IdeaVim: Make Cmd-A (macOS) select all text in visual mode - ideavim

I want Cmd-A (the macOS Command key, plus A) to select all text in visual mode, so I can e.g. indent or delete it using vim commands, Just like it does in MacVim. By default, it selects all text, but vim commands don't work on it.
I've put the following in .ideavimrc:
map <D-a> <esc>ggVG
And also removed the default Cmd-A shortcut in Preferences -> Keymap, because it seemed to override the vim one. But now Cmd-A just doesn't do anything.
I've found two workarounds so far, neither very satisfying. For both start out in normal-mode.
press v followed by Cmd-A

<D-*> mappings are not supported in IdeaVim yet. Feel free to vote for VIM-758 and contribute a fix to
Edit: You can check your effective mappings in IdeaVim via :map.
Edit 2: I've checked <M-*> mappings in IdeaVim 0.50 in macOS. They do exactly what you want, but with <M-*> instead of <D-*>. In my experiment, I've remapped dd to Command-A via:
map <M-a> dd
Important: the first time you open the IDE afterwards, there is a notification: "Using the shortcut from vim emulation. etc." Do not click the link in that notification, otherwise it will not use your shortcut defined in .ideavimrc.


Is there a way to add a keybinding shortcut that doesn't conflict with the existing ones (Visual Studio Code)

I'm trying to add a keyword shortcut that will close all the editors on the right side from the selected one. Somehow this is not by default in vscode on mac (or maybe just to me), I remember using it on window.
Anyway I created the shortcut based on cmd+w closing the selected editor. I thought using cmd + ->(right arrow) w. And it works perfectly for closing the editors. But it conflicts with the existing one cmd + -> that is used to go to the end of the line. How to make both to work.
I don't want to use other keybindings such as a unique one because these keys combination make sense to me. Well I tried also something like cmd+r w. Same problem, there is already a shortcut for cmd+r. And can't use it because it waits for the next key to be added.
There is already a command that does what you want (that is unound by default). Put this into your keybindings.json:
"key": "alt+right w", // choose your keybinding
"command": "workbench.action.closeEditorsToTheRight"
That's Alt+rightArrow and then a w (or whatever the Alt is on a mac. My guess is that Alt+rightArrow is not bound to anything on a mac.
Since there is no when clause to distinguish this command from Cmd+rightArrow or Cmd+R, using a unique keybinding like alt+right w (option+right w) is as close as you are going to get.

