How to fetch doctype eg: address or tax rule - erpnext

I want to fetch the doctype. How do I do this? I want to add a separate column which will give doctype such as sales order, purchase order etc. The first line gives me error what query should be fired. Please help I am new to ERP Next.
AD.ref_doctype AS “Doctype:Link/User:120”, AS “Doc#:Link/Doctype:120”,
AD.owner AS “Created By:Link/User:120”,
AD.modified AS “Modified On:Date:120”
FROM tabAddress AS AD
DATEDIFF(now(),AD.modified) BETWEEN 1 AND 30
SELECT AS “Doc#:Link/Doctype:120”,
TR.owner AS “Created By:Link/User:120”,
TR.modified AS “Modified On:Date:120”
FROM tabTax Rule AS TR
DATEDIFF(now(),TR.modified) BETWEEN 1 AND 30
SELECT AS “Doc#:Link/Doctype:120”,
IT.owner AS “Created By:Link/User:120”,
IT.modified AS “Modified On:Date:120”
FROM tabItem AS IT
DATEDIFF(now(),IT.modified) BETWEEN 1 AND 30

It isn't completely clear to me what you mean by docType field.
Are you wanting a result like this?
Doctype:Link/User:120|Doc#:Link/Doctype:120|Created By:Link/User:120|Modified On:Date:120|
Email Account |Jobs |Administrator | 2019-12-04 06:07:55|
Email Account |Notifications |Administrator | 2019-12-01 05:25:53|
Email Account |Replies |Administrator | 2019-12-01 05:25:53|
Email Account |Sales |Administrator | 2019-12-04 06:07:55|
Email Account |Support |Administrator | 2019-12-04 06:07:55|
Here's the select :
set #docType = "Email Account";
#tabDocType AS `Doctype:Link/User:120`, AS `Doc#:Link/Doctype:120`,
AD.owner AS `Created By:Link/User:120`,
AD.modified AS `Modified On:Date:120`
FROM `tabEmail Account` AS AD
Note the backticks on the field aliases! All these have different meanings in SQL:
The last one, backtick, is used to refer to database entities. You were trying to use “Doctype:Link/User:120” with double quotes, which declare plain text. Using backtick converts the alias into a db entity which can be referred to from elsewhere.
MariaDb doesn't allow the use of variables as table names directly, but you can do it using prepared statements, like this:
set #docType = "Email Account";
set #tabDocType = CONCAT('tab', #docType);
SET #sql_text = concat('
"', #docType, '" AS `Doctype:Link/User:120`
, AS `Doc#:Link/Doctype:120`
, AD.owner AS `Created By:Link/User:120`
, AD.modified AS `Modified On:Date:120`
FROM `', #tabDocType, '` as AD;
PREPARE stmt FROM #sql_text;
The table name is now also specified by a variable, created from concatenation of 'tab' with the docType declared before.
You get the same result as above but -- you avoid accidentally changing the table name in one place but not in the other when editing some time in the future.

to fetch doctype name you have to give the linked doctype name, For example,
select as "IT No:Link/IT:120"


T-sql: Highlight invoice numbers if they occur in a payment description field

I have two sql-server tables: bills and payments. I am trying to create a VIEW to highlight the bill numbers if they occur in the payment description field. For example:
|bllID | bllNum |
| -------- | -------- |
| 1 | qwerty123|
| 2 | qwerty345|
| 3 | 1234 |
TABLE payments
|paymentID | description |
| -------- | ---------------------------------- |
| 1 | payment of qwerty123 and qwerty345 |
I want to highlight both the 'qwerty123' and 'qwerty345' strings by adding html code to it. The code I have is this:
SELECT REPLACE(payments.description,
FROM bll
WHERE COALESCE(bll.bllNum, '') <> '' AND
PATINDEX('%' + bll.bllNum + '%', payments.description) > 0), ''),
'<font color=red>' +
FROM bll
WHERE COALESCE(bll.bllNum, '') <> '' AND
PATINDEX('%' + bll.bllNum + '%', payments.description) > 0), '') +
FROM payments
This works but only for the first occurrence of a bill number. If the description field has more than one bill number, the consecutive bill numbers are not highlighted. So in my example 'qwerty123' gets highlighted, but not 'qwerty345'
I need to highlight all occurrences. How can I accomplish this?
With the caveat that this is not a task best done in the database, one possible approach you could try is to use string_split to break your description into words and then join this to your Bills, doing your string manipulation on matching rows.
Note, according to the documentation, string_split is not 100% guaranteed to retain its correct ordering but always has in my usage. It could always be substituted for an alternative function to work on the same principle.
select string_agg (w.word,' ') [Description]
from (
case when exists (select * from bill b where b.billnum=s.value)
then Concat('<font colour="red">',s.value,'</font>') else s.value end word
from payments p
cross apply String_Split(description,' ')s
Example DB Fiddle
Okay, I understand, I can put code in the front-end application by looping through the bill numbers and replacing them as they are found in the description. Just thought/ hoped there was a simple solution to this using t-sql. But I understand the difficulty.

