Secure JBoss EAP 6 JMX channel - jboss

I'd like to know if it's possible to secure access to the JMX channel when running JBoss EAP 6 (or WildFly). AFAIK, the only available check is username and password which can be added just for remote connections.

The packaging of JMX has been removed from JBoss EAP due to probable security vulnerabilities, JMX was part of JBoss in their AS versions. I assume that you have deployed the JMX yourself onto your JBoss EAP server. So, definately, you will not get anything from JBoss EAP to secure your JMX access. But yes, you can implement your own username and passwrod authenticaiton.
Hope this helps.


Secure Management Console JBOSS EAP 7 with IBM LDAP

I need to setup JBOSS EAP 7 - IBM LDAP connectivity for securing management console access. I am new to JBOSS. I have installed JBOSS EAP 7 and need the users in LDAP to access JBOSS console.
Please guide me for the entire process and setup.
2.4.2. Adding Authentication via LDAP
what you are looking for?

Standalone.xml file of jboss equivalent in websphere

I'm trying to migrate a web app from Websphere to JBoss.
I believe the first step is to port the configurations of the server. The main configuration file in Jboss is standalone.xml (or domain.xml for running multiple instances of a server).
Could you tell me what the equivalent of standalone.xml is in websphere ?
Thank you for your time.
There is no direct equivalent. WebSphere is administered via the administration console. If you run WebSphere Express you can connect directly to the app. server's administration port. If you run Network Deployment, you connect to the deployment manager console (DMGR).
The console has all the configuration. They are stored in many XML files, that can be a pain to use directly. Much easier with the console.
The default console port is 9060 (http) or 9043 (https).
See this technote:
for a bit more information.
You can look at this migration guide for JBoss AS 7.

Jboss EAP 6.4 Server logs are not properly updated

JBoss startup and Server logs are not getting updated completely like started in XXXX ms. But all the services are being deployed successfully. Is there any way to debug why the logs are not printing?
Just check on your the logging subsystem configuration in your standalone.xml.
If that's not the issue, this is probably a problem with your application configuration and not JBoss, probably you just have to exclude some logging libraries in your jboss-deployment-structure.xml, to use the provided and not the jboss instance libs.

How to configure mod_cluster with JBoss EAP 6 while it is running in domain mode?

If application server instances reside on different machines ?
I mainly want to know the configurations guide on the jboss eap server side.
I wrote this how-to a while ago on our project wiki: JBoss AS instances in Domain mode with mod_cluster load balancer. Please, check it out and ask away if it didn't help.

JBoss AS 7.1.1 Remote Application Monitoring

atm I'm facing some problems when I'm trying to connect to my JBoss AS 7.1.1 (on a Linux-Server) via JMX remotely and monitor my Java-Apps from a Win-7 client. I can only see the standard JVM settings but no app-specific ones.
I learned that I have to include the jars in the Classpath while starting jvisualvm on my Windows 7 client.
that looks like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\bin\jvisualvm.exe" -cp:a C:\Users\myuser\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\modules
But still it is not working...when I try to connect via:
Is there any special configuration I have to change in my JBoss server besides enabling jmx-management in standalone.xml?
Thanks in advance!