TSQL Find and Replace in String - tsql

I have a table that I use for error logging when inserts fail on the front end of my site. It stores the params URL as a text string so we can see what values were sent over and why it may have failed.
Well I am now working with this data to try and recover some records from it.
This is what the record looks like in my field:
xml=<data><optional><Account>192070041</Account></optional></data>, submitter=Q1370, target=Q1234, escalationType=esc, escalationReason=277, feedback=cx req live esc to have us release his alh payment for 8487.18, adv cx his funds are eligble for release on july 2nd at 445 pm est, preventable=0,
The issue I am running into recovering some data is that on a script I am writing in PHP, I am getting all of the params individualy by exploding on the = sign to get each of the values.
Well, the feedback= section happens to be comments that contains commas and its messing up a lot of stuff.
What I need to do is within the string, I need to find everything in feedback=xxxxxxxxxx, and either remove all the commas from that section or replace with with a | pipe so I can just change them back later.
My lack of knowledge in this area is where I hope some one can point me in the right direction so I can get some records restored on a mass level.
Before String - param1=dfsfsf, param2=fdsfsdfds, param3=bob, how are you doing today?
After String - param1=dfsfsf, param2=fdsfsdfds, param3=bob| how are you doing today?

See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186862.aspx and https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181984.aspx
Later edit: I read your question more carefully and I now understand that you want to replace only the commas in after a certain substring. Try something like this:
SET #URL='Before String - param1=dfsfsf, param2=fdsfsdfds, param3=bob, how are you doing today?'


How do I prevent users to use thousands separator in FileMaker Pro?

In FileMaker Pro, when using number field, the user can choose to use a thousand separator or not. For example, if I have a database with a field for the price of an item, the user can either enter 1,000 or 1000.
I am using my database to generate an XML file that needs to be uploaded. The thing is, that my XML scheme dictates that only a value of 1000 is allowed and not 1,000. Therefore, I want to either automatically remove the comma, or (my preference in this case) alert the user when trying to enter a value with a thousand separator.
What I tried is the following.
For the field, I am setting Validation options. For example:
Require Strict data type: Numeric Only
Validated by calculation: Position ( Self ; ","; 1 ; 1 ) = 0
Validated by calculation: Self = Substitue ( Self, ",", "")
Auto-enter calculation: Filter( Self ; "0123456789." )
Unfortunately, none of these work. As the field is defined as a number (and I want to keep it like this, as I am also performing calculations based on this number), the Position function and the Substitute function apparently ignore the thousand separator!
Note that I am generating my XML by concatenating a string, for example:
"<Products><Product><Name>" & Name & "</Name><Price>" & Price & "</Price></Product></Product>"
The reason is that what I am exporting is dependent on the values in my database. Therefore, I am not using the [File][Export records...] function.
Auto-enter calculation will work, but you need to uncheck the box "Do not replace existing value of field" (which is checked by default).
I'd suggest using the calculation GetAsNumber(self) as the auto-enter calc. If it should only contain integers, wrap that in a call to Int()
I am using my database to generate an XML file that needs to be uploaded. The thing is, that my XML scheme dictates that only a value of 1000 is allowed and not 1,000.
If this is only a problem when you export, why not handle it when exporting?
If you are exporting as XML using XSLT, you can add an instruction to
your stylesheet to remove the comma from all number fields;
Alternatively, you can export from a layout where the field is
formatted to display without the comma and select the Apply current's layout data formatting to exported data option when
Perhaps I should have clarified. I am not using the export function to generate the XML as there is some logic involved in how the XML should be formatted (dependent on the data that I want to export). What I do instead is that I make a string where I combine XML-tags and actual values from the database.
IMHO, you're making a mistake by not taking advantage of the built-in XML/XSLT export option. Any imaginable logic can be implemented this way, without burdening your solution with the fragile task of creating a valid XML.
In any case, if you're using the field in a calculation, you can replace all references to it with:
GetAsNumber (YourField )
to get an unformatted, numeric-only, value.
Your question puzzles me. As far as I know, FileMaker does not store the thousands separator, but rather offers it only as a display option.
That's also why those functions can't find it.
Are you sure you are exporting the raw data and not a "formatted as layout" variant?

