No "open folder in container" or any other command in remote-containers vs code - visual-studio-code

I'm using a remote machine, and want to run a docker inside that machine (local->remote->docker) and wish to use the Remote development in Containers tools of vs code
Unfortunatlly, I do not see any of the actions after installing the extension.
My view (ctrl+shift+p -> type remote-containers)
While the tutorial has actions I don't even see:

You need to make sure you are not connected to your remote host via Remote-SSH in VSCode. If you are, you will not see "Open Folder in Container..." or the other options.
Try opening up VSCode without connecting using Remote-SSH. You will find that the option is now present.
To set up a remote Docker host, you first need to be able to access your remote host using key based authentication as describe here
You then set
in setting.json.
Once that is setup, you can only attach to running containers. Test this out before proceeding:
Start a container on the remote host
Hit F1 in your vscode and then select "Attach to Running Container..."
You should see the container you started and you should be able to attach to this
Once you are past this point, you will need to create your devcontainer.json file as per the documentation

Make sure you have installed Remote Container extension.
and ssh as mentioned on the comment above.
Once installed, click on Docker icon, under containers, right click on the container you need to work with vcode and select attach vscode.

I had this issue when I opened vscode for the first time in a year after only needing to install it for some random project that wanted me to use "dev containers" for, I don't remember what.
But I don't care about dev containers anymore and I don't remember that project, however, vscode was functionally unusable because it opened in that old project directory and was trying to do... something with containers. I don't know, I don't care, I just wanted to open another folder so a junior programmer could use an IDE on my machine they're familiar with instead of emacs/vim/whatever.
The solution for me was to use the "extensions" tab CTRL+SHIFT+X, disable the "Dev Containers" extension, then use "File -> Open Recent Folder" to select some other directory. This gets around the "can't open in container" bug. If you don't have a history of other opened directories, I think you need to completely reinstall Vscode or something.


Is it possible to use DocumentLink and registerUriHandler when using the remote containers?

I installed laravel goto config extension in the remote containers and whenever I click on the link that extension generates and that should jump to another file vscode crashes and restarts
I've created the github issue with the extension creator but author doesn't have any experience with remote extensions. In the github issue I also linked github repository that you can use to reproduce the issue. Note that instead of
./vendor/bin/sail up -d --build
you can use
docker-compose up -d --build
to start the containers
Once containers start you can follow the readme or you can directly open example link below that crashes the vscode
File /var/www/html/config/app.php exists in the docker container
I don't know too much about developing vscode extensions but I managed to find out that extension uses DocumentLink and registerUriHandler under the hood to generate the link to the file and to handle incoming links. I even downloaded the extensions and tried to debug the issue, but I only managed to get the debugger and breakpoints working when using vscode directly on the host. Once I connect to remote container debugging doesn't stop on breakpoints anymore and vscode crashes when I use the vscode://... link
Is it possible to use vscode://... with remote containers to open the files?
I found one example where opening files trough links work. In the file .devcontainer/devcontainer.json when I hover on the files in the "dockerComposeFile": [...] list I can see the link and when I click on it it will open the file. Hovering on the link shows following value
but this handles link with vscode and not with registerUriHandler
I managed to pinpoint the issue. In the extension there was a line
vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.openFolder', vscode.Uri.file(path))
that was causing vscode to reload even if it's the same folder. This only happened in remote containers
Changing this line to
vscode.commands.executeCommand('', vscode.Uri.file(path))
solved the issue.
Command vscode.openFolder should be changed to
I found more info about these commands in the docs

How to create settings.json and extensions.json outside of image and named config level for an ATTACHED VSCode Container

I'm using WSL 2 for Windows, and I'm currently working on a ddev repo where I am creating a development environment using ddev and VSCode. On initiation of the ddev environment, I am starting up all my containers. With my custom "ddev code" command, I am attaching VSCode to the web container via the hex representation of the web container using
'code --folder-uri="vscode-remote://attached-container+646465762d646465762d7673636f64652d646576636f6e7461696e65722d64727570616c392d74656d706c6174652d776562%/var/www/html"'
Now, I would like to automatically enable a bunch of extensions and settings. Currently, I am using workspace settings in my projects folder structure in the form of .vscode/settings.json and extension settings in the form of .vscode/extensions.json. But this is just a workaround, since VSCode will use these settings as "workspace settings" and not "devcontainer settings". I would like to define the settings and install the extensions directly on my attached VSCode container rather than in my workspace settings, since I can only use "recommendations" in the extensions.json, because it is seen as a workspace.
I know I can set the settings and extensions under "AppData\Roaming\Code\User\globalStorage\ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers\imageConfigs" or "nameConfigs" but I would like to have them in Ubuntu or rather in my project's folder directory. I also know that there is the devcontainer.json for standalone VSCode Containers where you can set the Docker files and settings/extensions, but how can I use such a file for my attached container?
Another way would be to install the extensions via command after attaching VSCode using
code --install-extension <extension-id>
But this will only install them locally. And executing this command in the web Container via ssh will throw an error.
Maybe someone knows a solution? If further information is needed I can of course provide it :)
Here is the repository I am working on:
EDIT: Maybe this issue from our repo can also give more insight:

Failed to connect to the remote extension host server (Error: Handler already set!)

