After update some info, return to specific paginated page - Laravel 4 - forms

I have this case:
A page in laravel 4 with paginate (10 items per page), and for instance, if I'm on page 2, I want to edit some item. I click in the item and I go to the specific form to update. After update, i want to redirect the application to the specific paginated page that I was on before, i.e. page 2. I tried to use URL::Previous(); but, if for instance, my validation of the form fire up, the previous page will be the page of the form, and not the paginated page, and then i will be stuck :/
Any ideas?
(Sorry for my english)

Maybe you could store the page number in the session and then use it when you want to redirect.
$url = 'url?page=' . Session::get('page_number');
return Redirect::to($url);
This is probably not the best way to do it but it should work.

add to you form:
{{ Form::hidden('redirects_to', URL::previous()) }}
in controller you can return like this:
return Redirect::to(Input::get('redirects_to'));
note this only apply with larave 4

I use this in my form:
<input type="hidden" name="last_url" value="{{ URL::previous() }}">
I use this in the Controller:
return redirect()->to($request->last_url)->with('success','Post Updated Successfully');


Gorilla CSRF - Forbidden - CSRF token invalid - fails when there are two forms

I'm adding in CSRF token validation and I'm running into a problem where I have two forms on a page and one of them will submit successfully and the other will not. I'm not doing AJAX requests, I'm simply using hidden input fields. If I submit the form when it is the only one on the page, it submits without issue. If I submit it on a page with more than one form, it fails.
Below is the template code for my two forms
{{if .IsAuthenticated}}
<form action='/admin/logout' method='POST'>
<form action='/admin/stuff/create' method='POST'>
{{with .Form}}
<input type='text' name='title' value='{{.Get "title"}}'>
<input type='submit' value='Publish stuff'>
And this is what the generated HTML looks like. Both appear to be valid.
When I click the "Logout" button though, I get the Forbidden - CSRF token invalid error, but clicking the create input value in the second form always works.
The logout button is correctly validated when I attempt to use it on the home page which is "/admin/" but it does not work on any of the other pages "/admin/snippet/:id" or "/admin/snippet/create". The Logout button is part of a base template, so it appears on every page, so there shouldn't be anything different in how it appears on any page.
I've read other SO posts about multiple forms & CSRF tokens on a page and I understand there should be no issue with multiple forms with the same information as long as you have each one in it's own form, it should be fine. So I am not sure where I am going wrong.
I found the issue. Currently the way that gorilla/csrf works, it does not like creating the masked token from one path and then sending that token off to another path. So in my situation, going from /admin/snippet/create to /admin/logout threw an error because it was expecting the path for the token to be /admin/snippet/<something> and so it threw an error.
This issue has been addressed in this PR: and essentially the solution is to set the default path yourself to something which all of your routes will contain, so in my case that was /admin
This is what my CSRF declaration looks like now in main.go
var csrfMiddleWare = csrf.Protect(
[]byte("<put your 32 character key here>"),
A note, if you had this issue and then apply this fix and it doesn't resolve the problem, trying testing in a separate browser as there may be some caching issues.

How to do a form submit in moodle from some other page?

In moodle, when you go to Quiz Administration-> User overrides -> Add user override, you get a form (overrideedit.php) to add the details of the user override to be created.
You need to fill that form and submit it. After you submit, the form is processed (in overrideedit.php itself) and then you are redirected to overrides.php page.
Now, I want that form to take post data from my plugin and process it in overrideedit.php and do the redirect.
How do I send post data in this case from my plugin?
You could set a different action for the form you're having in your plugin (this assumes you are using Moodle Form API for your custom form):
// Instantiate your form
// Data will be submitted to /mod/quiz/overrideedit.php
$mform = new custom_form_your_are_having(new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/overrideedit.php'));
Or simply change the action attribute of your custom for to point to /mod/quiz/overrideedit.php:
<form action="/mod/quiz/overrideedit.php" method="post">

How to determine that a Angular form is tried

How to determine that a Angular form is tried to submit or not to show invalid fields.
When you create a form in angular, then the form object contains a boolian property "submitted". It becomes true when user tries to submit a form.
<form #searchForm="ngForm" [ngClass]="{'FormTried':searchForm.submitted}"
(ngSubmit)="submitData(searchForm)" >
// your form fields
I used it to add a class for form tried to submit or not.
<form #empForm="ngForm" [ngClass]="{'FormTried':empForm._submitted}"
(ngSubmit)="submitData(empForm)" >
// added code here
I have used this and this works fine at my end, please try this also.

