Powershell/Sharepoint anti flooding script - powershell

Extreme powershell newbie here. I appreciate any and all help.
I'm trying to put together a simple anti-flooding script to work with Sharepoint/Powershell. Need it to look at a datetime in a field and compare it to the current datetime then stop execution if within 5 seconds of the last submittal. The method im using now always seems to evaluate to true.
#get system datetime (output format - 06/12/2014 07:57:25)
$a = (Get-Date)
# Get current List Item
$ListItem = $List.GetItemById($ItemID)
$DateToCompare = $ListItem["baseline"].AddMilliseconds(5000)
if ($DateToCompare -gt $a)
#set variable to field
$ListItem["baseline"] = $a
#write new item

I don't have Sharepoint access so I cannot fully test.
Can you verify the datatype of "baseline" attribute?
Are you sure that 5000 millseconds is really being added?
Write-Output "NOW: $($curDate) BASELINE: $($DateToCompare) DIFF: $( ($curDate - $DateToCompare).TotalMilliseconds )"
Why use break rather than let the evaluation naturally end? Below is an alternative way you might restructure you code.
#The difference in Milliseconds acceptable
$threshold = 5000
#Get current date, the formatting depends on what you have defined for output.
$curDate = Get-Date
#Get current list item from SP
$listItem = $List.GetItemById($ItemID)
# Get current List Item's baseline
$DateToCompare = $listItem["baseline"]
Write-Output "NOW: $($curDate) BASELINE: $($DateToCompare) DIFF: $( ($curDate - $DateToCompare).TotalMilliseconds )"
if ( ($curDate - $DateToCompare).TotalMilliseconds -le $threshold ){
#set variable to field
$ListItem["baseline"] = $curDate
#write new item
} else {
#Outside of threshold

So it turns out the script as I gave it above was functional. The issue was the time I was pulling under the (Get-Date) function was the server time (central), rather than the local time (eastern).
#bring server time up to eastern time
$a = (Get-Date).AddMilliseconds(7200000)
# Get current List Item
$ListItem = $List.GetItemById($ItemID)
#take baseline time and add 5 seconds
$DateToCompare = $ListItem["baseline"].AddMilliseconds(5000)
#stop if script has run in the last 5 sec (loop prevention)
if ($DateToCompare -gt $a)
#stop if the status hasnt changed
if ($ListItem["baselinestatus"] -eq $ListItem["Status"])
#get current activity status
$currentstatus = $ListItem["Status"]
#get current contents of log
$log = $ListItem["Log"]
#append new entry to existing and write it to the log
$newentry = $log + "<br>" + $a + " - " + $currentstatus
#set variable to field
$ListItem["Log"] = $newentry
$ListItem["baseline"] = $a
$ListItem["baselinestatus"] = $currentstatus
#write new item


DateTime casting works for CSV field "If Statement" logic, but not when used in second "If Statement"

I am working on automating tests a DumpSec report that runs a few logical tests and displays the solution. The DumpSec is a CSV file that I use ConvertFrom-Csv and then pull dates out of each user's field. However, I need to cast the date as DateTime so that I can compare multiple DateTime fields together properly.
Casting date time works and returns the correct answers on the first "If statement" but doesn't work on the second or third "if statements" even though I'm using the same casted variable DateTime as the first.
The error I'm getting is "Exception calling "ParseExact" with "3" argument(s): "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.""