To check if last name is part of first name

I am working on Data standardization rules, and one of the rules says, "If the last name is part of first name, then remove the last name from first name".
my Query- how do i check if first name column has the last name in it using oracle sql developer?
I tried using :
select fst_nm, lst_nm from emp where fst_nm = fst_nm || lst_nm ;
but this query returns '0' results.
Also, I tried another query:
select fst_nm, lst_nm, regexp_substr(fst_nm, '[^ ]+',1,1) from emp ;
I tried using the below query
select fst_nm, lst_nm from emp where fst_nm = fst_nm || lst_nm ;
but this query returns nothing, I mean '0' results.
Also, I tried another query:
select fst_nm, lst_nm, regexp_substr(fst_nm, '[^ ]+',1,1) from emp ;
expected result is:
fst_nm = john smith ;
lst_nm = smith
Actual result showing up is :
fst_nm = john ;
lst_nm = smith
Please help
You should be able to just do a blanket replace on the entire table:
SET fst_nm = REPLACE(fst_nm, lst_nm, '');
The reason this should work is that for those records where the last name does not appear as part of the first name, the replace would have no effect. Otherwise, the last name would be stripped from the first name.
You can use below logic
select length('saurabh rai'),instr('saurabh rai',' '),case when length('saurabh rai') > instr('saurabh rai',' ') then substr('saurabh',1,instr('saurabh rai',' ')-1) else 'saurabh rai' end as a from dual;
Update emp set fst_nm=(Case when length(fst_nm) > instr(fst_nm, ' ') then substr(fst_nm,1,instr(fst_nm,' ')-1) else fst_nm end);

PHP: extract comma separated values from MySQL

my table is:
id | id_fruit | name
I want to extract all name where id_fruit=1 and print them in a form field as values in this way:
orange, apple, banana, ananas
I've tried
select concat_ws(', ', name) from fruits where id_fruit=1 but doesn't work.
Ho can I do it? thanks!
User Group_Contact function in mysql
Select group_concat(name) from my table where fruit_id=1
I think you misunderstood the concat_ws() use.
MySQL documentation about this function explains you must give every argument to join at once.
So you sql statement has no effect.
As Raja says, you can go with your back-end programming language (such as php, python or whatever you use).
You just select without the concat_ws and do the join on the back-end side.
It seems concat_ws() main use is to concat two fields from the same entry in mysql, such as the firstname and lastname (fields) for example of the same user (entry).
Simply through PHP, you can do like that!
You can while loop all the names like this.
$in = 0;
$fruits = "";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($exeutedquery)){
if($i == 0){
$fruits += $row['name'];
$fruits += ",".$row['name'];
(select ',' + name
ID in (1,2,3)

SQL Give me the name of all the people that I sent the same file

I have a table that includes the userID that sent the file, the userID that the file was sent to, the filename and the date it was sent.!6/855cc6
I'm trying to get a statement that returns one row per filename sent with the list of records (one per file sent) with the names of the people I sent it to at the end of the row
Something like this:
01/08/2014 | "main doc" | "Jon P, Mike S, Ron W"
04/04/2014 | "other doc" | "Jon P, Mike S"
10/10/2014 | "last doc" | "Ron W"
(where the date is the oldest instance of the DateSent datetime field).
Sorry I don't know how to create functions in sqlfiddler so let's assume that there is a scalar function named "GetName(UserID)" that returns a name of the user passed as parameter. It returns one row only.
You can use FOR XML PATH to concatenate values like this:
SELECT CONCAT(',', t1.SentToUserID) --maybe GetName(t1.SentToUserID)
FROM FileSent t1
WHERE t1.FileName = t2.FileName AND t1.DateSent = t2.DateSent AND t1.UserID = t2.UserID
ORDER BY t1.FileName
), 2, 1000
) [SentFiles]
FROM FileSent t2
Sample SQL Fiddle (two slightly different versions).
To get just the minimum date you can use MIN(DateSent) and GROUP BY on FileName and UserId
MIN(DateSent) DateSent,
FROM FileSent T1
WHERE t1.FileName = t2.FileName AND t1.UserID = t2.UserID
),1,1,'' ) [SentFiles]
FROM FileSent T2
GROUP BY FileName, UserID
SQL Fiddle for this.

Error when executing query with variables in sp_send_dbmail

I am trying to send emails individually to a list of recipients. I am receiving the error:
Msg 22050, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
Error formatting query, probably invalid parameters
Msg 14661, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_send_dbmail, Line 478
Query execution failed: Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Server xxxxxx, Line 1
The multi-part identifier "" could not be bound.
Here is a simplified version of my code, asssuming table1 is a valid existing table and name and email are existing columns.
declare #current_mailaddress varchar(50), #query varchar(1000)
set #current_mailaddress = ''
set #query = 'select distinct name, email from table1
where email = ' + #current_email
exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
#recipients = #current_email,
#subject = 'test',
#query = #query
So according to the error, the formatting (of presumably the #query) is wrong. I can't figure it out. Any ideas?
You need to put the value of #current_email in quotes:
'SELECT ... WHERE email = ''' + #current_email + ''''
To see why, consider what your query currently looks like without it:
SELECT ... WHERE email =
Any time you work with dynamic SQL, it's a good idea to PRINT the variable for debugging if you get a strange error; it's usually the case that the SQL string you've built is not the one you're expecting. I suggested an easy way to manage debugging code in another, unrelated answer.