Passing a Array of information to a separate script in powershell - powershell

I have a script that grabs a series of information from SQL. It then parses the information and passes it to a series of arrays. I want to then pass each array to a separate script.
I've seen Start-job should be able to do this but form my testing it didn't seem to work. This is what I have tried. Each Script individually works, and I am currently just using CVS's to pass the information.
Once the information is in the script I need to be able to call specific properties from each object. I did get it to just print the array as a string, but I couldn't call anything specific.
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $Q1 -ServerInstance $I -Database $DB | Export-Csv "$Files\Employees.csv"
$emps = Import-Csv "$Files\Employees.csv"
$newaccounts = #()
$deacaccounts = #()
$changedusers = #()
if(Test-Path -Path "$Files\Employees.csv"){
foreach ($emp in $emps) {
if ($emp.emp_num.trim() -ne $emp.EmpNum) {
$newaccounts += $emp
if ($emp.emp_num.trim() -eq $emp.EmpNum) {
if ($emp.fname -ne $emp.GivenName -and $emp.lname -ne $emp.SurName) {
$deacaccounts += $emp
$newaccounts += $emp
else ($emp.dept -ne $emp.DepartmentNumber -or $emp.job_title -ne $emp.JobTitle) {
$changedusers += $emp
Start-job -path "script" -argumentlist (,$deacaccounts)
Start-job -path "script" -argumentlist (,$changedusers)
Start-job -path "script" -argumentlist (,$newaccounts )
The Information passed to the scripts would be multiple lines of employee data. I need to be able to grab that info in the "Sub" scripts and perform actions based on them.
Deacaccounts =

If you really need background jobs - it turns out that you don't - note that Start-Job doesn't have a -Path parameter; you'd have use -ScriptBlock { & "$script" } instead.
To simply invoke the script in the foreground, in sequence, use the following (script representing your .ps1 file path(s)):
& "script" $deacaccounts
& "script" $changedusers
& "script" $newaccounts
Note: &, the call operator, is only needed if the script / executable path is quoted and/or contains variable references (or subexpresions); e.g., a script with path c:\foo\bar.ps1 may be invoked without &; e.g.
c:\foo\bar.ps1 $deacaccounts
Note that your script(s) will receive a single argument each, containing an array of values.
If instead, you wanted to pass the array elements as individual (positional) arguments, you'd have to use splatting, where you use sigil # instead of $ to pass your variable (e.g.,
& "script" #deaccounts).
If you need to enumerate the arrays and pass each object individually as a parameter, use the following:
foreach ($obj in $deaccounts) { & "script" $obj }
foreach ($obj in $changedusers) { & "script" $obj }
foreach ($obj in $newaccounts) { & "script" $obj }
If each object should be splatted positionally based on its property values:
foreach ($obj in $deaccounts) {
$vals = $obj.psobject.Properties.Value
& "script" #vals
# ... ditto for $changeduser and $newaccounts
If each object should be splatted by property names, based on both property names and values, you need to convert each object to a hashtable first:
foreach ($obj in $deaccounts) {
$params = #{}
foreach ($prop in $obj.psobject.Properties) {
$params[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value
& "script" #params
# ... ditto for $changeduser and $newaccounts
As an aside: Incrementally extending arrays in a loop with += is inefficient, because a new array must be created behind the scenes in every iteration, because arrays are of fixed size.
In general, a much more efficient approach is to use a foreach loop as an expression and let PowerShell itself collect the outputs in an array: [array] $outputs = foreach (...) { ... } - see this answer.
In case you need to create arrays manually, e.g to create multiple ones, such as in your case, use an efficiently extensible list type, such as [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]] - see this answer.