I went to open a repo using Vs Code on a remote ssh host. I can ssh in successfully but when I try to open a repo I get Failed to connect to the remote extension host server (Error: Handler already set!). I've tried un installing and re installing Vs Code. Does anyone have a fix other than switching ides.
avenmore comment helped me:
I started getting this message with v1.57.0 when trying to run a Vue
project. Long story short: I usually have my DEBUG CONSOLE window
docked inside to the right of my TERMINAL (powershell), and upon
opening VSCode it wouldn't be visible and I'd get this message after
building successfully and trying to launch. The work-around is to
close VSCode, navigate to folder
USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\workspaceStorage and delete the
contents (notably state.vscdb) and then restart VSCode. The DEBUG
CONSOLE then shows itself again and all is fine unless I dock it again
and close VSCode and there is a good chance of it happening again next
time VSCode is opened. I have stopped docking the window inside the
terminal and it hasn't happened since.
For me what solved this was to go into the 'remote explorer' and clear out the SSH Targets that I already had in there before the upgrade, and then just paste them in again. Now I can connect. For example, a re-pasted SSH command looked like:
ssh -i "/Users/myuseraccount/abc.pem"
A few days later this stopped working again. I think maybe because my SSH targets config saved what I pasted in as my SSH connection command. It appears "sometimes" if there are any entries in the SSH target config file, that this error occurs.
I find to ensure this error never occurs do
rm ~/.ssh/config
every time before you open Vs Code. Assuming ~/.ssh/config is where your Vs Code is reading its SSH entries from. There is one other place possible under /etc/$somewhere (I dont know where).
Then when you go to your empty SSH Target and hit the (+) button to connect, paste in the entire ssh connection request at the top of this file. I think you have to clear out the SSH targets every time otherwise I get this error coming up again days later.
Try in settings.json add item "": false
Windows, VSCode 1.57.1
I've just remove and added the host again in ssh configuration:
If you are using MacOS, I found a way.
Close Visual Studio Code, delete files in these two folder, then restart Visual Studio Code.
rm -rf $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Code
rm -rf $HOME/.vscode
I tried all solution on this post, and can't get success. Then cloned another repo on my WSL folder then open, it was fine. So I changed my repo name, then problem gone. Maybe it may dumb solution. But it works me.
You gonna have to change the "debug.terminal.clearBeforeReusing" to true on setting.json. It works for me
I noticed there was a workspace folder in the folder above, deleted that and it resolved the issue
On the remote system, after various things had happened, I did mv .vscode .vscode-old to basically reset the remote .vscode (over ssh). I had also renamed the remote folder for the project -- not sure if that matters. Then I was was able to connect to it again.
I can't be scientific about those "various things that happened", but I'll to list some:
I had created a second project alongside the first and had connected to it - this was for unrelated reasons and preceded the "handler" error
it was then that I had issues connecting to the first one, even though it had worked for months and months without me ever having this Handler already set error -- related to creating the 2nd one? Not sure. The 2nd one worked fine throughout.
I tried File: Open Folder... from the second remote project and opened the first; it opened but got 2 python exception errors in a python extension - unfortunately I can't remember what they were. This could be noise / unrelated. I happen to have both MS python and pylance extensions installed remotely, I think it was the pylance once that was not happy.
during this, I had also renamed the 1st folder which didn't work; I'm not sure if the rename triggered the different behaviour ie python ext errors instead of the "handler" error
I then replaced .vscode in the first remote project (with the new folder name)
... and that was when it worked, with no "handler" error and no complaints from the python extension(s)

Mutliple SSH connections inside Visual Studio Code

Is it possible that I can use multiple SSH connections inside Visual Studio Code? I have created 8 different SSH Targets. I think a good solution could be that inside the same window I only have to switch the terminal from one target to the next target.
Also, I have created a workspace. code-workspace file in which I have opened different network drives together as one workspace. The point is if I open one SSH target it would be opened inside a new window and if not, the workspace gets closed. Is it possible to combine both solutions?
Thanks in advance and kind regards
The remote SSH capability added to VSCode (and documented here) is only valid for one remote SSH connection at a time (seen in the lower-left corner)
If you want to develop locally, but still have multiple terminals, each one with their own SSH connection, you would need to:
declare multiple terminals
configure them to launch their own ssh command when starting their session (using terminal.integrated.shellArgs.<OS>": )

Is it possible to open VSCode from Windows terminal while SSH'ed into a virtual machine?

I'm working on some tutorials and trying to do something, but no idea if it can be done. I am using windows terminal in Windows 10. I have an Ubuntu virtual machine running.
I'd like to:
Open Windows terminal
SSH into the Linux Virtual Machine
Type in the code . command and have it open a version of VS Code on my Windows PC that is working on the folder in the Ubuntu VM.
I tried install code locally and on the command line in the other machine, but it doesn't work. I am sure there are other ways to do this but wanted to explain how I was doing it to show I at least tried something. Thanks for your help.
It's not quite as easy as the code . technique you get with the Remote - WSL extension, but Microsoft also provides a Remote - SSH extension that can be used to directly access the remote machine (without requiring WSL in-the-middle).
Once the Remote - SSH extension is installed in VSCode (and it may have already been installed in an extension pack with the WSL extension), and you have installed an OpenSSH client in Windows, there are several ways to access files on the remote host through SSH:
From the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), type Remote SSH to filter on those commands. From Connect to Host, you can add a new configuration, etc.
From the Activity Bar on the left, select the Remote Explorer icon, then in the dropdown at the top, select SSH Targets. You can add hosts here through the + icon.
There's a direct shortcut to Open a Remote Window at the far left of the status bar. This will give you similar filter options on the Command Palette as above.
Once a host is configured, you can browse it just as (well, almost) if it were local, open files, edit, etc. The one thing you can't do (as far as I'm aware) is any type of sudo/su editing on files that you don't have permissions to directly.
Full details in the VSCode docs here.