Efficient way to find and replace many strings in a large text file - powershell

The Text file contains a software output on a time domain analysis. 10800 seconds simulation and 50 nodes being considered. We have 540,000 strings to be replaced in 540 MB text file with 4.5 million lines.
Which is currently projected to take more than 4 days. Something is going wrong. Don't know what. Please suggest me a better efficient approach.
Below is the function which does the find and replace.
To replace the string the script goes through the original text file line by line at the same time it generates a duplicate file with replaced strings. So another 540 MB file with 4.5 million lines will be generated at the end of the script.
Function ReplaceStringsInTextFile
$OutputfilebyLine = New-Object -typename System.IO.StreamReader $inputFilePathFull
$uPreviousValue = 0
$time = 60
$u = 0; $LastStringWithoutFindResult = 0
$lineNumber = 0
while ($null -ne ($line = $OutputfilebyLine.ReadLine())) {
$lineNumber = $lineNumber + 1
if ($time -le $SimulationTimeSeconds) # time simulation start and end checks
# 10800 strings corresponds to one node
# there are 50 nodes.. Thus 540,000 values
# $StringsToFindFileContent contains strings to find 540,000 strings
# $StringsToReplaceFileContent contains strings to replace 540,000 strings
$StringToFindLineSplit = -split $StringsToFindFileContent[$time-60]
$StringToReplaceLineSplit = -split $StringsToReplaceFileContent[$time-60]
if($u -le $NumberofNodes-1)
$theNode = $Nodes_Ar[$u]
$StringToFindvalue = $StringToFindLineSplit[$u]
$StringToReplacevalue = $StringToReplaceLineSplit[$u]
if (($line -match $theNode) -And ($line -match $StringToFindvalue)){
$replacedLine = $line.replace($StringToFindvalue,$StringToReplacevalue)
add-content -path $WriteOutputfilePathFull -value "$replacedLine"
$uPreviousValue = $u
$checkLineMatched = 1
if (($line -match $LastNodeInArray)) {
$time = $time + 1
$LastStringWithoutFindResult = 0
} elseIf (($line -match $LastNodeInArray) -And ($checkLineMatched -eq 0)) {
$LastStringWithoutFindResult = $LastStringWithoutFindResult + 1
} else {
#"Printing lines without match"
add-content -path $WriteOutputfilePathFull -value "$line"
$checkLineMatched = 0
if ($checkLineMatched -eq 1) {
# incrementing the value of node index to next one in case the last node is found
$u = $uPreviousValue + 1
if ($u -eq $Nodes_Ar.count) {
$u = 0
$timeElapsed = (get-date -displayhint time) - $startTime
"$($timeElapsed.Hours) Hours $($timeElapsed.Minutes) Minutes $($timeElapsed.Seconds) Seconds"
# Checking if the search has failed for more than three cycles
if ($LastStringWithoutFindResult -ge 5) { # showing error dialog in case of search error
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("StringToFind Search Fail. Please correct StringToFind values. Aborting now" , "Status" , 0)
The above function is the last part of the script. Which is taking the most time.
I had run the script in under 10 hours 1 year ago.
Update The script sped up running after 4 hours and suddenly time to complete projection reduced from 4 days to under 3 hours. The script finished running in 7 hours and 9 minutes. However i am not sure what made the sudden change in speed other than asking the question on stack overflow :)

As per the suggestion by https://stackoverflow.com/users/478656/tessellatingheckler
I have avoided writing one line at a time using
add-content -path $WriteOutputfilePathFull -value "$replacedLine"
Instead i am now writing ten thousand lines at a time using add-content
$tenThousandLines = $tenThousandLines + "`n" + $replacedLine
And at the appropriate time I am using add-content to write 10,000 lines at one go like below. The if block follows my methods logic
if ($lineNumber/10000 -gt $tenThousandCounter){
add-content -path $WriteOffpipeOutputfilePathFull -value "$tenThousandLines"
$tenThousandLines = ""
$tenThousandCounter = $tenThousandCounter + 1
I have encountered system out of memmory exception error when trying to add 15,000 or 25,000 lines at a time. After using this the time required for the operation has reduced from 7 hours to 5 hours. And at another time to 2 hours and 36 minutes.


