Coldfusion return query based on calculated age - date

I've got one site in ColdFusion where the client now wants to get a list of certain users who are over a particular age. Here's my code so far:
<cfset minRefAge = 21 >
<cfquery name="rsReferees" datasource="nbsa">
SELECT ID, userFirstName + ' ' + userLastName AS refName, userTown, userDOB, userAccess
WHERE (dateDiff("yyyy", userDOB, now() ) => #minRefAge#) AND userAccess = 4
userDOB is my date of birth field. When I run it, I get the following error:
The SELECT statement includes a reserved word or an argument name that is misspelled or missing, or the punctuation is incorrect.
I can't spot the error. Could someone help?

Looks like your greater than or equal to sign is backwards. Other than that, your query looks fine to me.
SELECT ID, userFirstName + ' ' + userLastName AS refName, userTown, userDOB, userAccess
WHERE (dateDiff("yyyy", userDOB, now() ) >= #minRefAge#)
AND userAccess = 4
You may also need to put the ref age in quotes: '#minRefAge#'


FOR XML PATH in Postgres

Hi everyone I'm trying convert this code so it works in postgres. I figured I will use to_char(dateinquar:: date, 'mm/dd/yyyy') instead of convert(varchar,dateinquar,101). But I'm not sure what can be used instead of FOR XML PATH? I don't need to generate any XML document. How would I get multiple dates in a single row separated by comma for the case below?
Case d.Closing WHEN 0 THEN NULL WHEN 1 THEN (
substring((SELECT convert(varchar,dateinquar,101) + ', ' FROM PDT_tblAReasons sub
WHERE sub.IDnumber = d.IDnumber and dateoutquar IS NULL
GROUP BY IDnumber,dateinquar FOR XML PATH('')),0,len((
SELECT convert(varchar,dateinquar,101) + ', ' FROM PDT_tblAReasons sub
WHERE sub.IDnumber = d.IDnumber and dateoutquar IS NULL
GROUP BY IDnumber,dateinquar FOR XML PATH('')))-0)) end As [Closing Date]
Thank you

Trying to extract text using CHARINDEX ()- 1 but getting an error

I have a column with Names, and I am trying to split the column into First and Last Name using Text functions such as LEFT/SUBSTRING/CHARINDEX.
Data in the column:
Yang, Jon
Huang, Eugene
Torres, Ruben
Zhu, Christy
Johnson, Elizabeth
Everything works fine as long as I use this code:
--,LEFT([Name], CHARINDEX(' ', [Name])) AS FirstName
,SUBSTRING([Name], 1, CHARINDEX(' ', [Name] )) AS FirstName
But the problem arises when I try to subtract 1 from CHARINDEX to exclude the Comma from the result and it throws this error:
I have done this operation many times in Excel so trying to replicate it with TSQL. Any suggestion on what I am doing wrong is helpful.
You get that error when CHARINDEX(' ', [Name] ) return 0. So minus 1 will make it negative and it is invalid value for substring()
You can use CASE expression to check the return value from CHARINDEX() and return the correct value to substring()
Or, you can "cheat" by using
CHARINDEX( ' ', [Name] + ' ' )
So CHARINDEX() will always return a value that is more than 0

TSQL query to extract a value between to char where a specific set of characters is there

I have a problem I can't seem to figure out. I am trying to extract capacity from a product description. It is always between two values, "," and "oz." however there could be other commas included in the description that are not part of what I'm trying to extract. Example value is , 15 oz., or , 2 oz.,
I'm trying to find values that have the oz in them and are between two commas and I have been completely unsuccessfully. I've tried many things, but here is the latest that I have tried today and I'm just getting an error.
CHARINDEX(',', FullDescription),
- CHARINDEX(',', FullDescription)
+ Len('oz.')
from CatalogManagement.Product
Since the backwards pattern ,.zo is more recognisable, I'd go with the REVERSE function
Sample values:
"something, something more, 18oz., complete"
"shorter, 12oz., remainder"
"there is no capacity, in this, value"
"a bit more, 14oz, and some followups, maybe"
CHARINDEX(',.zo', REVERSE(FullDescription)) + 1,
CHARINDEX(',', REVERSE(FullDescription), CHARINDEX(',.zo', REVERSE(FullDescription)) + 1) - CHARINDEX(',.zo', REVERSE(FullDescription)) - 1
FROM CatalogManagement.Product
WHERE FullDescription LIKE '%oz.,%'
You might use XML-splitting together with a XQuery predicate:
INSERT INTO #tbl VALUES('Here is one with an amount, 1 oz., some more text')
,('Here is one with no amount, some more text')
,('a, 10 oz.')
,('b, 20oz., no blank between oz and the number')
,('30oz., starts with the pattern, no leading comma');
,A.oz.value('.','nvarchar(max)') oz
FROM #tbl t
CROSS APPLY(SELECT CAST('<x>' + REPLACE((SELECT t.YourString AS [*] FOR XML PATH('')),',','</x><x>') + '</x>' AS XML)
.query('/x[contains(text()[1],"oz.")]')) A(oz);
The idea in short:
We use some string methods to replace commas with XML tags and to cast your string to XML. each fragment is placed within a decent <x> element.
We use a predicate to return just the fragments containing "oz.".
You can filter easily with
WHERE LEN(A.oz.value('.','nvarchar(max)'))>0

