PowerShell Function within Array Comprehension - powershell

I am parsing all logins for a Windows system ($system). I'm trying to get a tuple/array of domain, user, session id.
$logged_on_users = Get-WmiObject Win32_LoggedOnUser -ComputerName $system
I'm then calling the type's function to pull out two variables (Antecedent and Depedent) within each value:
$all_user_sessions = #()
foreach ($x in $logged_on_users){
$t = #()
$t += $x.GetPropertyValue("Antecedent").tostring()
$t += $x.GetPropertyValue("Dependent").tostring()
$all_user_sessions += $t
What is the syntax for a one-line Array Comprehension (if it's even possible)? I have:
$all_user_sessions = ($logged_on_users | % { #($_.GetPropertyValue("Antecedent").tostring(), $_.GetPropertyValue("Dependent").tostring() ) })
When I add
foreach ($s in $all_user_sessions){
echo $s.GetType().FullName
The type is a String, not an Array.

This is going to sound a little weird, but you need to add a comma before the array in your ForEach-Object loop:
$all_user_sessions = ($logged_on_users | % { ,#($_.GetPropertyValue("Antecedent").tostring(), $_.GetPropertyValue("Dependent").tostring() ) })
As your code is written you're adding everything to a single array. Placing the comma like that will create an array (actually an object) of each index.


Powershell - output a foreach loop to one line

I am trying to take the output of my foreach loop and apply the array to a string that reads on one line. Here is my code so far:
$upper = 65..90
$lower = 97..122
foreach ($i in $upper)
foreach ($i in $lower)
I'm guessing I need to convert the output of the scriptblock to a variable and use the -join option, but everywhere I look I'm struggling to find how to structure that. Any guidance would be appreciated.
For this particular case, ForEach(type convertToType) is very useful, here is a cool way to get your lower and upper case dictionary string:
$lowerDict = [string]::new(([int][char]'a'..[int][char]'z').ForEach([char]))
$upperDict = $lowerDict.ToUpper()
If you have access to PowerShell Core, it can be reduced to:
$lowerDict = [string]::new('a'..'z')
$upperDict = $lowerDict.ToUpper()
As for what you are struggling on, how to do it with what you currently have (a foreach loop). You can capture all the output from the loop first:
$upper = foreach ($i in 65..90) { [char]$i }
Now, $upper is an array of chars, then to convert it to string, you can either use -join (guessed right) or [string]::new(...) as I did on my previous example:
$upperDict = -join $upper
# OR
$upperDict = [string]::new($upper)