$PasswordExpiresDateFormat = [datetime]::ParseExact($person.P
Function AutomateCSVFileFunction($DumpSecFilePath)
#Variable to store the path of the passed file path
$ImportedFile = Get-Content -LiteralPath $DumpSecFilePath | Select-Object -skip 1 | ConvertFrom-Csv
#Variables for dates to do the correct math
$ThirtyDays = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)
$SixMonthsAgo = (Get-Date).AddDays(-180)
$Message = "How often does the organizations user's change their password? (Enter number of days): "
$Title = "Organization's Password Age Limit"
$PasswordAgeLimitDays = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($Message, $Title)
#Arrays for information to be stored
$DisabledAccounts = #()
$LastLogonAccounts = #()
$NeverExpireAccounts = #()
$AccountsWherePasswordsNotRequired = #()
$PasswordLastChangedGreaterThanAgeLimit = #()
#For each loop to check disabled accounts greater than 6 months, 30 days inactive, accounts without an expiration date, accounts where passwords do not expire, and
foreach ($person in $ImportedFile)
$LastLogonDateFormat = [datetime]::ParseExact(($person.LastLogonTime).trim(), "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm", $null)
$PasswordLastSetDateFormat = [datetime]::ParseExact($person.PswdLastSetTime, "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm", $null)
$PasswordExpiresDateFormat = [datetime]::ParseExact($person.PswdExpiresTime, "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm", $null)
#If statement checking each row for a disabled account greater than 6 months
if ((($LastLogonDateFormat -lt $SixMonthsAgo) -and ($person.AcctDisabled -contains "Yes")) -or ($LastLogonDateFormat -contains "Never"))
#Add persons info to array
$DisabledAccounts += $person
#If statement checking to see enabled accounts who haven't logged on in more than 30 days
if (($LastLogonDateFormat -gt $ThirtyDays) -and ($person.AcctDisabled -like "No"))
#Add persons info to array
$LastLogonAccounts += $person
I've tried casting using only [DateTime]$VariableName, but that doesn't work either. Using the .Trim() method doesn't work either.

Embed a text file as an object in Ms Word 2010

I am building a script to write word documents using PowerShell (Windows 7, PS4, .Net 4, Office 2010.
The script works but it embeds the text at the top of the document. I need to be able to specify the exact location like on page 2.
Here's what I got up to date:
# Opens an MsWord Doc, does a Search-and-Replace and embeds a text file as an object
# To make this work you need in the same folder as this script:
# -A 2-page MsWord file called "Search_and_replace_Target_Template.doc" with:
# -the string <package-name> on page ONE
# -the string <TextFile-Placeholder> on page TWO
# -A textfile called "TextFile.txt"
#The script will:
# -replace <package-name> with something on page one
# -embed the text file <package-name> at the top of page one (but I want it to replace <TextFile-Placeholder> on page 2)
# CAVEAT: Using MsWord 2010
[String]$MsWordDocTemplateName = "Search_and_replace_Target_Template.doc"
[String]$TextFileName = "TextFile.txt"
[Int]$wdReplaceAll = 2
[Int]$wdFindContinue = 1 #The find operation continues when the beginning or end of the search range is reached.
[Bool]$MatchCase = $False
[Bool]$MatchWholeWord = $true
[Bool]$MatchWildcards = $False
[Bool]$MatchSoundsLike = $False
[Bool]$MatchAllWordForms = $False
[Bool]$Forward = $True
[Int]$Wrap = $wdFindContinue #The find operation continues when the beginning or end of the search range is reached.
