Delayed Recording Start in bigbluebutton - bigbluebutton

We use the recording and playback feature of bigbluebutton. Is there a way to kick off the recording feature of a already created meeting after the meeting is created? Basically we start the meeting 10 minutes prior to the actual start time to give the presenter time to upload presentation, check audio etc. We would like to start the actual recording only at the actual start time to prevent the 10 minute useless stuff during playback?
Is it possible through API or some console command? We have a way to do it either way..
Any help is much appreciated
Thanks in advance

You could try enabling the autoRecord feature to start recording the session, whenever a meeting is created. You can check out the bigbluebutton property file located at- /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/bigbluebutton/WEB-INF/classes/
Change the field autoStartRecording=true and restart bigbluebutton by sudo bbb-conf --restart
The recording button should now be automatically switched on, once you enter a meeting. Hope this helps :)

Now it's possible after BigBlueButton 0.9.0 came. There is feature in meeting interface - start/stop recording button.
Please see more in official documentation: Start/Stop Recording


Certification failed for background audio streaming app

I submitted a background audio app for certification and has failed with two reasons in which I could not figure out why.
Reason 1:
This app failed to correctly respond to at least one of the play,
pause, or play/pause events.
I understand that the MediaControl events for Play, Pause, Stop and PlayPause need to be catered, and have done so (and tested on both tablets and local devices that they are working) in the code. However, due to the reason that stopping a media stream and restarting it requires a longer-than-expected time, I used MediaElement.Pause() for both "Pause" and "Stop".
I read another post who had similar problem at the certification phase. Somebody recommended to use MediaElement.PlaybackRate = 0; instead. However, this is not ideal for long pauses as the stream will not move on.
What I wish to know is am I doing this the right way? For all my MediaControl events I have made sure that the MediaControl.IsPlaying property is correctly set as well.
Also, another reason it failed was this:
App failed the Perf test in the Windows ACK. See the following links
for more information: Test cases ran:
I have ran my app against the ACK and it all passed. The only thing I can think of is that the app does not enter suspend mode when the hardware (or on-screen) media control pause button is pressed. I have placed a debugger in the App_Suspending event but it never hits there.
As the description is too vague I am not sure if this is the problem. But if it's the case, can I know how do I force the app to enter suspended mode? I tried looking in the Window.Current class and Application.Current class, but to no avail.
For your first issue be sure that your media element is ready to play using :
while (CurrentTrack.CurrentState == MediaElementState.Opening || CurrentTrack.CurrentState == MediaElementState.Buffering)
await Task.Delay(100);
Also you have to stop your media element when the view is unload.
After nearly 10 attempts in releasing the app, I finally got to the root of the problem, thanks to some guessing work by the folks at Microsoft too.
My app will automatically start the MediaElement streaming after the app is started. The background-capable audio will prevent the app from passing WACK because it will never enter suspended mode!
So, in order to get pass the store's WACK I had to remove the auto-starting feature, and now the app is in the store! (Phew).

Start data downloading in background mode

I need to have the following things to work while my iphone application is in the background mode.
1.Run a clock.
2.Communicate with the server every 15 mins to get the server time and one another value.
3.Need to start downloading data in background mode.
I searched a lot whether these are possible or not. Kindly give confirmation on these.
I am developing an iPhone application which involves Ticket Booking System. I registered my application as location based beacuse it is using user's location taken in background for a purpose.
My problem is that i need to run an internal clock in my application in background mode. I need to write the codes for internal clock in core location delegate methods, so that internal clock will also run along with the location bsed services. Will my app get rejected? Is anything wrong in doing like this?
I need to get the correct time to use in my app, so that i am running this internal clock. I can use NSDate, but that will return the device time. Anyone can change the device time. So once somebody chaged, wrong time will affect the smooth functioning of the app. Kindly some body suggest to get the correct time with out running the internal clock ?
I suppose you want to do this with your app not running in the foreground - and that is not possible, if you don't use some tricks like playing an empty audio file and pretending to be a music player or the like.
In iOS, you can only execute code of your app while it is actively running in the foreground, except for some specific tasks like VOIP or music playing.
If you want to do this while your app is running in the foreground, just use NSTimer and a background process for loading, like it was suggested. But then you should also prevent the iPhone from entering SLEEP mode after 1 minute, otherwise it won't work when th euser is not actively using the app during the 15 minutes ...
This is possible, what you need to do is,
1] Run a background thread, in which set a NSTimer with 15mins.
2] Set repeat:YES to call it at every 15mins.
3] And start download your need there!
I will do like this if I stuck like your situation!

Send data through socket every x minutes

I have a location based iOS app and I want to interact with a server every x minutes.
I read this post: Send Data Every 10 minutes
But I have to send an empty header to my server even if there is no location update for a while because I have to read any pending commands from my server and it only writes back if you write first.
This has to work even if the app is running background.
What should be the best way to perform this? Using a timer?
I've already made this kind of stuff on Android but I'm a little stuck on how to do here.
You can use a NSTimer when the app is running, but you can't do that when the app is in background. The iOS reference contains all the possible uses of multitasking: link
As you can see, there's a small amount of possible operations (voip, audio or location) that are able to wake up your app.

How to regularly check for RSS/email-like updates online with iOS4

Is it possible to have an App (running iOS4 on hardware supporting multi-tasking) which starts on iPhone startup and then regularly checks for online updates (every 15 minutes) and then refresh the badge, so the user can see how many unread items there are with-out having a push-server?
I was hoping this would be possible with iOS4 Programming Guide seems to suggest it is only possible to to this regarding Locations tracking, VoIP and playing background audio. There is also the possibility to do local-push notifications, but I don't see to find how to trigger a specific function that way.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Just having read a bit more, if the application is in the background/inactive state, and I son want to update the badge-number without displaying a message, is there an action triggered like didReceiveLocalNotification? There must be a way to schedule something on a regular basis (like email checking) without having to implement a full server-push-nitification system!
Is it possible to have an App ... which starts on iPhone startup and then regularly checks for online updates (every 15 minutes) and then refresh the badge
As you already figured out, the answer is no.

How to run the program regularly?

I want to ask a question about the iPhone application. I am writing a program which can upload some information to a server. However, the user has to click a button before the upload. Therefore, is it possible for the application to upload the data to server regularly after the user only click one time of the button?
It means that the app will upload the data at 12:00 p.m, 12:00 am .... Thank you.
It is possible if and only if your app run all the time. Otherwise, if users quit your app then you cannot set and run any code inside your app. You also cannot set any timer inside iphone to run your app.
So, if the user open your app in the time. Then you can use NSTimer to schedule the time to upload your data. If user quit, you stored the last time you upload data, then when user open your app again, you check for the last time uploading and if it is too old, you upload data again. + (NSTimer *)scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)seconds invocation:(NSInvocation *)invocation repeats:(BOOL)repeats
More here
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I do not believe this is possible using the current official SDK.
I dont know why you need to send the data to webserver regularly.
Suppose if you are not running the application for 7 days, the data is not gonna change in iPhone den whats the reason to re upload the unchanged data.
So suggest you to upload at the time of exiting the application or at the time of starting the application What ever you prefers.
Happy Coding...