Powershell Array Output to html

Apologies if this is irrelevant but I'm new to powershell and I've been scratching my head on this for a few days on and off now. I'm trying to write a script that will output two columns of data to a html document. I've achieved most of it by learning through forums and testing different combinations.
The problem is although it gives me the result I need within powershell itself; it will not properly display the second column results for Net Log Level.
So the script looks at some folders and pulls the * value which is always three digits (this is the Site array). It then looks within each of these folders to the Output folder and grabs a Net Log Level node from a file inside there. The script is correctly listing the Sites but is only showing the last value for Net Log Level which is 2. You can see this in the screenshot above. I need this to take every value for each Site and display as appropriate. The image of the incorrect result is below. I need the result to be 1,4,2,2,2. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
function getSite {
Get-ChildItem C:\Scripts\ServiceInstalls\*\Output\'Config.exe.config' | foreach {
$Site = $_.fullname.substring(27, 3)
[xml]$xmlRead = Get-Content $_
$NetLogLevel = $xmlRead.SelectSingleNode("//add[#key='Net Log Level']")
$NetLogLevel = $NetLogLevel.value
New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
$List1 += #([System.Collections.ArrayList]#($Site))
New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
$List2 += #([System.Collections.ArrayList]#($NetLogLevel))
$Results = #()
ForEach($Site in $List1){
$Results += [pscustomobject]#{
"Site ID" = $Site
"Net Log Level" = $NetLogLevel
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Property 'Site','Net Log Level' | Set-Content Output.html
Invoke-Item "Output.html"
Restructure your code as follows:
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Scripts\ServiceInstalls\*\Output\Config.exe.config' |
ForEach-Object {
$site = $_.fullname.substring(27, 3)
[xml]$xmlRead = Get-Content -Raw $_.FullName
$netLogLevel = $xmlRead.SelectSingleNode("//add[#key='Net Log Level']").InnerText
# Construct *and output* a custom object for the file at hand.
[pscustomobject] #{
'Site ID' = $site
'Net Log Level' = $netLogLevel
} | # Pipe the stream of custom objects directly to ConvertTo-Html
ConvertTo-Html | # No need to specify -Property if you want to use all properties.
Set-Content Output.html
As for what you tried:
New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList in effect does nothing: it creates an array-list instance but doesn't save it in a variable, causing it to be enumerated to the pipeline, and since there is nothing to enumerate, nothing happens.
There is no point in wrapping a [System.Collections.ArrayList] instance in #(...): its elements are enumerated and then collected in a regular [object[]] array - just use #(...) by itself.
Using += to "grow" an array is quite inefficient, because a new array must be allocated behind the scenes every time; often there is no need to explicitly create an array - e.g. if you can simply stream objects to another command via the pipeline, as shown above, or you can let PowerShell itself implicitly create an array for you by assigning the result of a pipeline or foreach loop as a whole to a variable - see this answer.
Also note that when you use +=, the result is invariably a regular [object[] array, even if the RHS is a different collection type such as ArrayList.
There are still cases where iteratively creating an array-like collection is necessary, but you then need to use the .Add() method of such a collection type in order to grow the collection efficiently - see this answer.
Instead of populating two separate lists, simply create the resulting objects in the first loop:
function getSite {
$Results = Get-ChildItem C:\Scripts\ServiceInstalls\*\Output\'Config.exe.config' | ForEach-Object {
$Site = $_.fullname.substring(27, 3)
[xml]$xmlRead = Get-Content $_
$NetLogLevel = $xmlRead.SelectSingleNode("//add[#key='Net Log Level']")
$NetLogLevel = $NetLogLevel.value
"Site ID" = $Site
"Net Log Level" = $NetLogLevel
$Results | ConvertTo-HTML -Property 'Site', 'Net Log Level' | Set-Content Output.html
Invoke-Item "Output.html"

Change nested property of an object dynamically (eg: $_.Property.SubProperty) [duplicate]