Windows PowerShell: How to parse the log file?

I have an input file with below contents:
27/08/2020 02:47:37.365 (-0516) hostname12 ult_licesrv ULT 5 LiceSrv Main[108 00000 Session 'session1' (from 'vmpms1\app1#pmc21app20.pm.com') request for 1 additional licenses for module 'SA-XT' - 1 licenses have been allocated by concurrent usage category 'Unlimited' (session module usage now 1, session category usage now 1, total module concurrent usage now 1, total category usage now 1)
27/08/2020 02:47:37.600 (-0516) hostname13 ult_licesrv ULT 5 LiceSrv Main[108 00000 Session 'sssion2' (from 'vmpms2\app1#pmc21app20.pm.com') request for 1 additional licenses for module 'SA-XT-Read' - 1 licenses have been allocated by concurrent usage category 'Floating' (session module usage now 2, session category usage now 2, total module concurrent usage now 1, total category usage now 1)
27/08/2020 02:47:37.115 (-0516) hostname141 ult_licesrv CMN 5 Logging Housekee 00000 Deleting old log file 'C:\Program Files\PMCOM Global\License Server\diag_ult_licesrv_20200824_011130.log.gz' as it exceeds the purge threashold of 72 hours
27/08/2020 02:47:37.115 (-0516) hostname141 ult_licesrv CMN 5 Logging Housekee 00000 Deleting old log file 'C:\Program Files\PMCOM Global\License Server\diag_ult_licesrv_20200824_021310.log.gz' as it exceeds the purge threashold of 72 hours
27/08/2020 02:47:37.625 (-0516) hostname150 ult_licesrv ULT 5 LiceSrv Main[108 00000 Session 'session1' (from 'vmpms1\app1#pmc21app20.pm.com') request for 1 additional licenses for module 'SA-XT' - 1 licenses have been allocated by concurrent usage category 'Unlimited' (session module usage now 2, session category usage now 1, total module concurrent usage now 2, total category usage now 1)
I need to generate and output file like below:
27/08/2020,02:47:37.365 (-0516),hostname12,1,1,1,1
27/08/2020,02:47:37.600 (-0516),hostname13,2,2,1,1
27/08/2020,02:47:37.115 (-0516),hostname141,0,0,0,0
27/08/2020,02:47:37.115 (-0516),hostname141,0,0,0,0
27/08/2020,02:47:37.625 (-0516),hostname150,2,1,2,1
The output data order is: Date,time,hostname,session_module_usage,session_category_usage,module_concurrent_usage,total_category_usage.
Put 0,0,0,0 if no entry for session_module_usage,session_category_usage,module_concurrent_usage,total_category_usage
I need to get content from the input file and write the output to another file.
I have created a file input.txt in F drive and pasted the log details into it.
Then I form an array by splitting the file content when a new line occurs like below.
$myList = (Get-Content -Path F:\input.txt) -split '\n'
Now I got 5 items in my array myList. Then I replace the multiple blank spaces with a single blank space and formed a new array by splitting each element by blank space. Then I print the 0 to 3 array elements. Now I need to add the end values (session_module_usage,session_category_usage,module_concurrent_usage,total_category_usage).
PS C:\Users\user> $myList = (Get-Content -Path F:\input.txt) -split '\n'
PS C:\Users\user> $myList.Length
PS C:\Users\user> $myList = (Get-Content -Path F:\input.txt) -split '\n'
PS C:\Users\user> $myList.Length
PS C:\Users\user> for ($i = 0; $i -le ($myList.length - 1); $i += 1) {
>> $newList = ($myList[$i] -replace '\s+', ' ') -split ' '
>> $newList[0]+','+$newList[1]+' '+$newList[2]+','+$newList[3]
>> }
27/08/2020,02:47:37.365 (-0516),hostname12
27/08/2020,02:47:37.600 (-0516),hostname13
27/08/2020,02:47:37.115 (-0516),hostname141
27/08/2020,02:47:37.115 (-0516),hostname141
27/08/2020,02:47:37.625 (-0516),hostname150
If you really need to filter on the granularity that you're looking for, then you may need to use regex to filter the lines.
This would assume that the rows have similarly labeled lines before the values you're looking for, so keep that in mind.