[Bool]$Format = $False
[Int]$wdReplaceNone = 0
$objWord = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
$objWord.Visible = $true #Makes the MsWord
[String]$ScriptDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($myInvocation.MyCommand.path)
[String]$WordDocTemplatePath = "$ScriptDirectory\$MsWordDocTemplateName"
[String]$TextFilePath = "$ScriptDirectory\$TextFileName"
[String]$SaveAsPathNew = Join-Path -Path $ScriptDirectory -ChildPath "${MsWordDocTemplateName}-NEW.doc"
#Open Template with MSWord
Try {
$objDoc = $objWord.Documents.Open($WordDocTemplatePath)
} Catch {
[string]$mainErrorMessage = "$($_.Exception.Message) $($_.ScriptStackTrace) $($_.Exception.InnerException)"
Write-Host $mainErrorMessage -ForegroundColor Red
Start-Sleep -Seconds 7
$objSelection = $objWord.Selection
$objSelection.Find.Forward = 'TRUE'
$objSelection.Find.MatchWholeWord = 'TRUE'
#Replace <package-name>
[String]$FindText = "<package-name>"
[String]$ReplaceWith = "PackageName_v1"
write-host "replacing [$FindText] :" -NoNewline
#Embed the text file as an object
[System.IO.FileSystemInfo]$TextFileObj = Get-item $TextFilePath
If ( $(Try {Test-Path $($TextFileObj.FullName).trim() } Catch { $false }) ) {
write-host "Embedding [$TextFileName] :" -NoNewline
[String]$FindText = "<TextFile-Placeholder>"
[String]$ReplaceWith = ""
# $objSelection.Find.Execute($FindText,$MatchCase,$MatchWholeWord,$MatchWildcards,$MatchSoundsLike,$MatchAllWordForms,$Forward,$Wrap,$Format,$ReplaceWith,$wdReplaceAll)
#Need code to create a RANGE to the position of <TextFile-Placeholder>
#Embed file into word doc as an object
#$result = $objSelection.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject($null,$TextFileObj.FullName,$false,$true)
$result = $objSelection.Range[0].InlineShapes.AddOLEObject($null,$TextFileObj.FullName,$false,$true) #works too but does the same
Write-host "Success"
} Else {
Write-Host "[$TextFilePath] does not exist!" -ForegroundColor Red
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Write-Host "Saving updated word doc to [${MsWordDocTemplateName}-NEW.doc] ***"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
#List of formats
$AllSaveFormat = [Enum]::GetNames([microsoft.office.interop.word.WdSaveFormat])
$SaveFormat = $AllSaveFormat
$objDoc.SaveAs([ref]$SaveAsPathNew,[ref]$SaveFormat::wdFormatDocument) #Overwrite if exists
$null = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject([System.__ComObject]$objWord)
Remove-Variable objWord
If you have a way to do this in Word 2016 I'll take it too as I'll have to redo it all for office 2016 later on.
UPDATE: Looks like the solution is to create a "Range" where the is located. By default it seems you have one range[0] that represents the whole document.
The closest I came to do this was:
$MyRange = $objSelection.Range[Start:= 0, End:= 7]
But this is not the syntax for PowerShell and it deals only with absolute character positions and not the results of a search for a string.
If I could create a 2nd range maybe this could work:
I can't write powershell script for you, but I can describe what you need. You are, indeed, on-track with the Range idea. To get the Range for an entire Word document:
$MyRange = $objDoc.Content
Note that you're free to declare and use as many Range objects as you need. Range is not limited like Selection, of which there can be only one. As long as you don't need the original Range again, go ahead and perform Find on it. If you do need the original Range again, then declare and instantiate a second, instantiating it either as above or, in order to use the original as the starting point:
$MyRange2 = $MyRange.Duplicate
Then use Find on a Range. Note that, when Find is successful the content of the Range is the found term, which puts the "focus" on the correct page. (But will not move the Selection!)
If you want to test whether Find was successful the Execute method returns a Boolean value (true if Find was successful).
Use something like what follows to insert the file, although I'm not sure OLEObject is the best method for inserting a text file. I'd rather think InsertFile would be more appropriate. An OLEObject requires an OLE Server registered in Windows that supports editing text files; it will be slower and put a field code in the document that will try to update...
$result =$MyRange.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject($null,$TextFileObj.FullName,$false,$true)

Efficient way to find and replace many strings in a large text file

The Text file contains a software output on a time domain analysis. 10800 seconds simulation and 50 nodes being considered. We have 540,000 strings to be replaced in 540 MB text file with 4.5 million lines.
Which is currently projected to take more than 4 days. Something is going wrong. Don't know what. Please suggest me a better efficient approach.
Below is the function which does the find and replace.
To replace the string the script goes through the original text file line by line at the same time it generates a duplicate file with replaced strings. So another 540 MB file with 4.5 million lines will be generated at the end of the script.
