Why does nodeeclipse require a monitor path to run? - eclipse

When i press Run as node application,
Node.js monitor is not correctly configured.
Select path to installed util: forever, node-dev, nodemon or supervisor.
Please goto Windows > Preferences > nodeclipse and configure the correct location.
I have now installed nodemon and everything works fine.
But, yesterday i ran my node apps with no issues or monitors, why am I suddenly forced to use one?
Given that (Run as Node application) and (Run as Node with monitor) are separate options for Run, why do they both require monitors? I am new to eclipse, so don't hesitate to offer obvious answers

There was unsolved issue, that Eclipse can use only one Run configuration.
To clean up
Right-click .js file, select Properties
on Run/Debug Setting page delete all but 1 run configuration


No "open folder in container" or any other command in remote-containers vs code

I'm using a remote machine, and want to run a docker inside that machine (local->remote->docker) and wish to use the Remote development in Containers tools of vs code
Unfortunatlly, I do not see any of the actions after installing the extension.
My view (ctrl+shift+p -> type remote-containers)
While the tutorial has actions I don't even see:
You need to make sure you are not connected to your remote host via Remote-SSH in VSCode. If you are, you will not see "Open Folder in Container..." or the other options.
Try opening up VSCode without connecting using Remote-SSH. You will find that the option is now present.
To set up a remote Docker host, you first need to be able to access your remote host using key based authentication as describe here
You then set
in setting.json.
Once that is setup, you can only attach to running containers. Test this out before proceeding:
Start a container on the remote host
Hit F1 in your vscode and then select "Attach to Running Container..."
You should see the container you started and you should be able to attach to this
Once you are past this point, you will need to create your devcontainer.json file as per the documentation
Make sure you have installed Remote Container extension.
and ssh as mentioned on the comment above.
Once installed, click on Docker icon, under containers, right click on the container you need to work with vcode and select attach vscode.
I had this issue when I opened vscode for the first time in a year after only needing to install it for some random project that wanted me to use "dev containers" for, I don't remember what.
But I don't care about dev containers anymore and I don't remember that project, however, vscode was functionally unusable because it opened in that old project directory and was trying to do... something with containers. I don't know, I don't care, I just wanted to open another folder so a junior programmer could use an IDE on my machine they're familiar with instead of emacs/vim/whatever.
The solution for me was to use the "extensions" tab CTRL+SHIFT+X, disable the "Dev Containers" extension, then use "File -> Open Recent Folder" to select some other directory. This gets around the "can't open in container" bug. If you don't have a history of other opened directories, I think you need to completely reinstall Vscode or something.

Eclipse Launch Group - How does Launch Mode work?

I am working with STS based on Eclipse
About Run Configurations
I have some Maven configurations for Main executions defined through the Maven Build section. I need execute some of them together, for this goal I am working with the Launch Group section as follows:
From above I added three configurations to run together.
When I added each one, or even if I need update/edit each one - exists the following (observe the bottom part):
From above I did do some experiments about the Post launch action options and I understand clearly how works each one. Until here all is fine.
The situation is about the Launch mode options as follows:
From above I understand run option, it is the common or simplest execution.
But I am not able to figure out - what do or how work the rest of the options:
Database Debug (Not sure if this option/item appears because I have the Dbeaver plugin installed)
Question: therefore how Inherit, Profile and Database Debug work? (Mostly the two first). If some scenarios or situations can be shared about when to use each one, it is appreciate to have a better perspective.
BTW if I choice Profile, appears the following error message (see blue square), as follows, so not sure when would be used (it is confuse)
The launch mode must be supported by the type of the launch configuration to be able to select it without an error.
Maven launch configurations support the launch mode Run only.
For launch configurations that supports the launch mode Run and Debug (like e.g. Java Application launch configurations), also Inherit can be chosen. Inherit means the launch mode of the launch group. Use the drop-down of the Debug button in the main toolbar to launch the launch group in Debug mode or the drop-down of the Run button to launch the launch group in Run mode. Alternatively, a launch group can be executed via the menu Run > Run Configurations... respectively Run > Debug Configurations... in the Run respectively Debug mode.
Launch groups exist since Eclipse Oxygen (4.7). This short video shows them in action. Run and Debug are the basic launch modes. All others with the exception of Inherit are contributed by additional plug-ins. For example, the Profile launch mode comes with Eclipse EclEmma for Java code coverage which is built-in in all Java IDE packages.
The dialog should not offer the option to choose a not supported mode. Maybe this is because plug-ins can add additional launch modes (in your case Database Debug) or maybe because nobody has implemented it yet (Eclipse is open source and contributions like this are welcome).
I have tried to run launch groups in coverage mode but have not been able to make it work. This seems to be a limitation in Eclipse. It would be useful to run a group of unit tests in coverage mode.

