Seeks 'commentsResolvedState' API proposal, but it doesn't exist - github

[warning] Via 'product.json#extensionEnabledApiProposals' extension
'github.vscode-pull-request-github' wants API proposal
'commentsResolvedState' but that proposal DOES NOT EXIST. Likely, the
proposal has been finalized (check 'vscode.d.ts') or was abandoned.
I don't know what is this error msgs mean is it a bug on the current version of vscode 1.75.1?
I don't know why it's called extension even though I don't install any extension named github.vscode-pull-request-github
also I tried to (check 'vscode.d.ts') in my laptop. I dont find any file of it, there's only vscode.d. Well My code and project still works find but this error msg always appear every time I opened my vs code and kind of annoying to see. I use windows 11
This is what I found on github:
I tried to put the code in setting.json but it seems doesn't work. this is the code:
"name": "vscode-pull-request-github",
"displayName": "%displayName%",
"description": "%description%",
"icon": "resources/icons/github_logo.png",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"enabledApiProposals": [


Debugging AWS SAM in VSCode - Don't stop debugger at wrapper entry file

I've created a AWS SAM project using nodejs14.x. I've been able to get debugging working, but every time I run my program it stops on an AWS wrapper index.js file.
See this link for a picture of the actual file. It looks like the file is located at \var\runtime\index.js. If I press Continue, my program runs fine, and breakpoints in it are stopped at. But it's really annoying to have to press Continue to get past this file every single time I debug.
Does anyone know a way to "ignore" this file when debugging? In this help page about debugging in VSCode, it talks about a stopOnEntry variable you can set in launch.json. However, no Intellisense suggestions appear for stopOnEntry, and I'm not sure if aws-sam supports this.
If it helps, here's my launch.json file:
"configurations": [
"type": "aws-sam",
"request": "direct-invoke",
"aws": {
"credentials": "profile:<myemail>"
"name": "MyLambdaFunction:src/handlers/my-lambda-file.myLambdaFunction (nodejs14.x)",
"invokeTarget": {
"target": "code",
"projectRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/",
"lambdaHandler": "src/handlers/my-lambda-file.myLambdaFunction",
"lambda": {
"runtime": "nodejs14.x",
"payload": {},
"environmentVariables": {}

Why does R Debugger fail to verify all breakpoints (Vscode)

I am using R Debugger in Vscode to develop an RShiny app while using SSH to connect to the remote.
My launch.json file looks like this:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "R-Debugger",
"name": "Launch R-Workspace",
"request": "launch",
"debugMode": "workspace",
"workingDirectory": "", // If I put my actual path here, it changes nothing
For the purposes of this topic, I have these folders/files:
I set breakpoints in files within src/www/uis as well as within src/server.R.
When I use Launch R-Workspace, the breakpoints at src/www/uis will trigger but within src/server.r they turn into "unverified breakpoints".
What I've tried:
Reading through similar questions and findings answers that did not seem relevant. Reading through the documentation where I did not see anything useful to me.
Any insight?

How to fix vscode GnuCOBOL setup "configuration error: default.conf: No such file or directory"

we are using cobol now, but this config error keeps on appearing and I do not know how to fix this thing. Any help would really mean alot. (Just a beginner and trying to learn vscode)
Late, but perhaps worth it. Currently there is a cobenv.bat or .sh (if you are on linux). The whole path to the file may differ for me is this:
You'll notice that if you execute the file and run the compiler everything works fine, but once you close that bash the error shows up again.
That's because the scope of those variables was just that session. You may execute it every time you run the compiler or you can make those variables to persist on your system. In my case I did the later, modifying cobenv.cmd
But not those lines with the variable PATH.
So this lines, i.e., whenever we encounter this same three variables. For instance, after a certain if in that file we encounter:
setx "COB_COPY_DIR" "%MINGW_ROOT_PATH%share\gnucobol\copy"
setx "COB_CONFIG_DIR" "%MINGW_ROOT_PATH%share\gnucobol\config"
Default value: set.
New value: setx.
Delete the = to comply with the correct syntax. Check the compiler with different new session.
This message is only presented in vscode's Terminal after you've entered a command there, it is actually not related to vscode.
The "common" way with vscode would be to create a vscode task for the compilation and configure a problem matcher, too, so vscode is able to parse the messages. For details see vscode docs "Integrate with External Tools via Tasks".
As the message is coming from the GnuCOBOL compiler it may be reasonable to check in its discussion board, which also includes a note how to use your setup of vscode with GnuCOBOL MinGW package, this would be your starting point, assuming D:\COBOL is the place where you have your sources (and this is the alos the workspaceFolder as in your screenshot), D:\COBOL\copy where your copybook reside and D:\GnuCOBOL where the MinGW package is:
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "GnuCOBOL - cobc (compile single file)",
"type": "shell",
"command": "cobc",
"args": [
"problemMatcher": "$gnucobol3-cobc",
"options": {
"env": {
"COB_CFLAGS": "-I\"D:\\GnuCOBOL\\include\"",
"COB_CONFIG_DIR": "D:\\GnuCOBOL\\config",
"COB_COPY_DIR": "D:\\GnuCOBOL\\copy",
"COB_LDFLAGS": "-L\"D:\\GnuCOBOL\\lib\"",
"COB_LIBRARY_PATH": "D:\\GnuCOBOL\\extras",
"PATH": "D:\\GnuCOBOL\\bin:${env:PATH}"
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
Instead of directly calling cobc you could also call cobc.bat or similar, then create it with all your default options set there (or, if you use the official mingw packages, just call the set_env.cmd) then call the compiler.
Concerning "how to fix that message" - make sure you have the "config" directory of GnuCOBOL and have COB_CONFIG_DIR set to it either in the task definition or outside of vscode (for example by starting vscode from the "Developer prompt for GnuCOBOL MinGW" (which is the set_env.cmd distributed with it).