Function ReplaceStringsInTextFile
$OutputfilebyLine = New-Object -typename System.IO.StreamReader $inputFilePathFull
$uPreviousValue = 0
$time = 60
$u = 0; $LastStringWithoutFindResult = 0
$lineNumber = 0
while ($null -ne ($line = $OutputfilebyLine.ReadLine())) {
$lineNumber = $lineNumber + 1
if ($time -le $SimulationTimeSeconds) # time simulation start and end checks
# 10800 strings corresponds to one node
# there are 50 nodes.. Thus 540,000 values
# $StringsToFindFileContent contains strings to find 540,000 strings
# $StringsToReplaceFileContent contains strings to replace 540,000 strings
$StringToFindLineSplit = -split $StringsToFindFileContent[$time-60]
$StringToReplaceLineSplit = -split $StringsToReplaceFileContent[$time-60]
if($u -le $NumberofNodes-1)
$theNode = $Nodes_Ar[$u]
$StringToFindvalue = $StringToFindLineSplit[$u]
$StringToReplacevalue = $StringToReplaceLineSplit[$u]
if (($line -match $theNode) -And ($line -match $StringToFindvalue)){
$replacedLine = $line.replace($StringToFindvalue,$StringToReplacevalue)
add-content -path $WriteOutputfilePathFull -value "$replacedLine"
$uPreviousValue = $u
$checkLineMatched = 1
if (($line -match $LastNodeInArray)) {
$time = $time + 1
$LastStringWithoutFindResult = 0
} elseIf (($line -match $LastNodeInArray) -And ($checkLineMatched -eq 0)) {
$LastStringWithoutFindResult = $LastStringWithoutFindResult + 1
} else {
#"Printing lines without match"
add-content -path $WriteOutputfilePathFull -value "$line"
$checkLineMatched = 0
if ($checkLineMatched -eq 1) {
# incrementing the value of node index to next one in case the last node is found
$u = $uPreviousValue + 1
if ($u -eq $Nodes_Ar.count) {
$u = 0
$timeElapsed = (get-date -displayhint time) - $startTime
"$($timeElapsed.Hours) Hours $($timeElapsed.Minutes) Minutes $($timeElapsed.Seconds) Seconds"
# Checking if the search has failed for more than three cycles
if ($LastStringWithoutFindResult -ge 5) { # showing error dialog in case of search error
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("StringToFind Search Fail. Please correct StringToFind values. Aborting now" , "Status" , 0)
The above function is the last part of the script. Which is taking the most time.
I had run the script in under 10 hours 1 year ago.
Update The script sped up running after 4 hours and suddenly time to complete projection reduced from 4 days to under 3 hours. The script finished running in 7 hours and 9 minutes. However i am not sure what made the sudden change in speed other than asking the question on stack overflow :)
As per the suggestion by https://stackoverflow.com/users/478656/tessellatingheckler
I have avoided writing one line at a time using
add-content -path $WriteOutputfilePathFull -value "$replacedLine"
Instead i am now writing ten thousand lines at a time using add-content
$tenThousandLines = $tenThousandLines + "`n" + $replacedLine
And at the appropriate time I am using add-content to write 10,000 lines at one go like below. The if block follows my methods logic
if ($lineNumber/10000 -gt $tenThousandCounter){
add-content -path $WriteOffpipeOutputfilePathFull -value "$tenThousandLines"
$tenThousandLines = ""
$tenThousandCounter = $tenThousandCounter + 1
I have encountered system out of memmory exception error when trying to add 15,000 or 25,000 lines at a time. After using this the time required for the operation has reduced from 7 hours to 5 hours. And at another time to 2 hours and 36 minutes.

Powershell script exits ForEach-Object loop prematurely [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why does 'continue' behave like 'break' in a Foreach-Object?
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
So I've been writing a script that will take all of the data that is stored in 238 spreadsheets and copy it into a master sheet, as well as 9 high level report sheets. I'm really not sure why, but after a specific document, the script ends prematurely without any errors being posted. It's very strange. I'll post some anonymized code below so maybe someone can help me find the error of my ways here.
As far as I can tell, the document that it exits after is fine. I don't see any data errors in it, and the info is copied successfully to the master document before powershell just calls it quits on the script completely.
