How to log into my auto-created PayPal developer sandbox account? - paypal

On the Developer portal, PayPal automatically created a sandbox account for me with the email address of This account is working fine - I can use its API key, pay to it from my manually created buyers account etc.
I just don't know how to log into this account on When I try to use my standard PayPal password it doesn't work.

It should the same password as your LIVE account.
If it does not work, try to change the password in>Applications->Sandbox Accounts->Profile->Change Password.


sandbox paypal integration

I am trying to integrate the paypal sandbox using the paypal developer link.
I have searched many examples. But the sandbox paypal( is totally different from
In sandbox has the Merchant id, user id, password and signature.
how to i find out the "demo_sandbox_client_id"?
Is Merchant ID is same as client id?
To get the client_ID, you need to make an app in Remember that you need a sandbox business account to be able to make an app, and for that, you can log in to the developer website with any personal or business paypal account. You then need to follow the link there to connect your sandbox business account to your developer account (by logging in with your sandbox credentials in
Go to
Sign in using your email account.
Under Dashboard > My apps and credentials > REST API apps
Create an app (if not yet existing)
Click the app, then use the clientID as the sandbox ID
To know which account to use to pay, go to right menu > SANDBOX > Accounts
Copy the email with the buyer keyword. Change the password.
To check if the sandboxId works, use this site (supply the sandbox key with the clientId)

How can I verify sandbox merchant account in PayPal?

I am integrating the Paypal payment gateway standard in my website. I have made all the setup configuration and the transaction goes through well, but the problem is that I can't verify the email.
Kindly suggest how can I verify the email in sandbox account.
I have confirmed/verified your email address in the backend.
In Future, it is recommended to create the sandbox accounts from where the created sandbox accounts
would be already verified (if you have checked Bank verified account option as Yes)
To confirm your email, check your dashboard and look into your email notifications where you see email confirmation link.

Can't login with Paypal Sandbox account

I'm working on setting up a Drupal commerce website with Paypal support for which I have registered a business Paypal account. Now, with the business Paypal account, I have created sandbox accounts for testing, they show up like and under
but If I either try to run through a payment example and try to use for the buyer account, it doesn't let me sign in nor does paypal let me sign into my facilitator account when I click the Enter Sandbox site link on my Sandbox test accounts page. Why is this, what am I missing?
Thank you!
ASorry, I didn't describe:
nor does paypal let me sign into my facilitator account
means that I get the following message when I enter the email plus the password from my business account:
Please make sure you enter your email address and password correctly. If you still can't log in, please see the Troubleshooting Tips below.
Turns out I had to manually create a facilitator and a buyer account by pressing the button CREATE ACCOUNT, the ones that were automatically created didn't let me sign-in but once I created my own accounts, things started working as expected!
Thanks for everyone's time spent on this issue!
It turns that paypal default facilitator and buyer accounts doesn't have a password. You have to go to the profile settings and hit change password for both -facilitator# and -buyer#. Then it will work as expected.
I had the same issue. Turns out I was logging my merchant and buyer sandbox accounts to .Make sure you log in your sandbox accounts to This worked for me.

Not login to paypal sandbox account

I had a paypal test account. After changing the paypal website we can't login to the paypal test account. But we can pay using this test account from our site. We can't access the paypal account for getting payment details. How can we access the account
When you create your account at the new site it will walk you through importing any sandbox accounts you had previously configured at
If for some reason that doesn't seem to be working for you and that account just isn't giving you what you need you could just create a new one from within your developer account and use that instead.

how to login in personal test account

i have made an account on and after that create a personal account and a business account now i want to test these account to make a transaction on sandbox but on sandbox there is a problem that i can't get access to login as personal account and as business account i used the email address and password of my personal account and business account . how i can do test on paypal sandbox ?
I am also passing through these phases, anyway after just logged in at with your paypal acount that you created at, you will found an an application menu there, and on the left side you will found sandbox_accounts, paypal will automatically create your merchant account, this merchant account will be used as a seller in paypal api, and you personal account will be used for transaction like payment.