I have some problems with documentation for hood, there no explanation about what supposed to be in config.json.
I've tried:
"development": {
"driver": "postgres",
"source": "my_development"
but I have the error:
hood db:migrate
2014/06/23 12:53:14 applying migrations...
panic: missing "=" after "my_development" in connection info string"
From the hood documentation :
The driver and source fields are the strings you would pass to the sql.Open(2) function.
So the driver value should be postgresql (for your example), and the source value should be either a list of key=value or a full connection URI (like described in the postgresql documentation).
Some examples (from here) :
user=pqgotest dbname=pqgotest sslmode=verify-full
I have set up Stepzen as described in the Getting Started Docs. I get the following error when running stepzen start:
"data": {
"getProfilesList": null
"errors": [
"message": "database error: can't prepare the statement for execution failed to connect to `host=postgres user=root database=`: hostname resolving error (lookup postgres on no such host)",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
The message shows wrong hostname, user and empty database, although my config file has the correct credentials:
- configuration:
name: postgresql_config
uri: postgresql://postgres:[My Password]#[My Supabase DB Host]/postgres
I have also tried to connect to the DB directly from a GUI client and the connection was successful.
Why this issue is coming up when trying to connect from Stepzen Graphiql explorer running on localhost?
Postgres requires the password to be URL Encoded when using some characters that have a special meaning.
You can learn more about percent-encoding to handle special characters in Postgres passwords here: How to handle special characters in the password of a Postgresql URL connection string?
When I try to connect to the database on postgres via jdbc, I get the following error:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: Unsupported startup parameter: search_path
This is how I create the connection:
val connection = DriverManager.getConnection(profile.connection + Option(profile.catalog).getOrElse("")+ "?currentSchema="+Option(profile.schema).getOrElse(""),
profile.user, profile.password)
I use scala and a custom version of postgres.
In short, pgbouncer at least my version does not work with the search_path parameter, this discussion led me to this idea. There are two ways to fix this problem:
Change the pgbouncer config file by adding
Make a connection without using the currentSchema parameter in the connection string and create connection like this:
val connection =
profile.connection + Option(profile.catalog).getOrElse(""),
profile.user, profile.password)
Then he will choose the scheme according to the rule set, in search_path, they usually set something like "$user", public, in this case, when connecting, he first tries to choose the same scheme as the user name, and if he does not find such a scheme, he chooses public.
I am converting a FeathersJS system from MySQL to Postgres and facing some problems.
After changing the connection string
"mysql": "mysql://user:password#server:port/database"
"postgres": "postgres://user:password#server:port/database"
at config/default.json, I changed the dialect from mysql to pg at feathers/sequelize.js.
But when I started with npm run dev I got the following JSON error message, never seen before.
After researching a bit with no success, here I am to ask if someone has ever seen this message.
I already tried the dialect as pg and postgres at feathers/sequelize.js, just to check if it would make any difference, but it didn't.
A true beginner error! My fault!
When I created the Postgres (Docker) container, I forgot to create the database itself!
I created the role and gave it the needed permissions, but forgot to create the database corresponding to my connection string.
The Postgres error code mentioned in my question (3D000) corresponds to invalid_catalog_name, i.e., no database corresponding to the connection string.
One may easily check this at Postgres documentation, but I was mistakenly looking for this error code at FeathersJS documentation.
I am trying to connect to DB2 in my local LAN using worklight 6.1.0 and firing a Select Query for lookup of data if exist. But i am getting below error:
"errors": [
"Runtime: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704, SQLERRMC=DATABASE_NAME.REGISTRATION, DRIVER=3.58.82.\nPerformed query:\nSELECT * FROM DATABASE_NAME.registration where DATABASE_NAME.registration.Mob_No = ?"
