Running GWT application in production mode - gwt

I am newbie to GWT. I have built gwt maven project. To run in development mode, I first compiled project Google|Compile Project, then from command mvn gwt:run, it runs fine on
but for production I want to access module
When I omit gwt.codesvr= argument, I am getting error "gwt module may need to be recompiled". After Recompiling, I get the same error. Any help/pointer?

i run gwt project on tomcat on production mode. Jetty cant show it. Try to tun with external web module. When you are look at the IDE console title show us 'Development Mode'. Tyr with external , in any exception i can help.

You did it correctly, but as the error states, the module needs to be re-compiled (GWT Compiled). Once recompiled, Force your browser to reload (Ctrl + F5). If that doesn't work, you can look at this answer I wrote regarding cleanup of compiled output. Do what's listed there, and try running GWT compile again.
To run production mode outside Eclipse, you must do a GWT compile and create a WAR file, which you can then deploy on a Java application server such as Tomcat. This process is much easier with an ant build script.
To make an ant build script for your project:
You can easily create an ant build script by running the webAppCreator command from the directory where the GWT library is installed. That command will create a sample project just like clicking "New Web Application Project" in Eclipse, except it will also make a build.xml file.
You can run it in Eclipse by right clicking build.xml > Run As... > Ant build. By default it will run the build target. It also has a war target, which you can run to create a WAR file.
For more details on the webAppCreator, look here.


Run Ant files when performing Build and Deploy Worklight 5.x.x Application

I have a Worklight application set up in Eclipse. Before executing Build And Deploy Worklight Application, I need to run a bat that compiles a bunch of HTML templates. This templates are necessary to run the app correctly.
So, I would like to know if it is possible to link (maybe under Run Configurations...?) an Ant file or similar that allows me to execute the bat and perform the build & deploy in an automatic way. Any advice?
Hope the question is clear.
I believe you can add an extra project builder to your application that invokes the Ant task you need.
Under Eclipse take a look at Project->Properties->Builders->New.
You will find Ant buildfiles as project builders a useful link.

Running PlayN in HTML DevMode

I'd like to be able to run my PlayN project as a Web Application in DevMode, so that I can use a quick browser refresh to see code changes without having to recompile. From what I'm reading on the wiki and on this question it sounds like that should be possible.
I set up my project using: mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.googlecode.playn -DarchetypeArtifactId=playn-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.7 and importing the pom.xml into eclipse.
Here's what I can do:
Run from eclipse as a Java Application
Start the server using Maven command line: mvn -Phtml integration-test
While I can do most of my programming in Java and occasionally do the long build to test HTML, I'd love to be able to modify the code while testing HTML without recompiling.
By default, the option to run as a Web Application doesn't show up. I've tried going into the project's properties and checking the "Use Google App Engine" and "Use Google Web Toolkit" options, which creates the "Run As Web Application" option, but when I do so I get "Could not find any host pages in project XXX".
I then attempt to set a WAR directory under Properties->Google-Web Application. However, the closest thing to a WAR in the project is "src/main/webapp". I've tried using that, and I get the error: "The archive: /myproject-assets/src/main/java which is referenced by the classpath, does not exist."
I have the feeling I'm going about this all wrong. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Is what I'm doing even supposed to be possible? Thanks!
It is possible, but just know that in dev mode, playn runs very slow.
I don't know how to do this with eclipse, but with intelli IDEA, you do the following:
you need to create a module with a war artifact (to run as a server)
add the correct gwt libraries so that you can run gwt dev mode server with the aforementioned war module.
choose a GAE server (or, any gwt compatible server actually, this will be the server that runs the aformentioned war module).
run it! see this screenshot
when you change code, the gwt devmode server should detect it, and automatically recompile (not sure if this needs to be in debug mode - i don't think it does).
you can try doing it via the command line, not sure if works, but this is what intellij runs (i've taken out the intellij specific bits out):
-war /path/to/war
-startupUrl Roborally.html com.yourgame.YourGwtEntryModule

Force Eclipse to clean a project automatically before every run

I'm looking for a solution that will force Eclipse to automatically clean a project before I run it (I'm talking about running a project using just Eclipse- no Maven, no Ant). For building I already have a Maven configuration, but sometimes I run the build directly from Eclipse as well and this is when I need that cleaning.
Shouldn't it be possible to have Maven and Eclipse use different class folders, e.g. /target for the Maven build and /bin for the Eclipse internal Java compiler? If so, you should be able to have 2 different launch configurations running the code from 2 different locations.
Second alternative: You can create a small Ant script to clear the target directory. That Ant script can be run from inside Eclipse, so a workaround is running the Ant launch configuration first and your Java launch configuration afterwards. To make this a one-step process, please install the launch groups feature from Eclipse CDT (you only need that small feature, not the whole CDT!), then you can create a "batch" like launch configuration from the other two launch configurations. Now everything is inside Eclipse with a single launch configuration!

PlayN GWT/HTML, keeps insisting module must be (re)compiled

I created a new PlayN project from the 1.2 archetype using the command line given in the GettingStarted wiki page. I then imported this Maven Project into Eclipse, just bringing in the core, java, and html modules. If I right-click the Java project, I can choose my main class, and a window pops up with the background image shown. Note that I've done no real programming yet: I'm just using the default project configuration.
Next, I used GWT-compile through Eclipse on the HTML project, and I got no errors. When I run it as a Web application by using the provided URL (without removing the "?gwt.codesvr=" bit), the application runs fine aside the Eclipse Console gives a warning about being in Development Mode. (Specifically, "You are running in GWT Development Mode. For optimal performance you may want to use an alternative method.")
However, if I run the application the recommended way, by removing the gwt.codesvr parameter, then I keep getting a dialog box saying "GWT module 'testproject' may need to be (re)compiled."
After reading How do I run a maven/eclipse/GWT/playN app in production mode?, I tried doing mvn test -Ptest-html
and then pointing my browser at http://localhost:8080, but it gives the same error.
Am I doing something wrong?
(EDIT: I have no idea if this next point is significant or not, but I'll share it anyway. When I try to create a project from Eclipse, the newest PlayN archetype I can see is 1.0.3, even after telling Eclipse to update the Maven index. I'm running Eclipse Indigo.)
I guess you are running PlayN 1.0.3.
There is a bug in 1.0.3:
So you need to do the following:
Run GWT-Compile
Run the web application and get the error message: "GWT module 'testproject' may need to be (re)compiled."
Run again GWT-compile, while the Web-Application is running
Reload your browser with CTRL-F5
The important step is step 3.
You can update to PlayN 1.2 to get rid of the error. For this you have to change the file playn-showcase/pom.xml.
Change the line

How to solve problem with out of synchronization of J2EE module dependency in Eclipse?

I have two projects : my-lib and my-web.
my-lib is built using the Java compiler of Eclipse, and a short Ant task is run on some properties files, which are then modified (as explained here).
This is not a pretty solution, but it works.
Now, as my-web is dependent of my-lib, I define my-lib as a Java EE Module Dependency of my-web.
However, when I attach my-web to the Tomcat in Eclipse, and try to publish, I get the following exception:
'Publishing to Tomcat at localhost' has encountered a problem.
Resource is out of sync with the file system: '/my-lib/target/classes/'
This file is indeed one of the files modified by the Ant task.
How can I correct this problem, as I need to have the Ant task run on the my-lib.
If you have the Ant task run as an external builder or external task, you can configure it to refresh the project, workspace, or selected resources after execution. When specifying the task/builder click on the Refresh tab and pick the appropriate one for your needs.
There's more information in the eclipse help.