Using triplequad to calculate density (in Matlab) - matlab

As i've explained in a previous question: I have a dataset consisting of a large semi-random collection of points in three dimensional euclidian space. In this collection of points, i am trying to find the point that is closest to the area with the highest density of points.
As high performance mark answered;
the most straightforward thing to do would be to divide your subset of
Euclidean space into lots of little unit volumes (voxels) and count
how many points there are in each one. The voxel with the most points
is where the density of points is at its highest. Perhaps initially
dividing your space into 2 x 2 x 2 voxels, then choosing the voxel
with most points and sub-dividing that in turn until your criteria are
Mark suggested i use triplequad for this, but this is not a function i am familiar with, or understand very well. Does anyone have any pointers on how i could go about using this function in Matlab for what i am trying to do?
For example, say i have a random normally distributed matrix A = randn([300,300,300]), how could i use triplequad to find the point i am looking for? Because as i understand currently, i also have to provide triplequad with a function fun when using it. Which function should that be for this problem?

Here's an answer which doesn't use triplequad.
For the purposes of exposition I define an array of data like this:
A = rand([30,3])*10;
which gives me 30 points uniformly distributed in the box (0:10,0:10,0:10). Note that in this explanation a point in 3D space is represented by each row in A. Now define a 3D array for the counts of points in each voxel:
counts = zeros(10,10,10)
Here I've chosen to have a 10x10x10 array of voxels, but this is just for convenience, it would be only a little more difficult to have chosen some other number of voxels in each dimension, and there don't have to be the same number of voxels along each axis. Then the code
for ix = 1:size(A,1)
counts(ceil(A(ix,1)),ceil(A(ix,2)),ceil(A(ix,3))) = counts(ceil(A(ix,1)),ceil(A(ix,2)),ceil(A(ix,3)))+1
will count up the number of points in each of the voxels in counts.
Unfortunately I have to do some work this afternoon and won't be able to get back to wrestling with the triplequad solution until later. Hope this is OK in the meantime.


Understanding 3D distance outputs in matlab

Being neither great at math nor coding, I am trying to understand the output I am getting when I try to calculate the linear distance between pairs of 3D points. Essentially, I have the 3D points of a bird that is moving in a confined area towards a stationary reward. I would like to calculate the distance of the animal to the reward at each point. However, when looking online for the best way to do this, I tried several options and get different results that I'm not sure how to interpret.
Example data:
reward = [[0.381605200000000,6.00214980000000,0.596942400000000]];
animal_path = = [2.08638710671220,-1.06496059617432,0.774253689976102;2.06262715454806,-1.01019576900787,0.773933446776898;2.03912411242035,-0.954888684677576,0.773408777383975;2.01583648760496,-0.898935333316342,0.772602855030873];
distance1 = sqrt(sum(([animal_path]-[reward]).^2));
distance2 = norm(animal_path - reward);
distance3 = pdist2(animal_path, reward);
Distance 1 gives 3.33919107083497 13.9693378592353 0.353216791787775
Distance 2 gives 14.3672145652704
Distance 3 gives 7.27198528565078
Why do these all yield different values (and different numbers of values)? Distance 3 seems to make the most sense for my purposes, even though the values are too large for the dimensions of the animal enclosure, which should be something like 3 or 4 meters.
Can someone please explain this in simple terms and/or point me to something less technical and jargon-y than the Matlab pages?
There are many things mathematicians call distance. What you normally associate with distance is the eucledian distance. This is what you want in this situation. The length of the line between two points. Now to your problem. The Euclidean distance distance is also called norm (or 2-norm).
For two points you can use the norm function, which means with distance2 you are already close to a solution. The problem is only, you input all your points at once. This does not calculate the distance for each point, instead it calculates the norm of the matrix. Something of no interest for you. This means you have to call norm once for each row point on the path:
for p=1:size(animal_path,1),
k(p)=norm(animal_path(p,:) - reward);
Alternatively you can follow the idea you had in distance1. The only mistake you made there, you calculated the sum for each column, where the sum of each row was needed. Simple fix, you can control this using the second input argument of sum:
distance1 = sqrt(sum((animal_path-reward).^2,2))