"info": [
"isSuccessful": false,
"warnings": [
My SQL adapter configuration looks like below:
<connectionPolicy xsi:type="sql:SQLConnectionPolicy">
<!-- Example for using a JNDI data source, replace with actual data source name -->
<!-- <dataSourceJNDIName>java:/data-source-jndi-name</dataSourceJNDIName> -->
<!-- Example for using MySQL connector, do not forget to put the MySQL connector library in the project's lib folder -->
And js file which has procedure looks like:
var selectStatement1 = "SELECT * FROM DATABASE_NAME.registration where DATABASE_NAME.registration.Mob_No = ?";
var procStmt1 = WL.Server.createSQLStatement(selectStatement1);
function registrationLookup(mobile){
WL.Logger.debug("Inside registrationLookup");
return WL.Server.invokeSQLStatement(
preparedStatement : procStmt1,
parameters : [mobile]
I did some Research about connecting DB2 with Worklight and came to know that i need to put below data in worklight.properties file.
But after adding it, i am not able to deploy Adapter and error says 'db2admin' does not exist. So i have skipped this step in the context of current question. But after going through error which i am getting without adding this worklight.properties data it seems to me that 'Object doesn't exist' as per http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21613531 or user table does not exist. Any suggestion would be helpful.
My IP address is from where i am invoking Adapter for DB2.
DB2 instance is running on # 50000.
Already Added db2jcc_license_cu_9.5.jar & db2jcc_9.5.jar in server/lib. It had name appended with '_9.5' which i have removed from both jar and kept only db2jcc_license_cu.jar and db2jcc.jar.
The error message is saying that your SQL statement is invalid, and I therefore infer that your connection to the DB is fine.
To diagnose this first run the SQL using DB2 command line or other tools. My guess is you mean
whereas you are saying DATABASE_NAME.registration
Got Answer to my own Question and its really interesting one. Thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/users/2260967/glen-misquith [Glen Misquith]
Problem was with SQL Query framing which is Different what i did with MYSQL.
Adapter's Java Script file:
var selectStatement4 = "UPDATE \"LARSEN\".\"registration\" SET \"LARSEN\".\"registration\".\"Pass\"=?, \"LARSEN\".\"registration\".\"Re_Pass\"=? WHERE \"User_Name\" = ?";
var procStmt5 = WL.Server.createSQLStatement(selectStatement4);
function updatePassword(username,pass,repass){
WL.Logger.debug("Inside updatePassword "+username+" "+pass+" "+repass);
return WL.Server.invokeSQLStatement(
preparedStatement : procStmt5,
parameters : [pass,repass,username]
This is quite a Strange thing Slashes need to be used in SQL Statement while Preparing it.
I would really like to understand this behavior of DB2. And also i cant directly write 'Select * from schema.table_name' and precisely write column name from which data needs to be fetched.
I am using below CQL syntax to create keyspace only if does not exists :
= {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1};
but it is giving error :
Exception in thread "main" com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.SyntaxError: line 1:23 extraneous input 'EXISTS' expecting '='
at com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.SyntaxError.copy(SyntaxError.java:35)
at com.datastax.driver.core.DefaultResultSetFuture.extractCauseFromExecutionException(DefaultResultSetFuture.java:256)
at com.datastax.driver.core.DefaultResultSetFuture.getUninterruptibly(DefaultResultSetFuture.java:172)
at com.datastax.driver.core.SessionManager.execute(SessionManager.java:91)
at com.datastax.driver.core.SessionManager.execute(SessionManager.java:83)
please help me on this ? whats wrong with syntax ?
That does appear to be the proper syntax (ref: docs). I've just tried it myself on Cassandra 2.0.7.
The "if not exists" option is part of CQL3 which first came with Cassandra 1.2. I would double check your Cassandra version to see if this option is available.
If you encounter this same SyntaxError (AND you use Eclipse) make sure first that your Eclipse IDE does not export with Cp1252 character encoding but UTF-8 (or any other encoding matching that of your Cassandra ring (usually UTF-8)