Using "let" inside Struct - Swift - swift

I'm currently practicing examples from Swift Language iBook. My understanding of "let" is that we use "let" to make a constant. Once we assign a value to it, we cannot assign another value to it again. Like the codes below:
let city="NY"
city="LA" <--error (Cannot assign 'let' value city)
But I saw this example on iBook which really confused me:
struct Color{
let red=0.0, green=0.0, blue=0.0 //<---declare variables using "let" and assign value
init(red:Double,green:Double,blue:Double){ //<---assign value to variable again?
In this example, it has already assigned values to red, green and blue which use "let".
Why can we assign values to these three variables again in init?

The initialization in the let provides default values if you don't initialize them yourself in the constructor.
Constructors (init) are special. Inside them, you can assign to a constant instance variable. In fact, if you don't have a default value for them, you have to assign to them. (This applies to classes too.)
Thanks to Qwerty Bob for finding this in the docs
Modifying Constant Properties During Initialization
You can modify the value of a constant property at any point during initialization, as long as it is set to a definite value by the time initialization finishes.
Excerpt From: Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language.” iBooks.

You may set constant variables during the init process, before the self keyword is used. After this they are then truly 'constant'.
You must do it before the self keyword is used, as if you pass it to another object it could in turn call a method of yours which relies on that constant property

And also: structs get passed by value and not by reference, so you cannot modify the variables in a struct at all after their set. So the let keyword really makes sense.

If you continue reading a few paragraphs after the example you gave from the book (unless they use it in multiple locations), it actually talks about this behavior:
You can modify the value of a constant property at any point during
initialization, as long as it is set to a definite value by the time
initialization finishes.
So basically you can modify constants and upon ending the initialization all constants must have a definitive value. It also goes on to talk about how this works with subclasses too:
For class instances, a constant property can only be modified during
initialization by the class that introduces it. It cannot be modified
by a subclass.
Here is the doc reference for it (same as the book), the quoted sections is under the "Modifying Constant Properties During Initialization" subheading.

Apart from the initialization part, which was answered by Kevin, you're still missing the constant part of let. So to clarify let is not exactly a constant.
According to „The Swift Programming Language.” Apple Inc., 2014-05-27T07:00:00Z. iBooks:
Like C, Swift uses variables to store and refer to values by an
identifying name. Swift also makes extensive use of variables whose
values cannot be changed. These are known as constants, and are much
more powerful than constants in C.
Both var and let are references, therefore let is a const reference.
Using fundamental types doesn't really show how let is different than const.
The difference comes when using it with class instances (reference types):
class CTest
var str : String = ""
let letTest = CTest()
letTest.str = "test" // OK
letTest.str = "another test" // Still OK
//letTest = CTest() // Error
var varTest1 = CTest()
var varTest2 = CTest()
var varTest3 = CTest()
varTest1.str = "var 1"
varTest2.str = "var 2"
varTest3 = varTest1
varTest1.str = "var 3"
varTest3.str // "var 3"


Cannot use instance member 'ie' within property initializer [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to initialize properties that depend on each other
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
The code:
class man: human {
var ie = "ie/1/3/1///"
let pe = "pe/1/3/3///"
let ol = "ol/1/1/1///"
let sejong = "sejong/3/1/1///"
let gong = "gong/1/1/1///"
let mans = [ie, pe, ol, sejong, gong]
The error:
Col 15: cannot use instance member 'ie' within property initializer;
property initializers run before 'self' is available
How can I debug this?
Instance variables cannot be used upon non-lazy initialization of each other.
Consider your code taking into account the following thing: it doesn't matter in which order you define and initialize a variable. From your (developer) perspective, they will all get initialized simultaneously (they are, of course, not from low-level perspective).
It means that when you write:
let mans = [ie,pe,ol,sejong,gong]
You basically tell compiler to make up an array of something not yet initialized. None of the constituents of your array are existent when you make this assignment.
Common solution is to make your initialization - that which relies on other instance variables - lazy:
class man {
var ie = "ie/1/3/1///"
let pe = "pe/1/3/3///"
let ol = "ol/1/1/1///"
let sejong = "sejong/3/1/1///"
let gong = "gong/1/1/1///"
lazy var mans : [String] = {
Unlike ordinary, lazy variable obtains its value on first use of this variable, but not instantly once an object has been created. You tell compiler: I don't mean to make up an array right away, but make me one when I firstly use this variable, after the object has already been created:
let theMan = man()
On this stage, theMan.mans property is not yet initialized. However, suffice it to perform even basic operation, like printing:
that this property is initialized. This is called lazy initialization and this is the way you can make up an array consisting of other instance variables upon initialization. Of course, you should remember that any dependent data may be modified and affect the init.

