Does the Atom Editor keymap support function keys? Like F5 - github

I setup keymap.cson with this entry. In the palette, I can see F5 is associated with this command but pressing F5 does not trigger it
'.workspace .editor':
'F5': 'runner:run'

Yes, Atom supports function keys. The names of the keys are case-sensitive and the name of F5 is f5, note the lowercase "f". The following should work:
'atom-workspace atom-text-editor':
'f5': 'runner:run'
Also, note that you may want to replace atom-workspace atom-text-editor with just atom-workspace, unless you don't want the key to execute the command when you're on the Tree View, a Markdown Preview or any other view that isn't an editor.


IdeaVim: Make Cmd-A (macOS) select all text in visual mode

I want Cmd-A (the macOS Command key, plus A) to select all text in visual mode, so I can e.g. indent or delete it using vim commands, Just like it does in MacVim. By default, it selects all text, but vim commands don't work on it.
I've put the following in .ideavimrc:
map <D-a> <esc>ggVG
And also removed the default Cmd-A shortcut in Preferences -> Keymap, because it seemed to override the vim one. But now Cmd-A just doesn't do anything.
I've found two workarounds so far, neither very satisfying. For both start out in normal-mode.
press v followed by Cmd-A
<D-*> mappings are not supported in IdeaVim yet. Feel free to vote for VIM-758 and contribute a fix to
Edit: You can check your effective mappings in IdeaVim via :map.
Edit 2: I've checked <M-*> mappings in IdeaVim 0.50 in macOS. They do exactly what you want, but with <M-*> instead of <D-*>. In my experiment, I've remapped dd to Command-A via:
map <M-a> dd
Important: the first time you open the IDE afterwards, there is a notification: "Using the shortcut from vim emulation. etc." Do not click the link in that notification, otherwise it will not use your shortcut defined in .ideavimrc.

How to remap all ctrl+k chords at once in VSCode

Is it possible to remap all chords at once that use ctrl+k as the first keypress action?
I use ctrl+k to delete rest of the line. Since it conflicts with the most common chord used in vscode, remapping shortcut by shortcut would be inconvenient.
I found a workflow that you could use:
Click Gear icon/KeyBoard Shortcuts
Click " and edit keybindings.json"
In the left panel with cursor focus - readonly - search for ({.*ctrl\+k.*},)|({.*ctrl\+k.*\n\s+.*},)
with the regex option chosen. You should get about 57 matches found.
Ctrl-Shift-L will select all matches.
Ctrl-C to copy all those.
Shift cursor focus to right panel - keybindings.json - and paste Ctrl-P clipboard to end of file.
Now you can find/replace those ctrl+k's to whatever you want.
I have no doubt that that regex in step 3 could be simplified, the problem being sometimes there is a newline and "when" modifiers on a second line of the command. Perhaps someone else could help there.

