Qty_percent in strategy.close - pine-script-v5

what is "Error on bar 1403:invalid percent value. Expected from (0,100], passed 500.00?
I have this error when I setup percent in strategy.close (50%).
This is the string:
strategy.close("Short1", qty.percent= 50 , comment = "Close for 50%")
I have no problem if I setup 50%, but the algo close more early the position, so I would close it at bigger percent.
I try to setup in this method:
But Tradinview notify me the problem 1403.


Simulation experiment screen - edit box "action" dynamic change on condition

I have two edit boxes on my simulation experiment screen prior to running the model, one box for a minimum value, and the other for a maximum value.
I want the value within the minimum edit box to be equal to the value within the maximum edit box if the user ever inputs a value that is higher than the latter.
Something like this :
mininum box = 10
maximum box = 15
User tries to do:
minimum box = 20
End result
minumum box = 15
maximum box = 15
I tried this below in the "action" properties of my Edit Box element, but it hasn't worked.
if(min > max){
min = max;
value = Integer.toString(max);
Thank you for your help
Write this in the min-box action code:
if (value >= maxEditbox.getValue()) {

Access VBA to Change an Image in a Continuous Form

I am trying to create a receipt form where people will confirm if they've received the full quantity of an order. As part of this, I want the following to happen:
If they received the full quantity, a green check mark appears
If they received a partial quantity, an orange triangle appears
If they received no items, a red x appears
To accomplish this, I'm using a continuous form with 3 image files for each situation. I'm using the code below to change the image when the quantity is changed. The problem is, when the quantity is change on 1 line, the symbol changes for all lines. I'll post pictures as well.
Any thoughts on how I can fix this?
I'm open to other methods of accomplishing this idea too.
Private Sub FinalQTY_AfterUpdate()
If IsNull(Me.FinalQty) Then
MsgBox "You must enter a quantity for this item"
Exit Sub
LValue = Me.[FinalQty]
If IsNumeric(LValue) = 0 Then
Me.FinalQty = ""
MsgBox "Qty must be a numeric value"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Me.FinalTotalPrice = Me.FinalPrice * Me.FinalQty
If Me.FinalQty = 0 Then
Me.Yes.Visible = False
Me.Change.Visible = False
Me.No.Visible = True
End If
If Me.FinalQty < Me.QTY Then
Me.Yes.Visible = False
Me.Change.Visible = True
Me.No.Visible = False
End If
If Me.FinalQty = Me.QTY Then
Me.Yes.Visible = True
Me.Change.Visible = False
Me.No.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
This is before I adjust the quantity:
This is after I adjust the qty of only the second line:
Since the formatting of each record displayed by a continuous form is inherited from the form design template, any changes to the template will be automatically applied to all records displayed by the form, aside from Conditional Formatting rules in effect or the handful of properties which may changed via the OnPaint event of the Detail section.
One possible alternative might be to add a new field to your table with a data type of OLE Object and populate the value on the AfterUpdate event using the AppendChunk method, sourcing image data from a separate table containing three records corresponding to your green tick, orange triangle, and red cross images.

different RA/Decs returned by pyEphem

I using pyEphem to calculate RA/Decs of satellites and I'm confused by the different
values computed and described on
this bit of code
sat=ephem.readtle("SATNAME ", \
"1 38356U 12030A 14148.90924578 .00000000 00000-0 10000-3 0 5678",\
"2 38356 0.0481 47.9760 0002933 358.9451 332.7970 1.00270012 3866")
gatech = ephem.Observer()
gatech.lon, gatech.lat = '-155.47322222', '19.82561111'
gatech.elevation = 4194
gatech.date = '2014/01/02 07:05:52'
print 'a_ra=',sat.a_ra,'a_dec=',sat.a_dec,'g_ra=',sat.g_ra,'g_dec=',sat.g_dec,'ra=',sat.ra,'dec=',sat.dec
a_ra= 0:52:40.75 a_dec= -3:15:23.7 g_ra= 1:14:10.55 g_dec= 0:06:09.8 ra= 0:53:23.57 dec= -3:10:50.5
if I change JUST the observers location to say
gatech.lon, gatech.lat = '-5.47322222', '19.82561111'
I get
a_ra= 1:15:36.95 a_dec= -2:32:29.9 g_ra= 1:14:10.55 g_dec= 0:06:09.8 ra= 1:16:19.75 dec= -2:28:04.6
I thought the observers position only came into the calculation of sat.ra and sat.dec
so was suprised to see a_ra and a_dec had changed.
What am I missing?
Per the last paragraph of the “body.compute(observer)” section of the Quick Reference:
For earth satellite objects, the astrometric coordinates [meaning a_ra and a_dec] are topocentric instead of geocentric, since there is little point in figuring out where the satellite would appear on a J2000 (or whatever epoch you are using) star chart for an observer sitting at the center of the earth.
And in the issue that has been opened about this behavior, the project is open to suggestions about where this text can appear more prominently to prevent future confusion for users:

PyEphem Rise/Set Azimuths for Stars and Constellations

I can't seem to figure out how to calculate an azimuth of a star, let's say Sirius, when it is at alt=0 (star rise/star set).
So essentially in the end I will have two values.
Sirius.az # star rise
Sirius.az # star set
Is this possible?
Simply check the .az attribute of the star once your observer object has determined the moment of rising or setting. For example:
import ephem
s = ephem.star('Sirius')
boston = ephem.Observer()
boston.lat = '42.37'
boston.lon = '-71.03'
print s.alt, s.az
print s.alt, s.az
Running this script at this moment gives me the encouraging output:
0:00:00.0 112:23:25.2
0:00:00.0 247:36:34.9
As you can see, the rising and setting routines have already established the moment of zero altitude, leaving the azimuth for you to read off and use!

Controlling window position of a Powershell console

This works:
$a = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$a.BackgroundColor = "white"
$a.ForegroundColor = "black"
$size = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.WindowSize
$size.Width = 80
$size.Height = 30
(Get-Host).UI.RawUI.WindowSize = $size
But this doesn't work, and I am not sure how to make it work:
$position = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI.Windowposition
$position.X = 0
$position.Y = 30
(Get-Host).UI.RawUI.Windowposition = $position
The error I get is strange. It complains about "buffer" when I am trying to set external window position:
Exception setting "WindowPosition": "Cannot use the
specified Window X (column) position because it extends
past the width of the screen buffer. Specify another X
position, starting with 0 as the left most column of
the buffer.
The error is not really strange, because WindowPosition Gets and sets the position, in characters, of the view window relative to the screen buffer.
It does not set the position of the Window, but to put it crudely, the position in the buffer that you see through the view of the window. So in your case, you are getting the error because it is outside the buffer.
Unfortunately, setting the position of the window is not simple. There is a snapin for it though - http://wasp.codeplex.com/ ( use Set-WindowPosition)
Take a look at this script: Resize-Console.ps1 – Resize console window/buffer using arrow keys.
It is hopefully useful itself and partially should answer the question (the size part).