IE form action URL issue

Recently i am started tuning our products to IE compatability. Now i am facing a weird problem in IE alone.
My form url is something like this
and my form element is
<form action="" method='post'>
some values the dynamicvalue holds are ( Alphanumeric characters )
Except IE every other browsers sending the actions to
IE form action is sending to
I don't know why this is happening, I can replace the document.URL to post the Form back to solve the problem. Still, i want to what's the reason for IE to remove that dynamicvalue
I am testing in IE-9
Kindly someone teach me.
Thanks in advance.
I have also discovered this bug in Internet Explorer 11 when reading the action attribute of a form with action set to the empty string.
<form action="" method="post"></form>
If one reads the form.action attribute in javascript and the current URL does not contain a trailing slash, the last part of the URL will be removed. I.e., if the location is, form.action==", while if location is, form.action=="
However, if the form is posted by clicking a submit button, it is posted to the correct URL, i.e., or
I overcame this by using jQuery's attr function to check if action="" in the HTML and then I use location.href instead.
if($(form).attr('action') === '') return location.href else return $(form).attr('action')
(Why would someone do this? I am intercepting the form submit and using ajax to send the data. To do this, I need to know where the form wants to submit)

Does Alfresco Share provide any mecanism for Inter Dashlet Communication?

I am trying to figure out how to perform some inter dashlet communication with Alfresco Share.
Here a simple use case:
We do have 2 dashlets, let's call them A and B. I want to be able to fill in a field "name" (let's say with value "Toto") in A and click on submit button. After clicking on submit button in A. B should be updated with greeting like " Good Morning Toto".
Thank you for you answers.
Thanks for your answer. Can you elaborate a bit regarding "let dashlet_b.get.html.ftl post something to" ?
In dashlet_b.get.html.ftl you have something like that I guess :
<form id="..." action="" method="POST">
<input id="name" type="text" name="name" value=""/>
<input type="submit" id="send" value="Send" /></form>
When you submit the form it's gonna look for right ? How do you actually tell to send the form to ?
To create these dynamic dashlets it is not enough to use the server side dashlet webscript. You need javascript logic in the browser to notify the other dashlet of changes. This is how Alfresco usually does that:
Browser Javascript Dashlet A:"interDashletMessage",
message: "Hello World."
Browser Javascript Dashlet B:
YAHOO.Bubbling.on("interDashletMessage", function(layer, args) {
var message = args[1].message;
alert(message); // or write it to the dashlets HTML content
This will send the message from dashlet A to dashlet B using a custom event called "interDashletMessage".
If your dashlet B only displays a few messages it could be enough to send the data over using the events. If it is more complex your dashlet A needs to post it's data to the repository first, then trigger the "refresh" event and have dashlet B refresh it's content from the repository. This will involve multiple webscripts you may need to write.
That's quite simple I guess.
Each Dashlet is in fact a webscript. So you can have multiple webscript for different usage. Like I've got dashlet_a.get.html.ftl and
In fact these two are the same webscript, one just acts on a post and the other on get.
So what you could do, is let dashlet_b.get.html.ftl post something to Hence you are submitting value(s) from b to a.
The next step is to refresh dashlet_a, one way is to do a full page refresh, but that's not nice.
Whats better is the following:
In you just set through YUI/JQuery the value of the field which is defined in dashlet_a.get.html.ftl.
Take a look how the default configurable dashlet do it, like the webview. If you put something in the config, the value directly is shown.