I've tried changing the size of the data set by limiting only to the folder that contains the problem file. It still ends after the same file with no error output. I cannot upload the file due to company policy, but I really don't see anything different about the data on that one file when compared to any other file of the same nature.
Also, apologies in advance for the crappy code. I'm not a developer and have been relearning powershell since it's the only tool available to me right now.
$StartTime = Get-Date -Format g
Write-Host $StartTime
pushd "Z:\Shared Documents\IO"
$TrackTemplate = "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\IODATA\MasterTemplate.xlsx"
# Initialize the Master Spreadsheet
$xlMaster = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$xlMaster.Visible = $False
$xlMaster.DisplayAlerts = $False
$MasterFilePath = "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\IODATA\Master.xlsx"
Copy-Item $TrackTemplate $MasterFilePath
$wbMaster = $xlMaster.Workbooks.Open($MasterFilePath)
$wsMaster = $wbMaster.Worksheets.Item(2)
$wsMasterRow = 3
# Initialize L4 Document Object
$xlL4 = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$xlL4.Visible = $False
$xlL4.DisplayAlerts = $False
# Initialize object for input documents
$xlInput = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$xlInput.Visible = $False
$xlInput.DisplayAlerts = $False
# Arrays used to create folder path names
$ArrayShort = #("SUB1","SUB2","SUB3","SUB4","SUB5","SUB6","SUB7","SUB8","SUB9")
# $counter is used to iterate inside the loop over the short name array.
$counter = 0
$FileNumber = 0
$TotalFiles = 238
$ArrayRoot | ForEach-Object {
$FilePathL4 = "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\IODATA\ROLLUP\" + $ArrayShort[$counter] + "_DOC_ROLLUP.xlsx"
Copy-Item $TrackTemplate $FilePathL4
$wbL4 = $xlL4.Workbooks.Open($FilePathL4)
$wsL4 = $wbL4.Worksheets.Item(2)
$wsL4Row = 3
If ($ArrayShort[$counter] -eq "SUB7") {$FilePath = "Z:\Shared Documents\IO\" + $_ + "\" + $ArrayShort[$counter] + " - DOC v2\"}
Else {$FilePath = "Z:\Shared Documents\IO\" + $_ + "\!" + $ArrayShort[$counter] + " - DOC v2\"}
Get-ChildItem -Path $FilePath | ForEach-Object {
If ($_.Name -eq "SPECIFIC_DOC.xlsx") {Continue}
$FileNumber += 1
Write-Host "$FileNumber / $TotalFiles $_"
$wbInput = $xlInput.Workbooks.Open($_.FullName)
$wsInput = $wbInput.Worksheets.Item(2)
$wsInputLastRow = 0
#Find the last row in the Input document
For ($i = 3; $i -le 10000; $i++) {
If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($wsInput.Cells.Item($i,1).Value2)) {
$wsInputLastRow = $i - 1
Else { Continue }
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$wsMasterRow += $wsInputLastRow - 2
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$wsL4Row += $wsInputLastRow - 2
$counter += 1
$EndTime = Get-Date -Format g
$TimeTotal = New-Timespan -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime
Write-Host $TimeTotal
To continue pipeline processing with the next input object, use return - not continue - in the script block passed to the ForEach-Object cmdlet.
The following simple example skips the 1st object output by Get-ChildItem and passes the remaining ones through:
$i = 0; Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object{ if ($i++ -eq 0) { return }; $_ }
There is currently (PSv5.1) no direct way to stop the processing of further input objects - for workarounds, see this answer of mine.
By contrast, as you've discovered, break and continue only work as expected in the script block of a for / foreach statement, not directly in the script block passed to the ForeEach-Object cmdlet:
For instance, the following produces no output (using break would have the same effect):
$i = 0; Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object{ if ($i++ -eq 0) { continue }; $_ }
The reason is that continue and break look for an enclosing for / foreach statement to continue / break out of, and since there is none, the entire command is exited; in a script, the entire script is exited if there's no enclosing for / foreach / switch statement on the call stack.

