Date and Time in Log file - sqlanywhere

I've the translated Sybase ASA 9 log file, and the log looks like
UPDATE DBA.titulo_receber
SET dt_pagto='2014/apr/28 11:06:08.593',
dt_manutencao='2014/apr/28 11:08:22.949895'
WHERE cd_empresa=3
AND nr_titulo=20154
AND nr_parcela=5
AND serie='CF05'
INSERT INTO DBA.mensagem(nr_mensagem,dt_mensagem,hora,cd_usuario_remetente,
VALUES (50019297,'2014/apr/28 00:00','11:07:36.0',197,59,'N','TITULO BAIXADO','Empresa Venda: Loja3\x0D\x0AEmpresa Baixa: Loja5\x0D\x0ACliente: 3340-EZIONEI CONSTANTINO (Cliente da Loja3)\x0D\x0AT�tulo(s): 20154/05 R$ 90,00\x0D\x0ATOTAL PAGO: R$ 90,00','N',NULL,NULL,'2014/apr/28 11:06:08.593','2014/apr/28 11:08:22.952065')
I need to know the date and time in the "--UPDATE" / "--INSERT" and "--COMMIT" were executed in the db.
I can't find in the Sybase's help file nor in my search in Internet.
Kind Regards,
William Bertan


How can I round up MyBB View count format

Am Using MyBB for my forum,
My post view always display as e.g 31344, 211313
How can I round it up to something like 31k, 21k
And when it reach million or billions it should be 31M, 21B
You Get The Idea?, please how can I fixed that
Remember am using MyBB
For that, you need to edit the function my_number_format in stats.php file in global directory.
It responsibility is to parse the number in a given format.

TSQL Find and Replace in String

I have a table that I use for error logging when inserts fail on the front end of my site. It stores the params URL as a text string so we can see what values were sent over and why it may have failed.
Well I am now working with this data to try and recover some records from it.
This is what the record looks like in my field:
xml=<data><optional><Account>192070041</Account></optional></data>, submitter=Q1370, target=Q1234, escalationType=esc, escalationReason=277, feedback=cx req live esc to have us release his alh payment for 8487.18, adv cx his funds are eligble for release on july 2nd at 445 pm est, preventable=0,
The issue I am running into recovering some data is that on a script I am writing in PHP, I am getting all of the params individualy by exploding on the = sign to get each of the values.
Well, the feedback= section happens to be comments that contains commas and its messing up a lot of stuff.
What I need to do is within the string, I need to find everything in feedback=xxxxxxxxxx, and either remove all the commas from that section or replace with with a | pipe so I can just change them back later.
My lack of knowledge in this area is where I hope some one can point me in the right direction so I can get some records restored on a mass level.
Before String - param1=dfsfsf, param2=fdsfsdfds, param3=bob, how are you doing today?
After String - param1=dfsfsf, param2=fdsfsdfds, param3=bob| how are you doing today?
See and
Later edit: I read your question more carefully and I now understand that you want to replace only the commas in after a certain substring. Try something like this:
SET #URL='Before String - param1=dfsfsf, param2=fdsfsdfds, param3=bob, how are you doing today?'

Workflow - Can not select right rows

I have created this workflow by copying a workflow(macro) I recorded from our company system in the hope to relieve me from heavy data entry work. However, when I play the workflow, it failed to select the right row on a list(grid). Instead, it always selects the first row no matter what row I designate. I don't know which programming language the system uses. It was saved using the .P extension. Here is a part that caused the problem. The third last sentence (SELECT_ROW("2")) was not properly executed.
Thanks in advance for any comments.

stored long description in Sqlite database manager in iphone

I want to store long description in sqlite database manager in iphone like this data.
"The Golden Temple: The Golden Temple, popular as Sri Harmandir Sahib or Sri Darbar Sahib, is the sacred seat of Sikhism. Bathed in a quintessential golden hue that dazzles in the serene waters of the Amrit Sarovar that lace around it, the swarn mandir (Golden temple) is one that internalizes in the mindscape of its visitors, no matter what religion or creed, as one of the most magnificent House of Worship. On a jewel-studded platform is the Adi Grantha or the sacred scripture of Sikhs wherein are enshrined holy inscriptions by the ten Sikh gurus and various Hindu and Moslem saints. While visiting the Golden Temple you need to cover your head. Street sellers sell bandanas outside the temple at cheap prices."
I am trying to take as description (VARCHAR(5000)) but when i execute query it is showing half text with dotted (....) like that
The ... surely indicate that the full text is present in the database. It also indicates that "Sqlite database browser" truncates past a certain length:
m_textWidthMarkSize = s.value("prefs/sqleditor/textWidthMarkSpinBox", 60).toInt();
Is there a way to change the settings?
You can verify that the text is fully saved with the following query (replace theTable with the correct table name):
select length(description) from theTable;

Quartz Get trigger description

Is there a function in the API that returns language description of a trigger? For example,
cron trigger expression="0 0 0 L * ?"
Language I'm looking for is "Fires at 0:00:00 every last day of the month" (Or something like that)
I want to use this to give feed back to user of what schedules are created. I'm hoping I don't have to parse the expression myself. I search Google but have came empty, maybe I'm not using the right words to search for.
I'm using the .NET version. But if there is a java function out there I could probably figure out how to port it.
Thanks in advance
There is a question similiar to this here I think your going to have to write something yourself for this.