Symfony2 - Form with a checkbox column - forms

I'm trying to build an HTML table with some data of an entity, and then, add a column with a checkbox for each row, in order to validate if the precious data is valid or not. After user checks or not each checkbox, I have to update the database table with this info.
As when I build the form I don't know exactly how many checkboxes I have, I pass to twing template an array of entities, and then I buid a new input type"checkbox" at last column for each row.
But when I submit my form (POST method), I'm not able to get this info. $request object doesn't have any of the checkboxes nor form reference. $request->request->all() is getting a null value. How can I get fields of a manual form build in a twig template?

Now It's working. Thanks a lot ($request->request->all() is getting values now). It's a mistery...


How do we POST custom fields from multiple categories in Workfront

I have two custom forms A1,A2,A3 and fields a1,a2,a3 in the forms respectively. I want to create a new project with custom fields from the forms A1, A2. How should we include multiple categoryID in the POST URL
/attask/api/v10.0/PROJ?fields=parameterValues&name=XXX&DE:a1=hello&DE:a2=hello1&categoryID=<A1/A2 category ID - How should i fill it.>
I tried adding this paramter but no luck categoryIDs=5d10971f0022b132ec67f6fb6c60b3a4,5d07244000060f86c04b49527f1
I got the following error "message": "APIModel V10_0 does not support field categoryIDs (Project)"
If you attempt to set a custom field value on an object that does not yet have that field associated to it (no form on the object that contains the field), Workfront will automatically attach an appropriate form. If those forms are the only ones that utilize your fields, you should be able to simply set the field values and be done with it.
However, if you wish to attach specific custom forms without filling out the fields, or if you have a field associated with multiple forms and you want to ensure a specific form is attached, you must first attach the form(s) in one call and then update the fields in another.
To attach a custom form,
PUT <Workfront URL.../<objectID?updates={objectCategories:[{categoryID:`"<custom form ID>`",categoryOrder:<order of form, starting with 0>,objCode:`"CTGY`"}]}
Please note that this will remove any forms not explicitly specified in this call (it does not append) so you'll need to capture any existing forms and re-apply them.
Below API call worked
POST <Workfront URL.../<object>?updates={objectCategories:[{categoryID:`"<custom form ID1>`",categoryOrder:<order of form, starting with 0>,objCode:`"CTGY`"},{categoryID:`"<custom form ID2>`",categoryOrder:<order of form, starting with 0>,objCode:`"CTGY`"}]],name:"`<object_name>`", DE:a1:"hello", DE:a2:"hello1"}

Getting current item ID in SharePoint Infopath form

Can we get the current item ID value while submitting the data in InfoPath form.
I need to use this and concatenate the ID with other field value. Tired "Max(#ID) + 1" function but it wouldn't solve the problem.
I know it can be done using calculated column or workflow.
It needs to be done using InfoPath form ? Is it possible ?
You already figured it out yourself. Im assuming you are trying to use the ID in naming it.
Create a blank field.
Then add that field to your submission naming concat.
Create a receive data connection (assuming you havent) to that library.
On the Submit rule add the query action to that library and a set field action to set that new blank field with max(ID) + 1. Make sure Submit action is last.
That should do it unless Im missing something as I have used this many times!

Cannot see records in form bounded to table in Access

I have a form and it's record source is a table. I created the form separately and added the control sources to the different fields in the form and also changed it's record source. I imported values from an excel sheet into the table and when I open the form, I do not see the tabe values being displayed in the form. Any idea what I should do to see the table records in the form?
In form design mode, check the form's DataEntry property. It sounds like yours is set to Yes, which hides existing records and only allows new entries. Change it to No and you will see the existing records.
Another possibility is that a filter is active and no records match that filter.
Use a form wizard to generate a working form based on your table. Then once you can see the data being displayed in the form, customise as needed.

Inserting rows in form datasource, insert is OK, rows are not visible

Basically, I want to insert rows in the form InventJournalTransfer. I added a menuitem button that calls a class which opens a dialog where I fill a WMSLocationId, then I loop on Inventsum table to get all ItemIds with Available qty for this WMSLocationId and insert them into InventJournalTrans Table.
The code I wrote seems to be working as I have correct records inserted in my table(visible in Table browser, correct journalId, linenum itemId, qty etc...) BUT the records inserted do not appear in my form. I tried to refresh my form with or without code, but my grid's still empty.
I had a look at the class InventCountCreate that does what I want to do in a different journal type, but as I'm quite a newbie it is difficult for me to understand exactly how this class works.
Could anyone explain to me how to display my inserted rows in my form or give other leads?
The InventJournalTrans is table is inner joined to two InventDim, one related via the InventDimId field, the other via ToInventDimId.
Both fields must be filled with a valid InventDimId to an existing InventDim record for the form to show the record.
Have you tried right-clicking on your form's node in the AOT and clicking "Restore"? Perhaps your form is still using cached data.

Symfony 1.4 Form Creater

Need: Ability to dynamically build Forms
Structure (simple idea not actual structure)
Admin: Form Assignment, where you create what field you want your new Form to have
FrontEnd: Where the New form will be implemented (this is the root of this question)
FronEnd Storage: When the New form is filled out the data points are written to a set of tables
The idea is simple enough, Go into Admin, select the fields, fieldType, and Labels you want
Field Name:*Enter a specific field name, like f_name or email
FieldType: [Text, TextArea, Password, Radio, DatePicker, CheckBox, Select, etc]
Label: What to display on the resulting form, f_name = First Name, etc
Then I hit a page on the FrontEnd where the New form is generated, I fill it out and voila the data is stored in the FrontEnd Storage tables.
So the question is, idea's on how to accomplish this, I already have the Admin section done, it's dynamically building and appropriately binding a frontEnd From that I would like advice on.
Currently my idea is to simply make a shell form that is a huge ugly switch statement that builds sfForm elements and appropriate validators for each field (fields given from what was entered in the Admin area)
I feel this is the 'wrong' way to do it, I did find a plugin 'spyFormBuilderInterface2Plugin' which is old and build for propel not doctrine, but this is the basic idea of what I am after. So how would YOU do it?
Please note I am not looking to Dynamically ADD forms to a current form, I can already do this and it's exactly what is implemented in my Admin section, I need to take data a create a whole NEW form programatically
I've created something like you described, just the way you said.
I have a model FormDefinition which defines a form, and has a collection of FormFields. Each form field has a widget_class, widget_options, validator_class and validator_options.
I have a custom myForm which needs a FormDefinition in it's constructor. In the setup() of myForm, I loop through all fields a instantiate the widgets and validators.
Beacuse in our solution, we needed/wanted to store all form data in separate tabels. My myForm extends from sfDoctrineForm, and my backend has some logic which creates/updates the (php) model and database definition, by just calling the appropriate Doctrine methods. But you could also create an EAV store.