Downloading JAIN SIP - jain-sip

What is the different between the Jain SIP libraries downloaded from here:
and here:
They are both linked to from the project page here:
Were do I get the latest stable release of Jain SIP?

This is the official location for JAIN-SIP
Where did you see a link to the other location?


Is Azure Notifications Hub a deceased service?

Two years ago, I barely managed to make this service work.
The documentation seems to be very dated, Microsoft isn't actively pushing this and the sample code Microsoft supplies is no longer using supported libraries.
Has anyone got access to or can they supply a valid sample Android/IOS sample code that uses the Azure notification Hub?
I'm sorry to hear that's been your experience. You can find an up-to-date sample Android and iOS applications in our GitHub repositories here: (Several sample applications available at root level of repository)

Where to find older version of REST API plugin for openfire version 3.9 (XMPP Chat)

How to install rest api on open-fire server version 3.9?
we have a pre implemented application on open-fire 3.9. Now we want to update the functionality with rest api. But rest api required open-fire version 4.0+.
So how is it possible?
if any one have an alternate then please help me.
You need an older version of the plugin, hoping it supports what you need.
You can download by following this link:

TR-069 cwmp client implementation: open sources comparison

I m looking for an open source implementation for the TR-069 cwmp client (CPE). I want to install it on a box containing OpenWRT firmware
I found this topic in which there is many open source suggestion.
I make also a search on the net and I found the following open sources:
I want to know what's the opensource which is complete and compliant with the TR-069 standard?
And how to install it (or port it) on OpenWRT linux platforms?
I tested these cwmp client, I found that EasyCwmp is the only one which contain all required RPC and fully conform with TR069 standard.
This table show the supported RPC by each cwmp client
EasyCWMP is a complete opensource project.
This link can help you to install it:
New updated link :

What are node libraries to send mail that support TLS/STARTTLS negotiation?

What are libraries for node version 0.4.1 that send mail and support TLS/STARTTLS negotiation?
Have you tried with emailjs? According to the examples they support connecting to gmail (uses ssl).
Hope it helps!
I have successfully used so you might want to give that a shot.

BOSH XMPP iPhone library

Is there a XMPP library for iPhone development with BOSH support? I checkout xmppframework but that does not seem to have bosh support.
Have you tried this:
Please also check this:
I don't see that this project was forked from : though