i/o timeout with mgo and mongodb - mongodb

I am running a map-reduce job from mgo. It runs on a collection with a little more than 3.5M records. For some reasons right now I can not port this to aggregation; may be later. So, map-reduce is the thing I am looking forward to. This job, when I run it from the original js files I have created to test the code and output, runs fine. I tried to put the map and reduce code inside two strings and then tried to call the mgo.MapReduce to do the map-reduce for me where I am writing the output in a different collection. And it gives me
read tcp i/o timeout
Though, as the job has been fired in back-ground it is still running. Now according to this thread here --- http://grokbase.com/t/gg/mgo-users/1396d9wyk3/i-o-timeout-in-statistics-generation-upsert
It is easy to solve by calling the session.SetSocketTimeout but I do not want to do this as the total number of documents on which this map-reduce will run will vary and thus, I believe, the time. So, I will never be able to solve the problem by that way I believe.
What are the other ways that I might have?
Please help me

Moving my comment to an answer.
I believe the only way to fix this is simply setting the socket timeout to something ridiculously high, for example:
session.SetSocketTimeout(1 * time.Hour)


Mongo database extremely slow until I restart

I just inherited an application from another developer, and I've been asked to fix some latency issues that users have been experiencing. The problem is that any page that makes db calls to mongo takes several minutes to load in the browser.
When I restart mongo, however, everything speeds up again, and the application functions normally. I see several cron jobs that run throughout the day, and I believe one of these may be causing mongo to slow down.
Unfortunately, I have no experience with mongo (only mysql), and I really don't have any idea of what I'm looking for in terms of things that could be making mongo run so slowly.
Anyways, I was hoping someone could suggest some potential things that could be causing the latency so I can approach this problem better. I have looked in the mongo logs, and the only thing I see that could be of concern is a message that says:
warning: can't find plugin [asc]
I know this may point to an indexing problem, but are there any other obvious things I should be investigating?
From what I read at https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/mongodb-user/pqPvMq7cSBw it looks like one of your queries declared
rather than
In MongoDB you need to declare your sorting with either 1 or -1, there's no asc or desc constants for the sorting. So I would recommend that you check if any of your queries runs incorrectly. You can check what queries are running through the log files (with correct profiling settings) http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/manage-the-database-profiler/ . You may use mongotop (http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/mongotop/) to see where the most time reading/writing data is spent for your collections, as well.

MongoDB - anonymizing 600k records

I am trying to anonymize a large data set of about 600k records (removing sensitive information like email, etc.) so that it can be used for some performance tests.
I am using Scala (Casbah) with Mongo. The actual script is pretty simple and straightforward. When I run the script, the entire process starts off pretty fast - parsing 1000 records every 2-3 seconds, but it slows down tremendously and starts crawling very slowly.
I know this is pretty vague without too much details, but any idea why this is happening, and any hints on how I could speed this up?
It turned out to be an issue with the driver and not with Mongo. When I tried the same inserts using the mongo shell, it was through without breaking a sweat.
So, I tried both approaches. Inserting into existing collection and dumping the results in a new collection. The first approach was faster for me. Of course, one should never assume this to be always true and must benchmark before choosing the first approach over the second. In both case, Mongo was very very fast (meaning - it was not taking hours to get this done). There was a problem with the Java interface I was using to connect with Mongo, which was more of a stupid mistake on my part.

