apps appear as Chrome extension and doesn't appear on google apps marketplace - google-chrome-app

Similar to this question After publishing my Google Apps app to the Chrome Webstore, it installs as an extension. I can't find my app on google apps marketplace. I use the correct manifest.json as in the google apps marketplace publish section of the developer page (, But still doesn't appear until these two days. Can someone from google help me on this?
"manifest_version" : 2,
"name" : "myApp",
"version" : "",
"description" : "upload the app",
"icons" : {
"128" : "icons/128x128-icon.png",
"16" : "icons/16x16-icon.png"
"api_console_project_id" : "123456789012"

We had the same problem. To publish the app in the new apps marketplace so it can only be installed by Google Apps domain admins we took the following steps:
1) Unpublish the old app and create a new app (didn't understand why this is needed but was suggested by Google - you only need to recreate the app once)
2) You can use the same manifest, but for the "container" section remove 'GOOGLE_DRIVE' (I believe there is currently an issue where including this makes the app go to the Chrome webstore). Note that removing GOOGLE_DRIVE will remove the app from the 'mini marketplace' that appears when you select the 'Open With' > 'Connect more apps' option when right clicking a file in Google Drive.
3) Include the following section in the manifest (where is a url that must be opened when the app is launched):
"app": {
"launch": {
"web_url": ""
4) Publish the app - it should show a preview in the Google Apps Marketplace and will appear in this format:
So example manifest that worked for us:
"manifest_version" : 2,
"name" : "myApp",
"version" : "",
"description" : "upload the app",
"icons" : {
"128" : "icons/128x128-icon.png",
"16" : "icons/16x16-icon.png"
"container" : ["DOMAIN_INSTALLABLE"],
"api_console_project_id" : "123456789012"
"app" : {
"launch" : {
"web_url" : ""

Try adding "app" to your mainfest. See
Something like following, where is apps web URL.
"app": {
"launch": {
"web_url": ""
If this doesn't work, try removing GOOGLE_DRIVE from the container.


Seeks 'commentsResolvedState' API proposal, but it doesn't exist

[warning] Via 'product.json#extensionEnabledApiProposals' extension
'github.vscode-pull-request-github' wants API proposal
'commentsResolvedState' but that proposal DOES NOT EXIST. Likely, the
proposal has been finalized (check 'vscode.d.ts') or was abandoned.
I don't know what is this error msgs mean is it a bug on the current version of vscode 1.75.1?
I don't know why it's called extension even though I don't install any extension named github.vscode-pull-request-github
also I tried to (check 'vscode.d.ts') in my laptop. I dont find any file of it, there's only vscode.d. Well My code and project still works find but this error msg always appear every time I opened my vs code and kind of annoying to see. I use windows 11
This is what I found on github:
I tried to put the code in setting.json but it seems doesn't work. this is the code:
"name": "vscode-pull-request-github",
"displayName": "%displayName%",
"description": "%description%",
"icon": "resources/icons/github_logo.png",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"enabledApiProposals": [

Yaml Support for Kubernetes in VSCode

I am trying to use VS code editor for creating kubernetes yaml files, by some reason, vscode is not showing auto-complete commands or space in my yaml files even though I have installed Yaml Support by Redhat extension and configured yaml.schema file as per below:
"yaml.schemas": {
"Kubernetes": "*.yaml"
Any help would be appreciated.
I don't know why your config does not work. Here's mine:
"workbench.colorTheme": "Default Light+",
"workbench.startupEditor": "none",
"editor.cursorSurroundingLines": 5,
"window.zoomLevel": 3,
"redhat.telemetry.enabled": false,
"yaml.schemas": {
"Kubernetes": [
This snippet works for me which currently selects deploy*.yaml files.
I added rest of settings just to show overall structure. Only yaml.schemas part matters, of course.
To access this file one should press command+shift+P (macOS), and type >user settings json in the search. To reload vscode one should press command+shift+P and then type >reload window there.
I tried to match *.yaml and it works as well.
Hopefully this answer will help some vscode newbie like me. It's not very obvious how to proceed with yaml configuration after initial install.
Fix This Problem On The Vscode Step by Step
Step 1 : install yaml plugin on the vscode
Step 2 : Edit this path vscode file>prefrences>settings>Extention>YAML
Step 3 : After Click Yaml on the right side find and edit YAML: Custom Tag Edit in setings.json
Step 4 : Append This lines in File Settings.json
"": ["/*.yaml","/*.yml"]
Step 5 : Final Reload vscode You can use Ctrl+Shift+p and search Reload Window On The Vscode
try this.
"yaml.schemas": {
"Kubernetes": "*.yaml"
"redhat.telemetry.enabled": true
you can try it.
"yaml.schemas": {
"": ["/*"],
"kubernetes": ["/*.yaml"]

