Bug İ am getting error "unity 2022.1.23f1_9636b062134a" - unity3d

I am constantly getting the error "Unity 2022.1.23f1_9636b062134a" and unity shuts down. how can i solve this?
I couldn't try anything because I couldn't find the cause of the error.

remove the script folder and try to open the project if it does open, then add script by script when it crashes you'll know where is the issue (this applies to files other than scripts)

I too have had the same problem. Have you ever tried resetting Windows?


VSC Remote SSH - How to fix reconnection problems?

When using VSC Remote SSH, I am constantly getting the error "Cannot reconnect. Please reload the window.". Upon clicking "Reload Window", the window reloads and I receive the same error.
Sometimes I am also getting the following notification: "The terminal process failed to launch: A native exception occurred during launch (forkpty(3) failed)."
More errors showing here:
I tried to find the solution but nothing worked for me, any suggestions? I tried:
Reinstalling extension
Deleting the VS Code + cache directory on the server
Restarting server
Update 17-01: Today it worked fine for around 2 hours. It randomly stopped working while I was typing a few lines of code without doing something else like saving, adding or delete files. The message is still te same and did not found any solution yet.
I had this same issue recently, for me it looks like disabling the wix.vs-code.import-cost extension remedied the issue.
This is probably because I am using private registries for npm packages and that could easily cause issues if attempting to load the private modules from any public source, but I didn't really look into it, so this is just my best guess.

pgAdmin does not show the message error at the Process Watcher

I've been had hard times trying to fix this problem, the message error log does not appear. I've tried to reinstall to a old version, changing configuration that I've found here, changed location, changed conf file to message and nothing helped. So I'd like to know if someone can help me.
Thank you
[enter image description here]
Same problem here, not sure what's happening. But the work around is by opening the physical log here: C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\pgAdmin\sessions\process_logs
When the pop up dialog still open, a temporary folder will be created and inside the folder you will get some files, then open the "err" file, this is where you can see the detail
pgadmin error process log

libsqlite3-0.dll was not found error when launching shp2pgsql-gui on Windows (PostGIS)

I recently installed PostgreSQL 13 on windows 10 and the PostGIS extension via the stack builder. However, when trying to launch the shp2pgsql-gui application to import a shapefile, I get a "libsqlite3-0.dll was not found" error. I can see the file under the bin folder, so I'm not sure where the problem is and googling did not help very much. I wonder what the problem may be because the installation seemed pretty straightforward to have done something wrong.
Copying the "libsqlite3-0.dll" file from \PostgreSQL\13\bin to PostgreSQL\13\bin\postgisgui and then running the shp2pgsql-gui application seemed to fix this issue for me.
This problem can occur for different reasons, but I recommend that you download that .dll from the following link (https://es.dll-files.com/libsqlite3-0.dll.html). Then replace the file in the installation folder.

Install4j Error instantiating Actions

I am changing the installer on an application and in the install4j IDE I am getting the error "Error instantiating (class-path-to-action)". I don't know what is causing the error or what to do to fix it.
This is the second time I have come across this while using the install4j IDE, although the first time the error disappeared once I had built the project and closed eclipse.
This time round I have tried opening up the install4j file right after a restart and I am getting the same error, with no luck in getting rid of it.
Can someone enlighten me on what could be causing this, or how to fix it?
You can find more information in the file %TEMP%\install4j_error.log about the exception. Probably the class path configured on the Installer->Custom code & Resources is not correct.

Eclipse randomly stopped starting

I've been using Eclipse a lot recently, and haven't had any problems with it. Last night, I was working on it perfectly fine. However, this morning, whenever I load it up, the program stops working half way the loading splash screen (before the actual workspace opens up). The information says "Loading Workbench" and just stays there forever. When I click on it multiple times, I get a message saying that Java(TM) Platform SE binary is not responding.
Google hasn't been a ton of help, and seems to just give a lot of responses about Minecraft. I'm slightly confused as to where I need to start looking, since nothing had changed since I successfully used it last. No updates to Java or Eclipse or anything else. Thanks for the help, and let me know if you need any more information!
I was actually able to fix it by just renaming my WorkSpace to WorkSpace1. Apparently it got corrupted somehow, and with the rename Eclipse was able to recreate a new one. Here's the link that helped me out:
Two things to check when you have problems with Eclipse:
First, always check the .log file, located in the .metadata directory (<workspace path>/.metadata/.log) of your workspace (not the Eclipse installation directory). Keep in mind that this is a hidden file under Linux or Mac OS. It usually contains the exception that is causing the crash. I usually delete any existing .log file before firing up Eclipse, just to make sure I am looking at the relevant log entries (the file will be recreated at startup).
If #1 does not help, you can try deleting the .metadata directory altogether. It will be recreated on startup (this is basically what you did by changing the workspace). In my experience with Eclipse, I noticed that some files can get corrupted inside .metadata, making Eclipse act weirdly. Keep in mind that this directory contains customizations you made in Eclipse and its plugins for the workspace and you might need to make them again.
Hope this helps.
Eclipse tends to be weird sometimes. If you move stuff around outside of the directories it was initially installed in, it usually won't load. I don't know if that's what you did, but your best bet is to back up your workspace, and reinstall eclipse. I'm sure that will do the trick.
Try a reinstall if possible or else, check the eclipse error log, which would be present at'/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/log'.
This will help you knowing the problem.