Dynamic mongo projection - a projection that uses a field in the document to determine the projection - mongodb

Say I have an object like this:
{default: 'x',
types: {
Is it possible to select just types.x (ie a projection of {"types.x":1}) without knowing that x is the default beforehand? Making two queries is clearly possible and not what I'm looking for.

Unfortunately this is not available yet as part of the aggregation framework. However, according to this JIRA ticket, it is currently "planned by not scheduled". The only way of doing this currently is by using the map/reduce functionality. If you want to go ahead and use that, it would mean doing something as follows:
Map each document by _id and emit the appropriate key.
Since there will be only one value per key, the reduce function will not get called, but you still need to initialise the variable you use for the reduce function. You can use an empty function or an empty string.
Run map/reduce, saving the results in a collection of your choice.
In the mongo shell, it looks something as follows:
var mapper = function() {
var typeValue = this.types[this.default];
emit(this._id, typeValue);
var reducer = "";
db.types.mapReduce(mapper, reducer, { out : "results" } );
If you then query the results collection, you will get something as follows:
> db.results.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("53d21a270dcfb83c7dba8da9"), "value" : 1 }
If you want to know what the default value was, you can modify the mapper function in order to return the key as a value as well. It would look something like this:
var mapper = function() {
var typeValue = this.types[this.default],
typeKey = "types." + this.default;
emit(this._id, { key : typeKey, val : typeValue } );
When run, it would produce results that look as follows:
> db.results.find().pretty();
"_id" : ObjectId("53d21a270dcfb83c7dba8da9"),
"value" : {
"key" : "types.x",
"val" : 1
Note that this is probably a much more convoluted solution than you might want, but it's the only way to do this using MongoDB without adding more logic to your application.


Why is mongo dot notation replacing an entire subdocument?

I've got the following doc in my db:
"_id": ObjectId("ABCDEFG12345"),
"options" : {
"foo": "bar",
"another": "something"
"date" : {
"created": 1234567890,
"updated": 0
And I want to update options.foo and date.updated at the same time using dot notation, like so:
var mongojs = require('mongojs');
var optionName = 'foo';
var optionValue = 'baz';
var updates = {};
updates['options.' + optionName] = optionValue;
updates['date.updated'] = new Date().getTime();
query : {
_id : ObjectId('ABCDEFG12345')
update : {
$set : updates
upsert : false,
new : true
}, function(error, doc, result) {
And this results in:
foo : 'baz',
another : 'something'
updated : 1234567890
Specifically, my pre-existing date.created field is getting clobbered even though I'm using dot notation.
Why is this only partially working? The options sub-document retains its pre-existing data (options.another), why doesn't the date sub-document retain its pre-existing data?
The behavior described typically happens when the object passed in the $set operator is of the form { "data" : { "updated" : 1234567890 } } rather than { "data.updated" : 1234567890 }, but I'm not familiar with dots in JavaScript enough to tell if that could be the cause on JS's side.
Also, it wouldn't explain why it happens with data and not options.
If you could print the object stored in the variable updates and that is sent to MongoDB in the update field, that would allow to tell on which side the issue is (JS or MongoDB).
i pass your code to a test environment and use the same library you are using. The mongojs library, for query by native ObjectId is like this mongojs.ObjectId("####") Can look the official documentation.
for the callback function in the findAndModify function, the docs parameter is an array so i navigate like an array
Note: [to concatenate the string i use template literals] (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals)
All work fine...

Searching with dynamic field name in MongoDB

I have a situation where records in Mongo DB are like :
"_id" : "xxxx",
"_class" : "xxxx",
"orgId" : xxx,
"targetKeyToOrgIdMap" : {
"46784_56139542ecaa34c13ba9e314" : 46784,
"47530_562f1bc5fc1c1831d38d1900" : 47530,
"700004280_56c18369fc1cde1e2a017afc" : 700004280
I have to find out the records where child nodes of targetKeyToOrgIdMap has a particular set of values. That means, I know what the value is going to be there in the record in "46784_56139542ecaa34c13ba9e314" : 46784 part. And the field name is variable, its combination of the value and some random string.
In above example, I have 46784, and I need to find all the records which have 46784 in that respective field.
Is there any way I can fire some regex or something like that or by using any other mean where I would get the records which has the value I need in the child nodes of the field targetKeyToOrgIdMap.
Thanks in advance
You could use MongoDB's $where like this:
db.myCollection.find( { $where: function() {
for (var key in obj.targetKeyToOrgIdMap) {
if (obj.targetKeyToOrgIdMap[key] == 46784){
return true;
}}).each { obj ->
println obj
But be aware that this will require a full table scan where the function is executed for each document. See documentation.

