I'm using easelsjs and I need to make a simple transition.
Just change the opacity of the stage gradually.
I'm using the alpha property and the Ticker but I don't see the transition but only the last stage of it.
Is there a simple example for this - I tried to look but couldn't find
I don't know if you want to change the stage opacity or the shape opacity, but if you want your entire canvas to have less opacity, you can simply use JavaScript + CSS transitions to do it. No need for EaselJS in this case.
But if you want to create alpha transitions on canvas objects you should take a look at TweenJS, it simplifies the animation process a lot.
Also, if you want to continue using EaselJS only (or with TweenJS), you'll need to implement the ticker properly, here's how I create my ticker function:
createjs.Ticker.on("tick", tick);
createjs.Ticker.setFPS(60); // This will call the tick() function at every 1000/60ms
function tick() {
And then you'll need to say when your button was clicked to your ticker function, so it can decrease your object's alpha every frame. I highly recommend using TweenJS instead of doing this (I've put a TweenJS demonstration at the end of this answer):
$(document).ready(function () {
var stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
var s = new createjs.Shape();
s.graphics.beginStroke("#F00").beginFill("#FF0000").drawRect(150.5, 100.5, 300, 300);
$("#d").click(function () {
s.fadeOut = true;
// Tick:
createjs.Ticker.on("tick", tick);
function tick() {
s.alpha -= 0.01;
s.fadeOut = (s.alpha > 0.4);
I've simplified your code a little bit too. Here's how the code inside the click event handler would look using TweenJS:
createjs.Tween.get(s).to({alpha: 0.4},1000);
Note that both EaselJS and TweenJS work together.
The result I want to achieve, is to trigger a lazy loading function before user reaches scrollController.position.maxScrollExtent, so in that way I will "minimize" the waiting time in the eyes of user.
In my case, I want the lazy loading function to trigger every time users scroll an 80% of the screen
Here is my working code snippet with lazy loading function triggered when user reaches the end of the screen (classic way):
scrollController.addListener(() {
if (scrollController.position.pixels == scrollController.position.maxScrollExtent) {
// lazy load function
I tried to change the if statement to this:
scrollController.position.pixels >= scrollController.position.maxScrollExtent*0.8
but it didn't work as expected. What else can I do ? Thanks in advance.
You have to set a delta limit, which checks if the scroll is about to read max extent.
scrollController.addListener(() {
if (scrollController.position.pixels > scrollController.position.maxScrollExtent*0.8) {
// lazy load function
Here it checks if the current pixel is more than the delta value (maxExtent * 0.8) and if true, loads the function.
One more thing to note is that if in delta range, the function will be triggered with change of every pixel. So it is suggested to have a bool variable outside of scrollController.addListener to check if the function is already running.
For reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXJboDdIpEA
Happy coding!
I am new to unity and for my project I need a gradient background which changes after a certain amount of time. I searched a lot and not able to get it . Can anyone please explain me step by step with respective coding and procedures. Reference to this type of background is the mobile game stack
I think you can make it normaly by create 2 background. After a certain amount of time just fade old background and enable new background. Code example:
void ChangeBackground()
IEnumerator FadeImage(float speedStep)
Color newColor = oldImage.color;
while (newColor.a > 0)
newColor.a -= speedStep;
oldImage.color = newColor;
yield return null;
I'm trying to create a custom scrollable text area. I created a DrawingArea and a ScrollBar inside a Grid. I have attached the draw event of DrawingArea to this.on_draw method which simply looks at ScrollBar's value and moves the Cairo.Context appropriately before drawing the Pango.Layout.
The first problem is that this.on_draw is getting invoked whenever the ScrollBar is touched even though I have not registered any events with ScrollBar. How do I prevent this, or check this?
The second problem is that even though this.on_draw is invoked, the changes made to the Context is not displayed unless the ScrollBar value is near 0 or 100 (100 is the upper value of Adjustment). Why is this happening?
I did find out that if I connect the value_changed event of ScrollBar to a method that calls queue_redraw of DrawingArea, it would invoke this.on_draw and display it properly after it. But due to the second problem, I think this.on_draw is getting invoked too many times unnecessarily. So, what is the "proper" way of accomplishing this?
using Cairo;
using Gdk;
using Gtk;
using Pango;
public class Texter : Gtk.Window {
private Gtk.DrawingArea darea;
private Gtk.Scrollbar scroll;
private string text = "Hello\nWorld!";
public Texter () {
GLib.Object (type: Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL);
Gtk.Grid grid = new Gtk.Grid();
this.add (grid);
var drawing_area = new Gtk.DrawingArea ();
drawing_area.set_size_request (200, 200);
drawing_area.expand = true;
drawing_area.draw.connect (this.on_draw);
grid.attach (drawing_area, 0, 0);
var scrollbar = new Gtk.Scrollbar (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL,
new Gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 1));
grid.attach (scrollbar, 1, 0);
this.darea = drawing_area;
this.scroll = scrollbar;
this.destroy.connect (Gtk.main_quit);
private bool on_draw (Gtk.Widget sender, Cairo.Context ctx) {
ctx.set_source_rgb (0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
ctx.paint ();
var y_offset = this.scroll.get_value();
stdout.printf("%f\n", y_offset);
ctx.set_source_rgb (0.25, 0.25, 0.25);
ctx.move_to(0, 100 - y_offset);
var layout = Pango.cairo_create_layout(ctx);
layout.set_font_description(Pango.FontDescription.from_string("Sans 12"));
layout.set_text(this.text, this.text.length);
Pango.cairo_show_layout(ctx, layout);
return false;
static int main (string[] args) {
Gtk.init (ref args);
var window = new Texter ();
window.show_all ();
Gtk.main ();
return 0;
Also, please point out any (possibly unrelated) mistake if you find one in the above code.
The part that you are missing is that a draw signal does not mean "redraw everything". Instead, GTK+ sets the clip region of the cairo context to the part that needs to be redrawn, so everything else you do doesn't have any effect. The cairo function cairo_clip_extents() will tell you what that region is. The queue_draw_area() method on GtkWidget will allow you to explicitly mark a certain area for drawing, instead of the entire widget.
But your approach to scrollbars is wrong anyway: you're trying to build the entire infrastructure from scratch! Consider using a GtkScrolledWindow instead. This automatically takes care of all the details of scrolling for you, and will give you the overlay scrollbars I mentioned. All you need to do is set the size of the GtkDrawingArea to the size you want it to be, and GtkScrolledWindow will do the rest. The best way to do this is to subclass GtkDrawingArea and override the get_preferred_height() and/or get_preferred_width() virtual functions (being sure to set both minimum and natural sizes to the sizes you want for that particular dimension). If you ever need to change this size later, call the queue_resize() method of GtkWidget. (You probably could get away with just using set_size_request(), but what I described is the preferred way of doing this.) Doing this also gives you the advantage of not having to worry about transforming your cairo coordinates; GtkScrolledWindow does this for you.
I'm having a bit of difficulty getting some functionality to work. I'm trying to create an eraser and erase parts of an image using easelJS. I've seen other people do this, but only erasing other graphics - and when I try to erase an image, I can't get anything to work. If I wanted to erase a bitmap instead of other graphics, is that possible?
I also tried to use the AlphaMaskFilter, but it's giving me the exact opposite of what I'm looking for (it's masking everything, and only revealing what I paint).
var c = createjs, stage, art;
var x, y, listener, color, hue=0;
stage = new c.Stage("test");
var testImg = new c.Bitmap("http://lorempixel.com/output/animals-q-c-640-480-5.jpg");
art = stage.addChild(testImg, new c.Shape());
stage.on("stagemousedown", startDraw, this);
function startDraw(evt) {
listener = stage.on("stagemousemove", draw, this);
stage.on("stagemouseup", endDraw, this);
color = c.Graphics.getHSL(hue+=85, 50, 50);
x = evt.stageX-0.001; // offset so we draw an initial dot
y = evt.stageY-0.001;
draw(evt); // draw the initial dot
function draw(evt) {
art.graphics.ss(20,1).s(color).mt(x,y).lt(evt.stageX, evt.stageY);
// the composite operation is the secret sauce.
// we'll either draw or erase what the user drew.
art.updateCache(erase.checked ? "destination-out" : "source-over");
x = evt.stageX;
y = evt.stageY;
function endDraw(evt) {
stage.off("stagemousemove", listener);
Your example is only affecting the Shape instance that you have cached. When you use multiple arguments in addChild(), it returns the last added item, so in your sample, the art variable just references the shape. So the image is just below the "painted area" that you are drawing to.
To fix this, create and cache a container instead. A few minor additions:
Once the image loads, update the cache one time (to apply the image).
Then remove the image so it is no longer applied every time you update the cache while drawing.
That's it!
Here is a fiddle:
Relevant Code:
// Listen for the image load
testImg.image.onload = function() {
cont.updateCache("source-over"); // Update cache once
cont.removeChild(testImg); // Remove image
stage.update(); // Draw the stage to see the image
// Create a sub-container that will hold the art and image
var cont = stage.addChild(new c.Container());
art = new c.Shape(); // Art is just the shape
cont.cache(0,0,600,400); // Cache the container instead
cont.addChild(testImg, art);
// Then, later update the container's cache (instead of the art)
cont.updateCache(erase.checked ? "destination-out" : "source-over");
I've been working on switching my applications from Swing to JavaFX. I've been working on a room escape game which displays a description of the item on which the user clicks. In Swing, I'd subclass JComponent and override the paintComponent(Graphics) method. I could draw the text there, knowing that the method is constantly called to update the screen. However, using the JavaFX Canvas, there is no method that is called constantly, which makes this task harder. I attempted save()ing the GraphicsContext after I drew the images and called restore() when I wanted to remove the text, but to no avail. Here's the important code:
package me.nrubin29.jescape;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas;
import javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
public class RoomPane extends Canvas {
private Room room;
private Toast toast;
public RoomPane() {
super(640, 480);
setOnMouseClicked(e -> {
for (JObject o : room.getObjects()) {
if (o.getBounds().contains(e.getX(), e.getY())) {
toast = new Toast(o.getDescription());
new Timer().schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
if (toast == null) {
if (toast.decrement()) { // Decrements the internal counter. If the count is 0, this method returns true.
toast = null;
Platform.runLater(() -> getGraphicsContext2D().restore());
else {
Platform.runLater(() -> getGraphicsContext2D().strokeText(toast.getText(), 300, 100));
}, 0, 1000);
public void changeRoom(Room room) {
this.room = room;
GraphicsContext g = getGraphicsContext2D();
g.drawImage(room.getBackground(), 0, 0);
for (JObject o : room.getObjects()) {
g.drawImage(o.getImage(), getCenterX(o.getBounds()), getCenterY(o.getBounds()));
I attempted save()ing the GraphicsContext after I drew the images and called restore() when I wanted to remove the text, but to no avail.
save and restore have nothing to with removing things like text, what they do is save in a stack the state of various settings like a stroke or fill to use to draw shapes and allow them to be popped off the stack for application later. Those routines don't effect the pixels drawn on the canvas at all.
To remove something from a GraphicsContext, you can either draw over the of it, or clear it. For your code, what you could do is snapshot the canvas node where you are trying to save it, then draw your snapshot image onto the canvas where you are trying to restore it. It is probably not the most efficient way of handling drawing (a smarter routine which just draws only damaged area where the text is would be better, but probably not required for your simple game).
However, using the JavaFX Canvas, there is no method that is called constantly
Rather than using a timer to trigger canvas calls, use a AnimationTimer or a Timeline. The AnimationTimer has a callback method which is invoked every pulse (60 times a second, or as fast as JavaFX can render frames, whichever is the lesser), so it gives you an efficient hook into the JavaFX pulse based rendering system. The Timeline can have keyframes which are invoked at user specified durations and each keyframe can have an event handler callback which is invoked at that duration.
Using the built-in JavaFX animation framework, you don't have to worry about multi-threading issues and doing things like Platform.runLater which overly complicate your code and can easily lead to subtle and serious errors.
On a kind of unrelated note, for a simple game like this, IMO you are probably better off recoding it completely to use the JavaFX scene graph rather than a canvas. That way you will be working at a higher level of abstraction rather than clip areas and repainting damaged paint components.