How can I classify my data for K-Means Clustering

A proof of concept prototype I have to do for my final year project is to implement K-Means Clustering on a big data set and display the results on a graph. I only know object-oriented languages like Java and C# and decided to give MATLAB a try. I notice that with a functional language the approach to solving problems is very different, so I would like some insight on a few things if possible.
Suppose I have the following data set:
400.39 513.29 499.99 466.62 396.67
234.78 231.92 215.82 203.93 290.43
15.07 14.08 12.27 13.21 13.15
334.02 328.79 272.2 306.99 347.79
49.88 52.2 66.35 47.69 47.86
732.88 744.62 687.53 699.63 694.98
And I picked row 2 and 4 to be the 2 centroids:
234.78 231.92 215.82 203.93 290.43 % Centroid 1
334.02 328.79 272.2 306.99 347.79 % Centroid 2
I want to now compute the euclidean distances of each point to each centroid, then assign each point to it's closest centroid and display this on a graph. Let's say I want I want to classify the centroids as blue and green. How can I do this in MATLAB? If this was Java I would initialise each row as an object and add to separate ArrayLists (representing the clusters).
If rows 1, 2 and 3 all belong to the first centroid / cluster, and rows 4, 5 and 6 belong to the second centroid / cluster - how can I classify these to display them as blue or green points on a graph? I am new to MATLAB and really curious about this. Thanks for any help.
(To begin with, Matlab has a flexible distance measuring function, pdist2 and also kmeans implementation, but I'm assuming that you want to build your code from scratch).
In Matlab, you try to implement everything as matrix algebra, without loops over elements.
In your case, if R is the raw_data matrix and C is the centroids matrix,
you can shift the dimension that represents centroid number to the 3rd place by
permC=permute(C,[3 2 1]); Then the bsxfun function allows you to subtract C from R while expanding R's third dimension as necessary: D=bsxfun(#minus,R,permC). Element-wise square followed by summation across columns SqD=sum(D.^2,2) will give you the squared distances of each observation from each centroid. Performing all these operations within a single statement and shifting the third (centroid) dimension back to the 2nd place will look like this:
SqD=permute(sum(bsxfun(#minus,R,permute(C,[3 2 1])).^2,2),[1 3 2])
Picking the centroid of minimal distance is now straightforward: [minDist,minCentroid]=min(SqD,[],2)
If this looks complex, I recommend inspecting the product of each sub-step and reading the help of each command.

Spreading one matrix elements to another with weighted random numbers MATLAB

So I was trying to spread one matrix elements, which were generated with poissrnd, to another with using some bigger (wider?) probability function (for example 100 different possibilities with different weights) to plot both of them and see if the fluctuations after spread went down. After seeing it doesn't work right (fluctuations got bigger) I tried to identify what I did wrong on a really simple example. After testing it for a really long time I still can't understand what's wrong. The example goes like this:
I generate vector with poissrnd and vector for spreading (filled with zeros at the start)
Each element from the poiss vector tells me how many numbers (0.1 of the element value) to generate from the possible options which are: [1,2,3] with corresponding weights [0.2,0.5,0.2]
I spread what I got to my another vector on 3 elements: the corresponding (k-th one), one bofore the corresponding one and one after the corresponding one (so for example if k=3, the elements should be spread like this: most should go into 3rd element of another vector, and rest should go to 2nd and 1st element)
Plot both 0.1*poiss vector and vector after spreading to compare if fluctuations went down
The way I generate weighted numbers is from this thread: Weighted random numbers in MATLAB
and this is the code I'm using:
clear all
mn =poissrnd(fot/N, 1, N);
for k=1:N
[~,R] = histc(rand(1,eta*mn(1,k)),cumsum([0;w(:)./sum(w)]));
R = a(R);
if (k>1) && (k<N)
elseif k==1
The fluctuations are still bigger, and I can't identify what's wrong... Is the method for generating weighted numbers wrong in this situation? Cause it doesn't seem so. The way I'm accumulating data from the first vector seems fine too. Is there another way I could do it (so I could then optimize it for using 'bigger' probability functions)?
Sorry for my terrible English.
Here is simple pic to show what I meant (I hope it's understandable)
How about trying negative binomial distribution? It is often used as a hyper-dispersed analogue of Poisson distribution. Additional links can be found in this paper, as well as some apparatus in supplement.