How to check if a portion of an _id from one collection appears in another

I have a collection where the _id is of the form [message_code]-[language_code] and another where the _id is just [message_code]. What I'd like to do is find all documents from the first collection where the message_code portion of the _id does not appear in the second collection.
> db.colA.find({})
{ "_id" : "TRM1-EN" }
{ "_id" : "TRM1-ES" }
{ "_id" : "TRM2-EN" }
{ "_id" : "TRM2-ES" }
> db.colB.find({})
{ "_id" : "TRM1" }
I want a query that will return TRM2-EN and TRM-ES from colA. Of course in my live data, there are thousands of records in each collection.
According to this question which is trying to do something similar, we have to save the results from a query against colB and use it in an $in condition in a query against colA. In my case, I need to strip the -[language_code] portion before doing this comparison, but I can't find a way to do so.
If all else fails, I'll just create a new field in colA that contains only the message code, but is there a better way do it?
Based on Michael's answer, I was able to come up with this solution:
var arr = db.colB.distinct("_id")
var regexs = arr.map(function(elm){
return new RegExp(elm);
var result = db.colA.find({_id : {$nin : regexs}}, {_id : true})
Upon closer inspection, the above method doesn't work after all. In the end, I just had to add the new field.
Disclaimer: This is a little hack it may not end well.
Get distinct _id using collection.distinct method.
Build a regular expression array using Array.prototype.map()
var arr = db.colB.distinct('_id');
arr.map(function(elm, inx, tab) {
tab[inx] = new RegExp(elm);
db.colA.find({ '_id': { '$nin': arr }})
I'd add a new field to colA since you can index it and if you have hundreds of thousands of documents in each collection splitting the strings will be painfully slow.
But if you don't want to do that you could make use of the aggregation framework's $substr operator to extract the [message-code] then do a $match on the result.

Can MongoDB aggregate "top x" results in this document schema?

"_id" : "user1_20130822",
"metadata" : {
"date" : ISODate("2013-08-22T00:00:00.000Z"),
"username" : "user1"
"tags" : {
"abc" : 19,
"123" : 2,
"bca" : 64,
"xyz" : 14,
"zyx" : 12,
"321" : 7
Given the schema example above, is there a way to query this to retrieve the top "x" tags: E.g., Top 3 "tags" sorted descending?
Is this possible in a single document? e.g., top tags for a user on a given day
What if i have multiple documents that need to be combined together before getting the top? e.g., top tags for a user in a given month
I know this can be done by using a "document per user per tag per day" or by making "tags" an array, but I'd like to be able to do this as above, as it makes in place $inc's easier (many more of these happening than reads).
Or do I need to return back the whole document, and defer to the client on the sorting/limiting?
When you use object-keys as tag-names, you are making this kind of reporting very difficult. The aggreation framework has no $unwind-equivalent for objects. But there is always MapReduce.
Have your map-function emit one document for each key/value pair in the tags-subdocument. It should look something like this;
var mapFunction = function() {
for (var key in this.tags) {
emit(key, this.tags[key]);
Your reduce-function would then sum up the values emitted for the same key.
var reduceFunction = function(key, values) {
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
sum += values[i];
return sum;
The complete MapReduce command would look something like this:
mapReduce: "yourcollection", // the collection where your data is stored
query: { _id : "user1_20130822" }, // or however you want to limit the results
map: mapFunction,
reduce: reduceFunction,
out: "inline", // means that the output is returned directly.
This will return all tags in unpredictable order. MapReduce has a sort and a limit option, but these only work on a field which has an index in the original collection, so you can't use it on a computed field. To get only the top 3, you would have to sort the results on the application-level. When you insist on doing the sorting and limiting on the database, define an output-collection to store the mapReduce results in (with the out-option set to out: { replace: "temporaryCollectionName" }) and then query that collection with sort and limit afterwards.
Keep in mind that when you use an intermediate collection, you must make sure that no two users run MapReduces with different queries into the same collection. When you have multiple users which want to view your top-3 list, you could let them query the output-collection and do the MapReduce in the background at regular intervales.

