBuild script? Maybe putting your features into a product would help you out.
I am doing a headless build on a product configuration. The only script that I customized was to add some ant tasks to customTargets.xml to get my sources from SVN and to do a little cleanup on JNLP manifests after the build as I am using WebStart.
Then you only need to invoke antRunner on the out of the box productBuild.xml in the scripts/productBuild directory (in the pde-build plugin).
Check out Ant4Eclipse. I've used it to parse Eclipse's .classpath/.project files to determine project dependencies and classpaths. In combination with Groovy Ant Task, I have automatically built multiple projects in Ant using the Eclipse project files for build information.
A buildPlugin task exists, but I have not personally used it.
We are currently using PDE to automatically build features and our complete product. It works quite well. Make sure you use the right script for product build or feature build.
Eclipse Help on using PDE
EDIT: We've now migrated to Buckminster, which has an excellent command line interface.
You might look into buckminster and maven. There is a learning curve for sure, but they seem to do their jobs well.
We are using headlesseclipse, which can be found on Google Code:
It works quite well, and can easily automate command-line building of plugins and features. However, I have not yet found a way to automate building of the update site via the command line.