Flutter error Unable to start the daemon process

My flutter project is run smoothly in my old laptop. But when I use my new laptop, my flutter project can't run in debug mode.
This error
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Unable to start the daemon process.
This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon.
For example, an unrecognized jvm option is used.
Please refer to the User Manual chapter on the daemon at https://docs.gradle.org/5.6.2/userguide/gradle_daemon.html
Process command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_221\bin\java.exe -Xmx1536M -Dfile.encoding=windows-1252 -Duser.country=US -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -cp C:\Users\ajoris\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-5.6.2-all\9st6wgf78h16so49nn74lgtbb\gradle-5.6.2\lib\gradle-launcher-5.6.2.jar org.gradle.launcher.daemon.bootstrap.GradleDaemon 5.6.2
Please read the following process output to find out more:
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for 1572864KB object heap
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Djava.vendor="Sun Microsystems Inc."
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
Is there something missing in the settings on my new laptop? I tried to clean project, upgrade flutter but always fail. Sorry for new
What actually worked for me is, In windows 10 just turn off your mobile hotspot and run the app again. I think it's a glitch/bug in windows 10.
The solution to this problem is deactivating windows hotspot before running build or app compilation.
Don't delete anything or file, just build the app with mobile hotspot turned off.'
its a windows 10 bug that start without any reason. i refreshed my windows and this started
Flutter or Android Applications
The general steps I would use are:
run flutter doctor in terminal
if you are using an emulator make sure it has enough space (often it needs a restart to clear junk files created upon consecutive deploys)
if the gradle files have been modified it is recommended to open them with Android Studio (Android folder of the application). If anything is missing the IDE will prompt you to install the missing dependencies.
Hope it helps
I tried all the above methods but sadly none of them worked. What eventually worked for me was too simple.
first try all the suggested solutions here and if it doesn't work
try to disable mobile firewall, actually I discovered that it's a windows 10 bug because disabling mobile hotspot just until you build or compile your project then you can reenable it without any problem .
Step 1: Open the Registry Editor on your Windows 10 computer. To do this, just press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard. In the Run dialog box, type “Regedit” and hit enter. This will open the Registry Editor window.
Step 2: In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Policies Microsoft WindowsNetwork Connections
Step 3: In the Network Connections key, on the right-side pane, right-click anywhere in the empty area and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
Step 4: Name the newly created registry “NC_ShowSharedAccessUI” and keep its value as “0” to disable the Mobile Hotspot feature on your laptop.
Step 5: To enable the feature, just change the value of the NC_ShowSharedAccessUI registry from 0 to 1 and the feature will be enabled again.
When the functionality has been disabled, the feature will still appear in the Network & Internet settings but it cannot be enabled or configured. To use the feature, the registry needs to be edited again and enable the functionality.
It looks like a memory problem.
In your project folder, Go to android/gradle.properties.
Change the line
Save the gradle.properties file and try to run debugging again.
That Worked for me :)
Usually it Is bcoz of the .gradle file in C:drive.
1.Locate to the .gradle folder (usually in C:\users\your_username)
2.Delete the .gradle folder once located.
2.Locate to your flutter project folder
2.Locate to android
3.Run gradlew clean
4.Run gradlew build
5.now run your app...It worked for me
I tried all the above methods but sadly none of them worked. What eventually worked for me was simple.
There has been a lot of problem with emulator configuration and sometimes it crashes for a lot of reasons. For the above problem what I recommend is, delete the current emulator but remember the settings like API version and all and make a new emulator.
This worked for me fine!
I'll post what solved for me.
flutter clean
flutter run
Close Android studio
Delete your ".gradle" folder
Open android studio as administrator and allow project to build.
For my case i had --no-sound-null-safety in the Dart: Flutter Additional Args ( go to vscode settings under extensions dart ). I deleted it, deleted the web folder in the project ( i was working on the app only ) then reloaded vscode. the error was gone afterwards
go to C:\Program Files\nodejs
Open npm, npm.cmd, npx, npx.cmd
then change the prefix -g to prefix --location=global
still if this did not work,
go to android studio click on build, then click clear project.
I also faced this issue and this step resolved problem. Still if this did not work out let me know.
Non of the solution in here worked for me. running my vscode or android studio as an administrator solved the problem.
Go to file/setting/build,execution,deployment/gradle, and there where Gradle user home: pass static address.
For example, my address is C:/Users/Admin/.gradle.
After applying if runs OK.
There is a simple solution.
Uninstall the app from your device .
Then restart the PC .
First of all Uninstall the application from emulator.
then wipe all data from the emulator.
Sometimes turning off mobile hotspot will do the work.
After turning off if not work then restart the pc or a laptop. Don't turn on mobile hotspot and run flutter run.