Architecture to create an uptime monitor in Node.js

What's the best solution for using Node.js and Redis to create an uptime monitoring system? Can I use Redis as a queue but is not the best way to save information, maybe MongoDB is?
It seems pretty simple but needing to have more than 1 server to guarantee the server is down and make everything work together is not so easy.
To monitor uptime, you would use a Cron job on the system. With each call, you would check to see if the host is up, and how long it would take. And in that script, you would save your data in Redis.
To do this in Node.JS, you would create a script that checks the status of the server. Just making a HTTP request to the server (Or Ping, w.e.) and recording if it fails or not. Then I would just record it to Redis. How you do it does not matter, because the script (if you run the cron every 30 seconds) has [30] seconds before the next run, so you dont have to worry about getting your query to the server. How you save your data is up to you, but in this case even MySQL would work (if you are only doing a small number of sites)
More on Cron # Wikipedia
Can I use Redis as a queue but is not
the best way to save information,
maybe MongoDB is?
You can(should) use Redis as your queue. It is going to be extremely fast.
I also think it is going to be very good option to save the information inside Redis. Unfortunately Redis does not do any timing(yet). I think you could/should use Beanstalkd to put messages on the queue that get delivered when needed(every x seconds). I also think cron is not that a very good idea because you would be needing a lot of them and when using a queue you could do your work faster(share load among multiple processes) also.
Also I don't think you need that much memory to save everything in memory(makes site fast) because dataset is going to be relative simple. Even if you aren't able(smart to get more memory if you ask me) to fit entire dataset in memory you can rely on Redis's virtual memory.
It seems pretty simple but needing to
have more than 1 server to guarantee
the server is down and make everything
work together is not so easy.
Sharding/replication is what I think you should read into to solve this problem(hard). Luckily Redis supports replication(sharding can also be achieved). MongoDB supports sharding/replication out of the box. To be honest I don't think you need sharding yet and your dataset is rather simple so Redis is going to be faster:

Best way to update DB (mongo) every hour?

I am preparing a small app that will aggregate data on users on my website (via socket.io). I want to insert all data to my monogDB every hour.
What is the best way to do that? setInterval(60000) seems to be a lil bit lame :)
You can use cron for example and run your node.js app as scheduled job.
In case where the program have to run continuously, then probably setTimeout is one of the few possible choices (which is quite simple to implement). Otherwise you can offload your data to some temporary storage system, for example redis and then regularly run other node.js program to move your data, however this may introduce new dependency on other DB system and increase complexity depending on your scenario. Redis can also be in this case as some kind of failsafe solution in case when your main node.js app will unexpectedly be terminated and lose part or all of your data batch.
You should aggregate in real time, not once per hour.
I'd take a look at this presentation by BuddyMedia to see how they are doing real time aggregation down to the minute. I am using an adapted version of this approach for my realtime metrics and it works wonderfully.
Why not just hit the server with a curl request that triggers the database write? You can put the command on an hourly cron job and listen on a local port.
You could have mongo store the last time you copied your data and each time any request comes in you could check to see how long it's been since you last copied your data.
Or you could try a setInterval(checkRestore, 60000) for once a minute checks. checkRestore() would query the server to see if the last updated time is greater than an hour old. There are a few ways to do that.
An easy way to store the date is to just store it as the value of Date.now() (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date) and then check for something like db.logs.find({lastUpdate:{$lt:Date.now()-6000000}}).
I think I confused a few different solutions there, but hopefully something like that will work!
If you're using Node, a nice CRON-like tool to use is Forever. It uses to same CRON patterns to handle repetition of jobs.

MongoDB takes long for indexing

I have the following setup:
Mac Pro with 2 GB of RAM (yes, not that much)
MongoDB 1.1.3 64-bit
8 million entries in a single collection
index for one field (integer) wanted
Calling .ensureIndex(...) takes more than an hour, actually I killed the process after that. My impression is, that it takes far too long. Also, I terminated the process but the index can be seen with .getIndexes() afterwards.
Anybody knows what is going wrong here?
Adding an index on an existing data set is expected to take a while, as the entire BTree needs to be constructed. If you think this is taking an unreasonable amount of time, or you've seen a regression in performance the best bet is to ask about it on the list.
I would just like to point out the command:
which prints the current operations running on the server, and also shows the indexing process.
The foreground indexing is done in 3 steps, and the background one in 2 steps (if I remember correctly), but the background one is alot slower. The foreground one on the other hand locks the collection while indexing it (ie not very useful on a running application server).
As said before, google BTree if you are interested in how they work.
Anybody knows what is going wrong here?
Are you running via ssh or connecting remotely in some way? Sound a bit like a broken pipe issue. Did you create the index with {background : true} or not?