PowerShell - Overwriting line written with Write-Host

I'm trying to overwrite a line in PowerShell written with Write-Host (I have a process that's running in a loop and I want to show percentage updated on the screen). What I've tried to do is this:
Write-Host -NoNewline "`rWriting $outputFileName ($i/$fileCount)... $perc%"
but instead of overwriting the line it stays on the same line and appends to it.
what am I missing here?
You cannot overwrite a line in a Powershell window. What you can do is blank the window with cls(Clear-Host):
# loop code
Write-Host "`rWriting $outputFileName ($i/$fileCount)... $perc%"
# end loop
But what you should really be using is Write-Progress, a cmdlet built specifically for this purpose:
# loop code
Write-Progress -Activity "Writing $outputFileName" -PercentComplete $perc
# end loop
More on Write-Progress here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh849902.aspx
As a tweak to Raf's answer above, You don't have to wipe the screen every time to update your last line.
Calling Write-Host with -NoNewLine and carriage return `r is enough.
for ($a=0; $a -le 100; $a++) {
Write-Host -NoNewLine "`r$a% complete"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10
Write-Host #ends the line after loop
It not perfect but here is a script which has a spinning character in place. The part that lets you do this is:
$origpos = $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition
$origpos.Y += 1
Get the current position and save it so that we can keep referring to it. As you progress you change the $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition. Since it was previously saved you can reset it back $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = $origpos. You should be able to experiment with that.
$scroll = "/-\|/-\|"
$idx = 0
$job = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $env:ComputerName -ScriptBlock { Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } -AsJob
$origpos = $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition
$origpos.Y += 1
while (($job.State -eq "Running") -and ($job.State -ne "NotStarted"))
$host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = $origpos
Write-Host $scroll[$idx] -NoNewline
if ($idx -ge $scroll.Length)
$idx = 0
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
# It's over - clear the activity indicator.
$host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = $origpos
Write-Host 'Complete'
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 }
while (($job.State -eq "Running") -and ($job.State -ne "NotStarted"))
Write-Host '.' -NoNewline
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Write-Host ""
So as log as you remember where you want to go back to then you can use this logic. This will not work properly in ISE. You can also use `b as a back space character as well.
I know, thats quite old, but i was in the same Situation und modified the Solution from Boluwade Kujero, just because writing blank lines before writing the new output may result in a "flickering" output.
So in the following function, I just do overwrite the existing line, write blanks until reaching the old cursorposition, and go back to the last character of the new line.
In addition i added an optical progressbar. Progress is calculated by the function through given Parameters:
function Write-Status
[int]$ProgressbarLength = 35)
# Save current Cursorposition for later
[int]$XOrg = $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition.X
# Create Progressbar
[string]$progressbar = ""
for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt $([System.Math]::Round($(([System.Math]::Round(($($Current) / $Total) * 100, 2) * $ProgressbarLength) / 100), 0)); $i++) {
$progressbar = $progressbar + $([char]9608)
for ($i = 0 ; $i -lt ($ProgressbarLength - $([System.Math]::Round($(([System.Math]::Round(($($Current) / $Total) * 100, 2) * $ProgressbarLength) / 100), 0))); $i++) {
$progressbar = $progressbar + $([char]9617)
# Overwrite Current Line with the current Status
Write-Host -NoNewline "`r$Statustext $progressbar [$($Current.ToString("#,###").PadLeft($Total.ToString("#,###").Length)) / $($Total.ToString("#,###"))] ($($( ($Current / $Total) * 100).ToString("##0.00").PadLeft(6)) %) $CurStatusText"
# There might be old Text behing the current Currsor, so let's write some blanks to the Position of $XOrg
[int]$XNow = $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition.X
for ([int]$i = $XNow; $i -lt $XOrg; $i++) {
Write-Host -NoNewline " "
# Just for optical reasons: Go back to the last Position of current Line
for ([int]$i = $XNow; $i -lt $XOrg; $i++) {
Write-Host -NoNewline "`b"
Use the function like this:
For ([int]$i=0; $i -le 8192; $i++) {
Write-Status -Current $i -Total 8192 -Statustext "Running a long Task" -CurStatusText "Working on Position $i"
The result will be a running progressbar that will look like this (in a single line):
Running a long Task ██████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ [4.242 /
8.192] ( 51,78 %) Working on Position 4242
Hope this will help someone else
You can use the .NET console class to do exactly what you want where you want it.