VSCode ran once on install, won't run or install again

I'm running this on Windows 7 SP1 with most (if not all) current patches. I have administrative permissions on this machine.
The first time I ran VSCodeSetup.exe, it ran the installer for several minutes then launched the actual application.
I got called into a surprise meeting, so I closed it thinking I'd look at it again later.
However, when I returned to my computer and tried to launch it, I found no evidence that it was actually installed... no desktop icon, no entry in the start menu, no Explorer integration...
I tried running VSCodeSetup.exe again, but all it does it show the installer screen for a split second, which then vanishes.
Since then, I've tried the suggestions outlined in VSCode Installation Failed - Failed to extract installer to install the application, even going so far as to run Update.exe --uninstall followed by running VSCodeSetup.exe again, but nothing has worked.
I even tried disabling my antivirus software and running the installer again, to no avail.
Does anyone know what I can do to get VSCode working again?
According to the comments and answers to Install VSCode in a specific folder, Visual Studio Code installs itself to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code on Windows.
While I'm not sure why it didn't register itself with Explorer, I can at least create a shortcut to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code\bin\code.cmd (with icon %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code\app.ico) to get it working again.
Or remove the directory entirely and run VSCodeSetup.exe to install it again, which still doesn't add Explorer integration... but this time at least the PATH now has code in it.
On windows VSCode is installed as Code.exe and its located in your

Run Tomcat within Eclipse as a different user

I am running Eclipse Indigo EE on Windows 7, logged in as me.. I have Tomcat running within eclipse right now (under Servers view) but it's running under my user. I'd like to run it as a different user. How do I go about achieving that? I don't want to run it as a Windows service or outside of Eclipse, I want to continue to manage it through Eclipse which makes debugging, shutting down, starting up a lot simpler for me.
Any ideas how to go about setting that up or if it's even possible?
I could not find a way to start the Tomcat server as a different user. Whereas you can achieve this by opening eclipse as a different user. Following are the steps for the same
Open command prompt.
Run following command with intended user name and eclipse exe's location
runas /user:domainName\userName C:\eclipse-jee-mars-R-win32-x86_64\eclipse\eclipse.exe