Shared folder in owncloud - owncloud

whe you share a folder (named shareFolder) to the user2 and then when you log in as user2 you can see the shareFolder into "Shared" folder in my home, how can I change the name of this folder ?, thanks

ownCloud 7 will get rid of the shared folder; instead, shared files are identified with the overlay icon representing “shared with me”. (If users are upgrading, they can continue to use the Shared folder they already have.)
ownCloud 7 will be released on July 23rd 2014. Have a look at this page:


How to prevent Powershell Modules being installed into OneDrive

My $env:PSModulePath has ended up containing OneDrive:
C:\Users\jack\OneDrive\Documents\PowerShell\Modules;C:\Program Files\PowerShell\Modules;c:\program files\powershell\7\Modules;C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules
But I don't want all my Modules being synced to the cloud.
According to the docs:
The user-specific CurrentUser location on Windows is the PowerShell\Modules folder located in the Documents location in your user profile ... Microsoft OneDrive can also change the location of your Documents folder.
So that explains how the Modules ended up there. But how do I fix it?
I can modify $env:PSModulePath but this will only allow pwsh to find more modules I think. It won't change the default path for installing new modules for CurrentUser.
P.S. I face the same problem with the Update-Help when it saves help locally... OneDrive :-(
Perhaps the information in this thread on Reddit, could be of help.
Here's a snip from one of the answers, talking about excluding certain folders:
You can accomplish this by opening the OneDrive settings on your PC.
Go to OneDrive settings
Click the Account tab
Click "Choose Folders" and then cherry pick the folders you want to

typo3 directory is not writable

I am moving a typo3 based webserver and after copying the files and databases, I get an error in the Installation tool:
Directory /typo3conf/ext is not writable
There are others, too. I copied them as root, so they are flagged as owned by root:root. Do I have to set them to my accessing user or is there another problem?
If you need to determine which user you have to use with apache/nginx, just let them create a file. (Installtool -> fix folder structure -> this will create some folders)
After you created you can see which user/group you need.
This might be helpful:
Sebastian ;)
There are others, too. I copied them as root, so they are flagged as owned by root:root. Do I have to set them to my accessing user or is there another problem?
Oh yes :-) Never let root own anything that is facing public. Your apache/nginx user might be named www-data or similar. Make sure that it is that user, that owns the files and folder and have write access to it

XAMPP - how to set root folder of website in htdocs?

I installed XAMPP and created simple website (a folder 'website' in htdocs folder) that contains a link Info.
If I type localhost/website in browser I get a default homepage. But if I click the link, it goes to localhost/info (which does not exist), instead of localhost/website/info. I could use <a href="/website/info">, but it would be weird to refactor all the links when changing site name.
So what is the usual setting or solution that people uses when developing sites in XAMPP?
You have to change DocumentRoot in httpd.conf file to folder. In your example where you have website directory.
For more sites, you have to have more hosts and then set virtual hosts.
Here is link how to do that in Win. But point is the same in all OS.

AppSrv01 doesnt have write permission

i know that the default profile name when i installed websphere was Appsrv01, I want to create my own AppSrv02 but the location of my IBM Websphere was in C: and i dont have any write permission, i dont have any admin rights also..
using COMMAND-LINE, I want to make my profile folder to be writable, so that my newly created AppSrv02 will be list down in the profile names in my RAD.
Please help me. Thanks
So that's your problem. In order to have a usable profile in WAS, your user must have write permissions. See this link from WAS ND infocenter, it applies to WAS standalone too.
If you cannot change the write permissions to this profile, you'll need to create your own. For this, you can either use WAS Profile Management Tool, WAS CLI or you can create your profile using the Configure profiles... link in the WAS server creation wizard you posted. I'd use the RAD way because RAD validates, within the IDE, the proper permissions that you need to create and use the profile within RAD.
First check whether you have admin rights or not if your using User/Guest profile, by creating any new folder in C drive where IBM WAS is installed.
If you have Admin rights, than right click on RAD run as administrator. It should work fine.
If Profile doesnt show up in drop down, Configure new profile and try checking that way.
If you dont have Admin rights better install RAD in any local drive other than C
Running Eclipse with Admin rights and removing the read-only tick for the AppServXX folder/WAS folder couldn't help me... cause I copied the WAS server from another PC :). So for those of you who want to move / migrate your development environment:
I did a search inside the copied WAS, Eclipse and the project's workspace folder for their old paths (with Total Commander, feed the results into a list) and dragged all the files (except the log ones) into my editor (NotePad++) and did a replace in all open documents for the new paths. It's a bit lucrative, but it took only 10 minutes for me and afterwards the WAS server in Eclipse showed the correct profile and it also did start up well.

How to remove a folder created by old version of application with files during upgrade in advanced installer

Many thanks in advance, I am using advanced installer 12.1, the scenario is we have already installed application with some custom location feature and is extends the default application location, this installation creates some folders to store temporary files like "Temporary" folder, this folder is used by the application on every minute basis and hence there are some files in this folder, now issue is when i run a new build or try to install the new version of the application, i again select the another custom location, before finishing the installation the installer deleting all the folders installed with older version but not deleting the folders which contains files created by the application e.g the temporary directory above is deleted if it is empty but when it is non-empty it is not removed.
Solution i tried:
1) I used file Removal tool to remove the file, but i think it point the current location and not pointing the older application path.
2) A custom VB script, but again the same issue as #1
3) I tried uninstall cleanup wizard, result #1
Please guide me how i can delete that folder, any help would be appreciated.