cannot put <system.web.extensions> in webconfig file - web-config

I am trying to add the following lines in the web config file. but it shows error on the first line. Can anyone suggest me where to exactly put this code on config file
<jsonSerialization maxJsonLength="5000"/>
the error message is like the following
"the element 'configuration' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'system.web.extensions' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: '' in namespace ''"


Tanka - VS Code - "Unexpected type string" while getting namespace from spec file

I'm trying out Tanka for k8s configs generation. Also, I'm using VS Code extension by Grafana Labs.
I've problems in VS Code with referencing Tanka configuration as described here. I'm using configuration to retrieve namespace, like so:
local k = import 'k.libsonnet';
local tk = import 'tk';
Initially, I was receiving an error: RUNTIME ERROR: Undefined external variable: I supposed that Tanka wants path to my environment, and so added it to VS Code settings:
"jsonnet.languageServer.extVars": {
"": "environments/default"
Now I'm receiving another error in the expression:
RUNTIME ERROR: Unexpected type string, expected number
<path to repo>/environments/default/main.jsonnet:7:38-49
<path to repo>/vendor/ thunk from <function <anonymous>>
<path to repo>/vendor/ object <anonymous>
Field "name"
Field "metadata"
Field "namespace"
During manifestation
The error is quite confusing to me. What and where expects number?
both namespace and name are strings in my spec.json
according to the same configuration docs they should be strings
on line 33 of namespace.libsonnet there is a function withName which expects name argument of type d.T.string
tk works fine from the CLI
I suppose that I've set wrong, but I can't find docs that say what should be set there.
Also, just to check if it helps, I tried setting "jsonnet.languageServer.tankaMode": true in VS Code settings to no avail.
Please, help me to resolve the error and if possible explain what's going on here.

Workbox 6: ReferenceError: swDest is not defined

Getting ReferenceError: swDest is not defined when trying to run Workbox 6.
In my sw_build.js file I have that I call with node sw_build.js in my package.json file...
In the console I see this as the output:
It appears as though the files get created?, I just don't understand why I'm getting the odd error.
Your swDest reference is in line 16, and swDest is not defined. That's why the file is created but error occurs. I think you copied the example code without modification on this line.

ERROR in There is a placeholder name mismatch with the translation provided

We use #angular/localize (Version 9.1.12) and have a problem with the placeholders in localized text.
E. g. we have:
$localize`:##form.hint:Some text ${name} in service.`;
$localize`:##form.hint:Some text ${name}:name: in service.`;
Because the localize text strings in typescript files aren't extracted we put these into a component template.
E. g.:
<p i18n="##form.hint">Some text {{ name }} in service.</p>
After execution of xi18n we get the messages.xlf (and files which contain the following:
<trans-unit id="form.hint" datatype="html">
<source>Some text <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ name }}"/> in service.</source>
<target state="new">Some text <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ name }}"/> in service.</target>
<context-group purpose="location">
<context context-type="sourcefile">src/app/translation/translation.component.html</context>
<context context-type="linenumber">207</context>
When we start the application with ng serve we get the following error:
ERROR in There is a placeholder name mismatch with the translation provided for the message "form.hint" ("Some text {$PH} in service.").
The translation contains a placeholder with name INTERPOLATION, which does not exist in the message.
The application does not work. After a restart the error does not occur and the application works. Nothing was changed before the restart.
We can work with a local restart but after each change of the messages.xlf files the error occurs again and we need two ci-builds on our build server to get a working installation on our test machine.
Any ideas what can be the cause of the placeholder mismatch?
For the current angular version (10.1.3) you need to opt in to extraction of translation tokens via ivy:
ng xi18n --ivy
The result will include texts from $localize.

Check for empty file and quit cakebuild

I am attempting to write a check in my Cake build script to pull in a file from BuildParameters and check if the file contents are empty -- if contents are empty, throw an exception and quit the build.
I am attempting to use FileReadText from the FileHelpers namespace but for some reason I cannot get my build to recognize the file command. I am following the syntax and documentation found here:
Here is the code I am trying in build.cake:
var fileReadText= FileReadText(Parameters.TestParameters.TestListFP);
var fileText= fileReadText.ThrowIfNullOrEmpty(nameof(fileReadText));
The argument Parameters.TestParameters.TestListFP is set in my Parameters.cake file as such:
TestListFP = context.File("C:\Some\Path\some_file_name.txt");
Using the above code, I see this error:
error CS0103: The name 'FileReadText' does not exist in the current
Note that I do not have a ICakeContext in build.cake, just BuildParameters.
I tried to resolve the issue by adding using Cake.FileHelpers; at the top of my build.cake file, but then I see this error:
The type or namespace name 'FileHelpers' does not exist in the namespace 'Cake' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
The script works fine without my FileReadText code, so I know TestListFP is actually a valid file.
I think I am inherently misunderstanding how to use FileHelpers and FileReadText and I could not find any examples of usage in documentation or anywhere else. If anyone has guidance on how to use this method, or a better way to accomplish what I am trying to do, I would appreciate the help.
Have you added the #addin pre-processor directive, as mentioned here:
You can easily reference Cake.FileHelpers directly in your build script via a cake addin:
#addin "Cake.FileHelpers"

Compiler error when putting class in App_Code folder for common use

I have put a class in the App_Code folder, so it should be accessible for all my source files. Intellisense indeed sees the class (in code-behind), but when I run the site from the browser I get a compiler error:
**Compilation Error**
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'ClsTranslation' is not defined.
Source Error:
Line 38: End If
Line 39:
**Line 40: Dim clsTrans As ClsTranslation**
Line 41: clsTrans = New ClsTranslation()
Line 42: lblLevel0.Text = clsTrans.GetResource("", "Modules")
Source File: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\myproject\InfoSiteMap.aspx.vb Line: 40
I am running this site as a web project and therefore the build-option content/compile for my App_Code/class is not available. I also tried to map the file to the pre-compiler using the # Reference directive, but this seems to work for user controls only and not for classes. Also tried to put the class in a namespace, all with same result.
Any suggestions?
Most of the time, when I do this, the build action of the file is to "Content" instead of "Compile". Highlight the class in solution explorer and hit f4 and change this.