Say I have JSON like:
"a" : {
"b" : 1,
"c" : 2
Now ConvertTo-Json will happily create PSObjects out of that. I want to access an item I could do $json.a.b and get 1 - nicely nested properties.
Now if I have the string "a.b" the question is how to use that string to access the same item in that structure? Seems like there should be some special syntax I'm missing like & for dynamic function calls because otherwise you have to interpret the string yourself using Get-Member repeatedly I expect.
No, there is no special syntax, but there is a simple workaround, using iex, the built-in alias[1] for the Invoke-Expression cmdlet:
$propertyPath = 'a.b'
# Note the ` (backtick) before $json, to prevent premature expansion.
iex "`$json.$propertyPath" # Same as: $json.a.b
# You can use the same approach for *setting* a property value:
$newValue = 'foo'
iex "`$json.$propertyPath = `$newValue" # Same as: $json.a.b = $newValue
Caveat: Do this only if you fully control or implicitly trust the value of $propertyPath.
Only in rare situation is Invoke-Expression truly needed, and it should generally be avoided, because it can be a security risk.
Note that if the target property contains an instance of a specific collection type and you want to preserve it as-is (which is not common) (e.g., if the property value is a strongly typed array such as [int[]], or an instance of a list type such as [System.Collections.Generic.List`1]), use the following:
# "," constructs an aux., transient array that is enumerated by
# Invoke-Expression and therefore returns the original property value as-is.
iex ", `$json.$propertyPath"
Without the , technique, Invoke-Expression enumerates the elements of a collection-valued property and you'll end up with a regular PowerShell array, which is of type [object[]] - typically, however, this distinction won't matter.
Note: If you were to send the result of the , technique directly through the pipeline, a collection-valued property value would be sent as a single object instead of getting enumerated, as usual. (By contrast, if you save the result in a variable first and the send it through the pipeline, the usual enumeration occurs). While you can force enumeration simply by enclosing the Invoke-Expression call in (...), there is no reason to use the , technique to begin with in this case, given that enumeration invariably entails loss of the information about the type of the collection whose elements are being enumerated.
Read on for packaged solutions.
The following packaged solutions originally used Invoke-Expression combined with sanitizing the specified property paths in order to prevent inadvertent/malicious injection of commands. However, the solutions now use a different approach, namely splitting the property path into individual property names and iteratively drilling down into the object, as shown in Gyula Kokas's helpful answer. This not only obviates the need for sanitizing, but turns out to be faster than use of Invoke-Expression (the latter is still worth considering for one-off use).
The no-frills, get-only, always-enumerate version of this technique would be the following function:
# Sample call: propByPath $json 'a.b'
function propByPath { param($obj, $propPath) foreach ($prop in $propPath.Split('.')) { $obj = $obj.$prop }; $obj }
What the more elaborate solutions below offer: parameter validation, the ability to also set a property value by path, and - in the case of the propByPath function - the option to prevent enumeration of property values that are collections (see next point).
The propByPath function offers a -NoEnumerate switch to optionally request preserving a property value's specific collection type.
By contrast, this feature is omitted from the .PropByPath() method, because there is no syntactically convenient way to request it (methods only support positional arguments). A possible solution is to create a second method, say .PropByPathNoEnumerate(), that applies the , technique discussed above.
Helper function propByPath:
function propByPath {
[Parameter(Mandatory)] $Object,
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $PropertyPath,
$Value, # optional value to SET
[switch] $NoEnumerate # only applies to GET
Set-StrictMode -Version 1
# Note: Iteratively drilling down into the object turns out to be *faster*
# than using Invoke-Expression; it also obviates the need to sanitize
# the property-path string.
$props = $PropertyPath.Split('.') # Split the path into an array of property names.
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Value')) { # SET
$parentObject = $Object
if ($props.Count -gt 1) {
foreach ($prop in $props[0..($props.Count-2)]) { $parentObject = $parentObject.$prop }
$parentObject.($props[-1]) = $Value
else { # GET
$value = $Object
foreach ($prop in $props) { $value = $value.$prop }
if ($NoEnumerate) {
, $value
} else {
Instead of the Invoke-Expression call you would then use:
propByPath $obj $propertyPath
# GET, with preservation of the property value's specific collection type.
propByPath $obj $propertyPath -NoEnumerate
propByPath $obj $propertyPath 'new value'
You could even use PowerShell's ETS (extended type system) to attach a .PropByPath() method to all [pscustomobject] instances (PSv3+ syntax; in PSv2 you'd have to create a *.types.ps1xml file and load it with Update-TypeData -PrependPath):
'Deserialized.System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject' |
Update-TypeData -TypeName { $_ } `
-MemberType ScriptMethod -MemberName PropByPath -Value { #`
[Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $PropertyPath,
Set-StrictMode -Version 1
$props = $PropertyPath.Split('.') # Split the path into an array of property names.
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Value')) { # SET
$parentObject = $this
if ($props.Count -gt 1) {
foreach ($prop in $props[0..($props.Count-2)]) { $parentObject = $parentObject.$prop }
$parentObject.($props[-1]) = $Value
else { # GET
# Note: Iteratively drilling down into the object turns out to be *faster*
# than using Invoke-Expression; it also obviates the need to sanitize
# the property-path string.
$value = $this
foreach ($prop in $PropertyPath.Split('.')) { $value = $value.$prop }
You could then call $obj.PropByPath('a.b') or $obj.PropByPath('a.b', 'new value')
Note: Type Deserialized.System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject is targeted in addition to System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject in order to also cover deserialized custom objects, which are returned in a number of scenarios, such as using Import-CliXml, receiving output from background jobs, and using remoting.
.PropByPath() will be available on any [pscustomobject] instance in the remainder of the session (even on instances created prior to the Update-TypeData call [2]); place the Update-TypeData call in your $PROFILE (profile file) to make the method available by default.
[1] Note: While it is generally advisable to limit aliases to interactive use and use full cmdlet names in scripts, use of iex to me is acceptable, because it is a built-in alias and enables a concise solution.
[2] Verify with (all on one line) $co = New-Object PSCustomObject; Update-TypeData -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject -MemberType ScriptMethod -MemberName GetFoo -Value { 'foo' }; $co.GetFoo(), which outputs foo even though $co was created before Update-TypeData was called.
This workaround is maybe useful to somebody.
The result goes always deeper, until it hits the right object.
$json=(Get-Content ./json.json | ConvertFrom-Json)
$search.split(".")|% {$result=$result.($_) }
You can have 2 variables.
$json = '{
"a" : {
"b" : 1,
"c" : 2
}' | convertfrom-json
$a,$b = 'a','b'