How to understand the usage of 'let' or 'var' in Swift?

I'm following tutorial for Swift 4 and have found the usages of 'let' or 'var' in Swift quite inconsistent.
//in try catch : "let ... as" to match a error ?
catch let(or var) printerError as PrinterError
//in switch 1: "let .." to match a case pattern ?
case let(or var) .result(sunrise, sunset):
//in switch 2: "let ... where" pointless for me, why not just use someVar.hasSuffix ?
switch: someVar {
case let x(or var) where x.hasSuffix("pepper"):
Could anyone kindly give a summary of the usage in Swift?
It seems everyone is answering about the difference between 'let' and 'var' and mark the question as a duplication. But, I didn't even mention anything about 'var' in the original post at the first place!
let is keyword that is used to declare a constant value of any data type, using let you can declare a value but you can't change its value again through out the project and if you try to change its value, it will gives you an error stating that this is a let constant. If you want to modify its value kindly change it to var, where var is a keyword used for variables.
let x: Int = 5
let string : String = "Hello! World"
The above values are constant and you can never change these values.
var x: Int = 5
var string: String = "Hello! World"
The above values are variables. You can change their value anywhere in the code.
let is used for constants while var is for variables
let is also used for optional binding like in your examples. You use optional binding to find out whether an optional contains a value, and if so, to make that value available as a temporary constant or variable.
Let is a keyword to declare a constant.
Think of constant as a box that stores information.
let name = "Bob"
"let" is the keyword to declare the constant.
"name" is the name you assign your constant. This is the box you store your information in. You can name it whatever you want doesn't have to be "name"
"=" assigns the value(your information) from the right side to the "name" constant.
"Bob" is the value aka the information you want to store. It can be anything you want and it's assigned to your constant.
Something you have to remember for constant is that constants are immutable. Meaning the values once declared cannot be changed. That's why it's called constant, because the values are always constant and does not change.

Swift static property initilizers are lazy why I could declared it as a constant

As far as I known (see reference A), Static property initilizers are lazy, and I found the following description by the office documents
You must always declare a lazy property as a variable (with the var
keyword) because its initial value might not be retrieved until after
instance initialization completes. Constant properties must always
have a value before initialization completes, and therefore cannot be
declared as lazy.
From the above information, I think I couldn't define the static property as a constant variable and I made a tryout, it turns out I can do that without triggering any error from the compiler.
class Person {
static let firstNaID = "First Name"
static let lastNaID = "Last Name"
Question: Is this a bug of the Swift 3.0.1 or I was wrong.
Reference A: Neuburg. M.2016. IOS 10 Programming Fundamental with Swift. P127
Thanks for your time and help
Neuburg M. is drawing a distinction between static properties and instance properties. You are pretending to ignore that distinction. But you cannot ignore it; they are totally different things, used for different purposes.
In this code:
class Person { // let's declare a static property
static let firstNaID = "First Name"
... firstNaID is already lazy. But now try to do this:
class Person { // let's declare an instance property
lazy let firstNaID : String = "First Name" // error
You can't; as things stand (up thru Swift 3.1), you have to say lazy var instead — and when you do, you get a lazy instance property.
Your static let declaration thus doesn't accomplish what lazy let wanted to accomplish, because a static property is not an instance property.
You are talking about type properties
Form the same chapter of the documentation
Type Properties
... Type properties are useful for defining values that are universal to all instances of a particular type, such as a constant property that all instances can use ...
Stored type properties can be variables or constants. Computed type properties are always declared as variable properties, in the same way as computed instance properties.
Stored type properties are lazily initialized on their first access. They are guaranteed to be initialized only once, even when accessed by multiple threads simultaneously, and they do not need to be marked with the lazy modifier.

Swift: when should I use "var" instead of "let"?