Works in console windows only and not the ISE.
[Console]::Write('Value of $i = ')
[Console]::Write('Value of $j = ')
For ($i = 1; $i -lt 11; $i++)
for ($j = 1; $j -lt 11; $j++)
[Console]::Write("$j ")
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
[Console]::Write(" `n")
[Console]::Write(" `n")
If the goal is strictly to overwrite powershell console prompt line (the current line with the cursor) then all the answers here work only to an extent, and in some ways doing more than is desired.
Raf's and Craig's answers that use the Clear-Host cmdlet (cls) in their first line, like Dullson noted, are doing too much. Blanking the entire screen assumes the things cleared are no longer important for viewing which may not be true. Sometimes these are necessary to make sense of the current line.
Raf's Write-Progress solution is a powerful cmdlet but seems like an overkill for just overwriting the current line.
Raf's Write-Host proposal, Matt's submission and Dullson's tweak are all good where only one character position at a definite screen position needs updating or where the succeeding line text is longer in length than the current. If not, the succeeding line text would only overwrite the current line to the extent of its length leaving those parts of the succeeded line whose length position is longer than the new to remain in view together with the new line.
For example, if the previous value was 10 and the new value is 9 what would be shown is 90. The 9 just overwrites the portion of the preceding value that is equal to its length - 1. So the solutions work well for increments but not so well for decrements where length of value reduces compared to previous.
The following block shows how to guarantee total (visual) overwrite of the current line text with a new one.
$LongString = "This string is long"
$ShortString = "This is short"
#Simulate typing a string on the console line
$L = 1
While ($L -le $LongString.Length)
$Sub = $LongString.Substring(0,$L)
Write-Host "`r$Sub" -NoNewline
# This sleep is just to simulate manual typing delay
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 20
# Now blank out the entire line with the space character " "
# The quantity of spaces should be equal to the length of the current text
# Which in this case is contained in $Sub.Length
$Blank = " "
For($L = 1; $L -le $Sub.Length; $L++)
$Blank = $Blank + " "
Write-Host "`r$Blank" -NoNewline
# Overwrite the blank console line with the new string
$L = 1
While ($L -le $ShortString.Length)
$Sub = $ShortString.Substring(0,$L)
Write-Host "`r$Sub" -NoNewline
# This sleep is just to simulate delay in manual typing
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 20
# The following is not required if you want the Powershell prompt
# to resume to the next line and not overwrite current console line.
# It is only required if you want the Powershell prompt to return
# to the current console line.
# You therefore blank out the entire line with spaces again.
# Otherwise prompt text might be written into just the left part of the last
# console line text instead of over its entirety.
For($L = 1; $L -le $Sub.Length; $L++)
$Blank = $Blank + " "
Write-Host "`r$Blank" -NoNewline
Write-Host "`r" -NoNewline
This one I got from a blog post by Thomas Rayner. He uses ANSI Escape Sequences to save the cursor position [s and update the cursor position [u
Then save the current cursor position using the save escape sequence:
Usage: Use the update sequence ${E}[u to tell PS where to start the string:
1..10 | %{"${E}[uThere are $_ s remaining"; Start-Sleep -Seconds 1}
Does not work in the ISE however.