Contributing vscode configurations which are activated conditionally

I am contributing some configurations to VSCode through my extension. I want some of the configurations of my extension to be enabled/disabled conditionally.
For example, I have a boolean config called "Enable Plugin Developer Mode". I want some other configs to be provided when I am in plugin developer mode and I just want to see them only if I have already enabled the plugin developer mode.
I have tried to achieve this through json schema if-then-else, but it seems not working.
"description":"If set to true, Developer mode will be enabled"
"description":"Path to runtime"

Beaker Notebook start Anaconda Python on Windows

How should I configure Beaker to use my pre-installed Anaconda Python3? I followed the instructions here, and then here, but with no success. My beaker.pref.json file looks like:
"autocomplete-parameters" : "true",
"pref-format" : "1",
"allow-anonymous-usage-tracking" : true,
"languages" : {
"IPython" : {
"path" : "c:\\Python\\Anaconda"
"Python2" : {
"path" : "c:\\Python\\Anaconda\\envs\\py27"
"Python3" : {
"path" : "c:\\Python\\Anaconda"
"advanced-mode" : false,
"edit-mode" : "default"
I tried it without Python2, but still not work. My browser always open, but it's unable to connect to the server.
The output of beaker.pref.json run is:
c:\Beaker>REM limitations under the License.
starting nginx instance (c:\Beaker/nginx)
nginx-stderr>nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: CreateFile() "C:\Users\itsme\.beaker\v1\nginx8685613245756631317/logs/error.log" failed (1113: Form
atMessage() error:(15100))
nginx-stderr>2016/04/29 16:03:50 [emerg] 3548#14984: CreateFile() "C:\Users\itsme\.beaker\v1\nginx8685613245756631317/conf/nginx.conf" failed (1113: FormatMes
sage() error:(15105))
[main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - jetty-8.1.13.v20130916
[main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started SelectChannelConnector#
Connecting to
Of course, Jupyter works perfectly.
Thank you for any help!!
It looks like BeakerX is the successor of Beaker! Check BeakerX over the Internet.
To install it, just do: conda install -c beakerx beakerx
Don't use Beaker anymore, otherwise, you may lose much time trying to solve it.

Wintersmith: error Error loading plugin './node_modules/wintersmith-coffee/': Cannot find module './plugin'

I built a site with wintersmith in November of 2013. It's live at
I'm coming back to it, but it's not building :-{
I don't mind getting my hands dirty, but I don't know where to start. I'm getting this error:
error Error loading plugin './node_modules/wintersmith-coffee/': Cannot find module './plugin'
Any suggestions?
Hey, this is because the coffeescript wasn't getting compiled.
I installed it globally, but that didn't help.
$ sudo npm install -g coffee-script
I manually compiled it and moved to other errors. Any suggestions for what's missing?
$ coffee -c
Here's my config.json:
{ "url": "http://localhost:8080"
, "title": "Powma"
, "subTitle": "Linking you to technology"
, "motto": "We build exceptions sites and applications to connect people to products, services, and each other."
, "owner": "Michael Cole"
, "profilePicture": "/static/img/profile-professional.jpg"
, "inlineSpriteMaxBytes" : 10000
"views": "./views",
[ "./node_modules/wintersmith-coffee/"
, "./node_modules/wintersmith-stylus/"
"require": {
"moment": "moment",
"_": "underscore",
"typogr": "typogr"
"jade": {
"pretty": true
"markdown": {
"smartLists": true,
"smartypants": true
"paginator": {
"perPage": 3
And package.json:
"name": "Powma-com",
"version": "0.1.1",
"private": true,
"engines": {
"node": "0.10.17"
"dependencies": {
"moment": "2.0.x",
"underscore": "1.5.x",
"typogr": "0.5.x",
"wintersmith": "2.0.x",
"wintersmith-stylus": "git://",
"wintersmith-coffee": "0.2.x",
"express": "3.4.x",
"sendgrid": "~0.3.0-rc.1.7",
"express-validator": "~0.8.0",
"underscore-express": "0.0.4"
This is a new dev laptop I'm working with so that may be part of the problem.
I worked around the issue, but didn't fix it. Do I really need to manually compile the coffeescript?
I solved this issue by explicitly specifying in the config.json file.
...other stuff...
[ "./node_modules/wintersmith-coffee/"
, "./node_modules/wintersmith-stylus/"
...more stuff...
It looks like you're missing wintersmith-coffee in node_modules; make sure you have it installed locally with npm install wintersmith-coffee. You can also try removing it from config.json if you're not using it anywhere.
It would also be helpful to see both your config.json and package.json. Also make sure you run an npm install and npm update to make sure you have everything referenced in package.json installed and updated.
Not having CoffeeScript installed could have been the issue. After installing that globally, I'm not sure if all of your shell sessions will pick up the command and use it without being restarted. With a new shell session, see if you can build the site. You can also try testing Wintersmith in isolation of your site. Try generating a sample site with wintersmith new somepath and see if you can run wintersmith build there. That would be a good start for narrowing down your issues between your site and your workstation setup.