Extension validation error The task.json file was not found in contribution xxx

I am trying to publish a private extension for AzureDevops on Visual Studio Marketplace. It is a .vsix package. The packaging goes well, I upload a package, but it doesn't pass a verification. I obtain the following error:
Extension validation error The task.json file was not found in
contribution xxx
And I don't know why I get this one as I have a task.json file. It is the first time that I am trying to upload a package, so I really have no idea where the problem comes from.
As Shayki mentioned that is one possible cause for the issue. Another possible issue will be the folder/path name
Make sure you will give the same name for the files as the name of the properties
"contributions": [
"id": "..."
"types": "..."
"targets": "..."
"properties": {
"name": "buildAndReleaseTask"
"files": [
"path": "buildAndReleaseTask"
For anyone that stumbles upon this question, the JSON file with your task configuration literally needs to be named "task.json". In your extension file, you need to give the name for each of your tasks folders, in which there must be an individual task.json file.
In the vss-extension.json you have this section:
"contributions": [
"id": "..."
"types": "..."
"targets": "..."
"properties": {
"name": "buildAndReleaseTask"
In my case the task.json was in buildAndReleaseTask folder, and the name in the properties was something else (the name you got in the error message), when I changed it to the name to buildAndReleaseTask (where the task.json exist) the error disappeared.

Visual Studio Code: Treat other extensions as HTML

For the purposes of syntax highlighting and colouring and intellisense is it possible to treat other extensions (tpl, master, etc) as HTML?
I know it's possible on a file by file basis by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+P and selecting "Change Language Mode" BUT I want it to work off file extension, and not have to redo it every time I open a new file.
I also know it's possible for some languages by editing the json files in the plugins directory, BUT there doesn't seem to be one for HTML.
Update for VS Code 1.0:
There is a setting files.associations that can be used to assign file patterns to languages. For example:
"files.associations": {
"*.tpl": "html",
"*.master": "html"
Previous answer:
This is a commonly asked feature request and we are looking into this issue for the future.
As a workaround if you need to have a solutio now:
close VS Code
open C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\Local\Code\app-<latest-version>\resources\app\server\lib\mime.js
find the object literal knownTextMimes
for the file extension you want add the proper mime type
for example '.tpl': 'text/html'
save and restart code
Note: this change will not survive automatic updates but the hopes are that there is a better solution in the future update :)
(Tested on version 1.59.1)
It is also possible to set Associations through GUI:
Go to Settings->Text Editor->Files->Associations.
Set Item (file extension) and Value (language).
Open notepad as admin (just in case) by right clicking run as admin.
Click file => open => copy and paste C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\extensions\html in box.
select view all file types at bottom right.
Open package.json
Copy and paste
"name": "html",
"version": "0.1.0",
"publisher": "vscode",
"engines": { "vscode": "*" },
"extensionDependencies": [
"contributes": {
"languages": [{
"id": "html",
"aliases": ["pd"],
"extensions": [".pd"]
replace everything with that.
save and quit
restart vs code.
I resolve the issue for my with installing Smarty Extension 1.1.1 + adding this settings into Settings.json
"files.associations": {
"*.tpl": "smarty",
"*.master": "smarty"
Jesse's answer is correct. I don't have enough reputation points to comment on his answer, but the path for Mac users is:
cd /Applications/Visual\ Studio\
Note that there will already be some extensions so instead of copying and pasting the code snippets wholesale, simply add the extension you'd like to the extensions and aliases array like so:
"name": "html",
"version": "0.1.0",
"publisher": "vscode",
"engines": { "vscode": "*" },
"contributes": {
"languages": [{
"id": "html",
"extensions": [ ".html", ".htm", ".shtml", ".mdoc", ".jsp", ".asp", ".aspx", ".jshtm", ".ejs" ],
"aliases": [ "HTML", "htm", "html", "xhtml", "ejs" ],
"mimetypes": ["text/html", "text/x-jshtm", "text/template", "text/ng-template"]
"grammars": [{
/* "language": "html", not yet enabled*/
"scopeName": "text.html.basic",
"path": "./syntaxes/HTML.plist"
"extensionDependencies": [