Progress and progress all only called twice of JQuery file upload - jquery-file-upload

I am using Jquery file upload basic. To show progress bar I am using 'fileuploadprogressall' event binding
$('#fileupload').fileupload().bind('fileuploadprogressall', function (e, data) {
var progress = parseInt(data.loaded / * 100, 10);
console.log(data.loaded +" "" "+progress);
$('#progress .bar').css(
progress + '%'
It works fine in FF and Chrome and shows the progress. But in IE11 to 9, it is called only two times, one with 0% and another one with 100%.
So the progress bar hides even before the file is actually loaded.
Below is the output of a file with size
DATA loaded total data percentage
271 128584 0
128584 128584 100
Can someone please help to figure out why it is being called only twice?


Qty_percent in strategy.close

what is "Error on bar 1403:invalid percent value. Expected from (0,100], passed 500.00?
I have this error when I setup percent in strategy.close (50%).
This is the string:
strategy.close("Short1", qty.percent= 50 , comment = "Close for 50%")
I have no problem if I setup 50%, but the algo close more early the position, so I would close it at bigger percent.
I try to setup in this method:
But Tradinview notify me the problem 1403.

Drag and drop with pinch zoom doesn't work as expected

In the zoomed mode for pinch-zoom the drag doesn't align properly with the mouse pointer.
I've detailed the problem here:
I expect the drag to work same way irrespective of the zoom.
I saw in version 8 of angular material they have added #Input('cdkDragConstrainPosition')
constrainPosition: (point: Point, dragRef: DragRef) => Point, which will solve my problem as in the zoomed mode I can write a custom logic to map the drag properly with pointer, but I can't upgrade to version 8 as there are other parts of the application with version 7.
So if someone can suggest what can be done? Either somehow the drag can be modified and take into account the current amount of zoom, or if I can take 'cdkDragConstrainPosition' from version 8 of material and integrate into my current packages.
I had to manually calculate the updated coordinates something like this:
Here imageHeight is the width/height of the DOM element and height is the actual image height that was loaded into the DOM element.
item is the DOM element to be moved around.
this.zoomFactorY = this.imageHeight / this.height;
this.zoomFactorX = this.imageWidth / this.width;
// to be called at every position update
const curTransform =, - 1).split(',');
const leftChange = parseFloat(curTransform[0]);
const topChange = parseFloat(curTransform[1]);
and then update the DOM item's location:
item.location.left = Math.trunc(
item.location.left + leftChange * (1 / this.zoomFactorX)
); = Math.trunc( + topChange * (1 / this.zoomFactorY)

adding annotations to pdf using perl

I'm using the perl module PDF::API2::Annotation to add annotations to my pdf files.
There is support to decide where the annot will be created using a rect. Something like this:
$annot->text( $text, -rect => [ 10, 10, 10, 10 ] );
which works fine, but I'm having problem to be accurate on where to put my annotations.
I know the lower left corner of the pdf is (0,0). Let's say i want to put an annotation exactly in the middle of the page, any idea how can i achieve that?
according to this
a pdf is divided to points, and each point is 1/72 inch. and a pdf size is so the middle should be
But thats not even close to the middle.
You can get the size of the page media box and then calculate the middle from that:
# get the mediabox
my ($llx, $lly, $urx, $ury) = $page->get_mediabox;
# print out the page coordinates
say "page mediabox: " . join ", ", $llx, $lly, $urx, $ury;
# output: 0, 0, 612, 792 for the strangely-shaped page I created
# calculate the midpoints
my $midx = $urx/2;
my $midy = $ury/2;
my $annot = $page->annotation;
# create an annotation 20 pts wide and high around the midpoint of the mediabox
$annot->text($text, -rect=>[$midx-10,$midy-10,$midx+10,$midy+10]);
As well as the media box, you can also get the page crop box, trim box, bleed box, and art box:
for my $box ('mediabox', 'cropbox', 'trimbox', 'artbox', 'bleedbox') {
my $get = "get_$box";
say "$box dimensions: " . join ", ", $page->$get;
These are usually all the same unless the document has been set up for professional printing with a bleed area, etc.

gwt firefox getAbsoluteLeft()

I'm seeing a truly weird behavior while trying to set a popup relative to another element in GWT. It seems like setting the popup position (an independent, floating element) changes the answer I get from calls like getAbsoluteRight() or getAbsoluteLeft() for a completely different element, which is static on the page and does not move visually.
I added some print statements to check what was going on, so here is the code:
int position =;
System.out.println("left/right:" + + "/" + + ". sent:" + ( - offsetWidth) + "=" + position);
System.out.println("left/right:" + + "/" + + ". sent:" + ( - offsetWidth) + "=" + position);
System.out.println("left/right:" + + "/" + + ". sent:" + ( - offsetWidth) + "=" + position);
Here is the result on Chrome
Menu displayed, widths: 81/340=340
<td class="hover">Daniel?</td>
left/right:1104/1185. sent:845=845
left/right:1121/1202. sent:862=845
left/right:1121/1202. sent:862=845
<td class="hover">Daniel?</td>
Here is the result on Firefox
Menu displayed, widths: 81/340=340
<td class="hover">Daniel?</td>
left/right:1254/1335. sent:995=995
left/right:1273/1354. sent:1014=995
left/right:1273/1354. sent:1014=995
<td class="hover">Daniel?</td>
so the left/right coordinates of the fixed element suddenly change (X coordinate goes from 1254 to 1273) after calling setPopupPosition(), while the relevant element actually stays in the same place (visually). I really have no idea how it happens as the popup doesn't even know of the existence of that element. Even more, while I can reproduce the error consistently, it does not happen if I switch the popup content...
... incidentally, I compared the coordinates given by firefox with a screenshot of the page, and the return values are not only wrong, but impossible given my screen size (1366x768) and no scrolling.
I could probably try setting the position twice, as the second value is actually the correct one, but I would really like to understand what is going on here...
Many thanks!
The differ is exactly 150 pixels. (May be total of 75 pix in left side)
Have you checked page against:
There's often differences within the margin/padding (also borders in IE).
As i get out of your getAbsoluteRight()-offsetWidth code, you using the td to get absolute right. But setting the position on the popup. This should mean that you have some borders/margins/padding between the popup and the td content.
The getAbsoluteLeft() and getAbsoluteRight() (as well as Top and Bottom) are all calculated based on their parental element's scroll and offset positions.
Also an empty object can often end up in a default width. But as soon as you enter a content, the size adapts to its content.

iphone - Images (slide show) and audio snychronization

I have 20 images and some audio. I would like to show a single image at a time and change the images at (unequal) intervals. For example, I want to show image 1 for 1.44 seconds and image 2 for 1.67 seconds and so on. Can someone suggest how to go about doing this please? What I have seen are examples that show how to setup an array of images with one field that denotes total time. This causes the images to show for an equal amount of time (each). ... and that not what I am looking for ...
Make an NSTimer with some time interval, say 1 second. When the timer fires, figure out how long you want the new slide to remain and use setFireData to set when the next timer should fire.
-(void) timerFired:(NSTimer *)inTimer {
NSTimeInterval timeForSlide = [self advanceToSlideReturningDuration];
if ( timeForSlide > 0 ) [inTimer setFireDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:timeForSlide]];
else [inTimer invalidate]; // the show is over