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$filteredRows = #()
$log = Get-Content -Path C:\logfile.log
foreach ($row in $log) {
$rowIndex = $log.IndexOf($row)
$date = ([regex]::Match($log[$rowIndex],'^\d+\/\d+\/\d+')).value
$time = ([regex]::Match($log[$rowIndex],'\d+:\d+:\d+\.\d+\s\(\S+\)')).value
$hostname = ([regex]::Match($log[$rowIndex],'(?<=\d\d\d\d\) )\w+')).value
$sessionModuleUsage = ([regex]::Match($log[$rowIndex],'(?<=session module usage now )\d')).value
if (!$sessionModuleUsage) {
$sessionModuleUsage = 0
$sessionCategoryUsage = ([regex]::Match($log[$rowIndex],'(?<=session category usage now )\d')).value
if (!$sessionCategoryUsage) {
$sessionCategoryUsage = 0
$moduleConcurrentUsage = ([regex]::Match($log[$rowIndex],'(?<=total module concurrent usage now )\d')).value
if (!$moduleConcurrentUsage) {
$moduleConcurrentUsage = 0
$totalCategoryUsage = ([regex]::Match($log[$rowIndex],'(?<=total category usage now )\d')).value
if (!$totalCategoryUsage) {
$totalCategoryUsage = 0
$hash = [ordered]#{
Date = $date
time = $time
hostname = $hostname
session_module_usage = $sessionModuleUsage
session_category_usage = $sessionCategoryUsage
module_concurrent_usage = $moduleConcurrentUsage
total_category_usage = $totalCategoryUsage
$rowData = New-Object -TypeName 'psobject' -Property $hash
$filteredRows.Add($rowData) > $null
$csv = $filteredRows | convertto-csv -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter "," | foreach {$_ -replace '"',''}
$csv | Out-File C:\results.csv
What essentially needs to happen is that we need to get-content of the log, which returns an array with each item terminated on a newline.
Once we have the rows, we need to grab the values via regex
Since you want zeroes in some of the items if those values don't exist, I have if statements that assign '0' if the regex returns nothing
Finally, we add each filtered item to a PSObject and append that object to an array of objects in each iteration.
Then export to a CSV.
You can probably pick apart the lines with a regex and substrings easily enough. Basically something like the following:
# Iterate over the lines of the input file
Get-Content F:\input.txt |
ForEach-Object {
# Extract the individual fields
$Date = $_.Substring(0, 10)
$Time = $_.Substring(12, $_.IndexOf(')') - 11)
$Hostname = $_.Substring(34, $_.IndexOf(' ', 34) - 34)
$session_module_usage = 0
$session_category_usage = 0
$module_concurrent_usage = 0
$total_category_usage = 0
if ($_ -match 'session module usage now (\d+), session category usage now (\d+), total module concurrent usage now (\d+), total category usage now (\d+)') {
$session_module_usage = $Matches[1]
$session_category_usage = $Matches[2]
$module_concurrent_usage = $Matches[3]
$total_category_usage = $Matches[4]
# Create custom object with those properties
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Date = $Date
time = $Time
hostname = $Hostname
session_module_usage = $session_module_usage
session_category_usage = $session_category_usage
module_concurrent_usage = $module_concurrent_usage
total_category_usage = $total_category_usage
} |
# Ensure column order in output
Select-Object Date,time,hostname,session_module_usage,session_category_usage,module_concurrent_usage,total_category_usage |
# Write as CSV - without quotes
ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation |
ForEach-Object { $_ -replace '"' } |
Out-File F:\output.csv
Whether to pull the date, time, and host name from the line with substrings or regex is probably a matter of taste. Same goes for how strict the format must be matched, but that to me mostly depends on how rigid the format is. For more free-form things where different lines would match different regexes, or multiple lines makes up a single record, I also quite like switch -Regex to iterate over the lines.

