Error in add method from Wicket version 6.15 - eclipse

I have gotten all the latest jars installed for the Wicket 6.15. I can verify this in the Maven Dependencies directory.
For some reason, I feel it is still pointing to an older version of Wicket. I am getting strange errors with the add method from the MarkupContainer.
Using the quick-start example, in the HomePage class I am getting an error with:
add(new Label("message", "If you see this message wicket is properly configured and running"));
The error is:
The method add(Component[]) in the type MarkupContainer is not applicable for the arguments (Label)
Not sure why it is using Component[] as a argument and not Component... childs
as I am used to.
I am using Eclipse.

Check your import statements. You probably accidentally imported a different Label instead of org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label.


Call to a member function getDateFormat() on null, laravel/passport install

I am getting a
[Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError] Call to a member function getDateFormat() on null
when running "php artisan passport:install" on a laravel/mongodb api project. I have tried changing "use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;" to "use Jenssegers\Mongodb\Eloquent\Model as Model;" in my user and client.php but it still throws the exception.
any ideas??
I also encountered this problem while developing a same type of project. This occurs because Laravel Passport doesn't support Jenssegres\laravel-mongodb. It uses the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model by default.
Now there are two solutions to this.
You can go on changing every Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model to Jenssegres\Mongodb\Eloquent\Model in the Laravel Passport's vendor folder(there are about 6 files you will have to change), but this is not recommended, as when you will try you push this project on the production server, the vendor folder is ignored, and you will have to do all the changes again. Also if they change something and you update it, all the changes will be lost.
Another way of doing this, which I would recommend is, using designmynight/laravel-mongodb-passport package. This package will do the above-stated things and will do it efficiently. Installation is also pretty simple. You can go through the documentation here and you can have it up and running in no time.
Hope this can solve your problem.
Documentation link:

Only a type can be imported in Hook

We are trying to access a class in custom jsp hook LR 6.0.6.
Lets say in a display style of asset publisher we want to do some manipulation and add some content in the webcontent.
If we are adding a class in the custom jsp hook project and importing that on the display style then the following error is generated at run Time.
An error occurred at line: 6 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. com.sample.hook.AbcUtil resolves to a package
Pl let us know what can be done to get this accomplished. We need to have a class over there. So we can't change the requirement.
Have a look at below blog link, Think it might help you.

PHPUnit is complaining about incompatible static method declarations

I am using Zend FW 1 and PHPUnit 3.5.15.
In a parent class I am declaring public static function _doInsert(DomainObject $object) and I am overriding this in a child class.
The only difference in the method signature of the child class is that it hints for an object that is more specific than DomainObject, something like DomainObjectChild. This seems to work fine as far as my application goes, however PHPUnit chokes with an error. It says that the declaration of the method in the child class should be compatible with that of the parent.
Any ideas, my bright friends?
This is an E_STRICT level warning that is coming from PHP, not PHPUnit. Check your error_reporting settings for the CLI version of PHP (which usually has a seperate php.ini file) or any PHP settings being overridden in your PHPUnit configuration.
You can either fix the problem in your code to remove the warning, or change the error_reporting level that PHPUnit is using.

Sencha Touch + DeftJS

I'm trying out the DeftJS framework in a Sencha Touch application.
But i'm having troubles implementing the newest version (0.6.5)
when it goes over the following lines:
classDefinition = Ext.ClassManager.get(this.getClassName());
this.getClassName() outputs ""
so the following line
if (classDefinition.singleton)
throws this exception:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'singleton' of null
Any idea what i'm doing wrong here?
The issue here is that the specified class has either not been loaded or does not exist.
Double-check that the class name you've specified is exactly correct and that it has been loaded via Ext.require() in your primary JavaScript file before Ext.onReady(), or via the requires: annotation on your root Sencha Touch application class.
Even as the author of the Deft JS framework, I ran into this problem this week, too. The error being thrown as of v0.6.5 is not particularly helpful. I filed an issue on GitHub capturing this problem, so you can track progress there:
We will be adding better error handling and notification in v0.6.6.
In the meantime, correcting the name or adding the missing class requirement should get you going again.
Thanks for checking out Deft JS!

Using GWT + Twitter4j

I am trying to build a simple gwt project that fetches tweets and displays them.The server passes back the tweets of type twitter4j.Tweet to the client.
Both modules import twitter4j.Tweet.
But when I run I get the following error:
--- ERROR: Line 37: No source code is available for type twitter4j.Tweet; did you forget to inherit a required module?.
I seem to have problems in inheriting twitter4j. All the posts I have seen about inheriting a jar file are not clear about how to do so. I understand I must write an inheritance instruction into gwt.xml file, something like
but if I try
it does not work. Can anyone please explain?
In a post I found on the Web one person suggested not to inherit it but:
-- Don't put twitter4j to your gwt.xml. Just add it your project class path. and make all functionalities like status updating and all in your serviceImpl. Try
This confuses me even more. I have added the jar file to my project libraries. But it does not work
I suspect I am missing something quite elementary here, but I am totally stuck. Is there something like a GWT path?
Many thanks for any help
Keep in mind that everything in your client package is compiled to JavaScript and executed in the user's browser. Thus, you'll only be able to use twitter4j's classes on the server-side of your application; you'll have to create some sort of light-weight GWT-serializable "proxy object" to pass data back and forth between your client and server tiers.
Since you can't use twitter4j on the client side of your app, you will not need anything in your .gwt.xml file referencing it. Instead, you'll add twitter4j to your classpath and do all your updating on the server side (as mentioned toward the bottom of your question). You do mention that it "does not work," but there's not enough information in your question to try to figure out why.