JBoss AS 7.1.1 Remote Application Monitoring - jboss

atm I'm facing some problems when I'm trying to connect to my JBoss AS 7.1.1 (on a Linux-Server) via JMX remotely and monitor my Java-Apps from a Win-7 client. I can only see the standard JVM settings but no app-specific ones.
I learned that I have to include the jars in the Classpath while starting jvisualvm on my Windows 7 client.
that looks like this:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\bin\jvisualvm.exe" -cp:a C:\Users\myuser\jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\modules
But still it is not working...when I try to connect via:
Is there any special configuration I have to change in my JBoss server besides enabling jmx-management in standalone.xml?
Thanks in advance!


How do I set up "Remote Debugging"of Wildfly 20 from Eclipse 2020-06

Where can I find current instructions for how to set up Remote Debugging of Wildfly 20 from Eclipse 2020-06? My searches have found posts going back to 2014 they don't work. My most recent attempt is to follow https://tools.jboss.org/documentation/howto/configure_remote_server.html. This has no date on it and it is for connection to EAP 6.1 instead of Wildfly 20 but at least it is from tools.jboss.org and the instructions matched Eclipse 2020-06.
The problem is that when I right click on on the new Server just created with these instructions and select Debug I get the following error:
failed to copy to /opt/wildfly-20.0.1.Final/standalone/deployments/MyApp.war/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF on host
The requested path is not found on the remote system.
Here are what I think are important facts:
The path /opt/wildfly-20.0.1.Final/standalone/deployments DOES exist on the Wildfly 20 server #
The Wildfly 20 server is started with /opt/wildfly-20.0.1.Final/standalone/deployments/MyApp.war in place. The Management console shows that MyApp is Deployed and I can access the app from a remote machine so Wildfly and the server are running.
I can connect from Eclipse to the Wildfly server using the Remote Systems item that creating the new Server created. In particular, I can use the root item to "roam around" the file system on the Wildfly server so that suggest to me that Eclipse can establish a connection to the Wildfly server.
The instructions in the URL above did not include this but in the Server's Properties the Web and Management ports were both 0. I manually set them to 8080 and 9990 respectively.
Thank you in advance.
Since your installation is on /opt I guess it was done with root privileges. I'm not sure your user has sufficient rights to be able to access those paths.
As far as I can tell /opt is the recommended installation location but I finally got the server to at least deploy so that problem is solved. See updated question at Attempt to debug a remote Wildfly 20 server failing.

Connecting VisualVM windows to Wildfly 16

How can i connect VisualVM to Wildfly 10?
I have put jboss-client jar in following folder and started visual vm:
Then i started visual vm
When i added jmx connection i get following:
Can anyone suggest what is wrong here? I have not put any authentication (not sure what authentication will it have as console have admin/pass but no password set anywhere else).
Can anyone suggest what is wrong here?
(I have multiple server groups and not sure where to add "remoting-connector use-management-endpoint="true" in domain.xml. I have added in 1 server group only.)
You need to extend VisualVM classpath (using "--cp:ad") with JBoss client jar, eg:
jvisualvm --cp:a $WF_HOME/bin/client/jboss-cli-client.jar
Then connect to your wildfly on admin port (usually 9990)
See interesting article here:

Standalone.xml file of jboss equivalent in websphere

I'm trying to migrate a web app from Websphere to JBoss.
I believe the first step is to port the configurations of the server. The main configuration file in Jboss is standalone.xml (or domain.xml for running multiple instances of a server).
Could you tell me what the equivalent of standalone.xml is in websphere ?
Thank you for your time.
There is no direct equivalent. WebSphere is administered via the administration console. If you run WebSphere Express you can connect directly to the app. server's administration port. If you run Network Deployment, you connect to the deployment manager console (DMGR).
The console has all the configuration. They are stored in many XML files, that can be a pain to use directly. Much easier with the console.
The default console port is 9060 (http) or 9043 (https).
See this technote: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21155098
for a bit more information.
You can look at this migration guide for JBoss AS 7.

JBoss 4.0 HotDeploy

good day.
I am trying to enable hot deploy on my JBoss 4.0.
I have tried to access to localhost:9990, but it doesn't work.
Is there any alternative way to enable it?
Thanks in advance.
JBoss 4.0 contradicts to port 9990.
The port 9990 is the management console access for JBossAS7 and WildFly.
JBoss 4.0 might have a JMX console which is accessible via 8080.
You can simpel use localhost:8080 and navigate from the welcome page.
Note that hot deploy is not recommended for productional JBossAS4/5 instances because of class loading issues, OOM errors.
You might use it for development.
Also JBossAS4 does not have managed deployments, simple drop the file to server/yourProfile/deploy and it will be picked up and deployed.

Jboss EAP 6.4 Server logs are not properly updated

JBoss startup and Server logs are not getting updated completely like started in XXXX ms. But all the services are being deployed successfully. Is there any way to debug why the logs are not printing?
Just check on your the logging subsystem configuration in your standalone.xml.
If that's not the issue, this is probably a problem with your application configuration and not JBoss, probably you just have to exclude some logging libraries in your jboss-deployment-structure.xml, to use the provided and not the jboss instance libs.