Passing a Array of information to a separate script in powershell

I have a script that grabs a series of information from SQL. It then parses the information and passes it to a series of arrays. I want to then pass each array to a separate script.
I've seen Start-job should be able to do this but form my testing it didn't seem to work. This is what I have tried. Each Script individually works, and I am currently just using CVS's to pass the information.
Once the information is in the script I need to be able to call specific properties from each object. I did get it to just print the array as a string, but I couldn't call anything specific.
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $Q1 -ServerInstance $I -Database $DB | Export-Csv "$Files\Employees.csv"
$emps = Import-Csv "$Files\Employees.csv"
$newaccounts = #()
$deacaccounts = #()
$changedusers = #()
if(Test-Path -Path "$Files\Employees.csv"){
foreach ($emp in $emps) {
if ($emp.emp_num.trim() -ne $emp.EmpNum) {
$newaccounts += $emp
if ($emp.emp_num.trim() -eq $emp.EmpNum) {
if ($emp.fname -ne $emp.GivenName -and $emp.lname -ne $emp.SurName) {
$deacaccounts += $emp
$newaccounts += $emp
else ($emp.dept -ne $emp.DepartmentNumber -or $emp.job_title -ne $emp.JobTitle) {
$changedusers += $emp
Start-job -path "script" -argumentlist (,$deacaccounts)
Start-job -path "script" -argumentlist (,$changedusers)
Start-job -path "script" -argumentlist (,$newaccounts )
The Information passed to the scripts would be multiple lines of employee data. I need to be able to grab that info in the "Sub" scripts and perform actions based on them.
Deacaccounts =
If you really need background jobs - it turns out that you don't - note that Start-Job doesn't have a -Path parameter; you'd have use -ScriptBlock { & "$script" } instead.
To simply invoke the script in the foreground, in sequence, use the following (script representing your .ps1 file path(s)):
& "script" $deacaccounts
& "script" $changedusers
& "script" $newaccounts
Note: &, the call operator, is only needed if the script / executable path is quoted and/or contains variable references (or subexpresions); e.g., a script with path c:\foo\bar.ps1 may be invoked without &; e.g.
c:\foo\bar.ps1 $deacaccounts
Note that your script(s) will receive a single argument each, containing an array of values.
If instead, you wanted to pass the array elements as individual (positional) arguments, you'd have to use splatting, where you use sigil # instead of $ to pass your variable (e.g.,
& "script" #deaccounts).
If you need to enumerate the arrays and pass each object individually as a parameter, use the following:
foreach ($obj in $deaccounts) { & "script" $obj }
foreach ($obj in $changedusers) { & "script" $obj }
foreach ($obj in $newaccounts) { & "script" $obj }
If each object should be splatted positionally based on its property values:
foreach ($obj in $deaccounts) {
$vals = $obj.psobject.Properties.Value
& "script" #vals
# ... ditto for $changeduser and $newaccounts
If each object should be splatted by property names, based on both property names and values, you need to convert each object to a hashtable first:
foreach ($obj in $deaccounts) {
$params = #{}
foreach ($prop in $obj.psobject.Properties) {
$params[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value
& "script" #params
# ... ditto for $changeduser and $newaccounts
As an aside: Incrementally extending arrays in a loop with += is inefficient, because a new array must be created behind the scenes in every iteration, because arrays are of fixed size.
In general, a much more efficient approach is to use a foreach loop as an expression and let PowerShell itself collect the outputs in an array: [array] $outputs = foreach (...) { ... } - see this answer.
In case you need to create arrays manually, e.g to create multiple ones, such as in your case, use an efficiently extensible list type, such as [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]] - see this answer.

PS Object unescape character

I have small error when running my code. I assign a string to custom object but it's parsing the string by itself and throwing an error.
foreach ($item in $hrdblistofobjects) {
[string]$content = Get-Content -Path $item
[string]$content = $content.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "")
#here is line 43 which is shown as error as well
foreach ($object in $listofitemsdb) {
$result = $content -match $object
$OurObject = [PSCustomObject]#{
ObjectName = $null
TestObjectName = $null
Result = $null
$OurObject.ObjectName = $item
$OurObject.TestObjectName = $object #here is line 52 which is other part of error
$OurObject.Result = $result
$Resultsdb += $OurObject
This code loads an item and checks if an object exists within an item. Basically if string part exists within a string part and then saves result to a variable. I am using this code for other objects and items but they don't have that \p part which I am assuming is the issue. I can't put $object into single quotes for obvious reasons (this was suggested on internet but in my case it's not possible). So is there any other option how to unescape \p? I tried $object.Replace("\PMS","\\PMS") but that did not work either (this was suggested somewhere too).
$Resultsdb = #(foreach ($item in $hrdblistofobjects) {
[string]$content = Get-Content -Path $item
[string]$content = $content.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "")
foreach ($object in $listofitemsdb) {
ObjectName = $item
TestObjectName = $object
Result = $content -match $object
$Resultsdb is not defined as an array, hence you get that error when you try to add one object to another object when that doesn't implement the addition operator.
You shouldn't be appending to an array in a loop anyway. That will perform poorly, because with each iteration it creates a new array with the size increased by one, copies all elements from the existing array, puts the new item in the new free slot, and then replaces the original array with the new one.
A better approach is to just output your objects in the loop and collect the loop output in a variable:
$Resultsdb = foreach ($item in $hrdblistofobjects) {
foreach ($object in $listofitemsdb) {
ObjectName = $item
TestObjectName = $object
Result = $content -match $object
Run the loop in an array subexpression if you need to ensure that the result is an array, otherwise it will be empty or a single object when the loop returns less than two results.
$Resultsdb = #(foreach ($item in $hrdblistofobjects) {
Note that you need to suppress other output on the default output stream in the loop, so that it doesn't pollute your result.
I changed the match part to this and it's working fine $result = $content -match $object.Replace("\PMS","\\PMS").
Sorry for errors in posting. I will amend that.