Shortcut for joining two lines

What's the keyboard shortcut for joining two lines in VS Code?
If the cursor is anywhere in the first line of
then when I hit the shortcut, I want to get
f(foo, bar)
Visual Studio Code now comes with a default key binding for joining lines, Ctrl + J.
You can find all keyboard shortcuts under Preferences > Open Keyboard Shortcuts.
You can overwrite it using the UI or by providing a different key combination for the command editor.action.joinLines in keybindings.json.
Press F1, and type Join Lines. By default there is no key bindings to it yet, but you can easily set it under 'Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts', then search for Join Lines and set a shortcut.
You can simply:
Select the lines to be joined.
Hit Ctrl+Shift+P or F1.
Type join lines.
Since the best way is already answered I'm just adding an alternative.
If you want to work with defaults you can hit Ctrl+Del while caret is at the end of the first line.
Works with multi-select too if you want to join multiple lines.
Depending on how much clutter you have in your , try the following "keypress sequence" (you must have focus in an open editor tab for this to work1, and make sure to have your cursor/lines selected before doing this):
Ctrl+Shift+P JL 2
If your Command Palette ends up showing a clash of non-Join Lines entries when you finish typing, you may have to end up typing instead3:
Ctrl+Shift+P JOINSpace L
Ctrl+Shift+P JOINSpace LI
Ctrl+Shift+P JOINSpace LINES
...Manually select from the Palette using down arrow or mouse 4
In case you're thinking about setting your own keybind (since it is unset by default in Windows), here are the other Commands that have a keybind associated with them containing a J 5:
inSearchEditor || searchViewletFocus
View: Toggle Panel
Unfold All
Ctrl+K Ctrl+J
editorTextFocus && foldingEnabled
Notebook: Join With Previous Cell
Notebook: Join With Next Cell
editorTextFocus && foldingEnabled
I suggest using Ctrl+Alt+J or Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Jif you end up going this route, since it doesn't seem to clash with existing defaults and is similar to what people are already used to.
Alternatively, if you tend to use a different text editor or IDE,
[File > Preferences > Keymaps] (Ctrl+K Ctrl+M) offers a selection of alternative keymaps (these are extensions, which must be installed), including (as of now, sorted by current rating):
IntelliJ IDEA (by Keisuke Kato)
Sublime Text (by Microsoft)
Atom (by Microsoft)
Eclipse (by Alphabot Security)
Visual Studio (by Microsoft)
Delphi (by Alessandro Fragnani)
Notepad++ (by Microsoft)
Vim (by vscodevim)
Emacs (by hirosun)
1 In other words, don't be in a "non-editor" window like Settings or Keyboard Shortcuts
2 Alternatively, Command Palette can also be opened by selecting [View > Command Palette...] instead of Ctrl+Shift+P
3 This could occur due to having 3rd-party Commands containing the letters j and l. Command Palette can also be found alternatively by selecting [View > Command Palette...]
4 Hopefully you don't end up with this case.
5 These are all listed under [File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts] (Ctrl+K Ctrl+S)

Eclipse - multiline comment with asterisks doesn't work

I'm not able to use ani shortcuts for using comments with asterisk. Every key combination doesn't work. I tried with CTRL+/, CTRL+SHIFT+/, CTRL+C; all of these have the same output, i.e. a simple comment with // on every line. Other shortcuts like CTRL+\, CTRL+SHIFT+\ or CTRL+SHIFT+F doesn't work at all.
So, how can I have this shortcut?
These are the Comments options
Open Window>Preferences>General>Keys>type "add block comment" in the search box, you should see:
the type "remove block comment"
These settings are by default, but if the shortcut is not working on your machine, you must be missing these bindings, To create them, you need to mark the command "Add Block Comment", then click inside the "Binding" field and press CTRL+SHIFT+/, then press Apply. The same is for uncommenting.
I have a similar problem to the one you have: the / shortcut seems to trigger a folding operation (at least in the Java editor) that does not appear in the keys preferences table.
Modifying the key in the keys preferences table seems to work fine: setting the binding to Shift+Ctrl+Q for the "Add Block Comment" command sets the expected block comment.
The reason is clear to me: the Shift+Ctrl+/ binding is very difficult to reproduce in a Linux environment because Eclipse makes a clear difference Numpad_Divide and the '/'. The Normal '/' strike is being modified by the shift key (French keyboard).

How do you switch between files when using prelude's projectile?

Imagine you have these files in your project:
If I trigger projectile with C-c p f and write first.png, and I write first.png , it will show me both files. Is there a way to select the next file?
In the image below, the first file in the list is .document. Without writing any other letter, is it possible to switch through the list provided by projectile? Is there a combination that will cycle through those file names, like , press some key combination and then .gitignore is selected?
If I correctly understand, the projectile uses the ido package for file name completions, and other things. The ido (and many other packages) uses the C-s to switch to next file name, and C-r to switch to previous file. See "Using IDO" section in previous link
The keyboard arrow keys will toggle through options as well, and you can then hit enter when the file you want is highlighted next to the text you typed.