As Apple Documentation says:
Use let to make a constant and var to make a variable. The value of a constant doesn’t need to be known at compile time, but you must assign it a value exactly once. This means you can use constants to name a value that you determine once but use in many places.
Let's consider some class:
class A {
var a = [String]()
Since array a is mutable, it's defined via var. But what if we consider class B, where instance of A is property?
class B {
let b = A()
Even if b is mutable, let keyword will be ok, because reference won't be changed. On the other hand, var will be ok too, because content of b can be changed. What should I pick in this example - let or var?
Use let whenever you can. Use var when you must. Making things immutable makes a lot of bugs impossible, so it should be your default choice. As much as possible, set all your values in init and never change them. Similarly, you should use struct when you can, and class when you must (though in my experience this is harder to achieve than using let).
So in your example, if you cannot set A.a during initialization, then yes, it should be var. But there is no need in your example to use var for B.b. (And there's no reason in either example to use class, at least in the way you've presented the question.)
Let's give these better names to help with our reasoning. Let's say
class Head {
var hairs = [String]()
class Person {
let head = Head()
In this example, a Person has exactly one head, and for the lifetime of each Person, his/her head will always been that same head. However, that head's hairs can grow in, fall out, or otherwise change. Person's ownership of this head has no bearing on the Head's relationship to its hairs.
As Rob mentioned, you should always use let unless you have a good reason not to. Immutability is your friend when it comes to reasoning about program behavior.
Use let when your object does not change its value after has been set a value.
Use var if your object can change its value more than 1 time.
'let' is for constance. 'var' is for something variable.
However, constant restriction is only applied to the object but not its attributes if the object is an instance of class (value are passed by reference). Depending on type of those attributes (constant or variable), we can change their value after. This is not true for structure.
For example:
class VideoMode {
var interlaced = false
var frameRate = 0.0
var name: String?
in a function, you declare
let vm = VideoMode()
print("starting framerate is \(vm.frameRate)") // -> print starting framerate is 0.0
vm.frameRate = 20.0
print("framerate now is \(vm.frameRate)") // -> print framerate now is 20.0
//we can change .frameRate later to 10.0, there is no compile error
vm.frameRate = 10.0
print("framerate now is \(vm.frameRate)") // -> print framerate now is 10.0
When you declare a variable with var, it means it can be updated, it is variable, it’s value can be modified.
When you declare a variable with let, it means it cannot be updated, it is non variable, it’s value cannot be modified.
var a = 1
print (a) // output 1
a = 2
print (a) // output 2
let b = 4
print (b) // output 4
b = 5 // error "Cannot assign to value: 'b' is a 'let' constant"
Let us understand above example: We have created a new variable “a” with “var keyword” and assigned the value “1”. When I print “a” I get output as 1. Then I assign 2 to “var a” i.e I’m modifying value of variable “a”. I can do it without getting compiler error because I declared it as var.
In the second scenario I created a new variable “b” with “let keyword” and assigned the value “4”. When I print “b” I got 4 as output. Then I try to assign 5 to “let b” i.e. I’m trying to modify the “let” variable and I get compile time error “Cannot assign to value: ‘b’ is a ‘let’ constant”.

Class instance variable initialization order?

Currently, I am seeing something strange behavior.
class DataManager1
let _con1 = CKContainer(identifier: THE_ID) // error
// error: 'DataManager1.Type' does not have a member named 'THE_ID'
class DataManager2
let _con1:CKContainer?
_con1 = CKContainer(identifier: THE_ID) // no error.
In C++ we have a defined initialization order between instance member variables. I expected something similar, but actually I couldn't find a mention for that form the manual.
Does Swift has a defined initialization order of properties? If it does, what is the rule, and where can I find the rule?
This is due to the fact that you're using a Closure (a Function is just a special case of Closure that is unnamed) to initialize the _con1 property with a default value.
From the Apple provided iBook:
If you use a closure to initialize a property, remember that the rest
of the instance has not yet been initialized at the point that the
closure is executed. This means that you cannot access any other
property values from within your closure, even if those properties
have default values. You also cannot use the implicit self property,
or call any of the instance’s methods.
Even though the note above refers specifically to closures, it seems that trying to set the default value for a property to be that of another property directly also does not work.