Is there any way to make markdown tables sortable? - github

I'd like to write my table in markdown text, but allow it to be sortable on github after its been rendered(simple asc/desc sorting by clicking on the column header.
Any way to do this?

Table sort is not supported in Github flavored markdown but one alternative is to use user script such as Github Sort Content
It's very easy to install, for instance from Chrome :
install Tampermonkey
install Github Sort Content from Greasyfork
Then tables from markdown pages can be sorted like :

A possible alternative is offered with GitLab 15.4 (September 2022):
Sortable, filterable data-driven tables in Markdown
Working with tables in Markdown can be a bit cumbersome. Not only is it difficult to figure out the correct number of pipes and empty cells, but the table output is static when you save your document. If you have to sort the table by the third column in an ascending order, you end up rewriting the whole thing.
Now you can insert data-driven tables using JSON syntax as follows:
In the rendered table, you can also enable:
Sorting for specific fields using "sortable": true
Dynamic filtering of data using "filter" : true
Now it’s as simple as a click when you have to re-sort that 100-row table and as easy as a web search when you have to find that one issue reference lost in a sea of nearly identical URLs.
See Documentation and Merge Request.

There are some Chrome plugins that do this, including HTML Table Auto Sort that I've used that toggles ascending/descending sort when clicking on a column header.


Merge columns with identical values in a smart table (responsive table)

Is it possible to merge duplicates in a sapui5 smart table?
In a smarttable (with a responsive table) we are grouping values by supplier and would like to merge duplicated values into one cell to get a better readability of the responsive table.
Outside of Fiori elements (smarttable) this can be done in the column definition in XML using mergeDuplicates: true.
Should be possible to merge duplicates via SAP UI5 Visual Editor, the properties of controls are available there.
Not all properties are subject to change. Only properties that have been enabled for editing may be changed.

Conditional Formatting in Microsoft Word 2016 Table Cells

I have a table and it is for a test plan I am doing for a project, there is a column at the end of the table where the 2 values in it will be Y (passed the criteria) or N (didn't pass the criteria)
Is there a way in Microsoft Word to change the colour of the text on the row with the value of N at the end, this makes it easier to spot the places where it failed the criteria.
I know you can do the find and replace method but I was wondering if there was a way to do this automatically so when the user enters N it changes the whole row to red and when they enter Y it changes it back to normal.
Here is a screenshot of my table:
A point in the right direction to an article I may have missed or a direct answer would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
I see four ways you can go from here:
Either you create a VBA Macro which automatically jumps in once you change something in your document and updates the table. This will force you to save the document with the file extension *.docm.
Or you create two styles (of type character) which automatically format the table Cell and it's content as you like. You would need to guide the users how to use those styles by advising them or you could also provide separate buttons within your document to call a macro which would apply those styles. Also here the macro option would force you to save the document with the file extension *.docm.
Another option would be to use a Word document with an OLE Microsoft Excel object. The drawback is the users would need to know how to use this embedded Excel object.
The third way you could go is to use Microsoft Excel and use the inbuilt Conditional Formatting of Excel. If you need the results to be in a Word document you would still be able to copy the table back to Word.
I especially mention the document file extension *.docm because this can cause your document to appear dangerous when you send it by email. Perform a google search to read more about Microsoft Office documents containing macros.

Search SharePoint Foundation 2013 Picture Library by terms defined in Keywords field

Since Term Store functionality (and probably most of metadata functionality) isn't available in SharePoint Foundation 2013, I couldn't find a way to search through the pictures using some sort of tagging. Thus I decided to employ something what is available already in Foundation version.
When you edit the picture, you can see 3 fields: Title, Description and Keywords like so:
It would be nice if I could make Search index terms (tags) added to the Keywords field. However, after some testing I saw that only Title is indexed and presented in search results. Although I could use my search terms in Title field, it won't be elegant.
So, is there any way to make use of Keywords entity in my case? Please note, it's a Foundation version, so there is no Enterprise Keywords functionality either (or at least I couldn't find one).
OK, so I used this kind of workaround in the end:
Went to my Picture Libraly's Settings
Chose to create a new column (this can also be done in Site Settings > Site Columns, if you want to reuse it for more sites)
Called the column Primary Tags
Chose Single line of text option, because multiple lines option cannot be indexed
Because single line option is limited to 255 characters, I repeated steps 2-4 to create another column and named it Secondary Tags
Then went to Indexed Columns page and added those 2 new columns to the index
Now I have Title, Primary Tags and Secondary Tags indexed fields available for each picture with a total of 765 characters available.

How to Create a Multi-Column Custom Content Element

I'm trying to create a custom two-column content element in Typo3 Neos. I'm aware that Neos is shipped with multi-column functionality, but for this particular case I need to create my own custom content element.
So far I've been able to create one of the columns (see below gist for code). However, as soon as I try to add the second column, the page just turns blank and no further changes can be made.
1 column activated (working properly):
2 columns activated (not working):
Any idea why that is happening, or how to solve this / build a multi-column custom content element in Neos?
I found the solution! I simply had to execute the following flow command to create the missing node:
./flow node:autocreatechildnodes --node-type Daniel.MultiColumn:TwoCol

Word Mail Merge Fields

I have not worked with Mail Merge fields before and everything I find requires you to select a data source prior to be able to insert merge fields. All I want to do is place fields on the word document and not merge it down until its consumed by the code. I essentially am creating document templates. How is this done in word?
As Noah said, it is probably easiest to set up a dummy data source containing the available fields, especially if you haven't worked with Mail Merge before.
However, Word fields can be created completed manually. Press Alt+I and then F (on an English Word) to open the Insert Fields dialog (For Word XP/2003 you will find the same in the Insert menu, for Word 2007 the dialog is available from the Insert tab of the ribbon under Quick Parts). In this dialog you can select the mail merge fields and specify all relevant options, e.g. a field of type MergeField.
If you know the field code (and the relevant options) you can also insert the field directly by pressing Ctrl+F9 followed by the field code (Note that you can toggle the display of field codes using Alt+F9). This is a very convenient - albeit advanced - way when creating templates.
I would follow this Microsoft article. If you don't have the data source available, I would simply create a dummy Excel/Access/data source with the fields that you will have. Word prefers to know what fields are available and you can change the source once your template document is built.