Strange error when initializing Postgres database in FeathersJS - postgresql

I am converting a FeathersJS system from MySQL to Postgres and facing some problems.
After changing the connection string
"mysql": "mysql://user:password#server:port/database"
"postgres": "postgres://user:password#server:port/database"
at config/default.json, I changed the dialect from mysql to pg at feathers/sequelize.js.
But when I started with npm run dev I got the following JSON error message, never seen before.
After researching a bit with no success, here I am to ask if someone has ever seen this message.
I already tried the dialect as pg and postgres at feathers/sequelize.js, just to check if it would make any difference, but it didn't.

A true beginner error! My fault!
When I created the Postgres (Docker) container, I forgot to create the database itself!
I created the role and gave it the needed permissions, but forgot to create the database corresponding to my connection string.
The Postgres error code mentioned in my question (3D000) corresponds to invalid_catalog_name, i.e., no database corresponding to the connection string.
One may easily check this at Postgres documentation, but I was mistakenly looking for this error code at FeathersJS documentation.


(PostgreSQL) 12.7 (Ubuntu 12.7-0ubuntu0.20.04.1) can't connect to the database?

This is on WSl 2 following the instructions from the official documentation
I created a simple postgresql and I try to connect to it like so:
const Sequelize = require("sequelize");
const sequelize = new Sequelize('postgres://postgres:w#localhost:5432/messenger', {
logging: false,
dialect: 'postgre'
async function test(){
try {
await sequelize.authenticate();
console.log('Connection has been established successfully.');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Unable to connect to the database:', error);
This will tell me if the connection was successful or not, but for some reason, I keep getting this error. The URI string seems correct, the only user is the default created Postgres where I changed the password to be "w" for testing purposes.
Not sure what that 12/main part is about but the server is online so I am really not sure what the problem is.
Either you specified the wrong password for the database user "postgres", or your server isn't configured to allow password authentication on localhost. You can see this link: for more information on the authentication methods postgresql supports, or this one: for information on how to set up authentication on your postgresql server.

Using MongoDB with Chicago Boss

I'm a newbie to Erlang and I'm using Chicago Boss for a small web project. I have had no issues working with the in-memory db but when I configured it to use mongodb it doesn't go quite as expected. Below is my boss.config database section.
{db_host, ""},
{db_port, 27017 },
{db_adapter, mongodb},
% {db_username, "boss"},
% {db_password, "boss"},
{db_database, "asm_dashboard"},
I have made sure mongodb is running. I have tried installing mongodb-erlang( both manually and using rebar but I still end up with the same exception:
[error] gen_server <0.182.0> terminated with reason: {'module could not be loaded',[{mongo,connect,[{"",27017}],[]}
Please assist.
First, can you post your whole boss.config file ?
Try this template of mysql DB, I think it is the same, but it should be declared at etc/web.conf
%% Mysql DB Config of ChicagoBoss
{db_schema, "your_db_name"}.
{db_username, "boss"}.
{db_password, "boss"}.
{dp_ip, ""}.
{db_port, 27017 }.
{pool_size, 10}.

Remote MongoDB access through Cloud 9 gives login failed exception

I'm using the Cloud 9 IDE to develop an application using MongoDB. I created a database called "appdata" at MongoLab and the following user:
"_id": "appdata.admin",
"user": "admin",
"db": "appdata",
"credentials": {
"SCRAM-SHA-1": {
"iterationCount": 10000,
"salt": "K/WUzUDbi3Ip4Vy59gNV7g==",
"storedKey": "9ow35+PtcOOhfuhY7Dtk7KnfYsM=",
"serverKey": "YfsOlFx1uvmP+VaBundvmVGW+3k="
"roles": [
"role": "dbOwner",
"db": "appdata"
Whenever I try connecting to the database through Cloud 9 Shell using the following command (given by MongoLab with my newly created user):
mongo -u admin -p admin
I get the following error message:
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.11
connecting to:
2015-11-22T05:23:49.015+0000 Error: 18 { ok: 0.0, errmsg: "auth failed",
code: 18 } at src/mongo/shell/db.js:1292
exception: login failed
Also, on my javascript file running on Cloud 9, while following this tutorial (which uses mongoose to access the DB) I got stuck on the post route for bears. Whenever I send a post request through postman with the specified fields set, the route doesn't return anything, neither a bear created nor an error message, which makes me think the problem is also failing to login to the database. The previous get request is working just fine and my code is the exactly same as the tutorial.
Does anyone know what the problem in any of the cases and what I need to do to solve them?
The shell problem was fixed updating it to the Database version (which was 3.0.3).
For the javascript files, I restarted the tutorial and made sure I downloaded all necessary dependencies with the most recent stable version (not the ones shown on the tutorial), after that the problem was solved.

PropelBundle database:create for postgres

I've installed propel bundle for symfony2.
my database configuration is:
driver: pgsql
user: postgres
password: postgres
dsn: pgsql:host=localhost;port=5432;dbname=test_database
options: {}
attributes: {}
When i wan to create this database from console (console propel: database:create) i have got strange error : Unable to open PDO connection [wrapped: SQLSTATE[08006] [7] FATAL: database "pgsql" does not exist.
i created pgsql database on my localhost and everything was good. Database "test_database" was succesfull created. Can somebody explain me why i got this previous error? On mysql i've created database without any problems.
This issue was a bug in the PropelBundle, it has been fixed by the following commit (even if the commit message is about MySQL, it fixes other RDBMS):
I 've installed new PropelBundle via Composer and everything is ok now. I think maybe it was a problem with 1.0 bundle , now I have 1.1

Bad value for type timestamp on production server

I'm working with: seam 2.2.2 + hibernate + richfaces + jboss 5.1 + postgreSQL
I have an module which needs to load some data from the database. Easy. The problem is, on development it works fine, 100%, but when I deploy on my production server and try to get the data, an error rise:
could not read column value from result set: fechahor9_504_; Bad value for type timestamp : [C#122e5cf
SQL Error: 0, SQLState: 22007
Bad value for type timestamp : [C#122e5cf
javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not execute query
[more errors]
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Bad value for type timestamp : [C#122e5cf
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.TimestampUtils.loadCalendar(
[more errors]
Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Trailing junk on timestamp: ''
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.TimestampUtils.loadCalendar(
I can't understand why it works on my machine (development) and why not on production. Any clues? Anyone gone through the same problem? Is exactly the same compilation
Stefano Travelli was right. I was checking the jBoss on production and there was an old jdbc driver on [jboss_dir]/common/lib from an old jwebstart application (not developed by me). Deleted that jdbc and it works fine. I should check if the old application is still needed and if so, check if it still works without the jdbc being there or with an upgraded version.
Not sure what the driver story is ..
but the problem for me show up when JDBC tries to parse bigint from the DB to
myOjbect.setDate(Date date){...}
the other "JDBC friendly" is ignorred for some reason .
myOjbect.setDate(long date){...}
So .. removing the Date setter and leaving a long one resolves the problem.
This is a Big workaround .. but may help someone out there :)