Concatenating a variable and a string literal without a space to an array using PowerShell

I'm trying add to a variable and a string in an array dynamically but i'm not getting expected output.
(1) I'm getting env name
(2) Concatinating the string and variable in an array
Code is as follows.
$env = $env:COMPUTERNAME.Substring(0,2)
$servers = { $env+"server1.test.com",$env+"server2.test.com" }
$serverCount = $servers -split(",") | measure | % { $_.Count }
For ($i=0; $i -lt $serverCount; $i++)
$ServerName = $servers -split(',') -replace '\[\d+\]'
$server = $ServerName[$i]
Write-Host $server
output i'm getting as
Values are not getting concatenated properly and variable value is not getting displayed. Any help.
$servers = { $env+"server1.test.com",$env+"server2.test.com" }
This is a scriptblock, not an array. {} is like a function, you have to run it for it to do anything (such as evaluating $env).
When you force it into a string using -split(",") what you get is text representation of the source code in the scriptblock, including the variable names.
As #Olaf comments, the right way to create an array of names is
$servers = ($env + "server1.test.com"), ($env + "server2.test.com")
This might be how I'd write it:
$env = $env:COMPUTERNAME.Substring(0,2)
"server1.test.com", "server2.test.com" | foreach-object {
"$env$_" -replace '\d+'

Powershell array of arrays loop process

I need help with loop processing an array of arrays. I have finally figured out how to do it, and I am doing it as such...
$serverList = $1Servers,$2Servers,$3Servers,$4Servers,$5Servers
$serverList | % {
% {
Write-Host $_
I can't get it to process correctly. What I'd like to do is create a CSV from each array, and title the lists accordingly. So 1Servers.csv, 2Servers.csv, etc... The thing I can not figure out is how to get the original array name into the filename. Is there a variable that holds the list object name that can be accessed within the loop? Do I need to just do a separate single loop for each list?
You can try :
$1Servers = "Mach1","Mach2"
$2Servers = "Mach3","Mach4"
$serverList = $1Servers,$2Servers
$serverList | % {$i=0}{$i+=1;$_ | % {New-Object -Property #{"Name"=$_} -TypeName PsCustomObject} |Export-Csv "c:\temp\$($i)Servers.csv" -NoTypeInformation }
I take each list, and create new objects that I export in a CSV file. The way I create the file name is not so nice, I don't take the var name I just recreate it, so if your list is not sorted it will not work.
It would perhaps be more efficient if you store your servers in a hash table :
$1Servers = #{Name="1Servers"; Computers="Mach1","Mach2"}
$2Servers = #{Name="2Servers"; Computers="Mach3","Mach4"}
$serverList = $1Servers,$2Servers
$serverList | % {$name=$_.name;$_.computers | % {New-Object -Property #{"Name"=$_} -TypeName PsCustomObject} |Export-Csv "c:\temp\$($name).csv" -NoTypeInformation }
Much like JPBlanc's answer, I kinda have to kludge the filename... (FWIW, I can't see how you can get that out of the array itself).
I did this example w/ foreach instead of foreach-object (%). Since you have actual variable names you can address w/ foreach, it seems a little cleaner, if nothing else, and hopefully a little easier to read/maintain:
$1Servers = "apple.contoso.com","orange.contoso.com"
$2Servers = "peach.contoso.com","cherry.contoso.com"
$serverList = $1Servers,$2Servers
$counter = 1
foreach ( $list in $serverList ) {
$fileName = "{0}Servers.csv" -f $counter++
"FileName: $fileName"
foreach ( $server in $list ) {
"-- ServerName: $server"
I was able to resolve this issue myself. Because I wasn't able to get the object name through, I just changed the nature of the object. So now my server lists consist of two columns, one of which is the name of the list itself.
$1Servers = += [pscustomobject] #{
Servername = $entry.Servername
Domain = $entry.Domain
$serverList = $usaServers,$devsubServers,$wtencServers,$wtenclvServers,$pcidevServers
Then I am able to use that second column to name the lists within my foreach loop.