Initialize hashtable from array of objects?

I'm brand new to powershell, as in less than a day experience. I have an array of objects returned from a Get-ADUser call. I will be doing a lot of lookups so thought it best to build a hashtable from it.
Is there a shorthand way to initialize the hashtable with this array and specify one of the object's attributes to use as a key?
Or do I have to loop the whole array and manually add to the set?
$adSet = #{}
foreach ($user in $allusers) {
$adSet.add($user.samAccountname, $user)
[...] do I have to loop
... the whole array ...
You don't have to materialize an array and use a loop statement (like foreach(){...}), you can use the pipeline to turn a stream of objects into a hashtable as well, using the ForEach-Object cmdlet - this might prove faster if the input source (in the example below, that would be Get-Service) is slow:
$ServiceTable = Get-Service |ForEach-Object -Begin { $ht = #{} } -Process { $ht[$_.Name] = $_ } -End { return $ht }
The block passed as -Begin will execute once (at the beginning), the block passed to -Process will execute once per pipeline input item, and the block passed to -End will execute once, after all the input has being recevied and processed.
With your example, that would look something like this:
$ADUserTable = Get-ADUser -Filter * |ForEach-Object -Begin { $ht = #{} } -Process { $ht[$_.SAMAccountName] = $_ } -End { return $ht }
Every single "cmdlet" in PowerShell maps onto this Begin/Process/End lifecycle, so generalizing this pattern with a custom function is straightforward:
function New-LookupTable {
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
begin {
# initialize table
$lookupTable = #{}
process {
# populate table
foreach($object in $InputObject){
$lookupTable[$object.$Property] = $object
end {
return $lookupTable
And use like:
$ADUserTable = Get-ADUser |New-LookupTable -Property SAMAccountName
See the about_Functions_Advanced document and related help topics for more information about writing advanced and pipeline-enabled functions

