How to Create a Multi-Column Custom Content Element - typo3

I'm trying to create a custom two-column content element in Typo3 Neos. I'm aware that Neos is shipped with multi-column functionality, but for this particular case I need to create my own custom content element.
So far I've been able to create one of the columns (see below gist for code). However, as soon as I try to add the second column, the page just turns blank and no further changes can be made.
1 column activated (working properly):
2 columns activated (not working):
Any idea why that is happening, or how to solve this / build a multi-column custom content element in Neos?

I found the solution! I simply had to execute the following flow command to create the missing node:
./flow node:autocreatechildnodes --node-type Daniel.MultiColumn:TwoCol


How to implement new item of sap.m.Table in Fiori?

I want to implement new item(row) in sap.m.Table. In Add Items section of Fiori guideline, it looks like this:
Here is my Demo
I have three questions:
How to add the new row to the first item of the table?
How to "highlighted it with a visual indicator"? (the left blue part in design)
Why addOneRow function did not work before setModel? Is it because data binding refresh the table or sth.?
1- The way I addressed this problem in several project is by using 2 tables : first tables only contains one fixed row and the second one is binded to an array. When clicking the 'add' button in the first table it resets the first table content and adds an item to the second table binding
2- the hightlight property is on the items. example:
<ColumnListItem type="Detail" highlight="Error">
if you use my solution from #1 you might use it only on first table
3- you're totally right, this is also why you should put your 'addOneRow' in the 'onAfterRendering' callback to make sure your last row (that you likely always want) is always displayed.
(btw if you use solution from #1 you simply dont need it anymore)

Is there any way to make markdown tables sortable?

I'd like to write my table in markdown text, but allow it to be sortable on github after its been rendered(simple asc/desc sorting by clicking on the column header.
Any way to do this?
Table sort is not supported in Github flavored markdown but one alternative is to use user script such as Github Sort Content
It's very easy to install, for instance from Chrome :
install Tampermonkey
install Github Sort Content from Greasyfork
Then tables from markdown pages can be sorted like :
A possible alternative is offered with GitLab 15.4 (September 2022):
Sortable, filterable data-driven tables in Markdown
Working with tables in Markdown can be a bit cumbersome. Not only is it difficult to figure out the correct number of pipes and empty cells, but the table output is static when you save your document. If you have to sort the table by the third column in an ascending order, you end up rewriting the whole thing.
Now you can insert data-driven tables using JSON syntax as follows:
In the rendered table, you can also enable:
Sorting for specific fields using "sortable": true
Dynamic filtering of data using "filter" : true
Now it’s as simple as a click when you have to re-sort that 100-row table and as easy as a web search when you have to find that one issue reference lost in a sea of nearly identical URLs.
See Documentation and Merge Request.
There are some Chrome plugins that do this, including HTML Table Auto Sort that I've used that toggles ascending/descending sort when clicking on a column header.

Sencha GXT3 - Grid Column Header: Doubleclick Handler between two column headers

I have the following problem:
customer wants Excel like behaviour on a table. When double-clicking on the space between two column-headers, the column should be sized like the biggest text inside that column.
Question: Is there a build in GXT function to add a Handler to the space between two column headers? I havent found sth. like that, browsing the documentation of grid...
Additional Information: GXT: 3.0.1 GWT: 2.5.1
Thank you very much!
No, it doesn't seem GXT exposes any handlers for actions on the column separators. A possible solution would be to have a option in the column drop down. There is an aricle about that here:

Customizing the Content Report Table Macro

I have been using the content report table macro, which has been working. Ideally, I only want to list content matching certain labels, and lock in an alphabetical sort order and not show the content author.
I have not been successful in figuring out a way to do this just yet.
Is there a way to just edit the source code for that macro and create a "new one"? I'm struggling to find any useful documentation out there.
Any suggestions are appreciated!
I was also interested on doing this some days ago. Unfortunately, the Content Report Table Macro only have very limited parameters which are very strict. However, the way I succeeded to display only certain properties from the pages and present them in a tabular way (in Confluence 5.8) was with the combination of the macros Page Properties and Page Properties Report, both of them linked by a unique label. I'll break it down below.
1. Set up of properties you want to track
Create a page.
Add the Page Properties macro (no need to specify an ID)
Within the macro just add a table with all the properties you need to keep track of, similar to this:
Important, this is what links the two macros together: Add a label to the recently created page.
2. Display properties in main page
Add Page Properties Report macro. Specify label used across all the already created pages. Also specify the space (I just love this part). In here you also add custom fields (some fields from Content Reports are here). In Options you can specify which properties to display (columns to show), also the sorting order (in my case I'm sorting by the property ID that I added to each page).
Note: if you just want to remove the content author this can even be done easier: no need to add any property, just specify the label of your pages and add the fields you need to show and sorting order.
Hope this helps.

Selecting different columns in SWT Table, using JFace TableViewer

I have a 2-column SWT Table that uses TableViewer. Trouble is that I can only select (and edit) cells in the first column -- clicking on the second column does nothing.
I read from somewhere (lost the link) that there's no easy way to get such functionality (!) -- you're supposed to mess around with several extra concepts if you want to select (and edit) different columns in your table.
This snippet
seems to be relevant, but it's not clear which part of it is necessary and it has depenendencies to other snippets. I tried to get it working but it did nothing.
Seems that new table editing and cell-selecting features were added in Eclipse 3.3 -- is there a tutorial or smth available on how to use them? The snippets are too cryptic for me.
You should be able to edit and select cells independently. You might have the SWT.FULL_SELECTION style bit set on the Table constructor. That forces every selection to span the whole row instead of a single cell.
I'd check out this tutorial for more on TableViewers: