How to create a dynamic gradient background 2d in unity - unity3d

I am new to unity and for my project I need a gradient background which changes after a certain amount of time. I searched a lot and not able to get it . Can anyone please explain me step by step with respective coding and procedures. Reference to this type of background is the mobile game stack

I think you can make it normaly by create 2 background. After a certain amount of time just fade old background and enable new background. Code example:
void ChangeBackground()
IEnumerator FadeImage(float speedStep)
Color newColor = oldImage.color;
while (newColor.a > 0)
newColor.a -= speedStep;
oldImage.color = newColor;
yield return null;


Scripting GUI buttons to trigger an event of changing materials

Apologies if there's a similar question, however, I have probably seen it and it has not fixed my problem.
I am trying to write a JS script for unity in order to achieve an event to be triggered once clicked.
I have searched online on UnityAnswers website and others, the closest I can get is based on these questions
and this one
and also looked at this one
So, my code is this so far
var button2_tex : Texture;
var button3_tex : Texture;
var button4_tex : Texture;
var seat_mat1 : Material;
var seat_mat2 : Material;
var veneer1 : Texture;
var veneer2 : Texture;
var rend : Renderer;
var _mouseDown = false;
function Start() {
seat_mat1 = Resources.Load( "seat_mat1" );
seat_mat2 = Resources.Load( "seat_mat2" );
function Update(){
_mouseDown = true;
function OnGUI() {
GUI.Box (Rect (10,10,100,200), "Menu");
if (_mouseDown){
if (GUI.Button (Rect (20,40,40,20), button1_tex)){
rend.material = seat_mat2;
Debug.Log("This button was clicked!");
rend.material = seat_mat1;
Please note some variables I haven't used yet, as am still testing bunch of other codes to get it working..
the code snippet I am trying to fix starts with "function OnGUI()" but I maybe wrong and could use some fresh insight.
this is a screenshot of the resulting script. The button on the left side is supposedly to change the colour of the material from seat_mat1 to seat_mat2 by the event of mouse clicking on the button.
I have attached the previous script to the 3D object in unity and had made a folder names "Resources" for the materials to be visible and referenced through the script.
My problem is that upon clicking the GUI button, nothing happens, and it maybe something very simple and I am just missing it .. apologies for being inexperienced in JS much or unity.
Thanks in advance.
So after playing a bit more with the code. I added a Debug.Log() after this line
GetComponent.<Renderer>().material = seat_mat2;
Debug.Log("This button was clicked!");
and seems to be this error that I am getting every time the button is pressed
"MissingComponentException: There is no 'Renderer' attached to the "scene_export3" game object, but a script is trying to access it.
You probably need to add a Renderer to the game object "scene_export3". Or your script needs to check if the component is attached before using it.
materialChanger.OnGUI () (at Assets/materialChanger.js:44)"
So with simple understanding, it seems that the renderer is not attached somehow?
Your code is working fine But still i think once you have loaded The materials in start function you do not need to load them every time. And one thing more is to make sure you have applied the script to the gameobject you want to change the material of. If you just want to change the color not want to change complete material use color property of material and your OnGUI function should look like this.
function OnGUI() {
GUI.Box (Rect (10,10,100,200), "Menu");
if (_mouseDown){
if (GUI.Button (Rect (20,40,40,20), button1_tex)){
if(GetComponent.<Renderer>().material == seat_mat1)
GetComponent.<Renderer>().material.color = seat_mat2.color;
GetComponent.<Renderer>().material.color = seat_mat1.color;
But if you do not use color poperty it will work fine just make sure you have applied script to game boject you want to change material i your case may be to your seat1.
Thanks Nain for your guidance, with your help I was able to come up with a partial solution, where I know I can fix from there.
The solution is as follows.
The code:
function OnGUI() {
GUI.Box (Rect (10,10,100,200), "Menu");
if (_mouseDown){
if (GUI.Button (Rect (20,40,40,20), button1_tex)){
var rendArray : Renderer[];
rendArray = GetComponentsInChildren.<Renderer>(true);
for(var rend : Renderer in rendArray){
if(rend.sharedMaterial == seat_mat1){
rend.sharedMaterial = seat_mat2;
Debug.Log("This button was clicked!");
rend.sharedMaterial = seat_mat1;
After saving the script in MonoDevelop, open Unity where you create an empty game object and add all the objects with specific material e.g. seat_mat1 under it as children.
Then click on the empty object, rename it if you like, and add a "Mesh Renderer" component from "Add Component > Mesh > Mesh Renderer".
After that drag the script to the empty object and in the inspector you can find an option which you can choose a renderer called "rend". Choose the empty object as the Mesh Renderer.
Upon testing the outcome, I have managed to change materials of some objects together to seat_mat2, but unrelated materials changed themselves to seat_mat1 and once the button is clicked again, they alternate between seat_mat1 and seat_mat2
and even though it is not perfectly done, I am answering this question as anything else is fixable (I hope).
Thank you again Nain for your help :)

easeljs create painting tools updateCache('destination-out')

I am working on a painting tools with eraser.
I don't know why when i click eraser and start to clear up.
The whole stage will become lighter.After i set updateCache('destination-out').
wrapper.addEventListener("pressup", function(event) {
dragging = false;
// real_wrapper.updateCache();
if (erase == true) {
} else {
ppts = [];
My Code:
Sorry for my bad english.
You need to clear your graphics between draws. Right now your code is redrawing all of the old strokes each time, so when you're using the pencil, all the old shapes are made darker, when you're using the eraser, they become lighter.
Here's a fixed version:

JavaFX Canvas Update

I've been working on switching my applications from Swing to JavaFX. I've been working on a room escape game which displays a description of the item on which the user clicks. In Swing, I'd subclass JComponent and override the paintComponent(Graphics) method. I could draw the text there, knowing that the method is constantly called to update the screen. However, using the JavaFX Canvas, there is no method that is called constantly, which makes this task harder. I attempted save()ing the GraphicsContext after I drew the images and called restore() when I wanted to remove the text, but to no avail. Here's the important code:
package me.nrubin29.jescape;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas;
import javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext;
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
public class RoomPane extends Canvas {
private Room room;
private Toast toast;
public RoomPane() {
super(640, 480);
setOnMouseClicked(e -> {
for (JObject o : room.getObjects()) {
if (o.getBounds().contains(e.getX(), e.getY())) {
toast = new Toast(o.getDescription());
new Timer().schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
if (toast == null) {
if (toast.decrement()) { // Decrements the internal counter. If the count is 0, this method returns true.
toast = null;
Platform.runLater(() -> getGraphicsContext2D().restore());
else {
Platform.runLater(() -> getGraphicsContext2D().strokeText(toast.getText(), 300, 100));
}, 0, 1000);
public void changeRoom(Room room) { = room;
GraphicsContext g = getGraphicsContext2D();
g.drawImage(room.getBackground(), 0, 0);
for (JObject o : room.getObjects()) {
g.drawImage(o.getImage(), getCenterX(o.getBounds()), getCenterY(o.getBounds()));
I attempted save()ing the GraphicsContext after I drew the images and called restore() when I wanted to remove the text, but to no avail.
save and restore have nothing to with removing things like text, what they do is save in a stack the state of various settings like a stroke or fill to use to draw shapes and allow them to be popped off the stack for application later. Those routines don't effect the pixels drawn on the canvas at all.
To remove something from a GraphicsContext, you can either draw over the of it, or clear it. For your code, what you could do is snapshot the canvas node where you are trying to save it, then draw your snapshot image onto the canvas where you are trying to restore it. It is probably not the most efficient way of handling drawing (a smarter routine which just draws only damaged area where the text is would be better, but probably not required for your simple game).
However, using the JavaFX Canvas, there is no method that is called constantly
Rather than using a timer to trigger canvas calls, use a AnimationTimer or a Timeline. The AnimationTimer has a callback method which is invoked every pulse (60 times a second, or as fast as JavaFX can render frames, whichever is the lesser), so it gives you an efficient hook into the JavaFX pulse based rendering system. The Timeline can have keyframes which are invoked at user specified durations and each keyframe can have an event handler callback which is invoked at that duration.
Using the built-in JavaFX animation framework, you don't have to worry about multi-threading issues and doing things like Platform.runLater which overly complicate your code and can easily lead to subtle and serious errors.
On a kind of unrelated note, for a simple game like this, IMO you are probably better off recoding it completely to use the JavaFX scene graph rather than a canvas. That way you will be working at a higher level of abstraction rather than clip areas and repainting damaged paint components.

black boxes instead of sprites on reload andengine

My sprites (which are boxes themselves, but different colors) are all showing as black boxes the second time my andengine activity is loaded. It's odd because usually this problem is due to the texture atlas not being large enough, but I tried doubling the size of the atlas, and this didn't work. So here's the relevant code, any help would be much appreciated!
So to put it out there, the first time I load my game, everything is fine and perfect, but the second time, the sprites appear black.
I've seen other questions where the sprites appear as black boxes but for me they load fine the first time, which does not happen for other questions, and the answers which were given on the other questions did not work for me (they were, atlas needs to be power of two, and atlas is not big enough)
public void loadGameResources(){
gameTextureAtlas = new BuildableBitmapTextureAtlas(activity.getTextureManager(), 512, 512, TextureOptions.BILINEAR);
blackTile = BitmapTextureAtlasTextureRegionFactory.createFromAsset(gameTextureAtlas, activity, "blacktile.png");
greyTile = BitmapTextureAtlasTextureRegionFactory.createFromAsset(gameTextureAtlas, activity, "greytile.png");
redTile = BitmapTextureAtlasTextureRegionFactory.createFromAsset(gameTextureAtlas, activity, "redtile.png");
greenTile = BitmapTextureAtlasTextureRegionFactory.createFromAsset(gameTextureAtlas, activity, "greentile.png");
Log.d("LOPOLL","arrived"); BlackPawnTextureAtlasBuilder<IBitmapTextureAtlasSource, BitmapTextureAtlas>(0, 1, 0));
}catch(Exception e){
(Resource unload method)
public void unloadGameResources(){
if(gameTextureAtlas !=null){
gameTextureAtlas = null;
// blackTile = null;
// greyTile = null;
// redTile = null;
// greenTile = null;
The reason that I commented the section giving the tiletextures a null value is that doing this for some reason created a nullexception error even though I thought the textureregions would be reassigned textures upon reloading the activity as reloading the activity calls the loadgameresources() method
Got the answer guys.. System.exit(code) ensures the activity is exited properly. Dissapointed stack overflow was not able to answer this!

A way to check a BufferedImage repaint()?

I'm working in Eclipse and I want to know if I can make an if statement that checks to see if the BufferedImage has been painted/drawn onto the frame. For some reason, it's not painting the correct image because clickable regions are appearing on that picture when they are not supposed to.
For example, when I click the region to go from 4>5 everything is good. When I click from 5 to go to 4 I end up at 6 because the 'regions' from 4 are appearing in 5 (The image should always be painted before the clickable regions are shown) before it's even being painted. I want to restrict this to check if the image has been painted onto the frame first.
I really don't want to use anything else besides what I have right now (so no new classes being implemented to do this task), I really just want a simple yet effective way to resolve this. Here is what I'm talking about:
MouseAdapter mouseHandler = new MouseAdapter()
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
if(e.getX()>=459 && e.getX()<491 && e.getY()>=111 && e.getY()<133
n = 4;
n = 4;
n = 5;
n = 0;
n = 6;
I think you might need to give a little more information. The problem might lie in how you repaint, not whether it was painted.
If you are running another thread as your main program, you might instead want to send the mouse events synchronously to that so that the main thread can process the mouse click and then repaint.
Another solution might be to override the repaint method and paint the buffered images there, but you may have done that.
Also, a little off topic, I noticed that you used for loops to determine if the mouse was clicked in a specific area.
You could shorten the code:
for(int i=459; i<491; i++){
for(int j=111; j<133; j++){
//action taken
if(e.getX()>=459 && e.getX()<491 && e.getY()>=111 && e.getY()<133{
//action taken
This would take up less space in your code and less time checking every pixel.
Back to your question.
I dont know of a function to tell if a buffered image has been painted. The ploblem that you are having though might of might not be in the code provided. Posting the rest of your code would be beneficial.
Okay I found the solution, I forgot to come back to this question and let you know. The problem was that the mouse was double clicking for some reason. You could almost say it was 'recursive'. I decided to move the mouseListener from inside the paintComponent to outside of it, and surely enough that fixed it.