How to fetch doctype eg: address or tax rule

I want to fetch the doctype. How do I do this? I want to add a separate column which will give doctype such as sales order, purchase order etc. The first line gives me error what query should be fired. Please help I am new to ERP Next.
AD.ref_doctype AS “Doctype:Link/User:120”, AS “Doc#:Link/Doctype:120”,
AD.owner AS “Created By:Link/User:120”,
AD.modified AS “Modified On:Date:120”
FROM tabAddress AS AD
DATEDIFF(now(),AD.modified) BETWEEN 1 AND 30
SELECT AS “Doc#:Link/Doctype:120”,
TR.owner AS “Created By:Link/User:120”,
TR.modified AS “Modified On:Date:120”
FROM tabTax Rule AS TR
DATEDIFF(now(),TR.modified) BETWEEN 1 AND 30
SELECT AS “Doc#:Link/Doctype:120”,
IT.owner AS “Created By:Link/User:120”,
IT.modified AS “Modified On:Date:120”
FROM tabItem AS IT
DATEDIFF(now(),IT.modified) BETWEEN 1 AND 30
It isn't completely clear to me what you mean by docType field.
Are you wanting a result like this?
Doctype:Link/User:120|Doc#:Link/Doctype:120|Created By:Link/User:120|Modified On:Date:120|
Email Account |Jobs |Administrator | 2019-12-04 06:07:55|
Email Account |Notifications |Administrator | 2019-12-01 05:25:53|
Email Account |Replies |Administrator | 2019-12-01 05:25:53|
Email Account |Sales |Administrator | 2019-12-04 06:07:55|
Email Account |Support |Administrator | 2019-12-04 06:07:55|
Here's the select :
set #docType = "Email Account";
#tabDocType AS `Doctype:Link/User:120`, AS `Doc#:Link/Doctype:120`,
AD.owner AS `Created By:Link/User:120`,
AD.modified AS `Modified On:Date:120`
FROM `tabEmail Account` AS AD
Note the backticks on the field aliases! All these have different meanings in SQL:
The last one, backtick, is used to refer to database entities. You were trying to use “Doctype:Link/User:120” with double quotes, which declare plain text. Using backtick converts the alias into a db entity which can be referred to from elsewhere.
MariaDb doesn't allow the use of variables as table names directly, but you can do it using prepared statements, like this:
set #docType = "Email Account";
set #tabDocType = CONCAT('tab', #docType);
SET #sql_text = concat('
"', #docType, '" AS `Doctype:Link/User:120`
, AS `Doc#:Link/Doctype:120`
, AD.owner AS `Created By:Link/User:120`
, AD.modified AS `Modified On:Date:120`
FROM `', #tabDocType, '` as AD;
PREPARE stmt FROM #sql_text;
The table name is now also specified by a variable, created from concatenation of 'tab' with the docType declared before.
You get the same result as above but -- you avoid accidentally changing the table name in one place but not in the other when editing some time in the future.
to fetch doctype name you have to give the linked doctype name, For example,
select as "IT No:Link/IT:120"

UPDATE table via join in SQL

I am trying to normalize my tables to make the db more efficient.
To do this I have removed several columns from a table that I was updating several columns on.
Here is the original query when all the columns were in the table:
UPDATE myActDataBaselDataTable
set [Correct Arrears 2]=(case when [Maturity Date]='' then 0 else datediff(d,convert(datetime,#DataDate, 102),convert(datetime,[Maturity Date],102)) end)
from myActDataBaselDataTable
Now I have removed [Maturity Date] from the table myActDataBaselDataTable and it's necessary to retrieve that column from the base reference table ACTData, where it is called Mat.
In my table myActDataBaselDataTable the Account number field is a concatenation of 3 fields in ACTData, thus
myActDataBaselDataTable.[Account No]=ac.[Unit] + ' ' + ac.[ACNo] + ' ' + ac.[Suffix]
(where ac is the alias for ACTData)
So, having looked at the answers given elsewhere on SO (such as 1604091: update-a-table-using-join-in-sql-server), I tried to modify this particular update statement as below, but I cannot get it right:
UPDATE myActDataBaselDataTable
set dt.[Correct Arrears 2]=(
case when ac.[Mat]=''
then 0
else datediff(d,convert(datetime,'2014-04-30', 102),convert(datetime,ac.[Mat],102))
from ACTData ac
inner join myActDataBaselDataTable dt
ON dt.[Account No]=ac.[Unit] + ' ' + ac.[ACNo] + ' ' + ac.[Suffix]
I either get an Incorrect syntax near 'From' error, or The multi-part identifier "dt.Correct Arrears 2" could not be bound.
I'd be grateful for any guidance on how to get this right, or suugestiopns about how to do it better.
BTW, when I run the below as a SELECT it returns data with no errors:
select case when [ac].[Mat]=''
then 0
else datediff(d,convert(datetime,'2014-04-30', 102),convert(datetime,[ac].[Mat],102))
from ACTData ac
inner join myActDataBaselDataTable dt
ON dt.[Account No]=ac.[Unit] + ' ' + ac.[ACNo] + ' ' + ac.[Suffix]
In a join update, update the alias
update dt
What is confusing is that in later versions of SQL you don't need to use the alias in the update line