Apply Command to String-type custom fields with YouTrack Rest API

and thanks for looking!
I have an instance of YouTrack with several custom fields, some of which are String-type. I'm implementing a module to create a new issue via the YouTrack REST API's PUT request, and then updating its fields with user-submitted values by applying commands. This works great---most of the time.
I know that I can apply multiple commands to an issue at the same time by concatenating them into the query string, like so:
Type Bug Priority Critical add Fix versions 5.1 tag regression
will result in
Type: Bug
Priority: Critical
Fix versions: 5.1
in their respective fields (as well as adding the regression tag). But, if I try to do the same thing with multiple String-type custom fields, then:
Foo something Example Something else Bar P0001
results in
Foo: something Example Something else Bar P0001
The command only applies to the first field, and the rest of the query string is treated like its String value. I can apply the command individually for each field, but is there an easier way to combine these requests?
Thanks again!
This is an expected result because all string after foo is considered a value of this field, and spaces are also valid symbols for string custom fields.
If you try to apply this command via command window in the UI, you will actually see the same result.
Such a good question.
I encountered the same issue and have spent an unhealthy amount of time in frustration.
Using the command window from the YouTrack UI I noticed it leaves trailing quotations and I was unable to find anything in the documentation which discussed finalizing or identifying the end of a string value. I was also unable to find any mention of setting string field values in the command reference, grammer documentation or examples.
For my solution I am using Python with the requests and urllib modules. - Though I expect you could turn the solution to any language.
The rest API will accept explicit strings in the POST
import requests
import urllib
from collections import OrderedDict
URL = 'http://youtrack.your.address:8000/rest/issue/{issue}/execute?'.format(issue='TEST-1234')
params = OrderedDict({
'State': 'New',
'Priority': 'Critical',
'String Field': '"Message to submit"',
'Other Details': '"Fold the toilet paper to a point when you are finished."'
str_cmd = ' '.join(' '.join([k, v]) for k, v in params.items())
command_url = URL + urllib.urlencode({'command':str_cmd})
result = requests.post(command_url)
# The command result:
# http://youtrack.your.address:8000/rest/issue/TEST-1234/execute?command=Priority+Critical+State+New+String+Field+%22Message+to+submit%22+Other+Details+%22Fold+the+toilet+paper+to+a+point+when+you+are+finished.%22
I'm sad to see this one go unanswered for so long. - Hope this helps!
After continuing my work, I have concluded that sending all the field
updates as a single POST is marginally better for the YouTrack
server, but requires more effort than it's worth to:
1) know all fields in the Issues which are string values
2) pre-process all the string values into string literals
3) If you were to send all your field updates as a single request and just one of them was missing, failed to set, or was an unexpected value, then the entire request will fail and you potentially lose all the other information.
I wish the YouTrack documentation had some mention or discussion of
these considerations.

How to prevent the NULLS being removed?

I am currently using SQL Server 2008R2.
I am using this script:
SELECT a.productname, a.orderdate, a.workarea
FROM database1table1 AS a
WHERE a.orderdate >='2016/08/01'
Which gives the output:
x 2016/08/07 NULL
y 2016/08/09 HOLDING
z 2016/08/10 ACTION
a 2016/08/12 ACTION
My problem arises when I amend the above script to read,
WHERE a.orderdate >='2016/08/01'
**AND a.workarea NOT IN ('HOLDING')**
When I do this, not only does it remove 'HOLDING', but it also removes the NULL rows as well, which I definitely do not want.
Please can you suggest an amendment to the script to prevent the NULLS being removed - I only want to see the value 'HOLDING' taken out.
With many thanks!
You can try a workaround
AND ISNULL(a.workarea,'') NOT IN ('HOLDING')
It will transform all null a.workarea in the "where" the "not in" works correctly

Having issues with a substring function in Tableau

I am trying to break a string up into substrings based on the position of a repeating set of characters.
The source string [UPDATES] looks like this, the number of characters between the repeating portions varies wildly.
"04/24/15 15:12:54 (PZPJ3F): Task update. 04/24/15 15:12:54 (PZPJ3F): Task update. 04/22/15 15:17:13 (SZGQ3T): updated due date prior to global problem 04/22/15 12:28:09 (PZPJ3F): Task updates."
I am trying to break them up into separate substrings so that I can display them side by side as separate columns as below
Column1 = |04/24/15 15:12:54 (PZPJ3F): Task update.
Column2 = |04/24/15 15:12:54 (PZPJ3F): Task update.
Column3 = |04/22/15 15:17:13 (SZGQ3T): updated due date prior to global problem|
I got the first portion to work with
But my attempts at using FIND to locate the next occurrence of "): " and use it to begin a MID are not working, specifically where I try to end them using a FIND function.
IF [Mark1]>0 THEN MID([UPDATES],[Mark1]-25,[Mark2])
Where Mark1 is
FLOAT(FIND([UPDATES],"): ",(FIND([UPDATES],"): ")+1)))
and Mark2 is
FLOAT(FIND([UPDATES],") ",[Mark1]+1))
I really went down the rabbit hole at the end of my attempt.
I am using Tableau 8.2, so Tableau 9 functions aren't an option (looking forward to FIND Nth!
Thanks in advance.
The key is that find() takes a second optional argument as a start position.
So in Tableau 8.2, I would write a simple calc to find the position of the first separator. Then reference that calculated field twice in your final calculated fields to yield the length of the first substring and the starting point of the second one.
Separating out substrings is painful prior to Tableau 9. Extracting the first in a list isn't bad, getting the second is clumsy and after that it gets pretty ugly.
Best approach is to upgrade to version 9 or do some preprocessing to pull out the substrings.

Multiple Search in SSRS when using only a part of the field

I Have created a stored procedure:
#DeviceID nvarchar(20) =''
left(amd.Deviceid,len(#DeviceID)) in (#DeviceID)
The length of amd.Deviceid is about 15 characters
In Visual Studio I create a parameter #DeviceID and when I am entering e.g ABCDE ( the first 5 characters from Deviceid) everything is working perfect.
the problem is that I want to put multiple values like
jhmcl*, jhmgd*.
So I created my own little version of your report and I believe the problem is your LEN() function. I'm surprised it doesn't return an error because it errors out in Report Builder for SQL Server 2014(simple version of SSRS). I would test what your LEN(#DeviceID) is returning. I would bet it's not returning the correct value. Instead you might try this to cover every possible pattern. I don't know how it will work performance wise.
FROM YourTable
WHERE LEN(DeviceID,1) IN (#DeviceID)
OR LEN(DeviceID,2) IN (#DeviceID)
OR LEN(DeviceID,3) IN (#DeviceID)
OR LEN(DeviceID,15),IN(#DeviceID)