How can you create multiple cursors in Visual Studio Code

What are the keyboard shortcuts for creating multiple cursors in VS Code?
Press Alt and click. This works on Windows and Linux*, and it should work on Mac, too.
More multi-cursor features are now available in Visual Studio Code 0.2:
Multi cursor improvements
Ctrl+D (Cmd+D on Mac) selects next occurrence of word under cursor or of the current selection
Ctrl+K Ctrl+D moves last added cursor to next occurrence of word under cursor or of the current selection
The commands use matchCase by default. If the find widget is open, then the find widget settings (matchCase / matchWholeWord) will be used for determining the next occurrence
Ctrl+U (Cmd+U on Mac) undoes the last cursor action, so if you added a cursor too many or made a mistake, you can press Ctrl+U (Cmd+U on Mac) to go back to the previous cursor state.
Adding cursor up or down (Ctrl+Alt+Up / Ctrl+Alt+Down) (Cmd+Alt+Up / Cmd+Alt+Down on Mac) now reveals the last added cursor to make it easier to work with multiple cursors on more than 1 viewport height at a time (i.e. select 300 lines and only 80 fit in the viewport).
This makes it a lot easier to introduce multiple cursors
* Linux drag-window conflict:
Some distros (e.g. Ubuntu) assign window dragging to Alt+LeftMouse, which will conflict with VSCode.
So, recent versions of VSCode let you toggle between Alt+LeftMouse and Ctrl+LeftMouse under the Selection menu, as detailed in another answer.
Alternately, you could change your OS key bindings using gsettings as mentioned in another answer.
Multi-word (and multi-line) cursors/selection in VS Code
Windows / OS X:
Ctrl+Shift+L / ⌘+Shift+L selects all instances of the current highlighted word
Ctrl+D / ⌘+D selects the next instance... and the one after that... etc.
For multi-line selection, Ctrl+Alt+Down / ⌘+Alt+Shift+Down will extend your selection or cursor position to the next line. Ctrl+Right / ⌘+Right will move to the end of each line, no matter how long. To escape the multi-line selection, hit Esc.
See the VS Code keybindings (OS sensitive)
May 2017
As of version 1.13
Add multiple cursors with Ctrl / Cmd + Click
VSCode developers have introduced a new setting, editor.multiCursorModifier, to change the modifier key for applying multiple cursors to Cmd + Click on macOS and Ctrl + Click on Windows and Linux. This lets users coming from other editors such as Sublime Text or Atom continue to use the keyboard modifier they are familiar with.
The setting can be set to:
ctrl/Cmd - Maps to Ctrl on Windows and Cmd on macOS.
alt - The existing default Alt.
There's also a new menu item Use Ctrl + Click for Multi-Cursor in the Selection menu to quickly toggle this setting.
The Go To Definition and Open Link gestures will also respect this setting and adapt such that they do not conflict. For example, when the setting is ctrl/Cmd, multiple cursors can be added with Ctrl / Cmd + Click, and opening links or going to definition can be invoked with Alt +Click.
With fixing Issue #2106, it is now possible to also remove a cursor by using the same gesture on top of an existing selection.
I had problem with ALT key, fix is to change alt+click as a Gnome hotkey which clobbers multi-cursor select in VSCode, to super+click by running:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences mouse-button-modifier "<Super>"
Try Ctrl+Alt+Shift+⬇ / ⬆, without mouse, or hold "alt" and click on all the lines you want.
Note: Tested on Windows.
Cmd+Option+Shift⬇ / ⬆ works for me on newest VSCode 1.29.1 and newest OSX High Sierra 10.13.6, Macbook Pro.
This adds a vertical line up/down on screen, like Option+Click/Vertical Drag does in Sublime Text.
To add multiple cursors at any points in your file, including multiple ones on the same line, do Cmd (or Option)+Click anywhere you want, shown in this video. You may also search for text (Cmd+F) that repeats multiple times, then press Option+Return to add cursors at end of EACH word.
On XFCE, go to Applications -> Settings -> Settings editor - > xfwm4 -> easy_click(disable value)
Now you can Insert Cursor with Alt + Click
I've also disabled L/R Workspace (ctrl + alt + L/R) settings in Settings -> Window manager -> Keyboard
As of Visual Studio Code version 0.10.9, you can now do a Create Multiple Cursors from Selected Lines by selecting multiple lines, and pressing Shift+Alt+I
Note: This is similar to Sublime Text's Ctrl+Shift+L functionality.
Relevant PR:
On Ubuntu, in order to enable multi-cursor clicking you will need to re-assign Alt+click first, by running the command below. This is because by default Ubuntu uses the shortcut itself and has it takes precedence.
> gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences mouse-button-modifier "<Super>"
There is no binding for exactly what you want.
The only thing that comes close is Ctrl+F2 which will select all of them at once.
You can bind it to Ctrl+D doing the following:
Click on File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts
You should see a pane full of the current bindings and on the right a list of custom bindings
In the current bindings, search for Ctrl+F2 and copy that whole line and paste it into the right pane.
You might have to remove the comma at the end and then change Ctrl+F2 to Ctrl+D and then save the file.
It should look something like this:
// Place your key bindings in this file to overwrite the defaults
{ "key": "ctrl+d", "command": "editor.action.changeAll",
"when": "editorTextFocus" }
Ctrl+Alt+⬇ / ⬆ add cursors above and below the current line. Still nowhere near as good as sublime or brackets though. I can't see anything equivalent to Ctrl+D in sublime in the keyboard shortcuts file.
New version (Visual Studio 0.3.0) support more multi cursor feature.
Here's multi-cursor improvements that we've made.
⌘D selects the word at the cursor, or the next occurrence of the current selection.
⌘K ⌘D moves the last added cursor to next occurrence of the current selection.
The two actions pick up the matchCase and matchWholeWord settings of the find widget.
⌘U undoes the last cursor action, so if you added one cursor too many or made a mistake, press ⌘U to return to the previous cursor state.
Insert cursor above (⌥⌘↑) and insert cursor below (⌥⌘↓) now reveals the last added cursor, making it easier to work with multi-cursors spanning more than one screen height (i.e., working with 300 lines while only 80 fit in the screen).
And short cut of select multi cursor change into cmd + d(it's same as Sublime Text. lol)
We can expect that next version supports more convenient feature about multi cursor ;)
Alt+Click. It works in Windows.
Details: Visual Studio Code Documentation
In my XFCE (version 4.12), it's in Settings -> Window Manager Tweaks -> Accessibility.
There's a dropdown field Key used to grab and move windows:, set this to None.
Alt + Click works now in VS Code to add more cursor.
In Visual Studio without mouse: Alt+Shift+{ Arrow }.
You can do the following per the Selection menu:
Press/hold Alt+Ctrl+Up Arrow/Alt+Ctrl+Down Arrow as required to create sufficient cursors, then Ctrl+D can be used to expand the selections.
Same issue on Ubuntu-MATE, but here you resolve it by:
gsettings set org.mate.Marco.general mouse-button-modifier "<Super>"
Alt + Command + Shift will add a cursor to the next instance of what you've selected. E.g. a variable or function name
For xfce users, just go to settings>window manager tweaks>accessibility there change the key used to grab and move windows: to super as demonstrated in the image below.
Now you can use super instead of alt. Wallah!! Go make multiple cursors by alt + click.
First go to "Keyboard Shortcuts", you can get there by hitting Cmd+k then Cmd+s, or for Windows Ctrl+k then Ctrl+s.
Once you're there, search for "Add Cursor Above" and "Add Cursor Below". You can even assign them your own key-bindings.
On windows:
CTRL+Click if you are using vscode
CTRL+Alt+Click if you are using visual studio
For Ubuntu Users
ALT + SHIFT + ⬇ / ⬆
Alt + Click works in OSX. Code Version 1.14.2