How can I generate a set of n dimensional vectors that contains all integer points in an n-dimensional rectangular prism

Okay, so I'm working on a problem related to quantum chaos and one of the things I need to do is to map the unit cube in n-dimensions to a parallelepiped in n-dimensions and find all integer points in the interior of this parallelepiped. I have been trying to do this using the following scheme:
Given the linear map B and the dimension of the cube n, we find the coordinates of the corners of the unit hypercube by converting numbers j from 0 to (2^n -1) into their binary representation and turning them into vectors that describe the vertices of the cube.
The next step was to apply the map B to each of these vectors, which gives me a set of 2^n vectors describing the coordinates of the vertices of the parallelepiped in n dimensions
Now, we take the maximum and minimum value attained by any of these vertices in each coordinate direction, i.e the first element of my vectors might have a maximum value of 4 across all of the vertices and a minimum value of -3 etc. This gives me an n-dimensional rectangular prism that contains my parallelepiped and some extra unwanted space.
I now find all points with integer coordinates in this bounding rectangular prism described as vectors in n dimensions
Finally, I apply the inverse of the map B to each of the points and throw away any points that have any coefficients greater than 1 as they must originally have lain outside my unit hypercube.
My issue arises in step 4, I'm struggling to come up with a way of generating all vectors with integer coordinates in my rectangular hyper-prism such that I can change the number of dimensions n on the fly. Ideally, i'd like to be able to increase n at will until it becomes too computationally heavy to do so, but every method of finding all integer points in the prism i've tried so far has relied on n for loops to permute each element and thus I need to rewrite the code every time.
So I guess my question is this, is there any way to code this up so that I can change n on the fly? Also, any thoughts on the idea of the algorithm itself would be appreciated :) It wouldn't surprise me if i've overcomplicated things massively...
Of course as soon as I post the question I see a lovely little link in the side-bar where a clever method has been given already for how to do this: Generate a matrix containing all combinations of elements taken from n vectors
I'll leave this up for the moment just in case anyone has any comments on the method in general, but otherwise (since I can't upvote yet I'll just say it here) Luis Mendo, you are a hero!

Controlled random number/dataset generation in MATLAB

Say, I have a cube of dimensions 1x1x1 spanning between coordinates (0,0,0) and (1,1,1). I want to generate a random set of points (assume 10 points) within this cube which are somewhat uniformly distributed (i.e. within certain minimum and maximum distance from each other and also not too close to the boundaries). How do I go about this without using loops? If this is not possible using vector/matrix operations then the solution with loops will also do.
Let me provide some more background details about my problem (This will help in terms of what I exactly need and why). I want to integrate a function, F(x,y,z), inside a polyhedron. I want to do it numerically as follows:
$F(x,y,z) = \sum_{i} F(x_i,y_i,z_i) \times V_i(x_i,y_i,z_i)$
Here, $F(x_i,y_i,z_i)$ is the value of function at point $(x_i,y_i,z_i)$ and $V_i$ is the weight. So to calculate the integral accurately, I need to identify set of random points which are not too close to each other or not too far from each other (Sorry but I myself don't know what this range is. I will be able to figure this out using parametric study only after I have a working code). Also, I need to do this for a 3D mesh which has multiple polyhedrons, hence I want to avoid loops to speed things out.
Check out this nice random vectors generator with fixed sum FEX file.
The code "generates m random n-element column vectors of values, [x1;x2;...;xn], each with a fixed sum, s, and subject to a restriction a<=xi<=b. The vectors are randomly and uniformly distributed in the n-1 dimensional space of solutions. This is accomplished by decomposing that space into a number of different types of simplexes (the many-dimensional generalizations of line segments, triangles, and tetrahedra.) The 'rand' function is used to distribute vectors within each simplex uniformly, and further calls on 'rand' serve to select different types of simplexes with probabilities proportional to their respective n-1 dimensional volumes. This algorithm does not perform any rejection of solutions - all are generated so as to already fit within the prescribed hypercube."
Use i=rand(3,10) where each column corresponds to one point, and each row corresponds to the coordinate in one axis (x,y,z)