Running j on Chrome OS - chroot

I'm trying to run jconsole on Chrome OS. In both the chroot of Ubuntu that I have installed, and the normal Chrome OS shell, I receive the following error on both the 32- and 64-bit versions:
-bash: ./jconsole: cannot execute binary file
I'm not the best with UNIX systems, so I'm wondering if anyone can help me figure out why I can't run this on either Chrome OS or the ubuntu chroot.

Not that I can claim credit for this answer, but Eric Iverson recently suggested on the J forums that the best way to do this was to install a J server on a Unix server and then use a browser to access the server using the JHS frontend (works in any modern browser). It does require extra equipment and I expect that you had hoped that there was a version of J that would work in the Chrome OS, but when one of the developers of the language says run a browser in the Chrome OS and point it at a unix server running the J engine, I'd try that if you have not already.
Reference in J general forum:

Short version
If you already installed successfully hopefully it's just a syntax error:
jconsole instead of ./jconsole
Long version
IMPORTANT: You have to be in the chroot to run any regular Linux programs. The Chrome OS shell (crosh) doesn't allow installing anything as far as I know.
I'm on Chrome OS, using a chroot via crouton and playing with j801, including jconsole.
Since I have a 1st-gen Samsung ARM Chromebook, I downloaded the armhf version. If you're using an Intel-based device, pick something else, maybe linux32
use dpkg -i j801_armhf.deb to install to ~/j801
(optional but recommended) make a symlink /usr/bin/jc -> /path/to/j801/bin/jconsole to easily start jconsole from any directory.
See the installation instructions for more detail.


develop vscode extension on remote host

I am trying to create an extension. The catch is that I am doing this on a server to which I am connected with the ssh extension.
I am using yo for the boilerplate and I follow the basic steps here to create a hello world project.
When I launch the debugger with F5, a new VS Code instance on the remote server is launched, but the extension is not installed in that instance. I am also not able to execute the command.
As side-information, this is a raspberry Pi, so its 32 bit arm.
So the question is, is this generally possible to develop extensions on a Remote Host and if so, could the issue be related to the architecture of the Pi?
I could probably delete this question, but I will answer instead, maybe one day someone has the same problem.
When running yo code, the generated manifest will mark the extension as compatible with the latest VS Code engine. This may or may not be the version that is actually installed on your system.
"engines": {
"vscode": "^1.56"
For this example, the version is 1.56. When I check for the installed version I see its 1.55.2 though.
$ code -v
When setting the engine in the manifest to at max the version in your system, it works as described in my question above.
Logically, if the version is too high, the extension won't be installed in any workspace.
I found this page also helpful, for the topic in general ->

Raspbian update independent of Motioneyeos update?

I have installed Motioneyeos on a Pi Zero and on a Pi2, and it works like a charm in both of them. The control of the 2 systems can be unified on the web server of any one of them. The web interface is clear and allows to customize hundreds aspects of the program. Anything perfect so far.
Trying to understand a little bit how does it work, I have logged to one of the 2 Pis through ssh and I have checked that the OS is kept to a bare minimum. uname -r returns 4.19.65.
On the web interface of the app it is possible to check if the last version of the program is the one running. I have checked, and yes, I have the last version.
My question is: does it make sense to upgrade the OS components used by the program (apt update, apt dist-upgrade) even if the last version of the program is the one running in my Pis? Apt is not even installed, so the first thing would be to bring it there and install it, but I am afraid that if I update the OS, the program may stop to work...
I answer myself thanks to the feedback received in another forum. Motioneyeos is an embedded software based on Buildroot and as such it is not possible to install any package on it. To be able to install a package on Motioneyeos, Motioneyeos has to be installed on an full OS as Raspbian following the instructions in Motioneyeos web ==>>

DLL not found error using uFllex in Unity

I have bought, downloaded and then installed uFlex for Unity. The install seemed to go without any errors, but when I try to run any of the example scenes I get lots of errors. The first and most serious sounding of which is:
DllNotFoundException: flexRelease_x64
uFlex.FlexSolver.Start () (at Assets/uFlex/Scripts/Solver/FlexSolver.cs:102)
Also the scenes don't seem to run/work. Have tried googling to see if it's a common error but that didn't show up anything. Tried finding the missing DLL but not sure where to put it, or whether it's platform/version specific?
Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot this
Anyone else have similar issues?
Not sure if it's relevant but I'm running Unity Version 2017.2.ob11 Personal, and my OS is Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS. I have windows installed as well - is switching to running Unity under Windows likely to help?
It won't and shouldn't work on Linux at this point.
Read the requirement from the plugin page:
NVidia GPU with at least CUDA 3.0 compute capability
Windows 64 bit (Win 32bit experimental, Android and Linux support planned)
The support is currently for Windows. You get the exception because the dll for Linux has not been provided. It can't load Windows dll on Linux. If the native side (C++) of the plugin is open-source, you can compile it for Linux and include it in your project then it should work. Since it's not, your only option at this moment is to switch to Windows.

0xc000007B application was unable to start

I am trying to run EasyPHP on Windows 10 (64 bit) system. Initially the error was regarding msvcr110.dll missing, which I resolved somehow. Now its showing the error of 0xc00007b unable to start program correctly. I have tried to run the compatibility troubleshoot as well as run as administrator option. Its just not working. Any other effective solutions ?
This usually happens when you have mix of x86 and x64 libraries installed. You should probably uninstall all x86 versions of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables and install their x64 bit counterparts (just google them and make sure you download 64 bit version of that library).

Issue with Netbeans

I have installed netbeans in my PC (windows 7), wrote a javaFX application program and generated executable jar file
I finally need the executable jar file to be working on Raspberry pi linux and I want to use only openjdk since oracle java for Rpi doesn't support AWT and Swing and my application majorly includes that.
When i tried to execute the jar file using openjdk, i am getting an error - you need to install newer version of JRE to execute this file. I have also tried to execute the same file in ubuntu to verify if there is something wrong and its showing the same error
But, the jar file was executed properly through oracle java in ubuntu. I also tried using Oracle java on RPi, but it opened but didn't work properly.(expected, because it doesn't support AWT and Swing)
So, I think i have an issue opening the file using openjdk. Can somebody help me with this
Thanks in Advance
I am in the process of buying my Raspberry Pi but have already started looking at the development environment I will need. You may find what you are looking for in these very clear resources I found:
As Ryanteck mentioned, you will probably have to be running Raspbian (item number 1, the tutorial, uses that OS).
Good luck
The Raspberry Pi's recommended OS does not support Java at all. The main thing to try is to test it using the Debian Soft float image which should support Java on the Raspberry Pi fine. But it is still in development so may not work.