Eclipse - multiline comment with asterisks doesn't work

I'm not able to use ani shortcuts for using comments with asterisk. Every key combination doesn't work. I tried with CTRL+/, CTRL+SHIFT+/, CTRL+C; all of these have the same output, i.e. a simple comment with // on every line. Other shortcuts like CTRL+\, CTRL+SHIFT+\ or CTRL+SHIFT+F doesn't work at all.
So, how can I have this shortcut?
These are the Comments options
Open Window>Preferences>General>Keys>type "add block comment" in the search box, you should see:
the type "remove block comment"
These settings are by default, but if the shortcut is not working on your machine, you must be missing these bindings, To create them, you need to mark the command "Add Block Comment", then click inside the "Binding" field and press CTRL+SHIFT+/, then press Apply. The same is for uncommenting.
I have a similar problem to the one you have: the / shortcut seems to trigger a folding operation (at least in the Java editor) that does not appear in the keys preferences table.
Modifying the key in the keys preferences table seems to work fine: setting the binding to Shift+Ctrl+Q for the "Add Block Comment" command sets the expected block comment.
The reason is clear to me: the Shift+Ctrl+/ binding is very difficult to reproduce in a Linux environment because Eclipse makes a clear difference Numpad_Divide and the '/'. The Normal '/' strike is being modified by the shift key (French keyboard).

Eclipse jump to next/previous marked occurrence

As was asked previously, Eclipse has the nice "mark occurences" feature, which shows all occurences of the selected variable or method.
But I don't know any shortcut for jumping to the next/previous occurence in the editor.
The shortcut ctrl+k is not working, it solely works in conjunction with "incremental find" (ctrl+j).
I'm using Eclipse Indigo. Is there any shortcut or other solution?
The answers and comments in the question linked above are now pretty exhaustive, I think.
It seems there is no all-in-one solution (at least for Java code editing):
I cant get Ctrl + (period) to work, at least in Java code where it finds the next problem. Even rebinding this to a different shortcut does not work.
Ctrl + K does text-based search only. If you want to find all occurrences of the variable i, it finds any letter i within any identifier and comment.
Renaming mode using Alt+Shift+R and then navigating through the occurrences using Tab and Shift+Tab comes close, but only works for identifiers you can actually rename for that source file. It does not work for library code (esp. JDK) for which no editable source is available.
Try Ctrl + , and Ctrl + .
Before that make sure you have checked Occurences in the small navigation dropdown:
You can change the key from Window -> Preferences -> keys:
It works for me.
You can find if your key bindings have changed by looking under Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys and look for the command Find Next. You will see the binding in the column Binding and can also check if it's conflicting with something else in the list titled Conflicts: at bottom right corner of the dialog.

How to highlight the selection in Emacs keybinding of Eclipse?

I have searched the Web for this, but with no luck. Any idea?
Try using the Emacs+ plugin available here:
It provides a HUGE range of functionality - including the selection highlighting that you're looking for - that really helps the move from Emacs. I've only been using it for a couple of days, but it appears stable and integrates very well with the editor.
As described here, you can set emacs key binding to work in component editor in Eclipse
Go to Preferences -> General -> Keys.
Change Scheme to Emacs if you haven't done so already, so you can easily
spot the emacs key bindings.
Sort by Category and look at the "Text Editing" categories
Find the commands that you care about, e.g. Next Column, Previous Column
Select that command and click "Copy Command"
Set the binding to the key by pressing the keys, e.g. press Control-f to
generate "^F".
Change "When:" to "Editing Components".
Repeat for all the key bindings you care about.
So if, in emacs, selection is done by setting the mark (Control-Space) at the start of the region, then moving the point to to the end of the region, you could associate the appropriate shortcut to:
Text Editing > Select Text Start
Text Editing > Select Text End