PowerShell: Invoking a script block that contains underscore variable

I normally do the following to invoke a script block containing $_:
$scriptBlock = { $_ <# do something with $_ here #> }
$theArg | ForEach-Object $scriptBlock
In effect, I am creating a pipeline which will give $_ its value (within the Foreach-Object function invocation).
However, when looking at the source code of the LINQ module, it defines and uses the following function to invoke the delegate:
# It is actually surprisingly difficult to write a function (in a module)
# that uses $_ in scriptblocks that it takes as parameters. This is a strange
# issue with scoping that seems to only matter when the function is a part
# of a module which has an isolated scope.
# In the case of this code:
# 1..10 | Add-Ten { $_ + 10 }
# ... the function Add-Ten must jump through hoops in order to invoke the
# supplied scriptblock in such a way that $_ represents the current item
# in the pipeline.
# Which brings me to Invoke-ScriptBlock.
# This function takes a ScriptBlock as a parameter, and an object that will
# be supplied to the $_ variable. Since the $_ may already be defined in
# this scope, we need to store the old value, and restore it when we are done.
# Unfortunately this can only be done (to my knowledge) by hitting the
# internal api's with reflection. Not only is this an issue for performance,
# it is also fragile. Fortunately this appears to still work in PowerShell
# version 2 through 3 beta.
function Invoke-ScriptBlock {
param (
begin {
# equivalent to calling $ScriptBlock.SessionState property:
$SessionStateProperty = [ScriptBlock].GetProperty('SessionState',([System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'NonPublic,Instance'))
$SessionState = $SessionStateProperty.GetValue($ScriptBlock, $null)
process {
$NewUnderBar = $InputObject
$OldUnderBar = $SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('_')
try {
$SessionState.PSVariable.Set('_', $NewUnderBar)
$SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript($SessionState, $ScriptBlock, #())
finally {
$SessionState.PSVariable.Set('_', $OldUnderBar)
This strikes me as a bit low-level. Is there a recommended, safe way of doing this?
You can invoke scriptblocks with the ampersand. No need to use Foreach-Object.
$scriptblock = {## whatever}
& $scriptblock
#(1,2,3) | % { & {write-host $_}}
To pass parameters:
$scriptblock = {write-host $args[0]}
& $scriptblock 'test'
$scriptBlock = {param($NamedParam) write-host $NamedParam}
& $scriptBlock -NamedParam 'test'
If you're going to be using this inside of Invoke-Command, you could also usin the $using construct.
$test = 'test'
$scriptblock = {write-host $using:test}

PowerShell Function within Array Comprehension

I am parsing all logins for a Windows system ($system). I'm trying to get a tuple/array of domain, user, session id.
$logged_on_users = Get-WmiObject Win32_LoggedOnUser -ComputerName $system
I'm then calling the type's function to pull out two variables (Antecedent and Depedent) within each value:
$all_user_sessions = #()
foreach ($x in $logged_on_users){
$t = #()
$t += $x.GetPropertyValue("Antecedent").tostring()
$t += $x.GetPropertyValue("Dependent").tostring()
$all_user_sessions += $t
What is the syntax for a one-line Array Comprehension (if it's even possible)? I have:
$all_user_sessions = ($logged_on_users | % { #($_.GetPropertyValue("Antecedent").tostring(), $_.GetPropertyValue("Dependent").tostring() ) })
When I add
foreach ($s in $all_user_sessions){
echo $s.GetType().FullName
The type is a String, not an Array.
This is going to sound a little weird, but you need to add a comma before the array in your ForEach-Object loop:
$all_user_sessions = ($logged_on_users | % { ,#($_.GetPropertyValue("Antecedent").tostring(), $_.GetPropertyValue("Dependent").tostring() ) })
As your code is written you're adding everything to a single array. Placing the comma like that will create an array (actually an object) of each index.