Powershell script exits ForEach-Object loop prematurely [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Why does 'continue' behave like 'break' in a Foreach-Object?
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
So I've been writing a script that will take all of the data that is stored in 238 spreadsheets and copy it into a master sheet, as well as 9 high level report sheets. I'm really not sure why, but after a specific document, the script ends prematurely without any errors being posted. It's very strange. I'll post some anonymized code below so maybe someone can help me find the error of my ways here.
As far as I can tell, the document that it exits after is fine. I don't see any data errors in it, and the info is copied successfully to the master document before powershell just calls it quits on the script completely.
I've tried changing the size of the data set by limiting only to the folder that contains the problem file. It still ends after the same file with no error output. I cannot upload the file due to company policy, but I really don't see anything different about the data on that one file when compared to any other file of the same nature.
Also, apologies in advance for the crappy code. I'm not a developer and have been relearning powershell since it's the only tool available to me right now.
$StartTime = Get-Date -Format g
Write-Host $StartTime
pushd "Z:\Shared Documents\IO"
$TrackTemplate = "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\IODATA\MasterTemplate.xlsx"
# Initialize the Master Spreadsheet
$xlMaster = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$xlMaster.Visible = $False
$xlMaster.DisplayAlerts = $False
$MasterFilePath = "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\IODATA\Master.xlsx"
Copy-Item $TrackTemplate $MasterFilePath
$wbMaster = $xlMaster.Workbooks.Open($MasterFilePath)
$wsMaster = $wbMaster.Worksheets.Item(2)
$wsMasterRow = 3
# Initialize L4 Document Object
$xlL4 = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$xlL4.Visible = $False
$xlL4.DisplayAlerts = $False
# Initialize object for input documents
$xlInput = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$xlInput.Visible = $False
$xlInput.DisplayAlerts = $False
# Arrays used to create folder path names
$ArrayShort = #("SUB1","SUB2","SUB3","SUB4","SUB5","SUB6","SUB7","SUB8","SUB9")
# $counter is used to iterate inside the loop over the short name array.
$counter = 0
$FileNumber = 0
$TotalFiles = 238
$ArrayRoot | ForEach-Object {
$FilePathL4 = "C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\IODATA\ROLLUP\" + $ArrayShort[$counter] + "_DOC_ROLLUP.xlsx"
Copy-Item $TrackTemplate $FilePathL4
$wbL4 = $xlL4.Workbooks.Open($FilePathL4)
$wsL4 = $wbL4.Worksheets.Item(2)
$wsL4Row = 3
If ($ArrayShort[$counter] -eq "SUB7") {$FilePath = "Z:\Shared Documents\IO\" + $_ + "\" + $ArrayShort[$counter] + " - DOC v2\"}
Else {$FilePath = "Z:\Shared Documents\IO\" + $_ + "\!" + $ArrayShort[$counter] + " - DOC v2\"}
Get-ChildItem -Path $FilePath | ForEach-Object {
If ($_.Name -eq "SPECIFIC_DOC.xlsx") {Continue}
$FileNumber += 1
Write-Host "$FileNumber / $TotalFiles $_"
$wbInput = $xlInput.Workbooks.Open($_.FullName)
$wsInput = $wbInput.Worksheets.Item(2)
$wsInputLastRow = 0
#Find the last row in the Input document
For ($i = 3; $i -le 10000; $i++) {
If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($wsInput.Cells.Item($i,1).Value2)) {
$wsInputLastRow = $i - 1
Else { Continue }
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$wsMasterRow += $wsInputLastRow - 2
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$wsL4Row += $wsInputLastRow - 2
$counter += 1
$EndTime = Get-Date -Format g
$TimeTotal = New-Timespan -Start $StartTime -End $EndTime
Write-Host $TimeTotal
To continue pipeline processing with the next input object, use return - not continue - in the script block passed to the ForEach-Object cmdlet.
The following simple example skips the 1st object output by Get-ChildItem and passes the remaining ones through:
$i = 0; Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object{ if ($i++ -eq 0) { return }; $_ }
There is currently (PSv5.1) no direct way to stop the processing of further input objects - for workarounds, see this answer of mine.
By contrast, as you've discovered, break and continue only work as expected in the script block of a for / foreach statement, not directly in the script block passed to the ForeEach-Object cmdlet:
For instance, the following produces no output (using break would have the same effect):
$i = 0; Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object{ if ($i++ -eq 0) { continue }; $_ }
The reason is that continue and break look for an enclosing for / foreach statement to continue / break out of, and since there is none, the entire command is exited; in a script, the entire script is exited if there's no enclosing for / foreach / switch statement on the call stack.