I know links get stale but it is here today.
for ($i=1;$i -le 100;$i++){Write-Host -NoNewline "`r" $i;sleep 1}
This method worked for me to write output value in a loop until its status changed to "Succeeded". Ensure you set the cursor up by required number of lines and it overwrites the same line
while($val -ne 1)
if($taskstates.Tasks.state[0] -eq "Succeeded" -and $taskstates.Tasks.state[1] -eq "Succeeded" -and $taskstates.Tasks.state[2] -eq "Succeeded" -and $taskstates.Tasks.state[3] -eq "Succeeded")
$val = 1
$taskstates.Tasks.StartTime[0].ToString() +" "+ $taskstates.Tasks.name[0] +" is "+ $taskstates.Tasks.state[0]
$taskstates.Tasks.StartTime[1].ToString() +" "+ $taskstates.Tasks.name[1] +" is "+ $taskstates.Tasks.state[1]
$taskstates.Tasks.StartTime[2].ToString() +" "+ $taskstates.Tasks.name[2] +" is "+ $taskstates.Tasks.state[2]
$taskstates.Tasks.StartTime[3].ToString() +" "+ $taskstates.Tasks.name[3] +" is "+ $taskstates.Tasks.state[3]
$taskstates = Get-ASRJob -Name $failoverjob.Name
"ASR VMs build is in Progress"
Start-Sleep 5
[console]::setcursorposition($([console]::Cursorleft ),$([console]::CursorTop - 4))
I'm late to the party. Here's a proof of concept I recently discovered and adapted for my purposes. This example overwrites the line.
$count = 1
# Used for calculating the max number length for padding trailing spaces
$totalCount = 100
#Get current cursor position
$curCursorPos = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.Coordinates
$curCursorPos.X = $host.ui.rawui.CursorPosition.X
$curCursorPos.Y = $host.ui.rawui.CursorPosition.Y
# Counter code
While ($count -le 100) {
# Keep cursor in the same position on the same line
$host.ui.rawui.CursorPosition = $curCursorPos
# Display with padded trailing spaces to overwrite any extra digits
$pad = ($totalCount -as [string]).Length
# Display the counter
Write-Host "$(([string]$count).Padright($pad))" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Green
# Run through the example quickly
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
#increment $count
You can experiment with Write-Host -NoNewline property, by keeping it or removing it, to see which looks better for you.
I like below code...
$dots = ""
while (!$isTrue) {
if ($dots -eq "...") {
$dots = ""
else {
$dots += "."
Write-Host -NoNewLine "`rLoading$dots"
Start-Sleep 1
You can use $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width to find the display width and then use .PadRight to fill up the line with spaces. This avoids having to clear the screen with each loop, the issue of characters persisted from the last loop, having to manipulate cursor position, or having to write a custom function or lots of cumbersome code, e.g.:
# only works in a console window
If ($Host.Name -eq "ConsoleHost")
Write-Host 'Starting...'
# find the max line length of the console host
$maxLineLength = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width
# loop a few times
For ($i = 1; $i -le 10; $i++)
# for the sake of demonstration, generate a random-length string of letters
$randStringLength = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum $maxLineLength
$randCharIndex = Get-Random -Minimum 65 -Maximum (65+26) # A = ASCII 65
$randChar = ([char]$randCharIndex)
$myString = [string]$randChar*$randStringLength
# overwrite at the current console line
Write-Host ("`r"+$myString.PadRight($maxLineLength," ")) -NoNewline
# pause briefly before going again
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
Write-Host 'Done.'
Another option in PowerShell 7.2+ is to use the minimal Write-Progress view $PSStyle.Progress.View = Minimal:
# only works in a console window
If ($Host.Name -eq "ConsoleHost")
# loop a few times
For ($i = 1; $i -le 10; $i++)
# for the sake of demonstration, generate a random-length string of letters
$randStringLength = Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 500
$randCharIndex = Get-Random -Minimum 65 -Maximum (65+26) # A = ASCII 65
$randChar = ([char]$randCharIndex)
$myString = [string]$randChar*$randStringLength
# overwrite at the current console line
Write-Progress -Activity $i -Status $myString
# pause briefly before going again
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
Alot of good suggestions here...
I use the WindowTitle bar for monitoring the status of my scripts, indicate where I am within my code, & the current progress.
For($t = 0; $t -le 100; $t++) {
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Progress - $t% complete"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10
I'll even insert updated "position" info within my code, to indicate where I'm at within my code:
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Querying index..."
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Updating search field..."
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Conducting Robocopy..."
and of course when it's completed:
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Script completed."