Most efficient way to generate a list of Unigrams from a text field in MongoDB

I need to generate a vector of unigrams, i.e. a vector of all the unique words which appear in a specific text field that I have stored as part of a broader JSON object in MongoDB.
I'm not really sure what's the easiest and most efficient way to generate this vector. I was thinking of writing a simple Java app which could handle the tokenization (using something like OpenNLP), however I think that a better approach may be to try to tackle this using Mongo's Map-Reduce feature... However I'm not really sure how I could go about this.
Another option would be to use Apache Lucene indexing, but it would mean I'd still need to export this data in one by one. Which is really the same issue I would have with the custom Java or Ruby approach...
Map reduce sounds good however the Mongo data is growing by the day as more document are inserted. This isn't really a one off task as there are new documents being added all the time. Updates are very rare. I really don't want to run a Map-Reduce over the millions of documents every time I want to update my Unigram vector as I fear this will be very inefficient use of resources...
What would be the most efficient way to generate the unigram vector and then keep it updated?
Since you have not provided a sample document (object) format take this as a sample collection called 'stories'.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4eafd693627b738f69f8f1e3"), "body" : "There was a king", "author" : "tom" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4eafd69c627b738f69f8f1e4"), "body" : "There was a queen", "author" : "tom" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4eafd72c627b738f69f8f1e5"), "body" : "There was a queen", "author" : "tom" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4eafd74e627b738f69f8f1e6"), "body" : "There was a jack", "author" : "tom" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4eafd785627b738f69f8f1e7"), "body" : "There was a humpty and dumpty . Humtpy was tall . Dumpty was short .", "author" : "jane" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4eafd7cc627b738f69f8f1e8"), "body" : "There was a cat called Mini . Mini was clever cat . ", "author" : "jane" }
For the given dataset, you can use the following javascript code to get to your solution. The collection "authors_unigrams" contains the result. All the code is supposed to be run using mongo console (http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/mongo+-+The+Interactive+Shell).
First, we need to mark of all the new documents that have come afresh into the 'stories' collection. We do it using following command. It will add a new attribute called "mr_status" into each document and assign value "inprocess". Later, we will see that map-reduce operation will only take those documents in account which are having the value "inprocess" for the field "mr_status". This way, we can avoid reconsidering all the documents for map-reduce operation that have been already considered in any of the previous attempt, making the operation efficient as asked.
Second, we define both map() and reduce() function.
var map = function() {
uniqueWords = function (words){
var arrWords = words.split(" ");
var arrNewWords = [];
var seenWords = {};
for(var i=0;i<arrWords.length;i++) {
if (!seenWords[arrWords[i]]) {
return arrNewWords;
var unigrams = uniqueWords(this.body) ;
emit(this.author, {unigrams:unigrams});
var reduce = function(key,values){
Array.prototype.uniqueMerge = function( a ) {
for ( var nonDuplicates = [], i = 0, l = a.length; i<l; ++i ) {
if ( this.indexOf( a[i] ) === -1 ) {
nonDuplicates.push( a[i] );
return this.concat( nonDuplicates )
unigrams = [];
unigrams = unigrams.uniqueMerge(i.unigrams);
return { unigrams:unigrams};
Third, we actually run the map-reduce function.
var result = db.stories.mapReduce( map,
out: {reduce:"authors_unigrams"}
Fourth, we mark all the records that have been considered for map-reduce in last run as processed by setting "mr_status" as "processed".
Optionally, you can see the result collection "authors_unigrams" by firing following command.