Random time selection logic is not working and loops forever

My input is a text file with license plate and date for tire repair. I am then prompted to write a time e.g like 12:30. Then the script checks if the time is good or not. It's good if there is 30 minutes after and before not being used.
Using the example won't work since the 12:00-13:00 block contains an entry. Then the time isn't good, so the script has to search a good date for me. I tried to check line by line minute per minute. After, if the $help variable didn't change then it's good, but if it did, then make a random time, to check. Any ideas why that logic is not working?
Edit: Since I edited, the only thing I saw that isn't working, is that my script generates a random time, but it didn't check if that time is right, just accept that time and goodbye. Somehow I should make it to check it more times, and don't stop at the first generated time, check it, and if its still wrong, then randomize it again.
Sample data
ABC-145 8:30
BDE-540 9:45
EDS-598 10:30
SDF-478 11:30
HUT-434 12:15
JEC-238 13:15
ASD-325 14:00
VRA-123 16:15
HGV-456 18:00
$file = Get-Content Desktop/database.txt
[datetime]$time = Read-Host "Time for date?"
$start = $time
$check = $time
$help = 0
echo $time
foreach ($line in $file) {
#here I check if the date is free
$out = $line.Split()
while ($true) {
#until I found a good time
for ($i=0; $i -lt 30; $i++) {
#check the next half hour if good
if ($time -eq $out[1]) {
$help = 1
$time = $time.AddMinutes(1)
for ($i=0; $i -lt 60; $i++) {
#back check the half hour
if ($time -eq $out[1]) {
$help = 1
$time = $time.AddMinutes(-1)
$time = $time.AddMinutes(30)
if ($help -eq 0) {
} else {
$hour = Get-Random -Minimum 8 -Maximum 20
$minute = Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum 59
$start = "$ora`:$perc"
$time = $start
$help = 0
#echo $time
if ($start-ne $check) {
echo "There wasnt a free date, but there is a free spot at " + $start
} else {
echo "This is free date"
I would recommend a different approach. First extract the times from your input file and convert them to DateTime values:
$times = Get-Content 'Desktop/database.txt' |
ForEach-Object { $_.Split("`t")[1] | Get-Date }
From that list determine the intervals that are actually wide enough to fit another appointment (at least 30 min after the previous and before the next appointment respectively, hence a minimum time window of 60 minutes):
$available = 0..($times.Count-1) |
Where-Object { ($times[$_+1]-$times[$_]).TotalMinutes -ge 60 }
Pick a random index from that list and add 30 minutes to the corresponding time:
$index = $available[(Get-Random -Maximum $available.Count)]
$start = $times[$index].AddMinutes(30)
'{0:HH:mm}' -f $start
Or, if you want some more variation, calculate a new starting time from the timeframe 30 minutes after the previous appointment to 30 minutes before the next appointment like this:
$index = $available[(Get-Random -Maxmimum $available.Count)]
$delta = ($times[$index+1]-$times[$index]).TotalMinutes - 60
$offset = 30 + [int](Get-Random -Maximum ($delta + 1))
$start = $times[$index].AddMinutes($offset)
'{0:HH:mm}' -f $start
This approach ensures that you don't run into an infinite loop when there are no available timeslots left.

Powershell adding numbers in a loop

I have the below code which is meant to total up the time offset as the loop rotates (I will then need to divide this by 10 to get the average but first I need to get this bit working).
I'm assuming I need to cast something as [INT] but I've tried multiple locations that would make sense to no avail. I just end up with O's.
$winTimeStripchart = w32tm /stripchart /computer:0.pool.ntp.org /dataonly /samples:10
$WinTimeOffset = $null
For($i=3; $i -le 12; $i++){
$Offset = $winTimeStripchart[$i].split("-")
$trimmedOffset = $Offset[1].trim("s")
$winTimeOffset = $winTimeOffset + $trimmedOffset
Write-Host "Total: $winTimeOffset"
# Now need to divide by 10.
sample data:
20:30:23, -00.0698082s
20:30:25, -00.0704645s
20:30:27, -00.0708694s
20:30:29, -00.0728990s
20:30:31, -00.0719226s
20:30:33, -00.0749031s
20:30:36, -00.0778656s
20:30:38, -00.0782183s
20:30:40, -00.0752974s
20:30:42, -00.0760958s
You can try this one line command :
$a = w32tm /stripchart /computer:0.fr.pool.ntp.org /dataonly /samples:10 | select -Skip 3 | % {[double]$_.Substring(11,10)} | Measure-Object -Average -sum
$a can also give you maximum and minimum adding Measure-Object params.
You'll want to cast to a double rather than int. The following should do it:
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$winTimeStripchart = w32tm /stripchart /computer:0.pool.ntp.org /dataonly /samples:10
$WinTimeOffset = $null
foreach($entry in $winTimeStripchart){
$Offset = $entry.split("-")
$trimmedOffset = $Offset[1].trim("s")
$winTimeOffset = [double]$winTimeOffset + [double]$trimmedOffset
Write-Host "Total: $winTimeOffset"
Write-Host "Average: $($winTimeOffset/$winTimeStripchart.count)"
Sample output:
Total: 6.1581437
Average: 0.61581437
I've make some other tweaks to the script as well to make it more scalable:
Foreach rather than a for loop
Using a list rather than array and stripping first 3 entries.
Dividing buy number of entries in list.

Powershell/Sharepoint anti flooding script

Extreme powershell newbie here. I appreciate any and all help.
I'm trying to put together a simple anti-flooding script to work with Sharepoint/Powershell. Need it to look at a datetime in a field and compare it to the current datetime then stop execution if within 5 seconds of the last submittal. The method im using now always seems to evaluate to true.
#get system datetime (output format - 06/12/2014 07:57:25)
$a = (Get-Date)
# Get current List Item
$ListItem = $List.GetItemById($ItemID)
$DateToCompare = $ListItem["baseline"].AddMilliseconds(5000)
if ($DateToCompare -gt $a)
#set variable to field
$ListItem["baseline"] = $a
#write new item
I don't have Sharepoint access so I cannot fully test.
Can you verify the datatype of "baseline" attribute?
Are you sure that 5000 millseconds is really being added?
Write-Output "NOW: $($curDate) BASELINE: $($DateToCompare) DIFF: $( ($curDate - $DateToCompare).TotalMilliseconds )"
Why use break rather than let the evaluation naturally end? Below is an alternative way you might restructure you code.
#The difference in Milliseconds acceptable
$threshold = 5000
#Get current date, the formatting depends on what you have defined for output.
$curDate = Get-Date
#Get current list item from SP
$listItem = $List.GetItemById($ItemID)
# Get current List Item's baseline
$DateToCompare = $listItem["baseline"]
Write-Output "NOW: $($curDate) BASELINE: $($DateToCompare) DIFF: $( ($curDate - $DateToCompare).TotalMilliseconds )"
if ( ($curDate - $DateToCompare).TotalMilliseconds -le $threshold ){
#set variable to field
$ListItem["baseline"] = $curDate
#write new item
} else {
#Outside of threshold
So it turns out the script as I gave it above was functional. The issue was the time I was pulling under the (Get-Date) function was the server time (central), rather than the local time (eastern).
#bring server time up to eastern time
$a = (Get-Date).AddMilliseconds(7200000)
# Get current List Item
$ListItem = $List.GetItemById($ItemID)
#take baseline time and add 5 seconds
$DateToCompare = $ListItem["baseline"].AddMilliseconds(5000)
#stop if script has run in the last 5 sec (loop prevention)
if ($DateToCompare -gt $a)
#stop if the status hasnt changed
if ($ListItem["baselinestatus"] -eq $ListItem["Status"])
#get current activity status
$currentstatus = $ListItem["Status"]
#get current contents of log
$log = $ListItem["Log"]
#append new entry to existing and write it to the log
$newentry = $log + "<br>" + $a + " - " + $currentstatus
#set variable to field
$ListItem["Log"] = $newentry
$ListItem["baseline"] = $a
$ListItem["baselinestatus"] = $currentstatus
#write new item